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Celtic Diary Tuesday December 22: The Turning Point

Feels a bit like christmas came early, what with a quadruple treble and everything.


Only a few days early, though, and that kind of added to the surrealism  of yet another milestone achieved and watched on the telly.


Or, like I did, listened to on the radio.


Which was worth it in itself to hear the rage from Neil McCann , quite possibly the angriest and bitterest of all those at EBT Scotland, who couldn’t help but vent his anger at Oddsone Edoaurd, who opted to chip Craig Gordon from the penalty spot.




The text doesn’t give justice to the venom with which the words were spouted.


I was in Telford, and several dogs looked up at my motor and started howling.


He was joined by Pat “Uncle Tim ” Bonnar, who, noticing his contract at the broadcaster was in danger of not being renewed, agreed.


And post match, between mouthfuls of soup, he wondered aloud why Scott Brown taunted Steven Naismith at the end of the game, instead of ” celebrating with his mates ” .


Indeed, on the whole, the astonishing achievement of four consecutive trebles, unprecedented in the annals of UEFA, gibraltan side Lincoln Red Imps have five, but were not recognised by UEFA at the time, seems to have largely slipped under the radar….



So, here’s an Etims cut Out And Keep souvenir…


Celtic: The numbers behind the quadruple treble - BBC Sport


Celtic 3 - 3 Hearts - Match Report & Highlights


Celtic light up Glasgow with quadruple Treble tribute on big screens across  city



Note…don;t actually cut it out and keep it. You’ll knacker your phone.


I say that just in case the less intelligent among you actually reach for the scissors, which reminds me…


Fuckwitted former favourite Charlie Nicholas is another with one eye on his employment contract…


“Neil Lennon made history by completing the quadruple-treble but it doesn’t put him up there with true Celtic managerial greats Jock Stein and Brendan Rodgers.

“But I would also say the same about Martin O’Neill.

“Martin signed some world-class players and also inherited a few, such as Henrik Larsson.

“He brought in big players and Celtic were paying them fortunes.

“Reaching the 2003 UEFA Cup Final in Seville was fantastic but I never saw Martin as a true great.

“Lennon is a bit like that.


And Nicholas is a bit like that guy you cross the road to avoid when you see him.

The reference to Martin O’Neill was not linked into the slightest to O’Neill’s comments about one or two ex players in the media…


“You have players, who have done nothing in their careers, nothing at all, who have been basement dwellers as footballers.

“They have ended up on the screen criticising something in front of them that they have never experienced either as a player or as a manager 

“They’re giving an opinion. Their opinion is worthless.”  


If only Billy McNeill had stuck with McCluskey and McGarvey as his two main strikers….


Another riled by O’Neill is Andy Walker, the Sky TV man who keeps the Heinz share price high….


“…. apparently, the opinion of some former players he refers to as ‘basement dwellers’ is worthless.

“That’s an interesting take on anyone’s commentary. ” 


Interesting, yes, accurate ? Absolutely.



This quadruple treble really hurts them, just when they thought Celtic were going to have a calamitous season, when they expected the house of cards to fall, the men chasing the ten stepped up to the plate and fought for the fourth.


Hearts were never going to be an easy opponent, in fact, without blowing my own trumpet I said on the podcast on Saturday I expected Celtic to go in front, and then take some time off , which would lead to extra time and penalties.


Yeah, credibility shot to pieces again.


Whats important now is that Lennon can move the team forward.


The old guard, who he may have felt some loyalty towards , especially regarding the qudruple, can now be eased aside with no honour lost, and the new breed can take over .


This injection of fresh and hungry talent can move into the next run of games with relish, and since Celtic don’t traditionally kick in with a push for the title until this time of year anyway, perhaps its all going to plan…


Although there is one thing that might be different, as “rangers ” are not going to Dubai…


The Sun reports…


The month contains a tough-looking run of fixtures for Steven Gerrard’s side – even if they currently hold a comfortable 16-point lead at the top.

After Celtic at home and Aberdeen away, they also face away trips to Motherwell and Hibs in January – with a home meeting with John Hughes’ Ross County sandwiched in between. 

As it happens, each of the last two seasons the Ibrox side have come unstuck in the league campaign shortly after heading off for their January break on the back of a morale-boosting win over Celtic.

Back in 2018-9, a win for Gerrard’s Rangers over Brendan Rodgers’ Celtic saw Rangers draw level with their great rivals on 42 points – although the Hoops had played one game fewer.

But they slipped up against Kilmarnock on their first game back then dropped further points against St Johnstone.

Last season, they went into their winter break trip to Dubai on the back of a 2-1 win at Celtic Park, knowing winning their game in hand against Aberdeen would see them overake their rivals.

But they could only draw with the Dons, and lost to Kilmarnock, Hamilton and Hearts before the league was called in Celtic’s favour just ahead of the third Old Firm match of the season.



he narrative is that they are much more professional and dtermined this season, and so are giving Dubai a miss.


And not because they have a cash flow problem…and certainly not because of any shennanigans out there in the past.


Whereas, Celtic , who had planned some warm weather training might not be going because of the …


Scottish government’s latest lockdown restrictions. ” ( The Sun


They continue in the same vein….


their travel plans are now in doubt with Scotland to be plunged into lockdown from Boxing Day and 40 countries – including France, Spain and Belgium – banning all flights to Britain amid fears of a rampant new virus strain.

As things stand, the UAE remains on the UK government’s travel corridors list and while there are currently no quarantine measures in place, that could change over the coming weeks – putting a trip to Dubai in in doubt.

It also remains unclear whether the SPFL or SFA would give their blessing to any winter trip as they look to avoid any further coronavirus chaos.



We have exactly the same situation facing both clubs, regarding the same plans, but notice how its portrayed in the media.


Of course, perhaps adhering to any rules regarding Coronavirus simply never occured to Ibrox bosses…after all, it only seems to be other teams who have players who get infected….



Bollocks to all of them.



Celtic face Ross County tomorrow night, and whilst victory won;t erase the result in the League cup, it is a chance to send out a message that the hoops are back.


7-0 will do nicely.



On an entirely different note, one player who would have featured in the cup final may be wondering if he’ll get a winners medal to go with the other eleven he earned during the all conquering run.


James Forrest will be feeling a mixture of delight and frustration as a one club player who might not get the full set of quadruple treble medals.


From the rule book…


Awards to Players, Officials and Match Officials 

The Scottish FA shall present a medal or a souvenir in such forms as the Board may decide to each of the players, to each of such substitutes as are eligible, the Manager or Head Coach and to the match officials, in the Final Tie. 


The only other mention of anything that would be relevant is in the SFA’s disclaimer at the end…


Alterations and Additions to Rules
(a) The Board shall have the power to temporarily suspend, amend or add to these Rules
as circumstances may dictate from time to time, as it deems appropriate in its
reasonable discretion, to facilitate the smooth running of the Competition, or in order
to ensure that the Scottish FA is capable of meeting the commitments put upon it
under the terms of its television and sponsorship contracts.
Subject to the foregoing, alterations or additions may only be made at the Annual
General Meeting of the Scottish FA.
(b) Notice of any proposed alteration or addition for consideration at the ensuing Annual
General Meeting of the Scottish FA, shall be submitted in writing and be in the
Secretary’s hands by 28 February in the year of the Annual General Meeting of the
Scottish FA at which such proposed alteration or addition is to be considered.   




Perhaps the club should consider a petition to get Forrest a medal. It would certainly be a popular move, not least with the player, and encourage that fell good factor at the club.



Caption competiton from Friday…




 3 days ago


Lenin finally gets a tune out of Barkas and Duffy. 






Hearts star Steven Naismith facing ban sweat after late challenge on Scott  Brown - Daily Record



And a bonus competition…



You Are The Ref - Episode 1 | The Referee Forum | Football Ref Incidents  #WithMe - YouTube




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Man in Denial
3 years ago

Was it not disrespectful of Craig to have dived before Eddy had actually completed his approach to the penalty?

How much was Neil McCann’s Liquidated Rangers EBT worth ? Was that not disrespecting all players in other reams who paid their taxes and were registered properly ?

3 years ago

After having won everything in Scotland 4 times in a row Scott Brown reacts to the news that break dancing is now an olympic sport.

3 years ago

Hmmn, its bonny Scotland after all. 2020, a traumatic year for everyone, not just for football fans, I for one will be glad to see the back of it. On the football pitch we watched on as our season began to unravel, as a team of invincible’s became strangers to one another. Tactics and team selections became difficult to understand and then the grumbling became louder, not from the stands but from every other source like social media, everywhere Celtic supporters could voice their opinions of dissatisfaction, they are not mugs. Players soliciting transfers, legends lost their sheen, anger became the norm. We are only interested in our team, because we huddle together to ward off adversity, so everyone was questioned, as the board exerted its 99% back slapping cronyism. 2021- Depends on what happens in the coming days, management stick or twist, my gut feeling is they will stick and add 1-2 players to try to salvage the remainder of the season. They should of course twist and begin to rebuild. Churlish of me perhaps but looking at how we play just now makes my eyes bleed….2021 can only be better.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

In July 2020 Celtic signed the Greek goalkeeper with 10 International caps, Vasilis Barkas for £3.00 million pounds, with add-ons for appearances. 5- months (20weeks) later, Celtic are once again looking to fill the goalkeeping vacancy, after letting our second choice goalkeeper leave for nothing. (0)You have to wonder at who is doing the scouting? because once again it looks like another £3.00 million has gone down the swanny. Well at least we will save on the add-ons, with player scouting and new player purchase looking like a game of chance, Celtic must do much, much better at player recruitment.

Man in Denial
3 years ago


Scott Brown entertains the Jambos with a Quadruple hokey – cokey


that’s what it’s all about

Oh the Quadruple hokey -cokey

3 years ago

Is it safe to come out from behind the couch now? Still don’t quite know how to sum up Sunday. A result that delighted but a performance that was terrifying. I keep waiting for them to turn a corner but I don’t see any evidence of it happening.

We can get to the defence in a minute but I only realised Christie was on the pitch when he missed his penalty in the shootout, where did he go after half time. It’s not enough to score a worldy and then take the rest of the afternoon off.

Moi? The only thing he done all game was charge after Ajer to congratulate him, the emptiest of empty jerseys. If he had any decency he’d give his medal to Forrest. Jamesie please come back soon.

Laxalt? He beat Taylor in the competition to see who could get the least amount of crosses into the jam farts box. He wants to play in England, maybe Kidderminster Harriers need a left back. And while he was not getting crosses into the box Ginnelly had the freedom of our left wing.

Defensively? Wow. I think we were actually doing ok until Duffy and Jullien decided to re-enact Miller and Hansen, Seville 82. Jesus!! After that we disintegrated. Well done to big Hazard a place in history is reserved but sorry if he is the answer we are asking the wrong question. Forster back in Jan what ever it takes.

Oh I do remember another cameo from Christie, we were trying to hold out for the win and struggling all day to defend crosses so Christie decides to foul a hearts player who was going nowhere just to give them a chance to get another cross into the box. And then they equalised. Ryan try and help your team mates out a bit by not being fecking stupid.

Can anybody tell me what shape we ended up playing? With every sub we got more disjointed.

This is the first time in years I am been dreading the game at Ibrox. A game where to get anything I think we’ll need a clean sheet. Unlikely. Here’s hoping Edouard discovers his shooting boots again. Should have had 4 on Sunday.

Like I said, I should still be on a high after the quadruple treble but instead I am dreading the next few weeks. How did it come to this?

3 years ago

geez a kiss ya legend

3 years ago

Bonus caption. Penalty to rangers*

3 years ago

Broony tells the mini hvns “ Whenever we come to this toilet I always get the urge to take a dump”.

3 years ago

“That’s his team-mate…”

McCann showing his top pro level of understanding the rules of the game there – who knew penalties could be own goals?

Thank God we have such intelligent, open-minded and impartial individuals in our sports media to help explain these things to us, the lowly scum fan on the street.


3 years ago

Caption… Scott Brown recreates the mail room scene from Elf.

Naismith is ‘just a little tramp’

Nobody will be ‘ jetting out’ even if they could as there is no winter break.

3 years ago

Caption …
Ok budgie , you can kiss my arse , here it comes but only wan cheek mind

3 years ago
Reply to  Bognorbhoy

Caption too…

Look at these Quadriceps

Puggy sixty seven
3 years ago

Caption: In line with Covid restrictions Broonie demonstrates a socially responsible modification to the Royal Mile Heart of Midlothian tradition.

3 years ago

Caption: Brown- ” Is there a seat in there for me “?

3 years ago

Caption : ‘I fart in your general direction’ (a la Monty Python)

3 years ago

Wanks to the left of me wanks to the right.

Where’s that wee Nasty did I miss him.

Glad the Cup Finals over and the good guys won, how the Huns bleat and moan about Broonie and Eddie. Gordon behaving like a spoilt brat or Nasty running about and behaving like a thug, Brown brought ii on himself according to these morons, the Hertz second goal should not have stood as Hazard was fouled by Nasty. Never mind it must have hurt them, as they were convinced it would be Gordon’s final, did not see the Hazard coming. As for lack of team spirit did not see that at the celebrations. Now let’s stop the zombies in their tracks and win ten in a row. Suddenly realised I miss being at games as listening to the commentating makes your blood boil, the Billy Boys Club (BBC)are a retirement home for Huns and as for Packie he should get a life and stop sticking to the BBC mantra

3 years ago

One for the older generation and a genuine question.. how many of the lions won all the 9 leagues in a row? McNeill and Lennox?

3 years ago
Reply to  Bgbhoy

…… & Jinky.

The Cha
3 years ago
Reply to  Bgbhoy

That sounds about right, as all the others had gone by the end.

I think Lennox went on to win another 1 or 2.

3 years ago
Reply to  Bgbhoy

I think Jim Brogan was also a part of the Celtic squad that won all nine league titles.

The Cha
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

I thought he’d gone to Coventry by then but you’re probably right.

I think he’d lost his place to McCluskey but may have came back into the team.

3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

He was in the first team squad from season 1965 – 66. (the first of the 9) but I checked his wiki page and I see that he won only 6 titles, so you are right, he must have left by then. I had it in my mind that he was one of big Jocks 3 picks for a Lisbon medal, because of course there was only one sub allowed and it must be a goalie, so John Fallon. Henke must be right (damn) cos Jinky did get one.

The Cha
3 years ago

“Hey lads, is Duncan with you? We haven’t seen him at Celtic Park in over 30 years”

The Cha
3 years ago

The Quadruple Treble is in the history books for ever more and we need to look to the future to make more history.

Quintuple Treble – Gone
10IAR – all but gone (the bookies have them about 30 times more likely to win and you don’t see many poor ones of those guys)
CL – earlier and earlier and more embarrassing failures
EL – from top to bottom in 1 season and with teams as good as Cluj, Cop, Fern & Prag waiting in qualifiers unlikely to repeat this season’s shambles leaving…
Euro Diddies Cup – this sounds about our level under current mismanagement
Recruitment – abysmal
Player Development – none
Fitness – appalling
Formations/Tactics – not sure there are any

Unless we want a period of, god forbid, Huns domination, we all know what must happen.


Salad queen
3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

We fail to prepare for a few seasons now so it’s prepare to fail.
We never have a settled team come the start of the football campaign.
Sevco have certainly moved up a few gears. They have survived covid19 so far along without injuries and the usual help from the SFA and the referee lodges. The taxman, vatman and paye along with court cases are being prolonged so stop the ten can be achieved. Our board have stood by and watched all come about.
The fans have supported the club this year- will they be stupid enough to continue for the following season?

3 years ago

Re Jim Brogan as above…

I met Brogan and Kenny Dalglish on the way home from Brockville in 1974….
Aged 14 first ever away game with my mates. The original 9 in a Row
As you can imagine that it is still a vivid memory for me.

I recall he played…and Kenny scored.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tyrone9


First ever away game ON THE FOOTBALL SPECIAL TRAIN….

The Cha
3 years ago
Reply to  Tyrone9

Are you sure it was a Special (wonderful name for usually sh1te carriages/toilets etc)?

We used to get the ordinary train back from Aberdeen to Perth and the team would be on that rather than the Special.

3 years ago

Broony the Captain.
Yes he may now be at the end of the road , but geez how we will miss him. He stood up to the kicks the elbows the taunts. He goes toe to toe. Could hardly walk at the end but went to Gordon to console him.
A giant of a player for us. No one left to fill his boots. Only Ajer I could see as his possible replacement. But they want to make him a defender for some strange reason.
The defining moment a cross ball the desire by broony to get the head onto it but to make sure it was on target and goal from the save by griff,it was his Celtic career in a nutshell the desire to win. Not many players have it now. They hide away look as if they are playing but really aren’t.
Broony thank you its been a pleasure. The best Celtic signing ever in my opinion.

3 years ago

Caption: My names Broony granny no rooney no ah cannae take you out, ask ma brother he’s sitting next to you.

sfa unfit for purpose
3 years ago


Hey , its the fake celtic fans from Etims , you lot have been wanting me out the team for over a year.
Get ready to kiss my Arse.

3 years ago


This is what I’m like when I put all my medals on.

3 years ago

The pain being suffered by all those who wish Celtic ill is almost tangible. From Charlie (I’m sitting here stinkin’) Nicholas to Andy (I’ll say anything bad about Celtic for a quid) Walker.
You can tell by their reactions that Martin touched a nerve with them….the guilty don’t like when they are outed.
As for the BBC commentary by Billy Dodds (of shite)…almost every comment in the second half was negative about Celtic, even repeating the same expressions over and over ‘cos they don’t have the brains to vary their words. And then they say “….something is very wrong at that club”. I guess there was nothing “very wrong” at Ibrokes during EBT non-tax paying years and the current lodgers swimming in debt?
They are sick because Celtic didn’t lose and they’re desperately scraping the barrel for new angles to criticize the team..FFS, so Panenka wasn’t a brilliant audacious player, he was disrespectful? I bet if More-or-less had scored a penalty like Eduard did, the commentators and “pundits” would still be ejaculating today.
F*ck them all, we know who they are, we know what to expect from them….and we know how tae hurt them…keep winning!!! They actually fear the possibility that Celtic will have started a run that will end with winning the tenth title. Cannae wait until tomorrow. COYBIG.

3 years ago
Reply to  Funkyy

Either that or being positive about Celtic is harmful to a MSM career.

3 years ago

Caption:- Scott Brown accused of provoking a crowd surge by dropping a coin in front of the Hearts fans.

3 years ago

a wis askin the man up the stair aboot oor title last night he said yoov gotty believe
charlie and in case any yees ur thinkin wit dis sum joe blogs up the stair fae that dafty know ….a live in a bungalow ha ha ha ha you gotta have faith bhoys

3 years ago
Reply to  charlie


Yoker Bhoy
3 years ago

County fans seem to be pretty underwhelmed by the appointment of Yogi as their new manager. After all, the man has been out of work for three and a half years after having had a disastrous short stint at Raith. Prior to that he did okayish at ICT by assembling a defensive, stuffy side. A new face can sometimes cause a positive reaction among the players, who will be keen to impress so despite their poor form, the Bhoys from the Tic will have to be on their guard. It’s not a time to be dwelling too much on our recent league cup disaster against them though, it’s time to plug away and remain very focussed to make sure we win the next three league games leading into the new year hun showdown while hoping all the time that more cracks start to appear in their performances/results.
Tonight should be a good opportunity to give youth a chance as a lot of more established players haven’t been performing to the required levels. I don’t think Klimala is a lost cause as he’s shown a fair bit of raw potential and hasn’t been lacking in commitment whenever he’s had minutes on the field. I think Steven Welsh also deserves game time as I’m sure he’s got the ability to bring something a bit more positive to that leaky defence. I’d have wee Mikey in there as well to spice things up in the final third and would definitely like to see Griff come on and play a part in the second half, regardless of how the game is going. We should be able to win this comfortably but any kind of victory will do. I’ll go for a 3-0.
Ajer Welsh Jullien Laxalt
Soro Turnbull McGregor
Klimala Edouard Johnston

3 years ago

saiz only wen wit hees sellin is dodgy heh heh

3 years ago

My team tonight
Ralston Jullien Bitton Taylor
Ajer Soro McGregor
Mikey Griff Ellynoussi.
5-0.the bhoys.

3 years ago

I am still high from the Quad…Tonight we need a good result. Goals and a clean sheet. I still favour a 4-4-2. Eddie needs help up front. How would that work?
Griff must now be playing every day. The only ‘fitness’ needed is his ability to score goals!
Broonie can come on to steady the ship.
Nightmare scenario?: Anything resembling the Staggies beating us in the League Cup. Set piece panic and 20 shots on target without a goal. Being blunt, I don’t think Newco will drop many points so we have to win everything we can. 10 in a row is not yet lost, but the Fat Lady is warming up in the wings. We can’t let her sing just yet. C’mon the Hoops. COYBIG.

3 years ago
Reply to  Devoy45

Now 4 wins in a row (counting the Cup). Even if the huns don’t collapse we just need to win every game including the three against them and the league is ours. Yes I know, it’s a big ask especially given how some of our performances have been, but long winning runs have to start somewhere so who’s to say this isn’t one we’ve started? If we beat them in their midden on 2nd January they’ll start to feel the pressure for sure. Now, on to the next 3 points!!

3 years ago

Why Neil McCann thinks have something lobbed over your head is ‘disrespectful’.

Yoker Bhoy
3 years ago

Celtic Team vs Ross County
Hazard, Frimpong, Ajer, Jullien, Laxalt, Soro, Turnbull, McGregor, Christie, Edouard, Griffiths
Substitutes: Barkas, Taylor, Bitton, Ajeti, Klimala, Rogic, Johnston, Ntcham, Elyounoussi

3 years ago

Decent looking team. No excuses.

3 years ago

Although we are ever so slightly turning things around we need a monumental collapse from rangers and basically three wins over them. There was a time for change that has now passed. However stranger things have happened if nothing else. It’s not the walkovers we have experienced over these past few years. Hope in our hearts. There is a chink in their armour. Let’s hope it widens

3 years ago
Reply to  Iancelt67

If we win the next three games there’s a chance, if not, it’s over.

Yoker Bhoy
3 years ago

Far more professional performance this time. Complete control from start to finish. Soro is looking a very tidy player indeed; we could have a real gem on our hands here. He’s showing all the qualities you could ask for in a DM, good positional sense, shields the defence and reads the game well, effective in breaking up play and winning those 50/50 balls, dictates much of the flow and rhythm of play and looks very comfortable in possession. He sprays the ball around the park with remarkable accuracy and one of the things I like about him most is his eagerness and ability to pick out telling forward passes. On we march towards the next potential banana skin: the plastic of Hamilton. Much better today lads so well done.

3 years ago
Reply to  Yoker Bhoy

Yes a good outing today. Win our three games in hand and pressure will mount on “the rangers”. Beat them in the next game we play them and it causes the orcs to doubt and so they should. We need to simply go on a winning run all the way.

3 years ago
Reply to  Yoker Bhoy

We were playing the worst team in the competition we did alright. Still not enough of a showing of future champions. They demolished st Johnstone with ease for me Lennon isn’t the man he never was if you could convolute a loser committee we have now you couldn’t do a worse job. Our manager is a chancer punching above his weight. I predict a riot

3 years ago
Reply to  Yoker Bhoy

Jesus H Christ Yoker, send me some of that Spanish (Colombian Marching Powder?) stuff you’re on.
It was FN dire outside of the 1st 8 minutes and a coupla minutes here and there when both goals were scored!
FFS mhan, get a grip. The new huns will annihilate us if we play anything like that on the 2nd of Jan.
Get Lawwell tae fukk (in darts parlance), he’s the bullseye. Kennedy the 25 area and NFL, well, apart from being involved in a QUAD-ro-Fenian treble, I’m afraid it’s time to go….. he looks lost…..time to go is NOW, before we’ve been turned over by the new huns….a FN embarrassment and disgrace from where we were, waiting to happen.
Fukk Lawwell, he’s central and Kennedy is central too! And the clan Srachan?
I’m not sure how long the ex-Peterborough ‘giant’ has been with us but I’m sure it’s close to our self-inflicted collapse of both the quality of football and the deserved results. Of course, what would I know? So get Strachan (et al) tae fukk too!
If I’m incoherent, okay. My FN brain can’t stand much more of this fucking awful ‘football’ and the ensuing, predictable results. I ‘get’ we’ve done reasonably well last 4 games, but at what cost?
I need to chuck this…’s just FN depressing……….. I inhabit, by chance, a planet that shows up humanity for the shite that it is and I understand I’m party to it, BUT, FFS, Lawwell et al????
The entitled, the liars, the cheats and so on……..”Just give me one more chance……..”
FC not PTL’s PLC

3 years ago

Well played Bhoys.

‘Keep the ball alive’

3 years ago

Aye, two oases (2 goals) in a FN Saharan desert of decent football tonight.
But Frimpong made up for his headless chicken entry by providing Turnbull’s goal.
WHY can’t NFL and the other muppets, Kennedy and Strachan see orthodox wing play for the provider against a packed defence? Frimpong’s goal came from him going to the byline and passing back (so can’t be offside) FFS, coach them to go wide, take ONE pair of legs with them and out of the packed defence…….oh for fucks sake, why do I even fukkin bother until Lawwell’s history?
It was mibbaes Frimpong’s goal as I think it hit Turnbull and went in as opposed to a ‘brilliant finish’.
The Griff proves his WORTH again, goal machine and out-and-out No 9, which Eddie is not.
Celtic TV, THANK YOU MR LAWWELL, for coverage, the CHEAPEST imaginable ‘coverage’ whereby almost every critical moment is missed, but: from PTL’s Ivory Tower, “they’ll get what they’re given, and lap it up”. PTL better never get within an unprotected 100 yards from me, I WONT miss. I mean not with weaponry, other than that with which I was born.
The bassturd is central to the 6-way agreement, the 6 including him, the shite we played tonight, how we lost at home to exit the LC, and HOW and WHY The Sevco can pretend to be the deceased (2012) IL company.
Lawwell you utter bassturd, there will be a price to be paid, and I ain’t talkin’ more stolen bonuses, they wont cover YOUR debt to MY club. Fukk you, eternally.
FC not PLC

3 years ago

There we (don’t) go again…….”Awaiting for approval”.

3 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

3 comments, 2 in limbo…..I used to love this site…….

3 years ago

G`day Duncan,
Lethal still has a bit of a pergola (all paid for) over the privates.

3 years ago

Is there a language barrier? It`s like a bush telegraph coming from the bench.

3 years ago

John Hughes scored a few for a winger.

Yoker Bhoy
3 years ago

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