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Celtic Diary Monday September 7: Ah…There He Is

Peter Lawwell returned from his own period of self isolation…you’ve noticed Celtic haven’t signed anyone for a couple of days…to ask serious questions of the SFA.


Scotland have taken four Celtic players and five members of the backroom staff to Czechia for the Nations League game which will probably go ahead, but only if Czech bosses can find a dozen men , with their own boots, a few hours off work and who haven;t tested positive for the plague.


Lawwell has demanded assurances of safety from the SFA, who have largely given this junket a miss on “health and safety grounds “, and for them to miss a chance of going out on the beer in Prague, those grounds must be pretty unstable.


Demanding assurances of safety could be seen as a precursor to legal action if the players or staff come back infected and/or infect other members of staff.


It could also be seen as genuine concern for the well being of those who earn their crust at Celtic, Lawwell being the paternal employer here, and given the concern the man once expressed during the bombs and bullets that were sent to Neil Lennon for all staff at Celtic Park who might handle such items, I’d say he was concerned.


But is he concerned enough to do the right thing and tell the SFa he is withdrawing all Celtic employees from the trip ?



That would be the right thing to do, and given the SFA response to the news that a couple of their high heid yins won’t make the trip. then whats good for them must also be good for all of thise travelling.


Even if young fit athletes have a lower risk of serious repercussions from Covid infection, they will still expose the virus to those with a higher risk, and put simply, its not worth the risk.


Although until Sturgeon closes the border with plague ridden England , cases in Scotland will still rise and the shadow of death looms over the vunerable again.


Give it a month or so and we’ll be right back where we started in February and March, and 2020 will feel lke it’s playing on a permanent loop….


The rush to play international football, largely a plaything of the European and world bodies to line their pockets, is inexplicable in these strange times, and the whole lot should have been cancelled.


It doesn’t depend on television money like domestic league, as all European nations get all of their international matches shown on free to air television, if you don’t count Scotland and Northern Ireland, who, according to the UEFA website, are the only two exceptions to this rule.



Speaking of rules and exceptions to them, Andrew Dallas, as we noted in an earlier diary, will be in charge of the Ross County- Celtic game at the weekend, which poses a greater threat to ten in a row than anyone that Steven Gerrard could persuade to play for the basket of assets.


Not so much in the one game, but with the precedent being set that he’s likely to get quite a few Celtic games this term, the dingwall encounter being his second is almost as many weeks.


Dallas needs no encouragement to hinder Celtic, as we have seen, and that makes him a perfect fot to eb the twelfth man for Ibrox this season, though it needn’t necessarily be the team from Ibrox, it just doesn’t have to be Celtic.


In fact, ever since he saw this tweet back in October 2012, we believe he’s been waiting for a chance to even the scores…




This becomes a more intriguing and suspicious choice when you become aware that the game is not being televised, leaving Dallas to operate without scrutiny, which kind of suits those who like their meetings secret and their goats anonymous.


So, here’s the plan.


As we know, bookmakers Ladbrokes no longer sponsor the Premiership, an insider told me…well, he was inside the bookies at the time…that they don’t want to be associated with anything so rigged and blatantly self serving , and if that sounds paranoid, then you really haven’t being paying attention over the years.


Dallas , for all his faults, is eminently predictable. Two or three Celtic players will be booked early, and this will be matched by County players entering the book when it doesn’t matter anymore….Duffy and Brown are certs to have their name taken early, which will hinder their natural game afterwards.


There will be a higher than usual amount of free kicks, largely so that the flow of play can be broken up.


Now, if we were to pop down to the bookies and place a number of bets on these, bookmakers would be alerted by what they call unusual betting patterns, a warning light for match fixing, which in essence is exactly what the orange who didnlt fall far from the tree will be doing, only very subtly and in his mind far away from prying eyes.


You know what to do….



The long running saga over finances at Ibrox, and the great mystery as to how they are surviving when financial fair play rules should see them severely restricted in their spending took another twist when one of their own had a complaint to make….





This tells me that they weren’t actually expecting anyone to ask for their money back, which may be the norm when they can’t offer what they promised over there, playing callously on fan loyalty, and there may well be a lot more of this going on than we are being told, and certainly a lot more of it going on than they are being told, as the media will not take their side over the club in anything as they have been instructed to mention good news only.


Even if they have to make that news up, which they appear to be doing on an almost hourly basis.


The latest being that Alfredo Morelos is now wanted by Porto and Bayer Leverkusen, two sides who met “rangers ” in the Europa League who it seems were impressed by what they saw.


As for the player, his head must be spinning and there is a real case for litigation from him on the grounds of abuse by his employer. Told regularly he was worth millions and would get the move he wanted, he’s now finding that he isn’t as good as he read and no one wants him.and that may well be down to neglect from the club, who have more or less kept him prisoner until they get a suitable ransom for him.


Which won’t be any where near what they want.


Anywhere else in the world the media would be running “My Rangers Hell ” stories by now, though this is Scotland and it isn’t going to happen.


And it’s not Rangers anyway.


Then again, there are a few things around the world that are not what they appear to be , as this ATM screen illustrates…






That has upset someone…


DUP hits out at Taoiseach's 'despicable, low and rotten' Brexit comments




On saturday, we had this….







 MacAllistair leads the schoolboy giggling after someone is told to report to the boss for forgetting his PE kit  






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3 years ago

Even with his on board satnav, el duffalo still cannot find the goal at Celtic Park.

Allan James
3 years ago

I’m really surprised that Lawell didn’t withdraw all Celtic employees from the Czech trip. Given what is at stake domestically and that the Czechs can’t provide protection for their own players.

3 years ago

Morelos Agent plots out his next move

Jazzy _ K
3 years ago

The Daily record roving reporters searches for another club who want to pay £20 mil for the petulant one.

3 years ago

The council defend their position that this new car parking area is ONLY 8 miles from Celtic Park and reasonable walking distance.

3 years ago

“Copland Road??? Did there no’ used to be a football ground round here?”

3 years ago

Caption – Peter Lawwell plots the club’s next European campaign with the same old road map to success

3 years ago

highly unusual for a ref to get the same team 2 away games (or home games) in a row. it stinks.

caption – DAILY RECORD – incredible Ibrox investment in technology as Jimmy Bell shows off the new SAT NAV in the team bus.

3 years ago

The Daily Ranker journo looks for a new source on the Buffalo saga

3 years ago

Caption: After his surprise appointment as Celtic’s Referee Liaison Officer Novak Djokovic struggles with the directions to Mount Florida.

3 years ago

You cannot have enough strikers, but is that true? Do you create confusion upfront when too many players are trying to get their names on the scoresheet? Check out the stats…
I read somewhere that Celtic had 66 attempts at goal but only scored 3 goals in 3 games, it could not include the first game against Hamilton when we won 5-0, perhaps it was the next three games against Kilmarnock- Dundee Utd. and Ferencvaros. The latter game where we should have scored a barrow-load. The stats confirm that –
Celtic shots per match 21.25, shots on target 8.75, shots off target 12.50, with 62% possession.
I used to be very disappointed watching Tommy’s games against the Huns when we played them off the park but were beaten on the counter attack. We still have not learned that lesson as the Ferencevaros game proved, beaten by a long punt out and our two players (El-Hammed and Barkyass the goalie) where was our defence? miles upfield. Watching Jullien on the edge of our opponents box scoring our 3rd against Motherwell, why on earth was he there?
It looks to me that we still after all these years not learned the lesson to shut the back door, the team needs to learn to be more structured and with better discipline and improve our shooting skills.
That is why I like Ajetti his shots are more about velocity, not about placing the ball in the corner of the netti.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

In Scottish football you can’t keep four strikers happy, unless of course the back up two are happy to be a back up two.
A bit like Theo Snelders years ago, who wasn’t a striker & didn’t play for Celtic, you know what i mean tho, someone who is content to be back up.
Hope you are well & i hope i ‘m not being too social…..cough cough.

3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Ha! are you qualified to talk about football? or are you just winging it?
My post is about team discipline and players staying in position, why should a centre back be standing just outside the oppositions box and taking shots on goal, when he should be more aware of his defensive duties. Sorry about your cough, take care, I’m off to try my hand at Irish dancing, to be sure…

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Yes i am qualified to talk about football, now would you like a blanket sir?

3 years ago
Reply to  Monti


3 years ago

Caption …
The mark Thatcher school of navigation upgrades its ?maps …

Uibh fhaili
3 years ago

Charlie Adam tries one last time to find his way back to ibrokes

3 years ago

Overheard in a conversation in a lift regarding refereeing a Celtic derby match “no one was up for it but Andy said he was.” These guys can nominate themselves for the biggest club match in Scotland and one does. Interesting…

3 years ago

Caption: “I’m confused by this SPFA map. It only has ‘arse’ and ‘hole in the ground’ on it yet it seems they can’t tell one from the other!

John mccloyin tasmania
3 years ago

How come,when I click on ‘read more’in the comments it doesn’t work?been like that for nearly a week.

3 years ago


Revealed…. the Peter Lawwell season by season Champions League qualification roadmap .

3 years ago

Afternoon old boy, blanket sir?

3 years ago

Caption: Coordinates set for Warren point

3 years ago

Caption: ” So Billy, this is where the Casino is going & the floating pitch is erm, well, floating over there somewhere, watp”

3 years ago

The game is on Ross County tv.
19% of Ross County squad are called Ross.
The more expensive season tickets at Celtic are doing the same for missed games… the mythical “added value”

3 years ago
Reply to  SteveNaive

RCTV? Can’t see them getting much business from the dark side.

3 years ago

New easy to use test and trace app rolled out on public transport this morning

3 years ago

Jimmy Bell has the actual ‘ dossier’ on SPFL wrongdoings, that brought the season to conclusion.

The Cha
3 years ago

Caption “Aye, go here and you’ll never have to see Sammy’s face again”

3 years ago

Caption 2
Cummings and Johnson unveil there roadmap out of the pandemic …

3 years ago

Caption: Are we there yet ffs.

3 years ago

it’s a disgrace Dallas has been given another Celtic match to ref.
The guy can’t hide his bigotry and actually goes out his way to incite our players.
The game won’t be allowed to flow.
We have to make sure the goal scoring boots are on because one goal won’t be enough.

3 years ago

Caption: “Lets show them that the *Rangers are coming”.
We’ll meet up at Parkheid, marching past the Celtic Way,
Down Brother Walfrid Street, walking past Willie Maley Ave.
Take a left at Jimmy McGrory Terrace,
Heads up along the Jock Stein Square, passing the 67 cafe,
Watch out for those camera lights and into Lisboa square,
continue down into Sevilla Street and into Neil Lennon’s Parade,
Take a left at Larrson Ave. and we have reached our destination,
Downfall Park- RIP.

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