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Celtic Diary Sunday January 3: Starting Over

Well, that appears to be that.


In a collapse so spectacular in such a short period of time, Celtic have conspired to fall apart to a point where there is now a genuine worry as to where and when the next trophy will come from.


Hindsight is the most useless of viewpoints, but’s it hard to argue that it wasn’t on the cards.


The core of a decent side is in there, but the management and coaching needs to be looked at. Looked at and then shown the door.


And it needs to be done now.


Year upon year, Celtic have failed to prepare for the European qualifiers in the summer by getting things in place in January. This time round, it’s imperative that the changes that need to be made are made now, to give the new men a chance to get their own team ready for next season.


That may sound defeatist, and in a sense it is, but as long as the club perseveres with a manager who can;t manage, coaches who can;t coach and players that don’t want to play, then things will get harder to put right.


Of course, they can’t actually call Lennon, Kennedy, Strachan et al into the office tomorrow to hand them their cards, becuase they have all gone to Dubai, during a global pandemc, in the middle of what looks to be the season of surrender.


Still, travelling across the world during a global pandemic will give the players yet to contract the illness a chance to join the rest of the immune herd.


That global pandemic that threatens to shut the country down again, and now after two defeats to an average Ibrox side, there can be no complaints when the league is called early.


There hasn’t been this much of a balls up at Celtic since that coach ordered two dozen pairs of boots with the studs on the inside.



The catalyst for this was the defeat at Ibrox yesterday, a moment of madness from Nir Biton giving the referee a chance to even things out in a game Celtic had dominated up to that point, but never really looked like winning.


It was a mixture of the usual shots either straight at the keeper or ones that didn’t even land in the same postcode. And i think if we’rre all honest with ourselves, we would say we grew more nervous as the game went on, more certain that there would be a penalty, or a free kick that would change the game.


Whilst Biton had played very well up until then, in yet another defence that didn’t have any natural defenders, and all four had held their focus and discipline to an excellent standard, far beyond anything they had been expected to do, there was always that fear there would be a mistake.


Biton made that mistake.


Shortly afterwards, a set piece was poorly defended and the first head to the ball was that of Calum McGregor, which would probably have beaten the man on the post , placed there by most competent coaches as a wee bit of insurance, but since there wasn;t one it didnt have to.


Vassilis Barkas didn’t have a single shot on target to save from a single “rangers ” player.


We still lost.


With five substitutes available, manager Lennon hasn’t quite understood that you don;t have to make five. As a result, the entire midfield, which had done well, was replaced in a relatively short flurry of activity.


There went the game plan. There went the season.


Pure panic from a supposedly experienced and mature manager.



There were several good individual performances on the park, and it’s difficult to see why the manager didn’t let the players who had dominated the game rescue the situation after the opening goal.



As i said earlier, the core of the next Celtic side is there.


But for many , its the end of the road.


Change must start at the top.


It’s rumoured that Peter Lawwell will stand down at the end of the season, and if that is the case, Dermot Desmond must assert his authority, and his chequebook, to get the best possible man in for the job, and he must be allowed to pick his own backroom staff.


Then he can decide over the next six weeks who to keep, and who to sell.


Any money raised by sales should be given back to him, on top of a few quid extra, simply because if that level of ambition is not shown, then the manager who comes in will not be of the right quality.


And no more fucking loan deals….it destroyed Mowbray and now its destroyed Lennon.


It’s time for change.


Not just in personnel, but in attitude.


That Old Firm mentality has crept back into the club, those in charge have aided and abetted the reappearance of the brand that thrives on hatred and bigotry, giving a casual nod of acceptance to all the crimes on the other side of the river, from tax dodging, to racism, to cheating, and the biggest crime of all, acknowledging that the liquidation of Rangers in 2012 didn’t happen.



Celtic need a statement of ambition, a show of intent that removes them from the parochial pit containing them and us, and a desire to be at the top table in Europe.


Under the present regime, that doesn’t look likely.



As in 1994, it seems we live in interesting times.




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the real Anton Rogan
3 years ago


3 years ago

Can’t argue with any of that other than Lennon couldn’t have set his stall any better and apart from scoring goals the team was perfect. Outstanding even. The flaws came from the wide players who had more of the ball than anyone with no quality coming from either flank. A risk on Lyndon Dykes may have got us a goal in that game. Not Celtic class like Bayo or klimala. Not a sending off, not for obstructing a goal scoring opportunity. Ajer would’ve covered here. Lennon made bad mistakes with his substitutions. Turnbull and Griffiths were excellent. Brown should’ve stayed off. Duffy well he’s like the kid who owns the ball who must play. Anyway, the damage was done ten minutes after Lennon’s appointment. Way too much sentimentality from the fans and austerity from the board. How can a club in such a powerful position lose out to one struggling with debt? Inefficient board and football structure comes to mind.

3 years ago

Fucked off with this waiting for approval. Anyway, long post stating Lennon wrong appointment. And an austere board with no connection with the rudiments of football

3 years ago

Agreed. Sad to see Lennon go, but he must. He completely missed the intended impact of Hadgi and did nothing to help Soro and the players behind him. Then switching to 2 banks of 4, something we haven’t done since Ronny Delia’s arrival was completely stupid.

3 years ago
Reply to  Uralius

He missed the impact of Hagi? Did he?
Do you think Neil sets his team up to worry about Hagi? Ffs

3 years ago

It feels more bleak than the 90s right now but that might just be the emotional hangover. I can’t see a way forward that’s meaningful. Do we really want to spend the rest of this century sparring with a journeyman team from Ibrox in a league where every other side is permanently and brutally handicapped by finances? The “Ten” barely felt like an achievement as it was and now that it’s gone there’s nothing left to pretend to play for. If we aren’t going to act like a big club I’d rather we reclaimed some of our soul and play only club developed players with an attacking philosophy for as long as we remain shackled to Scottish football. That process should start with no more loans, Ralph is spot on there.

Pat Smyth
3 years ago

Few supporters I suspect would disagree with the sentiments expressed in the diary today. In addition to the-root and branch overhaul needed – it is also evident that there is no conveyor belt of home produced talent at the park. Only 1 player – Calum – come through the ranks from the starting 11 yesterday. We always prided ourselves in home grown talent getting a chance. Now we seem intent on signing 3rd class players who can’t cut it in the grotesque EPL.

3 years ago

Our defence repeats and repeats the same mistakes, yesterday Sevco, in the UCL same stupidity, Copenhagen and Simunovic, Sarajevo, Cluj etc. A long ball punted up the park and kiddy on defenders lose their discipline. You can blame the players, but the truth is the recruitment and management team that are incapable of finding journeymen that could do better, even in Scottish football.
Lennon is whining about the red card but you know Madhun was waiting for the opportunity, is he that stupid, Sevco were there for the taking, at halftime he should have taken Christie off, as for Laxalt and PingPong they should be playing in the reserves, they have no out all. Finally his changes were crazy, Griffiths off, bringing on Brown, Elhamed, Mo, why.
Note people saying we played well, in La La Land yes, in reality ‘you cannot be serious’.
There has to be a root and branch change at Paradise, or is it the let’s save the Sevco mentality with the suits?
You are correct Ralph there has to be a change at the top, also too many fans do not see that for the money spent Celtic are serial underachievers in Europe, ah but wait the cry will be made, look at the Scottish trophies, the reply look at the oppposition

3 years ago
Reply to  Cartvale88

His name is, Jeremy Frimpong.

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Not Frimpers, Bobby ..?

Retired Internet Bampot
3 years ago

Guys, Timternet has been moaning about this for over 15 years. Seville should have let us see what buying the best you can afford in a system that suits them can achieve.
When MON was appointed I wrote to then chief Allan MacDonald to say it was a mistake and that the club would eventually suffer as MON’s policy of games for his faves would stifle natural progression in the lower ranks. I got a feck off type reply from an alleged PA.
We all then get drunk on MON changing the football power struggle in our favour. First warning sign “Why didn’t our club not pursue the SFA with the blatantly obvious stitch up of that last match day in 2003?” Why did it take one of our players to tell all what had happened that day , a statement he was later punished for yet in that most useless of things , hindsight , Sutton was abso-feckin-lutely right on the money.
Lie-well now gets a foothold at that same time and the stranglehold on expenditure begins…….. months after Seville ( BTW the victors that day won the CL with an enhanced squad next season).
Since then Lie-well has planned his ultimate goal of having the maximum bank balance gained via minimum expenditure.
The only blot on that plan was his paymaster taking things into his own hands and employing a proven coach with a professional backroom team that compliments the head coach.
Great, we all get drunk again on football euphoria BUT Lie-well has other plans. He doesn’t like not being in total command. He doesn’t like not being told to spend money , he wants to see bulging in a bank balance (we now know his grew as the clubs did) , so he sets about undermining his pay master’s intervention via his human spy cam………. JK.
Result? BR moves for the 1st EPL offer ( he was never going to China. He used that to get DD’s attention that he was being sh@t on from a CEO height ). I know BR wouldn’t stay forever but I truly believe he would have honoured his contract AND left a dynasty that could have been continued by proper coach selection ( merit over cheapness )
There is no coincidence that PL , declining standards on the pitch , no backbone for off field club defending , for wanting progression within our national game rather than recreating the old system with a new entity (ensuring the bank balance plan was propped up by the same bigot pound ) ; are intrinsically linked. He is the one constant that there has been since 2003.

Get them all (board and football management team ) out. If DD won’t do it , then we must force the issue via withdrawing ALL financial support. It’s our club , we need to regain that power.

Apologies for the ramblings

Iljas Baker
3 years ago

Exactly. We have become an ordinary Scottish team just a bit better than Aberdeen and Hibs. And that’s despite all the money spent on transfers and wages. NL has to go and all of those players who want away. If it’s one thing we’ve learned it’s that forcing players who want away to stay is counterproductive. And loan platers rarely work out so let’s end the practice. From next game on as far as possible play only those who will be here after the end of this season. Bring on the youngsters. We’ll have just as good a chance as with the current squad of finishing 2nd.

10IAR is only good to put one over on rangers fans. It doesn’t or wouldn’t have impressed me. We need more ambition. We need to be able to compete at least in Europa League and to a lesser extent in Champions league.

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  Iljas Baker

Celtic have always been a swashbuckling European side since the 60s.

But to their eternal shame nor one of our boards have shared the support’s ambitions.

3 years ago

You are correct. Our downfall has been our failure to prepare, failure to identify the right players (particularly good defenders) and get them in early. That’s the main reason we played with two midfielders in the the centre of defence yesterday and we have been getting away with it domestically for years. Time for massive change or else

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  Andy

Our downfall was the 5 Way Agreement which allowed The Newco to illegally enter the Scottish league system at the expense of Spartans, to keep the name ‘Rangers’ and to keep all the original Rangers’ trophies, all of which the Masons Peter Lawwell & Eric Riley were party to.

Also the fact that Lawwell, Riley, Bankier & Desmond knew Oldco were fiddling the books and paying players in brown envelopes and instead of complaint went along in collusive compliance.

THAT has been our downfall.

And our own board, the CELTIC BOARD, facilitated all of it.

To keep the ‘Old fvckin Firm’ ‘alive’, even though one half of it died in 2012, a fact which not one of the Celtic PLC have ever even mentioned, one Rory Bremner joke aside,

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago

Celtic PLC needs The 2angers in any guise to maximise its profitability.’

Over the clear straight run at the CL’s 35 -40 million EVERY year WITHOUT a ‘Rangers’?

Aye, right.

Good job you’re no an accountant, son.

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago

Though if ye were you could always get.a job wae Peter Lawwell as he seems to have prioritised the ‘10 million a year’ fae ‘a Rangers’ existence oer the 40 million CL riches tae.

And he is me at tae be an accountant …

So what would you rather huv, Dunky, 10 million a year or 40 million a year ..?

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago

And in the 8 years since Rangers died Celtic have made the Group Stages how many times ..?

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago

Is it 4?

And I’m certain we made 40 million in Rodgers’ last run at it, all brutal humpings aside.

It was that 40 mil that took our finances over 100 million for the fiscal year for the first time because the knock on effects of a successful Champions League run, even in the Groups, could another 10 mil to the balance sheet.

So how many clear runs have we had it and fvcked it up under Lawwell’s guidance?

What wae him preferring the 10 million a year over your 30 million a year any day of the week.

3 years ago

When judging the team it shouldn’t be on yesterday’s performance, which was excellent i thought until Biton seen red & seen red again.
The set up, shape, personnel & tactics were bang on, if it wasn’t for McGregor in their goal we would have been two up at least in the first half.
Remember as well had we won yesterday, the 10 was back on & no one would be getting sacked.
However we lost & it’s going to be harder now to win the league, i don’t believe it’s gone & we must fight on.
What NL showed yesterday was that he could outsmart the hun coaching, he had to show that yesterday & he did.
I’m not saying Neil should stay because i do think we need to change now but i’m not going to personally destroy a true legend of the club, this man has been attacked, racially abused & had bombs & bullets sent to his home.
Neil Lennon didn’t get his top targets, neither did Brendan Rodgers, yet we expect them to deliver big time? Give these men their top targets & you get a different team & results.
Folk say NL should never have accepted the job on the conditions he did, would you or i turn it down? No.
Had Celtic been racing to the title this season there would have been no better man in place to secure the 10, it may not work out that way, that’s football.
If we are to lose the 10 to this mob, it’s not entirely the fault of Neil Lennon, ask yourselves why Brendan left, ask yourself why Neil left the first time, there is a man at CP, fat & bloated on his CEO excessive salary that has contributed more to our failure in europe & maybe domestically this season than the manager.
There has to be a rebuild starting now, but it should start with the exit of Lawwell & a few others on that board.
This job maybe too big for Neil Lennon, but i love the guy for puting us before his own safety, for his love of us & his passion for the club.

It is time for a change but let’s not castigate a true legend of Celtic football club!

3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Totally agree with Monti earlier failures this season meant yesterday was too important.We played well McGregor had an Andy Goram day butvEdfybandcGriffvshoujd have done netter, Ryan Christie is off the boil. However we should remember the 9 seasons we had, it is time for a total change. Soro, Turnbull, Henderson, Hazard are our future. I don’t feel as negatively about Laxhalt as some, he and Taylor can do a job but with Frimpong need to offer better crosses. That said only Mo seems good at taking crosses. I suppose we have had 3 teams at least since our first one out of the 9 maybe 4 even. How do we get Rodgers quality again? O’Neill would not be right, Howe doesn’t travel well north of the Watford Gap, ask Burnley fans. A good up and coming coach who would attract good players but who, let’s not rush into it.

3 years ago
Reply to  BJF

“But Eddy and Griff should have done better”

3 years ago
Reply to  BJF

Well said.

Iljas Baker
3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Monti we only looked good because they were very poor, they have been on a bit of poor form recently. What end product did Frimpong and Laxalt deliver? None that I could see. They improved after the break and we fell away – hence the rugby tackle. Respect for the manager but he got a lot wrong during the season I would say because of obstinacy. Christie and Calmac’s passing, tackling and set plays weren’t exactly sterling yesterday and why keep bringing on Rogic? His time at Celtic has passed. I think we dominated the first half but it wasn’t down to McGregor that we didn’t win. We had only a couple of good efforts from all the dominance mainly because of lack of quality of balls delivered by DL & JF. Eddie was hardly dangerous.

3 years ago
Reply to  Iljas Baker

We were only good because they were poor?
There was me thinking we were good because we were good.

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Monti & thinking don’t belong in the same sentence, bud.

3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

He did get his tactics right yesterday but only for 62 minutes. But let’s not forget that it has taken him 5 or 6 games to do anything about it! After the sending off it was a shambles. So we know they like to play and we had completely nullified their system for 62 mins, they hadn’t even had a shot on target and our defence did not look to be in any bother as the could not get the ball to their front 3. So Bitton sees red and what tactical master stroke does NL implement? He takes off 1 forward (Griff) and just leaving Eddy up on his own and now unable to close down the back 4 on his own before even considering that Eddy is not one for putting in a real shift that was needed! So what happened was they were able to start playing their own game. NL should have left 2 upfront and possibly put on a fresh forward to help with the extra work the team needed as they were down to ten men! Keep the 4 in the middle as it was all working and go to 3 at the back, not ideal but if we are stopping the supply we should be ok? Then when we go 1 down and we need a goal to at least get a point he still leaves 1 up front and brings on Rogic, Brown & Moi, 2 of which have no legs for getting about the park and the other who blows hot and cold when we need committed worker/fighters! The way we collapsed after the goal looked like there had been no contingency plan re tactics/formation should we suffer a red card or a goal. We have played who can play but they have been embarrassed by the tactical ineptitude by the management team both as a group and individually. Shocking. It is not all NL’s fault mind but PL involvement and his culpability is for another day. The whole thing stinks and has been since Cluj CL qualifier!

Owen Mullions
3 years ago

What’s happened to the comments on yesterday’s blog, Ralph? Does that mean all the caption entries disappeared into the ether?

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

They don’t like me for telling the truth round here, Owen, so they threw a hissy fit and all toys out the pram with it.

Owen Mullions
3 years ago

I never thought of that. I thought it was because some of us pointed out the blessed Monti’s hypocrisy regarding Lenny. I think his position today is that Lenny should go even though our terrible season has nothing to do with him. No, I don’t understand him either – he’ll be telling Ronny Diela was a genius next week.

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

Good points all but if Monti even had a mind he’d still be unable to make it up.

But I reckon it was all the links I ahared to the WEF, WHO & CDC official website pages proving in their own words that there is no pandemic.

All of that was taken down almost as soon as I posted it, most of the middle of the night, so it was more likely the Akismet AI rather than Ralph or Desi.

All the best.

Owen Mullions
3 years ago

Yes, that Askimet filter is a #@*! I’ve had to moderate my #@*!ing language to get past the b#@*!rd .

Seriously though, the site’s never been the same since they updated it – you never know if your comment will show up or stay up if it does.

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

Haha, aye, it’s taken me 5 hours to allow me to even reply to your comment!

3 years ago

Regardless of the red card yesterday, i still dont think we’d have won that game, finishing in and around the box was shocking, the huns would just played a containment game in the second half because they didn’t have tae win the game, the Frimpong experiment is dead now, he offers little in defence except pace, and offers even less in attack except pace, his final delivery is absolutely woeful, what these players practice in training is a mystery tae me. A complete rebuild is required, not just tae compete in Europe, but tae just compete domestically. Lennon and Lawell have set us back years on the pitch, sell Eddy, Ntcham, Christie, Frimpong, send Duffy as far away from Celtic as possible, send the loan players back, then let start seeing exactly what Lennoxtown can actually produce, because of late Lennoxtown looks like a very very slow moving conveyor belt of talent….LENNON OUT..

Iljas Baker
3 years ago

Unfortunatey you’re spot on KEIGHLEY BOY but you forgot Laxalt too. Zero end product. So sad.

3 years ago

Cant see very much new talent coming out and only regression of first team. Again every indicator that a deep restructure with better management coaching and scouting personnel is essential. Lawwell must be accountable.

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  Jbhoy

Instead he’s in Dubai having a jolly at the Celtic support’s expense.’

Paranoid celt
3 years ago

Is there still a celtic pub in Keighley. I used to live in Leeds and absolutely loved Maguires but unfortunately it’s not there anymore but I remember seeing a Keighley csc poster on the wall. The last time I was over I thought the csc was in the Harp in the burmantof

Paranoid celt
3 years ago

Burmantofts but they weren’t showing the game . Have I got the right Keighley in Bradford.

3 years ago

Monti note your comment, he is like a ping pong ball he bounces from one end of the field to the other, but he has no out all or real defensive skills.
I.e a Ping pong

3 years ago

The only way forward is buy to play, no more loans, no more prospect’s, only players that play week in week out & that want to play for Celtic

Iljas Baker
3 years ago
Reply to  Una

I disgree DMcF. We didn’t exactly pepper the goal with shots. Eddie will always get surrounded and he will rarely get free so he has to release the ball earlier. If I remember correctly Griff hit a few duds. Not a criticism all strikers do but it wasn’t just the goalie that took us in with zero goals at half time, it was failure to take scoring opportunities.Your loyalty is commendible but loyalty like that won’t help us progress. Had we better balls in from the wings on a regular basis we could have made our dominance count for more I believe.

3 years ago
Reply to  Iljas Baker

Good reasonable post Duncan. I feel the 10 in a row was a monkey on our back and we knew it would have to end and probably to a team playing out of Ibrox. Now, we can just play football. We can try win the Scottish Cup and begin early, to prepare for Europe. As a matter of pride, we should try narrow that gap as much as possible. Soro and Turnbuall can now play every match. Sell Eddy in January for big bucks. Return the ones we have on loan.. Get Forrest fit again. We played well enough to win yesterday but that doesn’t matter now. And above all, we should make the MIBs more afraid to practise their dark arts. Let’s just play some good football until the Fat Lady sings. Us older Fenians have seen darker times before.

9 in a row and a quadruple treble ain’t bad! Even the year we ended the Huns 9 in a row, we lost the first two games of the year. Breathe deeply, smell the coffee, enjoy our football now.

It is natural that the current Huns play better without their toxic fans present, whilst our Bhoys play worse without our fans present. Says it all really.

I am still proud to be a Fenian, a Tim and a Celtic supporter.

A Hun once said to me: I was born a Rangers supporter, I remain a Rangers supporter and I shall die a Rangers supporter!

Man, I replied, “have you no ambition at all…?”

Lenny can go now with his head held high. We need to begin with a clean slate. He served us well but his time is up. Good times will come again.

Paranoid celt
3 years ago
Reply to  Devoy45

You’re taking things well. I was so convinced we’d do 10 that I’m numb, I can’t believe we blew it.

3 years ago
Reply to  Paranoid celt

FFS, have you never heard of winning from a losing position, a tremendous victory against all the odds, stubbornly never giving up etc?
Yes, it’s a giant setback for us and a massive advantage for them…but it isn’t over yet. Results and victories against the odds happen….and they happen not by chance, they happen because the guy or the team never gives up.
When there’s 9 points left to win and they’re 10 points in front I’ll admit the Ten is gone and NOT before!!

Iljas Baker
3 years ago
Reply to  Devoy45

Good reasonable post Devoy45. This isn’t our year but hopefully hopefully lessons have been learned.

  1. When players want to go, let them.
  2. Forget loans.
  3. Bring in only players that are playing regularly, not those who can’t get a game. You need truly excellent coaches to rehabiliate players and we don’t have that.
  4. Develop young players by giving them experience. NL is already talking about a replacement for the injured Jullien – is there no one we already have like Welah who could do a job. Jack Hendry is apparently doing very well???
  5. We fans have to help young players, not write them off.
Iljas Baker
3 years ago
Reply to  Iljas Baker


The Cha
3 years ago
Reply to  Iljas Baker

Except it didn’t, as it fed into the total goalkeeping disaster of this season.

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

I told The Celtic Blog, The Sentinel Statues, Phil and you lot on here that we would never be allowed to do The Ten as it wasn’t in the Company’s best interests.

I even told you who ‘The Company’ really is.

But did ye listen ..?

Did ye fvck.

But yez know now alright that I was right all along.

The Cha
3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

I think we had Forster on loan 3 times the first time.

That was wasted time that should’ve been converted to a permanent deal a long time earlier, especially given the tortoise speed that Lawwell works at, hence no time to work on other deals.

To loan Forster last year with no commitment to a permanent deal was a wretched decision that paved the way to this season’s debacle.

Gordon was cut lose while we were still making a fruitless bid for Forster and that’s on Lawwell and Lennon.

That’s shocking abysmal mismanagement and to describe that as “brilliant” is totally delusional.

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

‘Said, Cha.

But the boy can’t help it.

A Tim joining the Brits to control Belfast, whit other word can ye use but ‘Delusional’?

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Where’s the 10 million?

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago

Over 4-8 scheduled payments, not in one lump sum

3 years ago

Serial cheats, do what they do best… Cheat. A big round of applause to Peter (but not to your secretary) – Eric (in your holiday absence) – Ian and most of all you sir, Dermot Desmond, because you all got what you wanted *Rangers back, ‘Old Firmism,’ did it ever leave this parallel Universe?
A Stuart Regan and Neil Doncaster production, by courtesy of all of Scotland’s finest football clubs that perpetrated the same club myth. Nothing changes till that changes and they all acknowledge their part in the EBT saga, the Res.11-12 annual event and their secret agreement. The rest of us suckers are just supposed to suck it all up. Happy New Year….

Fred Rodgers
3 years ago

The club’s combined efforts, from board level through management (I know), coaching (I know, I know) and players, have earned them a winter break in Dubai. If the greedy, short sighted, deluded, incompetent imposters had half a clue as to what it takes to run a club, they might’ve gotten a bump to Disneyland. Is this is the additional value we were promised ?

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  Fred Rodgers

Well, it’s like a travel show, Fred, we get to see them relaxing by the pool with a few beers in Dubai and it makes us long for the days of being able to walk a mile down the road to hug our families.

3 years ago

The question of what we do now needs to be asked & addressed.
Neil Lennon isn’t going to be the manager for next season so i don’t see how he can stay until the end of this season.
If we have identified a new manager then he has to come in now, with his own backroom team.
The squad needs a cull & investment, it needs to be freshened up now, get organised for the second half of the season.
The support & the team need reinvigorated & galvanised, we need to shape a side that is full of quality from back to front.

*Lawwell & the board have got us into this position… get us out of it!

3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Spot on Monti. The rest of the season (even if ended by Covid) can see us bedding in a new manager as well as some of our fresher, younger talent. Forrest will be back. We have Mickey Johnston on the left. Lets get back to some swashbuckling now that we have nothing to lose.

Goals? Qualify for Europe so we can do better in Europe. Win the Scottish Cup. Close the gap on Newco. Beat Newco, spoil their season. Let our youngsters prove themselves. Get this: win all the remainder of our matches playing cavalier football, the kind Celtic were famous for. Ask Inter Milan about that.

Let’s get back to defending whilst attacking.

The core of that team? Hazard/Taylor/McGregor/Soro/Turnbull/Johnston/Forrest/ a fit Griffiths.

Who wants to go? Christie/Edouard/Ajer/Ntcham? Get big bucks for all of them, then Cheerie Bye!

I’m excited already. Yes, I am gutted about 10 in a row, but you have to admit these Newco cheats can sometimes play football. And miracles can and do happen. Covid could play a part. Injuries could play a part. The MIBs can’t hide forever. There is the tiniest hope that our Newco cheats might implode and when they start, we must be ready. In effect, we are ten points behind and play them twice. Their next 4 matches see them away to Motherwell, Hibs and Aberdeen.

We all have to admit, we can now play as if we have nothing to lose. Let it rip!

3 years ago
Reply to  Devoy45

Cheers m8, hope you are well.
I also think it’s time to give Mikey Johnston a regular start, we need to find out if these guys really have it.

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Under Lenny?

After having told the bhoy on camera to ‘Fvck off!’?

Whatever you dribble, Officer Drivel.

The Cha
3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Neil Lennon isn’t going to be the manager for next season

On what basis do you say that?

In October/November when we were wretched and setting (bad) records that had stood for 70 years, he was in no danger of being sacked.

We’ll probably play reasonably well until the end of the season now that the pressure of 10 has gone, may cut the gap if the Huns ease off and may sklaff another Scottish Cup, if someone else knocks the Huns out.

Then it’ll be “you can’t possibly sack him now, he’s building a fine team” etc leading to next season’s poor recruitment, development and Euro embarrassment.

Repeat and will the last person to leave switch off the disco lights.

3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Evening Cha & happy new year to you,
Just think if we are going to change for next season, do it in this window.

The Cha
3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Happy New Year to you to.

Not the most auspicious start but hopefully things can only getting better.

I hate saying it don’t see any managerial change being made this window and not convinced there will be in the summer.

It absolutely should be but as its us oiks calling for it, then Lawwell will resist out of spite.

I also worry that any recruitment made now eg CB may not be to a new manager’s liking meaning yet more turnover and expense.

3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

I really don’t see anyone being signed in this window as the financials are going to be grim reading for the suits on the board. I can certainly see a few sales. This is what you get when the ego that is Lawwell thinks he’s cleverer than real football people.

Iljas Baker
3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

NL will decline taking on the manager’s role next season. He’s knows he’s had enough. Wait and see don’t worry.

The Cha
3 years ago
Reply to  Iljas Baker

I’m not convinced.

During the wretched October/November period when humiliation was piled on humiliation he didn’t given any acknowledgement of responsibility, knowing that Lawwell and Desmond had his back and the fans could go hang.

I suspect with an upturn in results and no more Euro embarrassments this season then the narrative will be he’s re-invigourated the team and is ready to lead the charge to reclaim the league blah, blah, blah.

Also, if he gives up Celtic, what else is he going to do? Nobody was calling him after he left Hibs, so he’s either going to be unemployed or lower league.

What would you do with that choice?

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Just think if we’d hired an actual manager in the first place, you wouldn’t look like such a flipflopping fud.


Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

While he’s in Dubai getting drunk or after, Monti?

3 years ago

Sad to see Jullien’s season is basically over due to injury, this is our best central defender.
At least one central defender must be brought in or….play Welsh in every game until the end of tge season in order to gauge his ability?

3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

The young lad at Hibernian, Ryan Porteous has caught the eye at times.

3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

He did well against Livi yesterday………..not.

3 years ago

In general he is a good young defender though!

3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Also by all accounts Livi are in good form, seven straight wins i believe.

3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

I watched that game and Porteous was grim.

3 years ago

So have you watched any games where he has played well?

3 years ago
Reply to  Monti


Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

So Ryan Porteous is your new Scott McKenna?

3 years ago

Porteous isn’t half the player McKenna is.

3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

The problem is if these guys are well down the pecking order, you can’t really keep them forever.
I’m starting to auestion the validity of Lennoxtown.

Iljas Baker
3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Somebody needs to do an indepnedent assessment. It doesn’t appear to be working. Most loans don’t appear to be better than we’ve got, yet young players languishing on the sidelines when they should be getting experience. Supporters have a lot to do with that. They are too quick to criticize young players coming through. The need to win every game means manager is always looking for players who have experience, even if not getting game time where they are. There’s need to be a different mind set.

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  Iljas Baker

For you at least, I’ll Ass.

3 years ago

I was speaking to friend before yesterday’s game and he said ‘how would you approach it Mike’? I replied that a draw would be useless to us, if we get to 20minutes before the final whistle, just go all out for the 3 points. I remembered Brendan Rodgers going behind to a Millar goal at Ibrox and then we had a player sent off. He said in a TV interview that they practised if the team goes down to 10 men before they play the Huns. I was reminded of that yesterday when Bitton was sent off with 30 minutes of the game still to play, Lennon put on another defender, what was the point of doing that? Rodgers put on another attacking player and we won the game. Not saying that we would have won yesterday’s game, only that it seemed sensible to go all out in attack to get the three points, one point would not be enough we needed the full 3 points. Did Lennon have his team practicing with 10 men, knowing that one of his players might be sent off.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

The sad thing was, they played for a draw and got a victory.

3 years ago

Yes that’s so true. Another sad thing Henke: Gerry Marsden has passed away today. He gave us all that wonderful Anthem to both Celtic and Liverpool supporters. Many’s the draught in my eye I got singing that song with thousands of other Celtic supporters at Celtic park.
Gerry Marsden RIP. Youll’e Never Walk Alone.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

I hadn’t seen that. Sad news.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

That night when he sang at Celtic Park v Liverpool was one of those never to be forgotten moments. RIP Gerry.

3 years ago

In what way did they play for a draw?
No credit given to the application of the Celtic players in their performance?

3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

They lost the fvckin game ffs. Just keep lowering that bar M. After the shambles and failure after failure this season, you really are easily pleased.

3 years ago

Yes we lost the match but that was down to Nir Bitton not Neil Lennon.

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

It was down to the Ibrox season ticket holder masquerading as a referee, ya clueless fat fud.

Away back tae yer Lennon box set.

And make us a fish supper while yer at it.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Aye it’s all Lennon’s fault isn’t it?

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

FFS It’s Mike Bassett…..keep it tight for 70 mins then go for it WOOOOOSH 🙂

3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Tuck in behind Monti, there’s plenty of room there lads. W0000SH.

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Frier Tuck in behind Monti ..?

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

How sure, Dunky?

You got proof?

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago

No but if you sent in an FOI request and got a reply that you posted on here I might.

But would Private Spunky McFudyin dare defy his queen’s own governmnet when they give him an order?

I don’t think so, fud

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago


You think I’d get upset oer your daft haircut? 😀

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago

Nae wonder ye keep tinfoil oer it, ya fuzzy heidit fud..

The Cha
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

So, in your opinion, he didn’t prepare for an eventuality that most fans would have said had a reasonable chance of happening.

3 years ago

Oh look it’s raining outside, a wee bit of wind & it’s a bit cauld……must be Lennon at fault.

3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Lennon is 10000% to blame for this season.

He’s spent 35 million.

There was never any other outcome yesterday.


Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  Bgbhoy

Monti Out!

3 years ago



3 years ago

God bless Gerry, rising tune that will be with us forever. Was stevie g’s goalie remarks a dig at our lack of conviction after last years League Cup success and failure to hold on to him? Lawwell is a disaster best put behind. 60 minutes of excitment, cannot blame Callum Mac fof the goal, just went to pieces with Bitton being over punished as we know, but unfortunately cheats do prosper sometimes, but what goes around, comes around, hopefully Lawwell keeps his nose out of any January buisness and is out soon. We will dust ourselves down and Walk On! HH!

3 years ago

Most of us have said that Lennon would cost us the title and sadly so it has proved.
He should never have got the job. But he did and we are where we are. Yesterday showed why he is out his depth. No thought process to the subs just blind panic.
We end up with Duffy as a striker ffs.
Christie was poor and shoud have been removed for Rogic at half time.
There is no way Griff should have been removed he had a goal in him.
Frimpong and Laxalt can’t cross, if they could we would have scored a barell load.
The goalie is fuckin useless
Our defense is weak a centre half is required even bring back jozo till end of the season.
Send Duffy back he can’t play.
No time for sentiment.
By the way the huns were missing 2 key players in the midfield we still couldn’t win.
Time for the clear out to happen.
Sack them now. Re start and let’s get prepared. The huns will go from strength to strength the only had to win 1 title the backers will return.
And the dead has risen.

3 years ago

So, so the final insult I can take over these hun-biased scum, the media, especially the BBC.
If I believed in god I’d be the 1st to say god bless Gerry Marsden and RIP.
Point is, they spoke briefly on BBC evening news tonight and showed some clips of Gerry singing and Liverpool fans singing YNWA. Now I can’t guarantee which set of fans took to THAT wonderful anthem first, but their wasn’t much in it between us and L’pool. However, the testament to a hugely loved guy by BOTH of us fans was delivered at Celtic Park vs Liverpool in the EUFA cup (QF, I think, maybe SF) in 2002/03 season when both sets of supporters joined in, and I was there. The (otherr) wee mhan sang from the centre circle. Unbelievable atmosphere and the BIASED BROADCASTING C-UNTS ignore it. When, just when do we take these bastards to task; I’m up for it, anytime, anytime soon. I’ve more to say but I’ll fukking explode at this rate………..

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

A drunk is no use in a barney, TicToc.

You know that.

Quit the brandy and let’s talk then.

3 years ago

Lennon out its been a fuckin disaster. Out of Europe out the cup out the league ffs it lies with him.
The money was spent but ge has fucked up a very good squad.
He is solely responsible, total panic yesterday when a calm head was required. We could still have got something from the game but too many changes. He did the same at Aberdeen fucked up a winning position and ended up drawing.
We need freshness. We need someone else to come in and engage with the squad differently.
They look lost.
He should leave do the honourable thing and resign for the good of the club. He has fucked up this squad no one else.

3 years ago

Lennon out now.
No one else to blame bar him.
Go now for the good of Celtic.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jimmybee

Nonsense, there are many responsible for where we are!

3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Did you say the same for Mowbray or Barnes or Delia.
No the buck stops with him.
19 points behind out of Europe at our earliest stage in a very long time, put of the bet Fred cup at home to Ross County survived a cup final to hearts on pens thanks to a rookie keeper whom he dropped. Please tell me why he should keep his job again?

3 years ago
Reply to  Jimmybee

You aren’t listening m8…..i want another manager in place now.

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

No one listens to you, Monti.

Its cos you say nothing worth listening to.

’Well respected poster’ …

3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Who failed to give Soro and Turnbull a game long before they actually got their chance?
Only one person to blame there and it was the inclusion of those two who gave us a bit of momentum after the jaw dropping, record breaking clusterfvck that preceded their inclusion in the starting XI. Only one man to blame.

3 years ago

But he did give them their chance tho & has continued to do so.

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

And so Monti’s transition to becoming Duncan is complete.

3 years ago


Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago

Is this a clue to Monti’s Twitter name ..?

Iljas Baker
3 years ago
Reply to  Jimmybee

NL is not solely to blame. He must accept some responsibility but so do Board and players, coaches and scouts.

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  Iljas Baker

You too, Ill Ass.

You encouraged them.

3 years ago

Away to Dubai they have a fuckin cheek.

3 years ago

The fact that Celtic played well for 45/60 mins is more galling considering how they have performed this season to date

It’s utterly embarrassing to be so far behind that lot.

One man is responsible for the teams performance. We all know who and it beggars belief and that he is still employed.

Shambolic from the club

3 years ago
Reply to  Bgbhoy


3 years ago
Reply to  Jimmybee

Nurse Ratched^

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Now we know why you keep calling for Nurse Ratched …

It’s cos you live in a mental ward.

Would you like that with salt n vinegar?

3 years ago
Reply to  Bgbhoy

It’s not galling at all, it was good to see us playing like that.
Had we won yesterday not one of us would be shouting for Neil to go.

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  Monti


Not ‘Lennon’ now?

Make up yer mind, muppet.

3 years ago

His name is Neil

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

And your name is Muppet.

Salt n vinegar?

3 years ago

Good to see the manager and captain lying on sun beds on the beer in this ‘non holiday training trip’

Lennon to fuck now

3 years ago

“David Turnbull insists Celtic played Rangers ‘off the park’ as he takes defiant title stance

The midfielder vowed he and his team-mates will fight until the bitter end
despite slipping 19 points behind their Ibrox rivals in the Premiership
title race”.

that’s the attitude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3 years ago
Reply to  Funkyy

Your second paragraph says it all. What would you expect them to say?

3 years ago

I’d expect them to fight for every point…we’ll see in the upcoming games if he just “said it” or if they are really gonna give us a fightback worth remembering.
We should at least give them our moral support while there are games left.
As for the absolute cowardly creatures that sent vile messages to Bitton and his wife, even decrying his weans.. what kind of psychotic rat does that?
Bitton made a serious, damaging , stupid blunder…he’s no the first player to do that and he won’t be the last, but by Christ if it really was Celtic supporters who sent the messages then for the first time in my life I’m embarrassed for my club.
What other players out there in the future will be thinking twice about joining a club with fans like that.? And the current players….they’ll be wondering when their turn to be abused and threatened will come, and it wouldn’t surprise me if some of them are thinking about a change of club asap.
And the league isn’t over yet!! We’re behind, the odds are against us, so let’s just give in and go and read a book for the second half of the season seems to be the attitude.
I’m never giving up, never.

3 years ago
Reply to  Funkyy

Well said Funkyy

3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Just looking at some of your stuff on your Twitter feed. Tell me, are you qualified to determine what is safe and what’s not in the current climate at schools? Really interested to know Professor.

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago

What’s Monti’s Twitter name, Henke?

Im in the mood for a laugh

3 years ago

I’ll leave that to the big fella if he wants you to know.

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago

Very polite of you, Henke, admirably so.

But I bet it’s jist ‘Monti’, right? 😀

3 years ago

It seems that even when Lennon get’s something right he is wrong.
I am on record as saying we do need to change the manager but not giving him credit when he get’s something right is well, wrong.

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Lay off the drink.

And make us a fish supper while yer at it.

3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

And you don’t do any of the above Duncan, do you? like pass comment on how you see the game. Supporters have a right to pass comments or to voice opinions, that is why we all value the game so much. Past generations also expressed their opinions as was their right to do so. Its no use criticising others because you do not share their opinions, theirs plenty of yours that I fully disagree with, but I have never suggested that you have no right to express them.

3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

And you are one of them that is always passing comment are you not, Duncan?

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Hahaha, Mike.

Though I don’t think I’d credit his brain dribbling as actual ‘comment’.

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago

I do enjoy taking a piss all over yer cheap suited comments, ye got that right.

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago

Yet you’re the one that can’t stop from posting a photie of yourself wae a tinfoil hat on dribbling aw oer yer computer keyboard …

Was the tinfoil for the dye or is that noo a permanent part of yer permarage?

The Cha
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

It’s one of his endearing features, isn’t it?

Loves to give his opinion out on all sorts but anyone who doesn’t agree with his worldview then their opinion doesn’t matter.

Also, your regular reminder that he hated the Treble Treble and completely lost it for weeks after the single loss to them that Rodgers suffered at the end of 2018.

Compare and contrast with the total backing for the current manager in this fustercluck of a season.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike
3 years ago

Q. If a manager identifies & draws up a list of top targets but doesn’t get any of them……is it his fault if the levels drop or the club?

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

‘Lennon Out!’?


3 years ago

That’s what i’ve said, yes.

3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

He took the job knowing that was what he was making himself part of. He’s overseen the decline in standards across the football side of the club. Anyone could and should have seen this coming.

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago

We all knew this when he couldn’t appoint his own backroom team.

And bumming up Lawwell’s snitch in his first week of training proved it.

Peter Pimper promised Kennedy the manager’s job but has since reneged.

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago

All you pandemic believers ask yourselves this …

Why is that we can’t travel 1 mile to see our families but the failures at Celtic Football Club can travel all the way to Dubai for a bevvy session?

3 years ago

Fvck off Zombie

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Salt n vinegar n sauce, muppet.

Say it in Italian.

Fir the amusement of all the boys.

Say it.

In Italian.

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago

He really need to stop posting that pic of yourself, Spunky, you look ridiculous.

Btw, the running costs for the past three years have been 250 million.

Dae YOU feel like we got a 250 million Bang for our buck?

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago

See Mike’s post below as to how ‘well’ our custodians deal with the support’s money, ya dribbling monkey faced queen loving fud.

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago

So what ye making jokes about ‘missing millions’ for when you can see for yourself there’s money missing?

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago

So that 114 million spvnked oer the past 18 months isnae missing at aw then, is that right?

3 years ago

Your clubs died mate – beat it

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  BroxburnBhoy

I told you before, Broxie, you better be very careful what you post on here from now on as you stupidly, unbelievably, forgot to cover yer router.

And ye know whit these young yins are like when a member of their family gets insulted ..

Rash & impulsive, know whit Ah mean?

Good job they’ve their auld Da to keep them in line but there’s only so much they’ll put up wae, Ah know that myself.

3 years ago

Neil Francis Lennon will leave Celtic, his & the teams overall performance have been nowhere near the Celtic standard required, in any given season.
That paragraph was for the hard of learning on here, just for clarity.

Neil Lennon has had to attempt to deliver this title without getting one single first choice signing.
He has had to watch individual players make individual mistakes at crucial times of games, something i’m sure he doesn’t tell them to do.
He has had to watch a player choose to take a trip to Spain in the middle of a pandemic, getting two of our games suspended, adding pressure to the players in terms of catching up.
He has been without our only real winger for the entire season so far.
The manager has also had to deal with his best central defender being missed for large parts of the season & will now for the rest of the season.
Neil has also had to deal with a significant number of players who want away or are no longer pulling their weight on the park.
Yet all of these facts are supposedly all the fault of Neil Lennon?
Come on?
I think most managers would struggle a bit in these conditions, players have let this man down big time, Neil isn’t perfect, nowhere near it, but for some to pick at this guy like he is some sort of animal is shocking.
He deserves better than that, quite simply you put Neil Lennon’s top targets into our team & it’s a far better team, that’s how simple it is.
One man at CP decides who comes in & who goes out, one man decides NOT to bring in top targets, one man is responsible, that man is Peter Lawwell.
That’s the source of the problem!

3 years ago

How could any board from a position of strength get so much wrong so quickly. A few months ago we were talking about building a hotel and museum, last years accounts destroyed that myth, with £100.000 profit after selling KT for £24.00 million. THE BISCUIT TIN IS EMPTY. Lawwell talked about spending £25.00 million on new players since 2019. Bolingoli – Taylor – Laxalt all for one position as an example. There goes £7.00 million. Ajeti – Klimala – another £8.00 million. Duffy – Soro – another £4.00 million. You can see where this is going, money swilling into the drain cundy. This has been going on since Lawwell took over as defacto football manager. Celtic FC. the skinto club, supporters money pouring down the drain and for what? serial decline. If ever a board need to be cleansed its this Celtic board, obsolete, decrepit and failing miserably.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Don’t forget your hero Kouassi now….

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Well said, Mike.

Tell Duncan, would you, he seems to think they’re great with our money!

The Cha
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

We still had about £20m in the kitty, as per the last accounts.

However, since then, £20m+ acquisitions and no sales, no Euro crowds and ko games and no additional matchday incomes, over and above ST money.

Doesn’t look good and whilst they need to get rid of a lot of deadweight they still need to show ambition or fans will start to vote with their feet leading to a downward spiral.

This requires bravery and isn’t one for the lazy Lawwell, whose “success” has always been built on the work of others eg revenue £50m (Deila) £100m (Rodgers).

I’m sure reasonable people would put the difference down to the exploits of the on-field management and players and little, if anything, to a CE.

We now need a CE who can make things happen rather than simply riding on the coat-tails of others.

3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

I have reached my pish comment limit, moderation follows, but you are correct, but Lawwell and bravery?

Paranoid celt
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Did Dave King call it right. House of cards.

3 years ago
Reply to  Paranoid celt

Only the gullible would take notice of what that shyster says. They, Hun-co have to sell £23.00 million pounds of players next season, just to survive. Never made a profit in their short life, lost squillions. We will ride out this Covid sh show and return to normal after it leaves.

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

And the Celtic PLC have just lost 114 million in the past 18 months …

Thats about 90 million a year.

To get humped in the Champions League, humped in the Europa League, humped oot the League Cup, by Ross County, AT HOME, and to then lose The Ten to the financially doped Sevco …

Who here thinks that shite is Value For Money ..?

3 years ago

Henke, yes i am qualified, as you know i’m a Professor.

3 years ago
Reply to  Monti


3 years ago

Henkesdreadlocks, just looking at some of your comments regarding the manager of the football club.
Tell me, are you qualified to teach us all about the tactical abilities of the manager & backroom staff?
Really interested to know, Pep.

3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

To put it simply, yes.

3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

PS. What tactics?

3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

he isnt even the best footballer in his family, so he is 100% not qualified

3 years ago
Reply to  bgbhoy

In your dreams ya dick.

3 years ago


3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Here’s the thing though, it may be that they will not sack him because they will not want to spend any money getting rid of him until they can sell 1-2 players to bring some money in, Ntcham for instance. Their focus will be on selling and the biggest selling resource Celtic have is.. players. Or they will wait until the summer and get big bucks for Odsonne, watch as our biggest player assets get sold and the player pool diminishes and the decline continues. Ralph talks about Lawwell possibly leaving, I have read that pish for the past 2 years.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

There must be ‘Dialogue’. For who is the winner when respected Celtic supporters leaders argue over how to call this Celtic board to account.

  1. The board.
  2. The Huns.
  3. The board. Unity is strength, dis-unity only creates friction and havoc, how the Celtic board must just love that….
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

If they wait until the summer, that’ll be another pre season where we are not prepared for CL qualifiers.
That is not unacceptable in any way shape or form, the new man & his team must come in during this window.

3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

There’s no dosh, Peter Paul and Hairy Mary have seen to that.

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Are you saying Celtic are skint, Mike?

What happened to the ‘30 million in the bank’ from way back when Rodgers was manager?

Where did that all go?

That was even before the 20 million for Dembele, the 7 million for Armstrong and the 25 million for KT …

That’s 52 million right there, ffs!

Add that to the ‘30 million in the bank’ and we’ve 82 million.

What the fvck have they done with all that money?

Even the 4 interim piss ups in Dubai must only come to about 800k- 1 million tops.

3 years ago

Moderated again, but no, not skint but taking a very cautious approach.

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

How much do they have left after Dubai?

Where’s the ‘30 million in the bank’ and the 52 million from the sales of Dembele, Armstrong & KT and the 9 million compo from Leicester for BR & Co?

You saying they’ve lost 91 million in a year and a half?!

3 years ago

£18.02 Mill. cash in the attic. Revenue down £18.00 mill. Players bought and loan deals £16.00 mill. £100.00k profit after selling KT.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

And that is last years accounts, still got this year without CL monies, so, they will only proceed with extreme caution and probably have to sell players.

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

So they’ve lost 12 from the infamous ‘30 million in the bank’?


What about the 91 million from Dembele, Armstrong, KT & Rodgers’ crew?

What have they done with that?

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago

How much does Dubai cost?

Someone mentioned a figure around 150-200k which seems about right for first class flights, hotels & training facilities for roughly 40 people.

You think they can afford to lose 200k when they’ve only made 100k profit after making 25 mil off KT?

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago

I don’t think ‘Extreme Caution’ & ‘We’re going to Dubai!’ belong in the same sentence either, Mike.

In fact, I think they see the Celtic support as an endless cash cow that will keep funding their heated driveways, golf trips and piss ups anywhere they fancy ad infinitum.

That is, that they’re taking the fvckin piss out all of us.

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago

And let’s not forget the 1.5 mil for Kouassi, who our de facto DOF Peter judged to be a 3 million pound player even though he’d only played in a total of 18 games between May 2016 & December 2016.

3 million quid for a player who’d only played 18 games in 7 months would be a sacking offence in any other job on Earth.

3 years ago

FFS please don’t mention that name that starts with a K. or his nibs will be shouting it out, again. But yes your point well made.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Kouassi na na na na na na na

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

And that adds up to 92 and a half million in 18 months, does it?

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago

I asked if you’re happy with these figures, jiggy.

So are you?

You seem to be …

And I can count.

I just prefer guys who like following orders to do it for me.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Castrated Weered.

The Cha
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

What, you’ve got a new Huns top, please tell me no!!!

3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Needs must, I only follow follow winners. 😉

The Cha
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike


3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Nooooooooo, I would rather eat soap and drink bleach.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Don’t knock it til you’ve tried it….. the soap and bleach that is.

3 years ago

He is qualified to talk sh@te tho 🙂

3 years ago

Amazed at some of the comments, Celtic are a ship without a Captain drifting towards the rocks. Anyone that can justify Lawell and his stupidity has not got a clue. Lennon should have been a stop gap, not a cheap option. Over the last ten years everything has been a cheap option, only the Brenda brought in after Celtic crashed out of the Cup to Sevco by the absent landlord DD. Even then Lawell managed to achieve disaster with a poor transfer policy also an arrogant attitude to all. In Europe we are no better than mediocre, some believe it is worth it to stop the Sevco, that plan has worked out well.
Some claim that the team played well but who won? They clear off away to Dubai as fans scrape together cash to pay for a season ticket to watch mediocrity, some fans will lose employment or are on furlough, but roll up roll up and pay your monies to the entity that claims to. Elric Football Club, they should bring in that clown Boyd as an advisor, currently stupid is as stupid does. But at least he has his bonuses, as he trundles his wheelbarrow to the Caymans.

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  Cartvale88

Still paying yer subscription to Celtic TV, fud?

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago

You’re really obsessed with showing us yer attic, eh, Spunko?

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago

What missing millions is that, Private McFudyin?

Do you know something yer not letting on?

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago

You mean the missing 91 million in player sales and BR comp that they’ve lost in the past year and a half that I mentioned earlier?

Is that what you mean?

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago

Sorry, 92.5 million including the 1.5 for KooYou Know Who.

Youre happy that they’ve ‘lost’ the ‘30 million in the bank’ PLUS the other 62.5 million from the sales of Dembele, Armstrong, KT & the Koo’s Lick PLUS the 9 million from the BR compensation package?

You like that, do ye, that the board can ‘lose’ such a vast sum of money in just over 18 months ..?

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago

And you’re HAPPY about this?!

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago

How much were they last year?

And the year before that?

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago

Well, these are very interesting figures indeed, Duncan, good work.

I know Lawwell turned his 2 mil bonus into a permanent part of his 1 million p.a. wage but this is on a different level entirely, especially considering Celtic ‘s famous ‘Salary Ceiling’ for players, which in the past was 40 grand a week but Sinclair was the last to receive that, with Brown’s wage packet a bit hazy.

But this here that you’ve presented …

What this is saying is that the PLC have spent (spvnked?) a whopping 728 million quid of the Celtic support’s money IN THE PAST DECADE ALONE.

Seven hundred and twenty eight million quid in 10 years, its a breathtaking sum, ‘domestic dominance’ or not.

I’d understand if we’d had a good run in the CL on a consistent basis so that we could afford to be so profligate but this is admitting that, incredibly they’re pissing nearly 73 mil a year up the wall in simple everyday running costs!

And instead of DD or the chartered accountant that is Lawwell, whose job it should be to cut such massive costs, stepping in to have a look at it, they’ve letting it increase to over 80 million a year.

Do you really think it should cost that much to run a club to beat Aberdeen & now no longer Sevco, and get beat by Ross County at home, a club that hasn’t made it past the Group Stages in nearly a decade?

Cos numbers are fvckin frightening, mate.

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago

*These numbers.

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago

I didn’t say anyone was a mug for supporting Celtic, where did you get that?

Im saying that these are massive amounts of money to run a club that only has effectively one man in charge, a Salary Cap for players and who refused to pay their auxiliary staff The Living Wage until forced to under great duress.

My question is this …

Where in fvck has all that money gone?

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago

244 million in the past 3 year alone!


Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago

They made Rodger#’ spending back IN SPADES in his two CL qualifications AND got 9 million in compensation from Leicester.

Besides, wasn’t Lawwell still doing most of the buying players then tae?

The club made an absolute fortune under Rodgers as he delivered between 80-90 million quid from the CL & its associated merch offshoots alone.

And leave Sevco out of this they have nothing to do with how this board have squandered the Celtic support’s money and comparing how both clubs are run is apples & pears.

The fact is the PLC have spent 726 million quid of our club’s money and we’ve only made the CL a few times in that period.

Where is all that money going?

How can they possibly attempt to justify 80 million a year operating costs to barely beat Aberdeen and get jumped by Sevco, Scotland’s newest league club, 3 times in a row?

You’re not seriously trying to justify this level of spending by the PLC, are you?

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago

’No one can travel into or out of Scotland unless for an essential purpose.’ -Nicola Sturgeon earlier today.

So it looks like Celtic PLC got out of town just in time.

The question now is, will the Tartan Tories let them back in ..?

Cos they don’t just look ‘non essential’ but completely useless to me.

Handy for keeping Scotland divided though …

3 years ago

Four consecutive trebles & 15 out of the last 20 titles…..” useless “?

Onion rings sir?

3 years ago

Big Don, you sound as though you’re proud that the “red” tories continually vote with the normal tories in our country, and you wouldn’t look out of place smiling next to Ian Murray attired with his union jack suit

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  highseastim


You don’t still actually vote, do you, HST?

And believe it’ll change anything in any way?

Cos if you do you need to grow up, mate.

We live in the worst form of ‘Democracy’ possible, as Plato said,

‘If you can trust your leaders Democracy is by far the best form of government.

But if you cannot trust your leaders it is by far the worst.’

So do you trust yer leaders, boss?

Cos if you do it’s YOU that should be wearing the Union Jack suit.

Paranoid celt
3 years ago

A kakistocracy

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  Paranoid celt

Totalitarianism disguised with an X

Thru and thru
3 years ago

Big Don – you talk a good game but I reckon you’re a shit stirring knuckle dragger. It’s the arrogance in your posts. And the anger. It’s ripping out ye. II’ve been reading and very occasionally posting on this site for years, you’re killing the blether with your abuse. Plus you’re a bore of fuck.

3 years ago

There is an awful lot of angst on here alleging the whole edifice of Celtic fc is crumbling and accounts are wrong etc. you do all really need to get a grip of yourselves and understand that there have been a handful of poor football results. As a result everything that can be wrong in the minds of many here is wrong. That said I think it is panic mode at its very worst. Celtics accounts are publicly viewable it’s a PLC – go and have a look. They are in order and submitted on time in full unlike some other clubs we could name. The vitriol against the manager is disgraceful, shameful and hate based. Is he the man to lead the team for the future ? My opinion is no and that said he has lived and breathed Celtic at some cost to his life for many years. He does not deserve the hate. As for the club owners and the CEO. They are who they are and they have overseen a very successful 9 years of domestic domination. That said they seem to be out of touch on a number of issues important to the majority of supporters. The owner needs to review if he has the right Board in place and make changes if he sees fit. Since it is a PLC to have an influence any shareholder can submit questions and motions. The only way to outvote DD is to have more shares than him collectively. I think some change is necessary and yet I can’t help think that we on site site seem to be overreacting. No need for panic.

3 years ago

Large Chips £3
Small Chips £1.50
Large Fish £7
Small Fish £5
Black pudding £4
White pudding £4
Smoked Sausage £3.75
Scampi £5
Fish cake £4
Steak pie £5

Cans of juice £1

If you like this hit like, if you want to subscribe, hit the button.

BDG….Single or a supper sir?

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

At they prices?!

Stick it up yer jacksie, Frier Fvck.

3 years ago

And his jacksie could take it, down to the very last chip.

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

😀 😀 😀

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Who nose….maybes aye maybes nose.

3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

no battered pizza?

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  bgbhoy

Monti ate it aw

3 years ago

Pizza in pastella per uno

3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Piselli molli per uno

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Very good, Monti!

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago

You sure you’re no using Translate noo ..?

3 years ago

Forse forse

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Senza dubbio forse.


Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago

Tinfoil Hat boy, you seem very pleased with your (approximate) math below.

Ive tried to reply there half a dozen times but the site won’t let me so I’ll post it here:

And you’re happy with this enormous cash burn of c.114 million quid over 18 months to watch Sevco hump us for the league, fvck us for The Ten and laugh at us every chance they get till we win the league again, are ye?

Cos you sound like you’re positively PURRING here …

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago

Here, we’re sorted, lads, Dunky’s just dunked his donut into maths class and came up with the fact that the Celtic PLC have spent 114 million quid oer the past 18 months on the cheapest coach and cheapest players money can buy.

And Dunky seems very pleased that our board can spend that amount of dosh doon the tubes and have nothing tae show for it but some photie of them drinking in Dubai …

114 million quid in 18 months …

Imagine if that was the Sevco board, the blogs, and us fans, would be having a field day.

But, naw, that’s the Celtic support’s money they’re pissing away at a burn rate that even Dave King couldnae keep up wae!

And Duncan seems very pleased about it all.

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago

I figure.

You’re alright, Duncan.

Consistent at least, and you know we all want the same thing.

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago

I agree on the German model but we all know for sure Dermot, Peter & their lackeys at the Celtic Supporters Trust (sic) will do everything in their power to prevent such a scenario coming to pass.

The CST showed their true colours when they rejected Resolution 12 out of hand the other week and are now no longer to be trusted no matter what they say.

If they agree to proceed with Res 12 then we’ll see but what Celtic needs is completely brand new fully independent supporters group with no corporate ties to anyone and preferably not led by easily bought financial mercenaries like David Low, Tim or no.

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago

A proper call to arms

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