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Celtic Diary Wednesday January 6: The Oath Of Hypocrisy

For a long time now, I’ve suspected that when one enters public life, they take you into a wee room, stage left, and force you to take an oath. An oath where you promise not only to hold opposing viewpoints on any given subject, but where you are positively encouraged to believe them.



There’s no other reason that can possibly explain some recent events. They should all come clean and admit it.


And then, of course, deny it.


It all began when Neil Lennon took his team out to Dubai for some warm weather training, to perhaps brush up on fitness, practice shape, formation and maybe even set pieces. The team hasn’t had the greatest of season, and indeed there is a very real prospect that after a historic period of dominance, the trophy cabinet could be bare come May, or whenever the government finally calls a halt to proceedings.


It was refreshing to see the players knuckling down, determined to make amends for the disappointments of the campaign.


Celtic Players Out in Dubai Getting Drunk Tonight...


Scott Brown, the current captain , hasn’t been at his best this season, so it was good to see he at least was taking it seriously, and practicing his stare on the locals…



Celtic in Dubai and a gallery of stunning pictures - Daily Record



You can almost smell the fear at Ibrox as they opt to stay home and get on with winning the league.



Celtic players do not deserve a jolly in the sun. Thats it plain and simple.


Supporters were asked to pay for their season books, and as the diary said at the time, there was little guarantee they would get to see a game. Nobly, the fans stepped up and guaranteed that income for the business, who in turn did invest in players, players who were not party to the pay cut that established stars had undertaken.


Discontent followed, not unsurprisingly, and its only recently the team has started to play to its capabilities.


Supporters are now feeling a little disgruntled, having sacrificed a fair chunk of their household incomes, and they did it expecting to be allowed back into games at some point , probably in the autumn.


At the same time, Celtic were telling their players that it was unlikely that there would be a game played in front of fans in 2020.


We stated that in diaries as far back as late spring.


There remains among the support a feeling that the club are becoming disconnected with the fans, a viewpoint that is held widely, at the moment its an unorganised protest, making its voice heard seemingly randomly, but this train is out of the station, and gathering speed….



Which brings me to the Celtic Trust, who have an important role to play in bringing about change, and change is needed, by representing the fans and their concerns, which range from Resolution 12 , misgovernance by the SFA, refereeing issues and the rebirth of the Old Firm business brand.


It still doesn’t seem to have sunk in Lawwell ..though you should have seen his face when I told him…the English police will not permit Celtic and whatever version of Rangers is in tandem with them, to join the English premiership.


The Celtic Trust need support from us, but in turn they must eschew the oath of hypocrisy.



After all, they really don’t need to be referred to as the Celtic Mistrust. Trust, like respect, has to be earned, and not just included as part of the name.



I digress.


The trip to Dubai, during a global pandemic that has already seen several Celtic players fall ill, and there is still no evidence to suggest that re-infection is not possible, was risky at best and negligent at worst.


Though perhaps there was a reason for choosing the rich mans playground….


Image Image



1967 new cases ?


The trip provoked criticism from Nicola Sturgeon, who was no doubt relieved to have attention taken away from the arrest of Margaret Ferrier, who had decided to spread a little illness among her fellow train passengers on a trip south…


Sturgeon said she “had seen pictures ” and was concerned about social distancing on the trip….




Ah wait, thats the Scotland squad not practising social distancing.



And while we’re at the hypocrisy of our esteemed leader, she has also remained silent on this, an outbreak of racist and sectarian abuse aimed at Celtic players arriving at ibrox , all in full view of her police force….



The police are investigating, though its not clear if they are investigating the abuse, or their own unwillingness to make arrests.


The first duty of a police officer is to ascertain whether a crime has been committed, usually by gathering evidence from witnesses.


How hard would it have been to come to that conclusion for those officers present at Ibrox ?




Then again, she deserves praise for not trying to attract fans of our friends south of the river during her television appeals, as leaders of both London parties have.


Keir Starmer, who wants to be a policitian but hasn;t got the faintest idea of what it entails, tried to appeal to the lowest common denominator….





Boris Johnson, in an attempt to lure those who his Scottish branch manager Douglas Ross claims , perhaps not without evidence, vote entirely in accordance to what football team they support, went even further…




Then again, he may well have found a source of support even dumber than those who have already voted for him.



On the recent charity podcast weekend, organised by A Celtic State of mind, I said that I wasn’t going to count last season or this season, half jokingly, because we didn’t get to see the games, and therefore they didn’t happen.


The more I think about it, the more that seems like the only way forward.


We can go for nine in a row when the plague has gone.


Thats the medical one, and the one that has sprung up around it, the plague of greed, stupidity and hypocrisy.



which brings me to one final headshaker…one final outburst of hypocrisy…



Ex-Rangers star Alex Rae fears his Glasgow drug rehab centre could be forced to close with no cash help from government



Perhaps we should introduce some system of raising money for these services, maybe based on personal income….









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3 years ago

Perhaps this is NL explaining to SB the high percentage of play and the high number of corners/free kicks that we have without any end product!

3 years ago

A neglected pool and a lager. Sums up Neil Lennon’s 20/21.

3 years ago

Douglas Ross claims “football fans vote entirely in accordance with whichever team they support.”

Mr Ross, an ardent Unionist, Leader of the Conservative & Unionist Party in Scotland, and one of

the major ‘Vote NO to Independence’ figureheads, refused to disclose which team he supports..

3 years ago

Auldheid works tirelessly for honesty in sport, he said that he was retiring hahaha, aye right. He will have Resolution 12 on his gravestone not his name: “Here lies Auldheid, he tried his best, he’s tired out and taking a rest, but give him a moment and he’ll be back, to give Resolution 12 another crack”. The Celtic Supporters Trust seems to be the current flavour of the month, but there are other associations that never seem to get a mention, like, The Celtic Supporters Association – The Celtic Disabled Supporters Association, The Association of Irish Celtic Supporters (there 9IAR badges are awesome). All of the above Associations have a voice that should be heard, they too must be encouraged to express their opinions on Resolution 12. The best time to make the Celtic board listen is when season ticket sales are needed, that time is fast approaching, it would be interesting to hear all of the various Celtic Associations voices, there is nothing more important than honesty in sport, without it your just as well watching junior football. If we could somehow mobilise all those silent voices then every voice and opinion could be heard.

The Cha
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

The DSA and AICSC are smaller players and the 2 big players are the CSA and the Affiliation of Registered CSCs.

Both of these have been useless, with the last word from the former being back in November, which was to criticise protesting fans. Out of touch, barely does it justice.

The head honchos of those orgs are the ones in the comfy seats and won’t rock the boat.

The Celtic Supporters Trust (CST) is the only org that seems to campaign for change and has been modestly successfully these past 25 years:

“We list among our successes our role in the FAC campaign, our role in defending the Dam Bhoys and various other less well-known campaigns. Moreover, we have (solely or in conjunction with others) campaigned/negotiated, successfully for, among other things:

  • A standing section
  • A published disciplinary code and the fair treatment of fans who are in dispute with the club
  • The payment of the Living Wage to Celtic employees
  • A transparent and fair European away ticket scheme
  • An independent review of the crushing incident at Celtic Park last year”

They have enlisted thousands, if not tens of thousands of new members, on the back of the current disenchantment and the lack of any creditable alternatives.

They had an open (zoom) meeting at the beginning of December (report on their website) and another one is planned for this month. Whether this is just for members or there’s a ‘try before you buy option’ I dunno but I’m sure there will be a report after.

Anyone interested should contact them to find more details.

A word of caution, though, it campaigns on many fronts and, at the moment, the abysmal state of the team and all levels of management seem to be the main focus.

If anyone is only interested in “Res 12, Res 12, Res 12” then it’s probably not for you.

3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

The Cha, Thank’s for your reply. I understand that the DSA – AICSC are smaller in numbers compared to the CSA – Affiliated Registered CSA’s. Smaller perhaps but I would still like to hear their voices. I also recognise some of the great and important issues that the CST have tackled and what they have achieved. I am not critiquing the Trust in what they have achieved, let me be quite clear… I am not speaking for anyone else, I am only making my own point on the dishonesty in Scottish football and for me, that is the single biggest issue facing our club. As you know, It encompasses the two governing bodies and it also includes members of our own board, ALL Scottish clubs and especially the club from Govan. I am completely disgusted by how they have combined to destroy my love for Scottish football and the club that I have supported all my life. Resolution 12 with its link to the LNS Commission, the 5 Way agreement still influencing Scottish footballs protocols, all of that and no doubt more of the “Old Firmism” still to be discovered, it makes my blood boil. So, for me, yes its Res.12 again and again, nothing to me is more important than that. I cannot fathom how it could not be as important to other Scottish football supporters.

3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Moderated again, oh well.

The Cha
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike


Everything in moderation except etims comments please.

3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

I will try it in sections, if I can remember it all. The Cha, thanks for your reply. I am aware that the DSA and the AICSC are less in number, non the less, I still think that their voices should be encouraged to be heard. Dunno the story behind the CSA – Affiliated Registered CSCs, but they sound like they have the wrong priorities, I would still like to see their members somehow involved, strength in numbers. I speak for no-one else, these are my opinions only. I know the great works that the Celtic Supporters Trust carries out, they are many and varied and all done for the best of reasons, done in difficult circumstances, I have no beef with them atall.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

For me, Resolution 12 is the most important item facing our club. The two governing bodies and including the Celtic board, have conspired to rob Scottish football of its honesty and integrity, all done to keep the blue pound hitting the Scottish clubs pockets, for all Scottish SPFL clubs are also involved. Dishonesty in Scottish football has destroyed my love off the game and the club that i have supported all my life. Res.12, when a club failed to pay its social taxes (and still hasn’t) as you know can lead into the LNS commissions decision that allows them to keep all their EBT won trophies and titles, the 5 Way, still affects the judicial protocols to this day. So, yes, for me, dishonesty in Scottish football is my number one priority, I cannot quite fathom why it isn’t the same for all others.

The Cha
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike


I was more adding the details for others, as there seems to be a hysterical myth here that somehow the Trust are Peter’s Pets.

Looking at what they’ve done and are doing then that’s clearly nonsense.

David Low, chair of the Trust, is on the latest SFM Podcast and gives the background of Celtic’s current setup etc.

I think he said that approx 20% of shares are/were held by small shareholders ie fans but the vast majority of these were “lost” hence you only get about 2-3% voting for fans resolutions.

They are currently trying to re-activate these, as well as purchasing shares directly, and hoping to get over 10%, which would stop a hostile takeover compulsory purchasing fans shares against their wishes.

Its 37minutes and can be found at TWM Episode 23 (

The Cha
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike


I was more adding the details for others, as there seems to be a hysterical myth here that somehow the Trust are Peter’s Pets.

Looking at what they’ve done and are doing then that’s clearly nonsense.
David Low, chair of the Trust, is on the latest SFM Podcast and gives the background of Celtic’s current setup etc.

I think he said that approx 20% of shares are/were held by small shareholders ie fans but the vast majority of these were “lost” hence you only get about 2-3% voting for fans resolutions.

They are currently trying to re-activate these, as well as purchasing shares directly, and hoping to get over 10%, which would stop a hostile takeover compulsory purchasing fans shares against their wishes.

Its 37minutes and can be found at podcast .sfm .scot/e/twm-episode30/

Ignore any similar reply that appears after moderation as it has an incorrect link in it.

The Cha
3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha
3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Nae bovver, we all have our priorities. I don’t think that the CST is viewed in the wider sense as anyone’s lacky. IMO I think that the only way that you can build trust is through dialogue. Perhaps some supporters were initially disappointed, (including myself) that Res.12 wasn’t a CST immediate priority. Perhaps you could shed more light on that? In other news….Klub 1690 has completed its first share issue from the lying King, he, King has agreed a funding model.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

The supporters group ^ announced last month that it had agreed a £13.00 million deal to buy Kings major shareholding in RIFC. plc. A klub statement said: This first purchase of 1,250,000 shares takes our shareholding to 5.12%, securing a crucial 5% shareholding again. Presumably that kind of share buying model is what the CST is trying to achieve. But then again it is really easy to convert snow into dough.

The Cha
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

I believe it is, except I think there’s different monthly levels starting from £5 rather than the standard £20.12 for Sevco.

The membership of the Trust then decide how these shares are voted in any AGM or EGM.

This is the standard model for Trusts eg Foundation of Hearts, who I believe will take over when Anne budges.

There are many successful Trusts across the UK although they tend to be at smaller clubs, as obviously its easier to hit critical mass.

As usual with the Huns they tend to be the exception to good practice!

I’m not sure what the crucial 5% level is about and whether its a specific Sevco issue.

3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Thanks for your reply: Yes, I agree. The big difference as you know between Sevco and HoM is that the Huns were liquidated and HoM were not, having obtained a CVA and Anne will not be budging until there support inches closer to the terms of her release. In the wider sense it shows you the perilous state of Scottish football. As for the Huns 5% it might just be a target, one that gives them more clout, but I suspect the former. Gibson, their latest mug has achieved about the same amount of shares, I suspect that both him and klub 1690 will become betrothed and form one of the biggest combined shareholdings. I could take a guess at their o/a losses, but it will follow follow their usual code of non good practice.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Who cares about them Duncan, except to ‘know your enemy’. I tried to access their accounts, but when I did, a picture of El Papa appeared and I quickly made the ‘sign of the cross’, white smoke appeared and my pc went blank.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Perhaps he thinks that he has taken them as far as he can. Who could possibly read his mind-set, the mind of a crook. He would have his reasons, but I would bet that what he paid for his shares and what he sold them to the klub for would be very different. The Hun shares will not double, because of their past reputation and their present debt. They have to raise £23.00 million from player sales next year, said Robertson. A clumpany that has always lost millions, I would hazard a guess of some £50.00 million in total? Still clinging on for dear life. There are two CL places next season, so even if they lost the title they presumably will still get access to it next season. This despite the PLC’s helping hands and I would bet that the PLC offered them more than just Res12 – LNS – 5Way helping hands. Paranoid? you betcha and with very good cause….

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Mike, I don’t think it’s a case of “he has taken them as far as he can”…it’s more a case of “he’s taken them for as much as he can” and now he’s getting out of Dodge before the shit hits the fan. Time will tell all.

The Cha
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

I’m not a member of the Trust but I’m generally supportive of their positions.

There are 2 issues:

  1. Making the supporters block as big as possible to have bigger impact
  2. Specific campaigns to focus on.

Its a chicken and egg situation but priority is on former, as this then increases impact of latter.

Also, as the next AGM is 11 months away, this gives time to build this up before focussing on specific resolutions.

With regard to Res12, this was done independently of the Trust and I believe that’s always been the case.

Having said that, for the last AGM and I assume previous ones they recommended that fans support it.

The Trust is a 1 member ! vote org who will determine what issues it prioritises.

This is the best way to proceed as far as I’m concerned.

3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Both interesting yet suprising, it begs the question then, if you don’t mind me asking, why are you not a member? Sensible of them to build up momentum, yet suprising their stance on Res.12 but somehow understandable, because Auldheid and a few others including the man at the top of the page (Baldrick) are like me and I suspect you, in that it for them it has been a long standing and very worthwhile cause, they are very emotionally and passionately involved. For them it has been very frustrating, their persistence meeting the brick wall of PL. both with different agendas, theirs of honesty in Scottish football, his of self or plc interest.Frustration building as it seems sensible to combine passion with numbers Res.12 and the CST. I simply cannot understand why good Celtic men cannot become co-joined in finding a way to proceed on Res.12 together. Like you perhaps I will resist joining the ‘Trust’ until they do.
Yours in Celtic, the conduit.

The Cha
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

I’m not a member, as I’ve got my own shareholding from the initial offering 25 years ago.

At the moment the focus seems to be on fans who don’t have shares and want to buy collectively.

I’m not sure what the plans are for existing shareholders and how they become members/associates/affiliates but I look forward to seeing them in due course.

wrt Res12 I’ve not seeing anything from the CST stating their position just claims by Ralph and another site (CelticStar, I think).

I saw comments from people who had attended the (zoom) meetings where the alleged comments were made and none had any recollections of it.

I did ask Ralph to clarify but, as far as I’m aware, he never did so.

3 years ago

For Sturgeon to comment on a Scottish Government approved trip and to ignore the blatant sectarianism in the South side of Glasgow, nearer home eh Nicola, makes the SNP look total hypocrites. Keir Starmer needs to lose the Butcher’s Apron, someone needs to tell him it’s not all about England.
The Dubai trip has served Celtic well in recent seasons, all we can hope is a stronger finish to the season and a planned recruitment of Lenny’s replacement. Let’s bed in Soro, Turnbull and give Henderson and Welsh opportunities.

3 years ago
Reply to  BJF

There was no pandemic in previous years!!

3 years ago

Is the Celtic trip a “jolly bhouys outing”.

3 years ago

NL:”Lurgan. Whit aboot yersel’?”

3 years ago

Celtic CEO has seriously lost the plot, if any player comes back and has caught Covoid, the Bolingoli fiasco will have been a blip, Boli could be the next CEO.
Still do not understand why people whinge on about the Black Hand referees, the Scottish Hun Polis, or the media. The detestation of anything Oirish, as they bleat on about Black Lives Matter shows their hypocrisy, shows on Saturday the abuse that Celtic staff received from the knuckledraggers, think back to the demos at Parkhead, the polis going through CCTV. There is CCTV at the makers, probably for show, as for Krankie says it all, a wee wummin with no sense, she plays the equality card whilst ignoring what is at the end of her nose, the hatred of all things Oirish, no debate on the OO marches. She has done more harm to the Independence cause than Red Card, Red Card, Red Card.
As for DD and Lawell wonder what Lenny has on them, must be good as probably will be the manager next season, as for the season ticket holders they can bleap off, they get the games on the telly

Owen Mullions
3 years ago

Hooray, hooray, it’s a holi-holiday
We lost tae the huns
So the league is done

3 years ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

Null and Void, this year and last. Let’s begin again when we can start on a level playing field, with fans present. No fans equals no football. We’ll trade Newco our 9 in a row for their stopping 10 in a row?

3 years ago
Reply to  Devoy45

No white flag Devoy….there’s half a season to go and they’ll take a nose bleed if they drop points in their upcoming 4 games. We just have to concentrate on winning ours and let them feel the pressure. Right now they’re in a comfortable position, but if they drop points while we are winning, the doubts and nerves will kick in “imagine if we lose this after having a 19 point lead, the fans will never forgive us” will prey on their minds.
We can still do it!!

3 years ago
Reply to  Funkyy

You keep taking the pills ffs.
They beat us with at least 4 of their best players missing we went down to 10 and panic set in.
We have 2 full backs who can’t put a decent cross in.
2 midfielders as centre backs
A striker not interested we created 2 good goal scoring opportunity’s that their keeper saved. They will wipe the floor with us at Celtic park do not expect this sevco team to capitulate like last season it aint going to happen they are far too good this season.
The picture with Lenny and Broony at the poolside with beers is a fuckin disgrace,it actually shows how far we have slipped in our professionalism since Brendan left.
A fuckin Mickey Mouse outfit we have become but yous can’t fuckin see it
Lennon out take the recruitment guy with you and every other hanger on

3 years ago
Reply to  Funkyy

yea, we could have won the league if we changed the management team at the end of nov

instead, we stick with a busted flush and are on track for losing the league by the 21 point margin of 2000


3 years ago
Reply to  bgbhoy

The “work to rule/strike” action that the players seemed to be operating until 6 games ago definitely caused the damage. If the manager, be he good or bad, gives them instructions and they deliberately ignore them then they are most to blame…I’ve never seen a manager missing a penalty or rugby tackling an opposition player and causing a defeat….but the manager gets most of the criticism while the real culprits get off lightly.
Anyway, the prize is still out there. If they come back from Dubai and hit the ground running they can still at least make a fight of it.
I prefer positive thinking….my psychiatrist told me it was good for me!! lol

Paranoid celt
3 years ago
Reply to  Funkyy

No matter what celtic do on the pitch I genuinely don’t believe they will be let win the league.
The refs and sfa will see to that.
Its not impossible.

3 years ago
Reply to  Paranoid celt


Paranoid celt
3 years ago
Reply to  Jimmybee

You might need some of that medicine in that wee bottle that I found quite funny a couple of years ago

Paranoid celt
3 years ago
Reply to  Paranoid celt


3 years ago
Reply to  Funkyy

Funkyy, good post. There’s now two of us that think it can be done! We’ll need some help from Hibs/Aberdeen/Livvie etc. I’m thinking of 2008 when we did something difficult though not this difficult. If the season goes to 38 games, we could have time but we can’t drop anymore points. Newco is excited about winning their first trophy and first title in their short history. Bless em but we have been there before. Just a gut feeling I have.

3 years ago
Reply to  Devoy45

Think it’s a cheap shot they deserve their title if it was to be called now. Best team in the league because they’ve got their fucking act together only the lowest sportsman would disagree. I’d be ashamed to get advantage that wasn’t deserved. We deserve fuck all we have a manager who was too slow off the block with better resources money and a relinquishment of his own beliefs to accept the terms given by cunts like lawell. No more fucking yes men. No more croneyism. Fergus McCann saved our club from the abyss. Fuck austerity. Spend the cash on quality and get rid of the collective who don’t have a clue. We should be streets ahead. They have a winning mentality. We have reaped rewards through playing against weak opposition. Anyone of any quality wants away because we have lost the plot. Lennon is a fucking donkey. Get real

3 years ago

If a picture paints a thousand words then the pic of Brown and Lennon sitting side by side with beers at the ready says it all. The professionalism of the club went out the window as soon as Lenny returned. The Premiership class Rodgers brought gone.
He was good enough to steady the ship and get us home, but the writing was already on the wall from last season.
The fuck up by Lawwell appointing him clear for all to see.
He is getting plaudits for outplaying Rangers for 45 to 60 minutes.
Rangers some would argue without 4 of their best players,yet for some reason this gives us hope to go undefeated the rest of the season?
Get a fuckin grip.
We will lose to them at Celtic park, our only hope is someone knocks them out the cup before we get knocked out.
The defense is the worst I have seen at Celtic for a very long time.
We rely on two full backs who can’t cross a fuckin ball into the box.
Two midfielders are our centre backs. And the goalie looks shit scared. Yet we were unlucky.
Ma fuckin arse. 2 good saves by McGregor yet we couldn’t keep out one cross ball out.
Why the fuck if we can’t defend corners don’t we at least put 2 guys on the posts. It would give us some protection.
Lennon out now. Lets build again the 10 is over time to reset and build to stop them making it 2 in a row.

3 years ago

Lennon to Broony might as well make the best of it m8 we won’t be here next season cheers aye yer right m8 cheers.

3 years ago

If a picture paints a thousand words
It shows the decline n professionalism we have at our club under the manager
A shambles.

sfa unfit for purpose
3 years ago

On the chance of re-infection a nurse i know in Glasgow has just tested positive after previously having covid earlier in the year.
She is currently self isolating .

Paranoid celt
3 years ago

PCR false positive? I worked for the NHS for 7 years and I know covid will be an excuse for a lot of people. Not your friend I’m sure but for every good nurse, genuine heroes 24/7 there is a lot of wage thieves. It would shock a lot of people.

3 years ago

Four arseholes died in or around the super spreader event at the Capitol Building courtesy of the orange Satan, yet 4100 Americans lost their lives to Covid-19 yesterday alone, you’d never know if you didn’t go digging for that info. Strange fvcked up world we live in.

Paranoid celt
3 years ago

8000 people normally die every day in America, I just watched the video of one of them arse holes, an unarmed woman shot dead at point blank range.

pilsbury dough bhoy
3 years ago

I see Mark McKenzie the highly rated young American centre back has just signed for Ghenk. We’ve apparently been “tracking him” for a year and had several bids rejected. We are somewhat light in defence to put it mildly, but it seems the ole PL transfer blueprint is still alive and kicking.
Celtic “We’d like to buy Mark please.”
Club “Certainly, he’ll cost you £2.5 million, and he’s a bargain at that”
Celtic “How about £1.5 million?”
Club “Naw”
Celtic “Right, £1.8 million then”
Club “You’re not listening, the asking price is £2.5 million”
Celtic “Final offer, £2 million”
Club “Feck off”
Ghent “We’d like to buy Mark, please”
Club “Certainly, he’s yours for £2.5 million”
Ghent “Deal”
Club “Thank you very much, pleasure doing business with you”

pilsbury dough bhoy
3 years ago

Duncan, I think there was an element of that in that particular case, but I think in general he has an almost childish need to “best” his negotiating opponent, even if it means walking away from an excellent acquisition and then spending a fortune on inferior alternatives. You would think, as an accountant he would value probity over personal vanity but hey-ho

The Cha
3 years ago

or, if the McGinn debacle had never happened, would we have lost out on Turnbull, as he would have tried the same negotiating ‘tactic’.

I don’t think you can even credit him with learning from the former, as I’m sure he’ll be back to the same ‘tactic’, if he’s allowed to conduct future negotiations.

3 years ago

Friday the 8th. of January and still no news of any player coming in, no centre back, no wingers, no new goalkeeper. Same old Celtic always waiting, always late in bringing in new players, players that the team desperately need. Lost our top centre back recently, effin useless. Bonus’s are never late though, only players fit the plc. pending mould. Business? the business of playing football and they wonder why football clubs go out of business….

3 years ago

Those of you stupid enough to think this Celtic team can go on a winning streak till the end of the season have been in lockdown far too long.
This Celtic defense is the worst I have seen for a very long time.
We can’t decide on a goalkeeper even though the youngster saved the pens in a cup final. He gets dropped. Barkas does not inspire me one bit. I have yet to see him make one crucial save in a match.
The 2 full backs Frimpong and Laxalt continually to get caught up the pitch though this coukd be more to do with the managers tactics than the players. Both can’t put a decent cross in.
El Hamed wants out and Taylor is competent and I think is hard fine by losing his place to Laxalt.
There should be room for both to play down the left.
We have 2 midfielders playing centre backs, Duffy is done, and Jullien the only other.
Forrest has been a huge loss but the midfield of Brown McGregor Christie is done.
Soro Rogic Turnbull should be given a chance.
Up front Eddy even with all his quality is not dominating matches
Time to find Griff another partner to form a partnership with.
Eddy is gone.
Ellynousi is no better than Sinclair Hayes or Mikey.
The team is second rate.
Cant defend and if you can’t defend you can’t win games never mind trophies. The huns will walk it and will beat us at Celtic park with this management in charge.
Happy New Year by the way.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jimmybee


The Cha
3 years ago
Reply to  Jimmybee

Hazard was poor in the Cup Final (penalty shootouts are irrelevant to most games and can’t be used as the basis for selection).

I don’t think Barkas has been as poor as a lot of fans reckon. Yeah, he’s not made any Forster type brilliant saves but he generally looks calm and composed.

He should be the keeper from now on in, especially as Euro, Treble and, in all likelihood the 10, have all gone.

Hazard can come in for the odd game to build up his experience and confidence but he’s a long way from being ready. Ironically, normally that would be as our Cup keeper but that is the 1 trophy we still have any hope of winning.

I really do not get fans continual promotion of Griffiths, who has been an absolute disgrace as a professional for the past 4½ years and is barely able to get himself fit enough to turn out for a few weeks a season.

Just recently the manager warned him about getting fitter to which he replied “just play me”. No, you might get match sharper but you won’t get generally fitter and will still be blowing out of your arse after 45 minutes.

He still acts like a player from the 60/70s “he doesn’t train but he scores the goals on Saturday”. That was then and this is now and football has moved on a long way.

You don’t win leagues, cups, trebles etc with such unreliable players. Ask yourself, what was his contribution to the Quad Treble, a goal in the recent SCF?

We’re in stasis until new management (hopefully both on and off-field) come in and any recruitment, “progress” is meaningless until that happens.

3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Great post cha

3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

I’m glad hazard was in goals for the pens that’s why the game was won.
Barkas gad been poor lost goals he could and should have saved.
Griff needs games, he is the best goalscorer at the club shoukd never have been substituted against the huns.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jimmybee

Jimmy, he had an absolute belter of a game in Dingwall v RC. We could have lost 3/4 goals that day and he made some really good saves. Absolutely agree with Cha, great post.

3 years ago

Its not Hazard’s fault that he was put into the team far to early. Its the downgrade in that position since Forster left. Is Barkas better than Lewis at the sheep or Gordon that we let go for nothing, another £3.00 mill. down the drain. They put all their eggs in one basket thinking that Foster was coming back and were left scrambling around to fill the Foster void. And then there is the defence in front of them, there’s been no forward planning, bringing in Duffy instead of McKenzie, who is it that is making these decisions? Three left back’s since KT, Boli – Taylor – Laxalt and not one could lace KT’s boots, £7.00 mill down the cundy. Griffiths has been at the club for at least 5 years, who gave him an extension to his contract? But his replacement’s Bayo – Ajeti – Paddy another £10.00 million, they have not made Griffiths redundant and now Benkovic is being touted, narrow minded scouting. The man whose responsibility it is to bring in the right players has been found wanting… again. The player recruitment is shambolic and money is being lost by the barrowload.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

I still find it hard to understand that David Marshall wasn’t signed. A very good solid performer and he had all the required knowledge and experience of what would be required of a Celtic goalkeeper. By all accounts it was a done deal then they rubbered him and shelled out on Barkas, head scratching stuff.

3 years ago

Was it by God? but it sounds about right, they/he has plenty of previous for doing that. He talks about his big spend of £25.00 million and I think of how much better players that could have been brought in with that kind of money and of the better managers that could have done with that big spend. Frightening and wasteful doesn’t cover it. The support are being ripped off.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Maybe Lawwell isn’t averse to a brown envelope now and then.

3 years ago

He does have his own special agents, but I don’t think he would be that stupid, someone else would have something on him if he did.

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