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Celtic Diary Saturday March 6: The Circle of Lies

It’s looking more than likely that “rangers ” will secure their first major title over the next couple of weeks, and the acceptance level among the Celtic players and management is quite worrying.


Even the support, long accustomed to the clusterfuck of this season are worried about them winning it at Celtic Park, and indication of how far we have fallen. A possible Celtic win doesn;t seem to have been factored into this scenario.


Surely all concerned should be vowing not to allow this to happen, rather than worrying about lying down to Dundee United to day to ensure it doesn’t ?


The resumption of the Scottish Cup provides a fresh start under a fresh manager to try to salvage something from this term, and you’d think that all hands would be on deck to give it their best shot.


That wasn’t the impression I got when John Kennedy spoke to supporters, and although he’s been praised for soundng like he knows what he’s on about, the talk of players been helped to make decisions, or to be comfortable on the ball, was hardly inspiring.


Even the talk of players moving onto spaces that become available failed to get me off my seat, and one can only imagine what its like in one of his training sessions, which undoubtedly fly by and leave everyone begging for more.


The malaise that has affected the club this season is still there, judging by the manner of Kennedy’s interview.


Never has a clean break been so important.



Sooner  rather than later, we need to realise where we are, and begin the climb back to where we were.



Today would be a good time.



The media are spinning the fact that this will be  their 55th title, and as I’ve said before, for the support, they can call it what they want, its their money and their choice, but the facts remain that its their first.


However, there’s no harm in jumping on the bandwagon….


Richard McGinley
I’ve got replicas of the actual pound coin that began this journey for Rangers when it was spun across the table to David Murray by Craig Whyte. A must have for all loyal fans. Only £55. Includes postage and packing.


I’m sure that deep down, they all know the truth, and any 55 nonsense is purely with the intention of winding us up, and therefore I’m sure you’ll all join me in congratulating them on their first when it arrives.


The darker side of the game is perpetuated with the same club myth, and it means that once again the game is divided into two camps, the Old firm and everyone else.


When Rangers began their demise, as long ago as the eighties when Aberdeen, Dundee united and Hearts made the Premier League one of the most competitive in Europe, money was seen as the answer.


David Murray embarked on what would ultimately ruin the club by using everyone elses money to live beyond their means, and thus raised the bar for competitors, who tried to do it legally.


Celtic and others were pushed to the brink, but not quite over the edge as they tried to keep up, and instead of working within their own limitations, Scottish clubs tried to compete with the larger market down south, and the two glasgow clubs wanted a piece of it.


Unfortunately, for a variety of reasons, the English neither wanted or needed the two clubs, and as one had rather hoped they would to clear some of its debt, the inevitable happened, although there’s been a massive degree of revisionism.


They’re now at the end of their “journey “, and will have something to show for it. What they won’t show, and what no one in the media is asking them to reveal, is how much it has cost them, and where they got the money from.


Repayment is also off the agenda, but history has shown us that the establishment will close ranks and offer as much support as they can to bring in external income, such as champions League money, and this has been done with hekp from Celtic who have turned a blind eye to the bending and breaking of certain rules.


We are at a crossroads.


Will we adopt a seat at the back of the bus to allow them a shot at financial stability, or do we go all out to regain our dominance ?


The choice of manager will tell us a lot.


The word from the ranch is that we are going big, but thats all they are saying.


An announcement made at roughly the same time as the winning of the title by “rangers ” would take the steam out of their celebrations, but more importantly it would send a signal to us that the club is wounded, and intends to do something about it.


The somewhat unusual events surrounding the last year have taken their toll, and Celtic haven;t coped very well with it, but it should be a lesson to us to avoid future complacency.


The only way is up from here on in, and whilst we will ave to weather a storm of triumphalism from the other side, remember that it isn’t really Rangers, so it certainly isn’t 55.


So, no falling on our swords, lets start swinging them instead.



There’s talk of Oddsone Edouard leaving for Leiceister in a cut price deal, which can be filed alongside other bullshit that you’ll read over the next few months.

There’ll be quite a bit of mischief making , but its best ignored.


What is needed now is a massive feelgood PR campaign by the club, to give us something to look forward to.


And they could start by putting an end to this old firm nonsnese and setting their sights on European success, because even at that level we’ve been usurped by a mediocre side carrying an extraordinary amount of luck.


Lets see a wee bit of ambition, and send out a firm statement that this is merely a poor season, and not an indicator of a new policy.



In other news…






Rangers have written to the SFA and the Scottish government, asking for permission to allow fans into ibrox stadium to celebrate their first title win The request has been granted but the only fans that can gain entry are the fans that saved the club from liquidation



and finally…







Caption competition time, and on thursday we had this….





 1 day ago

“Whit’s wrang, Senga?”
“Ah threw away ma 99 cos the flake wiz shaped like a knob. Noo Ah’ve been charged wi’ makin’ an obscene cone fall”.



Thank you, Thank you! I'll be here all week!!! - Take a bow | Meme Generator







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3 years ago

When you are in the depths of dispair, when all seems hopeless and lost, the sunshine forgotton, only clouds and rain above, with no love in your heart and no welcome kiss to return to at night, FOR PISH SAKE, MAN UP, GET STUCK INTO THE BAST£%RDS AND SHOW JUST WHO IS BOSS, SAME AS YOU HAVE FOR THE LAST NINE, YES NINE, SEASONS, ’67 AND ALL THAT! WE ARE CELTIC OK! HH!

3 years ago
Reply to  BornCelt!

Yeh well BornCelt! , what is a Celtic FC Manager?
An induction for my good brothers towards a crucial fate at all costs?

3 years ago
Reply to  portpower

Could we as supporters let a Manager at Celtic lay the tracks for 7 years, win lose or draw?
There to be found.

3 years ago

Caption – Bloody hell, when they said this nipper Jinky could run rings around us with a kettle, I just had to see it! But Inter-Milan? Now ye are going to far! HH!

3 years ago

Caption – Bloody hell, when they said this nipper Jinky could run spins round us with a kettle, I just had to see. But Inter-Milan? Now ye are going ta far! HH!

3 years ago

Great read today Ralph and a good laugh at the end. Also, regarding “… a mediocre side carrying an extraordinary amount of luck”, I thought I was the only one who thought that! KTF.

3 years ago

Caption …
As the hun fans hear of Celtic fans being kettled , they do a pre-emptive strike before it happens to them ..

3 years ago

Good diary Ralph but seriously what went wrong this season? I get it a few on here we’re never fans of Lenny coming back snd I suppose the European failures pointed to some sort of flaw. I thought he did well, remember how we felt when Rodgers did the dirty, 7 or 8 IAR isn’t as good as 9 or quadruple trebles. We should enjoy these moments and not allow others to forget them. Lenny had enough about him to win the league this season. So why did it implode? We know Eddy was unsettled, Griff didn’t discipline himself during the First Lockdown and Christie lost form for a while. Only a tiny number of people felt the Scottish Govt. sanctioned trip was a bad idea. Oh sure after the event lots of people came out but most of us thought it worked the previous two years. If it had again we would have 8 points more than we do and things, let us say would be quite interesting.
Of course it was badly handled to allow a player out of the bubble to sit in a bus close to other players. It meant the club’s investment in Covid guidance was very poor. Anyway Lawwell has gone, Lenny has gone and we will start all over again.Getting our money back on Eddy plus £3.5m at least and three good years plus a sell on clause. As for the ‘ Pretenders’ back to usual business next season. C’mon the hoops.

pilsbury dough bhoy
3 years ago

VAR decides that the brim of the hat is marginally offside so the goal is disallowed

3 years ago

I’m sorry but that is pish , you spent week after week praising lennon and finding every excuse under the sun to defend him , a guy who speaks in riddles and contradictions, in absolutely basic football terms yet Kennedy comes out and spends ages telling it straight with refreshing honesty , and a clear knowledge of the game. The guy explained more in one interview about what is needed and what’s went wrong than lennon has all season. Why would you use that against him . Your having a laugh

The Cha
3 years ago
Reply to  Delbhoy

Excellent post and bang on the money.

This season has been a disaster and lets not hear anymore mealy mouthed downplaying to one bad season, missing fans, Covid etc.

The singular reason for this is lennon, who only got to be manager because of Lawwell, so you can’t blame the latter, as the former would never be in post without him.

This has been the worst managerial performance in our entire history based on where we were to where we’ve ended up, from omnipotence to omnishambles.

Everything was stacked in our favour at the start of the season, best and most experienced players, richest club able to withstand privations of the pandemic far better than everyone else etc.

Unless and until we accept that inconvertible fact then we’re setting ourselves up for the same fall in the future. Maybe not immediately but when the next modern manager leaves, this thinking will lead to another ‘safe pair of hands’, ‘he knows in the players/City’ etc BS of another wretchedly unsuitable manager to drag us downwards again.

lennon fanboys hud your wheest and be gone, for we have seen your hero in action and want no part of it.

3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

To think there were many football experts on Celtic forums who were convinced that Aberdeen and Hibs would catch us for second place!! LOL

The Cha
3 years ago
Reply to  highseastim

I never noticed as 2nd wasn’t my ambition.

Owen Mullions
3 years ago
Reply to  Delbhoy

I was pleasantly surprised at Kennedy’s interview. Not to say he should get the job but his analysis of where we are and how we got there was a breath of fresh air compared to some of Lenny’s post match ramblings.

3 years ago

I’d like to believe that the Celtic Board are remaining silent (e.g. the Party Five, the R*ngers stats this season, new manager etc.) because they have something explosive up their sleeves. Unfortunately, it’s because they’re a bunch of cowardly shites and haven’t/won’t ever defend our club. “Shush now Timmy, don’t want to upset anyone, there’s the blue pound to be protected.” Right that’s it.

3 years ago

Mammy said we`ve gone Starbucks.

Por Cierto
3 years ago

Caption: This is the result of last weeks “Pot the Ball” competition!

3 years ago

Caption. Peter gives the Res12/11 can one last kick before he leaves. Hits Dominic McKay on the nose.

3 years ago
Reply to  Auldheid

Pedro watched the replay at Ruth`s.

3 years ago

Caption. Pictures emerge of the last time the scrum won the league.

3 years ago

Beat Dundee Utd & Sevco…..simples!

3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Do simples come in a sour flavour?

They jammie bassa score the winner in the covid extra 10 minutes.

3 years ago

Quite unbelievable the situation we find ourselves in today, astonishing collapse of a team who should have been fired up like Arnold Schwarzenegger on PCP, heading into an ISIS occupied town.
The feelings of utter disbelief & depression flowing through my mind is tangible.
While i can accept defeat to a better opponent on the field, i can’t & won’t accept self inflicted, avoidable, damaged.
We as a club have been an absolute shambles from top to bottom this season, mismanaged, interference from the boardroom, manager clueless & a spineless collection of want away players & awful lack of effort, application, desire & heart for the fight.
Those responsible for this will be remembered for this.
The Celtic support have been slapped hard in the face by Lawwell & a number of these players, shocking & i’ll be glad to see the back of a lot of them.
The closer the huns are to lifting this title, our title, the more surreal this all is.
I demand these players of ours deliver two victories over the hun & deliver the Scottish cup, find the fight Celtic.


Hurting, disillusioned & numb with disappointment.

Hail Hail

3 years ago

It could very well be that the Nun can not ruler your left foot.

3 years ago

Breaking News:

The club, trading as Rangers International Football Club PLC , would welcome a GoFundMe trophy cabinet.(any condition fine)

3 years ago

When the SPL and SFL merged to the SPFL, did sevco Scotland still have 2 years left on their conditional membership?

3 years ago

This is no time for the Celtic support to despair.
We have just come off the back of winning NINE-IN-A-ROW . . .AGAIN!
and also just off the back of winning a QUADRUPLE TREBLE.
We actually have MORE TO CELEBRATE THIS SEASON than any nine year old club winning/borrowing their FIRST EVER trophy.
It will NEVER be done again.

3 years ago

Caption: We’re footboil crazy, we’re footboil mad!

3 years ago

Couldn’t give a fuck if they win the title at CP intact it’s better that they do to humiliate us into action,soon enough the real rat will leave CP, Mo Johnston is hated for less.

The Cha
3 years ago

Caption “Tiny Tim kicks kettling into touch, much to the ire of the brotherhood”

3 years ago

A young Peter Lawwell learns how to ‘kettle’ complaints from fans before kicking them into touch.

3 years ago

I didn’t think this nightmare season could get any worse but the silence and negativity coming out of CELTIC is becoming farcical.

3 years ago

goodness me covid free fc and thur zombie followers are contaminating auld glesga toon while the polis dance tae thur tunes ……………..wonder wer wee nicola is

3 years ago
Reply to  charlie

In the middle of it Charlie

3 years ago

Caption: The game kicks off without Pot as he serves a nine match ban for racism.

3 years ago

I’m so fukked off with Capitalist Celtic I have nothing really positive to offer here.
So this, having told them (the BBC) to fukk off many times (then relented as it was worrying my wee diamond) just a wee while ago:

Since 2012, BBC has pretended, amongst others, to promote a LIE. The LIE of Rangers FC being the same club as the one which ‘died’/is dying in Liquidation. The current copy is not EVEN a football club, just a hastily formed company to shed debt and ‘remain’ the same. And I pay a Licence Fee to be lied to? NO, not ever will I Pay to be openly lied to, regardless of certain of your employees leanings. NEVER! NEVER! NEVER!
From this day, and in fact since 2012, I REQUIRE the repayment of my fees as LYING is/and should never have been part of my personal contract with the BBC. NEVER!

There’s a template there for anyone, including Lawwell’s Lovers, to make the BBC state the Truth, and to DEMAND a refund of fees paid to an overtly lying part of a, once, ‘traditional’ British institution on which one could rely. “No nay never, no nay never no more……………….”
But, OF COURSE, most of you jellyfish will wring your hands, shake your heads, and do NOTHING.
Celtic ‘supporters’ doing nothing hurts me more than the predictable media.

3 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

My initial reply from the BBC to my comment above:

Thanks for getting in touch!

This is an automated email confirming that we’ve received your enquiry. We will try to reply to you as soon as we can, but should explain we can’t always promise we can answer everything we’re asked! 

BBC Enquiries Team

P.S. It’s not possible to reply to this email but don’t worry… we’re on it.

Salad queen
3 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

Thousands outside ipox today, breaking all covid rules. Not one fucking arrest!!!

3 years ago
Reply to  Salad queen

Aye SQ, to quote Pink Floyd “it’s just another brick in the wall…….”
It was the same when Regan slyly asked (when the scum were giving it big licks of the billy boys, clear as a bell on TV what he would do about it) “what do you want me to do, have tens of thousands arrested?” Not even rolling out the usual shite that it’s “just a few” who do this. Capitalism will finally die due to this sort of overt lying behaviour, the sooner the better. Alternatively the likes of Amazon will rule the world and Bojo and Sunak wont even make the bastards pay taxes. I really need to switch off from all this shit but it’s in my blood to act. Edmund Burke probably not verbatim): The only necessity for evil to be allowed to happen is for (otherwise) good men to do nothing.

3 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

To negatively vote my comment here is a) hun, b) Lawwell’s Lovers. c) other scum
When push comes to shove…….I’m ready and prepared to “shove”.
Negative arseholes, Celtic pretendy affilliates………if you can manage to work out where your back is, I’d watch it, but, I’ll no’ be coming from your back…….I require to see the look on your face when I announce myself.
Algorithms got Bojo elected, but they’re not ALWAYS wasted. Beware.

3 years ago

Title 55. The Season Ticket holders should demand to know the position the Board hold on this matter before renewing.

If they allow this farce to continue then it will be a kick in the baws to all Celtic supporters and show that they have been a willing particpant in cheating Shareholders, ST holders and fans around the world.

Green Brigade, please put up a banner at the ground stating ‘The Celtic Board – You Will Not Survive 55!’ or something similar.

3 years ago
Reply to  Oztim

There’s no way to sit back here.
I’m no fan of ‘pyro’, BUT……..(under) Boardroom springs to mind, as does the heated driveway.
Lawwell has grossly underestimated us for many years…..we’re NOT huns, and should never behave as such, but even the calmest of us is now looking to avenge the perpetrators of STOP THE TEN, and I speak NOT of south of the Clyde scum, but the devil within.

3 years ago
Reply to  Oztim

Oz, I replied but it’s gone …………you know where, the “Awaiting” pish.

3 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

TicToc. Two massive decisions for the club to make, the next Head Coach and whether to acknowledge Title 55 or Title 1.

I sincerely hope they get both right.

3 years ago
Reply to  Oztim

Oz, whilst I much respect your response, it’s naiive to think the latter could happen.
The (dead) OF fills the pockets of tory arseholes.
Without revolutionary thinking and, indeed, ‘revolution’, it’ll be ALWAYS the same.
Milk the stupid cows……….

BTW, the ‘anonymous’ fukkin clowns who vote me down (and always do) above, well, let’s just say, when I meet you (and similar pricks), you’ll all have one fukkin BAD DAY’.
Not a threat, a promise.
PS just be wary of ‘algorithms’……….

3 years ago

a wonder iff sally mc moist is askin who are these peepul as the plague of zombies pretend thur no deid in auld glesga toon

3 years ago

dont let the zombies get yees doon thur deid and they no thur deid 55 is jeest the size ae maisty thur waistlines

Magdalena’s Chestnut Gelding
3 years ago


A young Indiana Jones believes this kettle belongs in a museum.

3 years ago

norman conks show how we deel wae kettlin

3 years ago
Reply to  charlie

They fought the billy boys

3 years ago

thats an entry fur the ccaption if ralph disnae get it hees worth the watchin

3 years ago

a wis in asda today and met a hun he is a store detective but wen us tims meetum weer walkin the dog ha ha ha ha //////////////////////////////////////////////////// dont shoplift if ye canny pay the fine ha hs haha lifes as grand as ye make it coybig

3 years ago

ian they beet tthe shit oot the billy boys

3 years ago

Here’s hoping the Edmiston Drive variant is particularly nasty..

3 years ago

It’ll be the most successful mutation in the world: R = 55.

3 years ago

Caption : Crowds break Covid restrictions at Ibox. Police statement “No arrests”. Government statement “extremely disappointed”. Welcome to the “best small country in the world”.

Owen Mullions
3 years ago

Caption: Sevco fans celebrate winning the league by kicking out the Petrofac Cup.

3 years ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

Dundee United have to be the worst team I’ve seen this season.

3 years ago
Reply to  highseastim

??? …… so Ross County and Kilmarnock were just mirages.

3 years ago

What an abject performance from a shower of clowns, lead by a Lenny clone. United are pathetic Celtic making them look good

3 years ago
Reply to  Cartvale88

Worst team we’ve played and still can’t beat them, two goals our team had scored in the last 4 games, deplorable.

3 years ago

sumdy said fitba withoot fans is fookall a concur ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..ha ha ha ha hope nane ae they dumb fucks burn thur fingers wae awe yon fireworks heh heh…………………………………………………………………. a pitty thum

3 years ago

Thanks Lawwell you utter cvnt.

3 years ago

Fuckin disgrace to the Jersey
Hang your heads in shame.
Cup run we will get fucked oot by any half decent team.

Yoker Bhoy
3 years ago

Plenty of chances during the first hour but yet again very wasteful in front of goal. No shortage of sloppy garbage in the last half hour making the game painful to watch towards the end. Any slim chances of Kennedy getting the permanent gig will probably have been shot down after today’s show. Wouldn’t be surprised if we put in a wee bid for big Bengie Sieghist, the United goalie. Not looking forward to the dead rubber game against the huns coming up. Need a serious upturn in form to compete well in the cup.

3 years ago

ralph sack akismet and get the show on the road again

3 years ago

Well said Sutton, One In A Row, at least somebody in the media will tell the truth

3 years ago

Team was just not motivated this season of all seasons. Hate me for mentioning if you wish, but gerrard would have gone absolutely bonkers if he had a team of our quality giving no passion, no desire and sulking from the off. They wanted it badly, we did no. We simply must have a manager who hurts deeply with every loss. You are either a winner or you are nowhere. No excuses, we need a management team ready to give the squad a real makeover, ensure they are fit, no more Griff’s, who were allowed to cruise, I would have had the fitness coaches drive around each house, with a bloody mask on if need be, scales and body fat monitor to hand and given them a real rocket when needed. A disciplinarian is needed and a true winner who takes no prisoner and ensures each and every player realises it is an honour to pull on the hoops and only their all must be given, every training session and every game. We shall see. HH!

3 years ago

rumour in auld glesga toon is celtic v zombies oan free tv wits the chances they lose the tape by half time like the seven wan game ha ha aint huns predictable

3 years ago

born celt a hate ye fur mentionin yon sh#t ur you a hun

3 years ago
Reply to  charlie

Truth, something hun pish would stretch along with their cheating blue-nosed friends, does no make me blue. My heart is with Celtic till the end, I have suffered sectarianism all my life, am a Catholic, Irish and proud, see the tricolour as Catholic and Presbyterian fighting the cause for the good of all but I know your comments come from the pain we share. I resent their blue-nosed mocking and hope changes come fast and strong and Celtic are back where we belong. Top and doing us proud. HH!

3 years ago

Shower of absolute cvnts at Celtic

Lawwell needs hurt and Lennon better not be back even as a fan

3 years ago

bgbhoy straighten up young fella dont let the b”stards get ye doon

3 years ago
Reply to  charlie

Been down since august with the useless fvcks

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