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Celtic Diary Tuesday November 24: DD Day

Several pish stained drunks, and you have to admire their resourcefulness these days in maintaining that status with the pubs shut, have been in touch to say that Dermot Desmond will arrive in Glasgow today, and when Desmond shows up, it’s usually because , well, to illustrate a point…


And when shit hit the fan: | Dont call me, Bones funny, Comedy movies



Right now, things are bad, and if Desmond is indeed coming to town, then there is going to be only one outcome, especially if you factor in the stories about Martin O’Neill and Roy Keane.


In fact, even without those stories, there is little doubt that change is afoot at Celtic, given the overall downward spiral since he gave Neil Lennon the permanent post of Celtic manager, and its perhaps because he hired him personally, and taking into account what the manager has done for the club, that any changes have to be done in person.


Thats admirable, and in the coming days I’d suggest we all show Lennon the same respect.


Desmond is a man who doesn’t even bother with AGMs, but when he feels he needs to intervene, he will. Interestingly, his modus operandi is to deal with his business empire, if thats the right word, via video link, which again points to something serious on the cards.


When some idiot put this out on Twitter…


Richard McGinley
Dermot Desmond in Glasgow tomorrow.  
 he discovered he may have touched a nerve.
 Almost immediately, the club called out their dogs of war….
Fluffy white poodles. | Poodle dog, Standard poodle, Poodle puppy
Alison McConnell at the Herald….
No direct quotes, just that it’s ” understood ” he has the backing of the board.
 Stepehn McGowan at the Mail left out the content of his story when he tweeted a similar company line…
 Lets face it, I haven’t looked this morning, but there are unlikely to be any quotes in there either.
 When a manager gets the vote of confidence from a board, his days are numbered.
 When a board is actually as ineffective as that of Celtic, and completely dominated by one man, such as Desmond, their views, even if that is what they told the lapdogs, are irrelevant.
  The Record are playing it a little cannier….which is unusual for them, but another sign that the vote of confidence seems to have been put together hurriedly and released only to those waiting for such scraps…..
Steven Mair wrote;

A report has claimed Neil Lennon will not walk out on Celtic as the under-pressure boss looks to battle back from a tough start to the season.

The Hoops are now 11 points behind rivals Rangers in the Scottish Premiership after the weekend’s draw at Hibs, though they do hold two games in hand.

But that deficit, coupled with an uninspiring Europa League campaign that sees them winless after three games, has fans insisting the long-time Parkhead servant leave his position.

However, a Herald and Times Sport report suggests the Northern Irishman is unwilling to leave of his own volition.  



Lazy journalism, yes, but I’m not convinced someone at the Record wouldn;t have a number they could call to verify the story, and that leads me to think they’ve distanced themselves from what i believe will ultimately prove to be nonsense.



Whether or not the deed will be done today is unclear, but if Desmond does turn up at the ground, he won’t waste any time….




The Celtic AGM is on December 14, and although it will all be done via the internet, there will be heated discusiion around Resolution 12, which is Resolution 11 this year.


The resolution, dealing with the issue of possible compliance between Celtic, Rangers, “rangers ” the SFA and the Scottish League refy=uses to go away, and provides the board with a chance to explain to shareholders why they allegedly did what they did back then,when they accepted a financial loss by not contesting the decision to award a licence to the old Rangers to compete in Europe in a last ditch attempt to raise funds to save the original entity.


Of course, plan A didn’t work, but plan B, a similar scenario this season, is well underway and with that in mind, perhaps its felt that disgruntled fans and shareholders can be appeased somewhat if Lennon;s head is presented on a plate, which would avoid any questions about the continuing lack of ambition which has led to a new club being in a position to challenge domestically for honours when the head start Celtic had should have seen them way out on front.



It’s mismanagement on a grand scale, and the board have, or will have had questions to answer.



The removal of Lennon would get those answers in early.



One thought does come to mind, and its that our board comprises individuals who are succesful in theior own fields, and yet they have come together in the east end of Glasgow to oversee negligence and possibly even corruption that is at best incompetence and at worst criminal negligence.



Desmond may well have all of this on his mind as he makes his first move in putting the club back on track.



All of which will,leave his own man, Peter Lawwell in a precarious position. I’m not entirely sure if this is significant, but there is one name missing from the AGM agenda, and although it might be nothing, it might also be something…..






By the way, re Resolution 11.


It needs supporting, and if you want the kind of club that Celtic used to be, your support is vital.



There will be more on how you can do that nearer the time.



For now, though, it appears that change is on the way, and the very fact it’s being openly discussed on forums and in the media means that even if Desmond doesn’t show up at Celtic Park in the next 24 hours, it won’t be long before he does.




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Charles Donaghy
3 years ago

Great article. Let’s hope DD gets this rudderless ship back on course

Bobby Russell
3 years ago

But he must be coming, along with MON and Roy. Phil said so.

3 years ago
Reply to  Bobby Russell

Phil also told you your club was going into administration & liquidation, he was wrong on that as well eh?

Bobby Russell
3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

He never told me my club was going into administration. My club have never been in administration. You tag me as being a hun for what reason?

3 years ago
Reply to  Bobby Russell


3 years ago

Hope Desmond starts looking for the man to fit the job ( Rodgers or better)Up to now croneyism and yes men haven’t worked ( Lenny, Ronny) God speed

3 years ago

Our clubs success comes down to three things, keeping an eye on costs, success on the pitch and bringing in large sponsorships. Success on the pitch guarantees winning the league and gaining entry to the C.L. Qualifiers, it is vital to our success that we do so. The board know this, but they will never show their hand, so I would treat what is said in the press with much suspicion. The PLC’s responsibility is to keep the club safe, but at what cost? We are stuck without access to a bigger league, even our interest in the so called Atlantic league has been pulled by DD. why did he feel the need to do so? we will be the last to know. If we lose the league title to the Dead-co, then that would be unforgivable, seeing how Donald Ducked they are and our much larger resources.
This is who we are……….

hail cesar 3.jpg
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Who we were unfortunately.

3 years ago

Who we were indeed!

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

From Duff to Strachan, from Mjalby- Thomson – Parker to Kennedy, Van Dijke to Duffy, Tierney to Taylor, Foster to Bain, its patently obvious that Lenny needs more help….

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Yip…the demise is across the board except the Board.

Lenny not even getting to choose his backroom staff suggests a man who accepted his limited role and ultimately those limitations will cost him his job as the scapegoat for this farce of a planning campaign.

We knew exactly hwat was needed, all the fans bought in and The Board once again took the easy and cheap route, dont tell me about Covid or FFP, we would have gladly backed any spending to ensure the 10 including a big wage for a big manager and big players.

3 years ago
Reply to  Desi Mond

As a temporary measure, is it time for Broony to leave the pitch and to begin his coaching career, Mr Motivator? He could help Lenny get the best from the players, that would appeal to Mr. Scrooge. # Merry Christmas Santa.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

I think things have gone too far for him Mike. Analyse every game this season and you’d be hard pushed to have an argument in his favour. It was he who accepted Lawwell’s place men, it’s he who sets the team up. He is reactionary as opposed to being proactive. We’ve haven’t had a complete performance all season, 20 minutes here and 20 minutes there. The first 45 in Lille was about the best its got and granted they were probably the best team we’ve faced. But taking all the background to this season Ito consideration, ( the ten, COVID, no fans, player availability ) it doesn’t excuse the dire levels of performance and tactical naivety. He thought, as did Lawwell, that we would skoosh it, but the poor performances against ‘thems’ last season emboldened that shower to an extent that they’ve gone back to their old underhand financial shenanigans and gone baws out to cheat there way to the title. Nobody out with the Celtic support will see it that way of course, but when you hire someone that was the cheap unimaginative option, you’re always going to run the risk that it’ll go tits up. As it stands and as I said the other day, they are well ahead of us in just about every aspect of the playing side of the game and that for me and I’m sure everybody else is utterly criminal.

3 years ago

Henke, I think everyone on here knows my opinion on why and how he was appointed, they know my opinion on the way the club is run and who the main culprits are, I’ve said so repeatedly and I agree fully with your post ^. But I have so much sympathy for Lenny the person, his illness and his being a GREAT Celtic man, player, captain etc. If he is being retained until January then Lawwell should bring in some temporary help, he deserves that. When he started blaming the players, some were culpable but somehow escaped criticism, that proved to me that his time was up as Celtic manager, but it saddens me greatly to see the pictures of him looking so desolate. You know that not many football managers leave of their own volition, his one year rolling contract ends in Feb. I feel that he will go in the coming weeks, but the real culprit will still cling on..

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Bring in help my ars@, just bring a new fkn manager asap!

3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Preparation H.

3 years ago

If Lenny truly, deeply, madly loves Celtic FC with all of his heart, he will walk, with our thanks for the better times. If he feels used and loves himself the more, he will sit tight awaiting a nice cheque for his essential 12 days of Christmas with all the trimmimgs. Only good thing with Keano, perhaps with MON overseeing, is we will go down fighting and players will no be sitting in the box, hands on hips while Aher is throwing himself in there, Duffy might just start to perform as a defender rather than a vigilante adn we might manage to match sevco’s fight. I do no like that excuse of a club or it’s tribute act, but they are going to give it everything and we are going to have to win at least two of the three derbies left and beat just about every game. They have their noses in front and are hungry, we are spoilt, expect things to go our way and have lost that angry fight apart from a few who are showing desire. Slagging the players will do no good, though I feel performances would have been better with 60 thou at games, but we cannot hide behind excuses or Lenny’s grammerphone stuck needle routine. waiting till it’s to late baby now, it’s to late ditty will be an absolute travesty and we are reaching the cliff-edge. No use listening to a team looking at you feeling guilty, sorry, sorry, sorry, then going out and talking about the weather, we need focus, knowing what we are doing and pure fight. 4-0? 8-0? We cannot expect the others to fight for us, they are laying the paving for the others to walk on, then ripping it up when we arrive. Act now Celtic board or hire one of those chartered jets you are laying on for the players abroad, jump on it yourselves, take Lenny with you and just f*%k off. Leave the light on please, hopefully someone like the the bonnet will need to see the mess you have made while they clear it up. HH!

3 years ago
Reply to  BornCelt!

Very good post there…reminded me of Rocky 3 when Mickey refuses Clubber Lang a fight and Rocky says he wants to fight him…Mickey then has to face Rocky with the truth….

Rocky: Why’d you leave? Why’d you walk away like that?
Mickey: Life’s too short, kid.
Rocky: Where you goin’?
Mickey: I’m goin’ on a permanent vacation.
Rocky: What do you mean? We got one more fight.
Mickey: No, no. Not “we”. You.
Rocky: Why are you doin’ this?, said, why you doin’ this?
Mickey: Because you can’t win, Rock. This guy’ll kill you to death. inside of three rounds.
Rocky: You’re crazy.
Mickey: What else is new?
Rocky: He’s just another fighter.
Mickey: No, he ain’t. This guy is a wreckin’ machine. And he’s hungry. You ain’t been hungry since you won that belt.
Rocky: What? I had ten title defences.
Mickey: That was easy.
Rocky: What do you mean, easy?
Mickey: They was hand-picked!
Rocky: Set-ups?
Mickey: No, they weren’t set-ups! They was good fighters. But they wasn’t killers, like this guy. He’ll knock ya into tomorrow, Rock.
Rocky: Jeez, Mick. Why’d you do it?
Mickey: Because the beating that you got from Apollo shoulda killed you, kid. It didn’t. It was my job to keep you winning,and to keep you healthy.
Rocky: You really don’t think I got nothin’ left, do you?
Mickey: Well, Rock, let’s… let’s put it this way. Now, three years ago, you was supernatural. You was… You was hard, and you was nasty……and you had this cast-iron jaw. But then, the worst thing happened to you that could happen to any fighter.
You got civilised.

Mark McDonagh
3 years ago
Reply to  Desimond

Applause to you, hit nail on head sweet! So many footballers have such a privileged life, win, lose or draw, home in that same Maserati. Couple of things you hit on in my perception, Mick knew how to get back that eye of the tiger, take note Broony and the Bhoys, get back to that spit and sawdust and rough it a bit, Mick knew when to quit and had no more left to give, anyone, Lenny?, get nasty, again, up to you Bhoys, if we pull this off, it will hurt, a hell of a lot more when reality of failure sets in, but them a lot more fi and when we do succeed, and the sheer joy of success makes it worth the while! HH!

3 years ago
Reply to  Mark McDonagh

In truth, Mickey didnt know how to get the Eye back, Rocky gets slapped around rotten and its takes the pivot to Apollo and going Southpaw that finally brings the Eye of the Tiger back into Rocky. Lenny did something similar with going 3-5-2 last Winter but is he gonna get the chance to try and pivot again?…time will tell

3 years ago
Reply to  Desimond

In truth I have not seen the film for many years, so thank you for your correction, but I think we are seeing things ona similar note! HH!

3 years ago


3 years ago

This was on Twitter, don’t know how accurate it is because…… was on Twitter.
“There was a Dussault Falcon 7X that flew from Barbados to Shannon today ( Monday)arriving earlier at 5.00 pm. Desmond’s jet is a Dussault Falcon 7X.
Desmond’s hokuday home is in Barbados.”
I feel Shaun Maloney could be our future, could he get us over the line, could Lenny, Strachan, O’Neill, Keane or any combination of the above?

3 years ago
Reply to  BJF

Martinez and Maloney were touted as possibles especially when Maloney was back here to get married, now they are riding high with Belgium aiming for the Euro win and I doubt we would get anywhere near then both together now…possibly Maloney himself but is it really time for untried young coach to step in?

I really dont know the answer to that…

sfa unfit for purpose
3 years ago
Reply to  Desi Mond

i have close contacts with Maloney. So far absolutely no discussions have taken place.
Shiny shiny

3 years ago

Would that include subscribing to Celtic tv?

3 years ago

2 wins in 8
Out the CL
Exiting the EL
scraping wins v SPFL dross & regularly being outplayed by ” rangers “.
Calling the players lazy
Calling for a culture change
Publicly declaring players want away.
He wasn’t trusted to bring his own staff with him.


3 years ago

Desmond’s bought a 4 bed semi in Bothwell,he’s fed up being Absentee and has invited Fergus McCann to rent a room to collaborate on the way forward.

3 years ago

Ah team that fights below its weight. For years or since the bunnet left Celtic have underachieved at the price of top dollar.
When you compare like for like with teams of a similar standing what is the problem at Paradise. The only positive was the Brenda, an expensive poseur but he achieved dominance in Scotland and improved the clubs standing. Lennon is the whipping boy for the suits, he was never the man, but his love of Celtic deluded him a second time around. He has been sold short with support staff and a team picked by the suits.
I have the greatest of sympathy with him, at times he looks ready to break, but still he keeps trucking. Now is the time to give the guy a break, let him look after his health and bring in a strong leader that will deal with moles, the bottle merchants, the media and the suits, who seem to identify with the ‘Old Firm’

3 years ago
Reply to  Cartvale88

I think you have been at the Deludomol like your pals Dunce. If you believe it is all about this season you are deluded, since the bunnet era there has been a total lack of forward planning by the board. Everything is reactive, as for the UCL that is a bridge too far. EuropeN football is coming down the line and at the current planning level Celtic will miss the boat.
If the Wankers win their first trophy then there survival will be made by the UCL all thanks to morons that follow follow blindly

sfa unfit for purpose
3 years ago
Reply to  Cartvale88

So your answer to ‘ total lack of forward planning from the board’ is to sack Lennon ?

3 years ago

It would be a start, yes!

3 years ago
Reply to  Cartvale88

Cartvale, well said!

3 years ago
Reply to  Cartvale88

Please, just f u c k off you C U N T. If you had your way we’d still have Deila in with the junkie leading the line.

Lennon OUT

thru and thru
3 years ago
Reply to  Bgbhoy

Who is the junkie?

3 years ago
Reply to  thru and thru


thru and thru
3 years ago
Reply to  thru and thru

Bgbhoy – I knew things were bad but now we’ve got a junkie in the squad! Are you his dealer? You better inform Steve Clarke too, he seems to fancy him.

3 years ago
Reply to  thru and thru

aye i deal him drugs from belfast to glasgow, good one!

common knowledge he has drug and gambling addictons

wish him well in it but he can f off from celtic

3 years ago
Reply to  thru and thru

he obviously doesnt pay what he owes, that’ll be why his car got blown up last week

sfa unfit for purpose
3 years ago
Reply to  bgbhoy

Wasn’t his car , your info is wrong

3 years ago
Reply to  Bgbhoy

You can ask Ralph for my email address any day of the week if you want to talk privately not a problem

You are also welcome over here any day of the week.


The Cha
3 years ago
Reply to  Bgbhoy

Is that the number of games he’s missed due to his unprofessional behaviour?

3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

I’m sure he would be if he was fit, regularly available & have an attitude & application associated with being at a big club.

sfa unfit for purpose
3 years ago
Reply to  Bgbhoy

This is exactly the type of trash talk and rumour spreading i would imagine your pals on followfollow will lap up.

3 years ago

ive been to the games with about 7 or 8 of the lads on this site, got tickets for them for finals and games v the scum, i think they know where my allegiance lies

you and your soldier pal duncy however? who knows but there is one group of fans who want lennon to stay, and one who dont

i know what side im on

sfa unfit for purpose
3 years ago
Reply to  bgbhoy


the side that spreads rumours ( outright LIES) about Griffiths is where you are.

2 Lies about him in 1 night.

Weird way to show allegiance to a team.

3 years ago

Why are they lies?

sfa unfit for purpose
3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Cause they are made up pish

The type of pish you seem to lap up

The man is nothing but a fake rumour spreader.

Wonder what his moniker is on followfollow

3 years ago

You know fvck all . You’ll be shocked when it comes out in the wash. You’re always going on about follow follow, take it that is your preferred site hun.

3 years ago

Not lies clownshoe.

sfa unfit for purpose
3 years ago

He admitted the car story he peddled was false .
Do try to keep up

Your multiple personalities are causing you bother , again.

3 years ago
Reply to  Bgbhoy

Yeah it’s the guy who has taken the guts of a decade to do it

Not exactly mind blowing

The Cha
3 years ago
Reply to  Cartvale88

He’s been supported to the tune of nearly £50m over the past year or so and for what?

In Rodgers time we made £35m profit and only £10m in all the other years of this decade. which coincided with relatively easy CL qualification.

Without CL qualification plus Covid impact the trend is significantly downwards and we now, grotesquely, have a higher wages to turnover ratio (77%) than the Huns. More revenue, more spent of players and still significantly behind them.

This is long term deterioration staring us in the face, if the rot is not stopped, and needs addressing urgently.

A manager who gives us a fighting chance to win the league and qualify for the CL, is that really too much to ask?


3 years ago
Reply to  Cartvale88

So this is interesting, you seem to have an issue with Martin O’Neill because he spent money to make Celtic succesful.
You have a big problem with Brendan Rodgers because he had Celtic invincible & winning every trophy available to him?

Add in the mix you have never set foot in the new CP & probably years before that?

Very odd.

3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Yet you back Deila when he was emptying the stadium, backed Ambrose & Boyata the circus clowns?

Again odd.

3 years ago
Reply to  Cartvale88

“In a position to spend “…..but, but you have a regular go at MON for erm, spending?

Stupid, stupid man

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  Cartvale88

‘Still in every competition entered’ ..?

Except the Champions League!

The way you twist things, Duncan, it’s no wonder nobody likes ye.

3 years ago

It used to be two jags Prescott, but early next year, I hope that it will be two jags Mike. I alway’s take the flu jag and so far with great success, am I alone in looking forward to being vaccinated, hell yeah….

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

The Oxford vaccine does NOT contain aborted foetus cells. That is an absurd lie, put forward by clowns. You passing on it, is fine by me, just more for someone who wants to be vaccinated. Me? I will look forward to getting a double dose..

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

He probably thought it would have Irn Bru, Unicorn pish (strawberry flavour) and some glittery magical angel dust in it. Dangerous people out there.

3 years ago

So true, but masochism gets its rocks off by talking s hite and arguing the toss.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike


Cole Burns
3 years ago


The most dangerous people out there are the ones who
condone, carry out the execution of and make vast
profits from the body parts of murdered babies.

Any one who would condone that are rats and cowards.

3 years ago
Reply to  Cole Burns

foetus or babies make yer f _uckin mind up

3 years ago
Reply to  Cole Burns

Who’s condoning it ?

3 years ago

How in the hell can you post about being a catholic/Christian and the words of Christ?

Do you think Christ will slap you on the back and say come on in when your time is up considering what you were involved in?

The hypocrisy from you is on another level.

3 years ago

You are such a self righteous character. There are vaccines that are being created that do not include the cells that have been developed from such a source. Quite frankly the human race is the worst species on this planet and is solely responsible for every problem this planet faces today. Far greater moral stances should be directed towards all the conflicts past and present, all the live injustices in places like Palestine, Yemen, Minamar, Sudan etc etc etc. As for the human race and do you know what, I sometimes feel ashamed to belong to it. Greed, you see it every day, just have a look around a supermarket, fat ugly bastards cramming all manner of shite into their trolleys, while countless thousands starving, no roof over their head, can’t heat their homes and most don’t give a fvck, just interested in posting a picture of some cvnts groaning dinner table on Twitter and all the while the planet gets trashed by the race that’s supposed to be the cleverest on the planet.The human race is getting close to disappearing up it own arse and maybe the sooner the better. As a disaffected Catholic let me ask you, what is the Popes stance on these vaccines? Or is it a case of money talks and bullshit walks.

3 years ago

I lost a post to you but what you are posting is seriously inaccurate. If what you say is true, which it’s not, exactly what do you think the Catholic Church would say on the matter, as I’m pretty dam sure they will be well aware of all the circumstances with regards the make up of any vaccine created.

3 years ago
Reply to  Cole Burns

No different from the rats and cowards who wage illegal wars, particularly when it’s dressed up in the Stars and Stripes or a British army uniform when killing a million Iraqis, men, women, children and babies. That’s murder on a massive scale, but how many people bat an eyelid over that?

Cole Burns
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike


Would the true description , murdered unborn babies,
not convince you? Pfiser is the only company not to use
the purchased, at no fine cost, parts of these poor unwanted human beings.

3 years ago
Reply to  Cole Burns

I trust Reuters more than most other news information gatherers, especially espousing, the ‘Thomson Reuters Trust Principles’. They state that no human foetus cells are contained in the Oxford Vaccine. I have my own views on ethical and moral subjects, like abortion and they will remain private.

Lubo’s cultured bum cheek
3 years ago

To sin in silence when we should protest makes cowards out of men

3 years ago

When you walk through a storm
Hold your head up high,
And don’t be afraid of the dark…

You know the rest.

3 years ago

Is Dermot zooming in?

“Quick, give everything a fresh coat.” was the orders of the day.

3 years ago

If one bit of football has shown what we have become then Saturday was it for me.
Broony gave away a penalty which you would expect from a Sunday pub team. Did it bother him not in the slightest. He walked away almost laughing. That is our captain.
Bitton and Frimpong stand with their hands on their hips as the keeper makes a fine save from the penalty. , Ajer tried desperately to get there.
Brien Frimpong and Bitton showed exactly what is wrong with this team under Lenny.
They have had enough. No desire,no will to go that extra yard, waiting on things to happen instead if making them happen.
I could have put my foot through the telly watching it on Saturday I’m glad I am off the drink or it would have been. They were a disgrace to our cause. They should be fined a weeks wages for their non commitment and actions.
But they won’t be, because they know its over.
The clock is ticking and even though Duncan I commend your dogged defence of Lennon, the facts you state and the stats, my own eyes tell me those players have given up. They line up knowing that the best striker in the league is on the bench and the guy who should be playing aside him isn’t picked and we have Ajeti and Ellynoussi up top.
I saw the team I didn’t comment before kick off as I thought whats the point. I thought we would lose the game and so it nearly proved.
But you must look at the big picture not stats or trophy counts. Its the here and now that matters, and now is the time for Lenny to go.
In my humble opinion.

sfa unfit for purpose
3 years ago
Reply to  Jimmybee

Fertile imagination

Broony wasn’t bothered. You want to read through some of these before you post them

3 years ago

Watching the Celtic colts against Partick in the Glasgow cup.
The bhoys are 3 up at half time and playing some great football. Its on you tube if anyone wants to view.

3 years ago

£50. Whoopeedoo! That would equate to around 12 minutes in his annual salary.

3 years ago

I know what their stance is.

3 years ago

I love the smell of hopium in the morning. It smells like….desperation.

Cole Burns
3 years ago

Is Desmond the only human being on the planet who is allowed to fly willy-nilly (or billy-nilly) all over the world to solve meaningless problems?

3 years ago

No, doesn’t hurt as much the thought of paying into a rigged game for just as long a period.

3 years ago

Sure you do.

3 years ago

I’d question everything that comes out of your mouth!

3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Particularly when it’s in such close proximity to his arsehole.

3 years ago

….you know, old war wound n’ that.

3 years ago

Keep digging weapon.

3 years ago

What, you mean like Brexit?

The Cha
3 years ago

“All of which will,leave his own man, Peter Lawwell in a precarious position. I’m not entirely sure if this is significant, but there is one name missing from the AGM agenda, and although it might be nothing, it might also be something…..”

Insignificant and nothing, as only a third of directors are up for re-election at any given AGM and Lawwell was re-elected last year, despite my massive voting block being against him.

I’ve voted against Desmond this time, so if enough people agree, then he’ll out on his bahookie immediately after the AGM.

The Cha
3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha


3 years ago

Good points well made. Doing nothing is unacceptable. The next few days are going to be crucial. My votes, small and insignificant on their own, for the AGM are in. I’m sick of the lot of them. Voted for R11.

3 years ago

sorry i wouldnt know where to begin with that reply

i stopped at the ruc carrying out their duties by the law of the land

you really are a C U N T

3 years ago

I don’t think you pay a penny ti any foodbank or charity

3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Any genuine person certainly wouldn’t shout it from the rooftops .

sfa unfit for purpose
3 years ago

any genuine person would never inquire about anothers charitable donations , and would definitely not criticise.

You , a troll would.
And did.

3 years ago

I’m surprised you can see the keyboard with some guys cock in your mouth.

sfa unfit for purpose
3 years ago

Good to know what your thinking of…..

3 years ago

Glad to share it. Creep.

3 years ago

What are you going to do about it tho?

3 years ago

….. and there you have it. Conceit with a capital C. Of course you know best as always. Profanities amiss, but your continual sly digs don’t go unnoticed. Let me bring you back to Monday

 1 day ago

The huns will be lapping this right up.
Sure this place is hoaxing with them anyway so Ralph is merely playing to the gallery.

This was your first post of the day in response to Ralph’s piece.
This is typical of your sleekit , childish ,
spit the dummy response when it doesn’t happen to meet your world view and actually sets the tone from there on in. We are all branded as heiders because we are seeing the damage that the current manager is doing, yet your narcissistic tendencies are there for all to see. We saw it with Deila and now Lennon.
From now on I’ll not respond to your pish and I would urge all my fellow heiders to do likewise. Starve the ego and it will die.

3 years ago

PS. Finishing a post with HH doesn’t endear you to anyone.

sfa unfit for purpose
3 years ago

Last word.Last word. HAHAHAHAHA


3 years ago


3 years ago

Mutual vvanker.

3 years ago

I tend to stay out of Irish politics because it’s a murky area but did someone in here say Bloody Sunday, the Ballymurphy Massacre in which a priest was murdered, probably not something the Catholic Church would condone,and Pat Finucane’s murder,organised by the security forces, were all under the Geneva Convention, seriously!

3 years ago

Doesn’t slap you on the back, but he does slap you on the face when you got confirmed.

3 years ago

What, you don’t recall getting struck on your boat at your Confirmation? Our Priest had hands like shovels.
Move along now? You really are one conceited character and you call
Rodgers a narcissist ? Best laugh I’ve had in here today.

3 years ago

It’s a pity some of your mates came home early!

3 years ago

Dunce saiz,
Do you socially distance in your local legion or are there naturally lots of empty seats?


3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Have you noticed the narcissist has jumped on the Holy Holy bandwagon in the last 24 hours.
This is a new development. Must be using his hero Trump’s brand of deflection now. What next I wonder?

3 years ago

so now you are condoning the behaviour of the british in ireland?


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