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Celtic Diary Thursday November 8

Theres an old Indiana Jones film, maybe the first one, where the adventure hero is faced by an Eastern swordsman, who in front of an adoring crowd swishes his sword through the air in pretty, deadly patterns, the implication is plain-yer man is doomed. Jones, our hero, simply pulls out his gun and shoots him.

Thats what Celtic did to Barcelona last night.

The reason for what has to go down as the best night at Celtic Park since the St. Johnstone win last week, doesn’t lie with stoic defending, or clinical finishing. Indeed, Barcelona must know that if they make mistakes at this level, they will be punished, as they were with both goals. No, the reason, for me anyway, was something that has gone largely unnoticed this morning by radio, tv and newspapers alike.

During the first half, after a throw in below the north Stand, a second ball entered the playing area. Play was halted while it was removed, and Lionel Messi then instructed Charlie mulgrew how play should resume and where he would like the ball played to. Charlie stood tall-physically and metaphorically, telling the precocious little Argentinian exactly where he would put the ball. Messi then skulked away like a child sent to his room.

The other Celtic players would have seen that, and realised that they too, had no need to bow down to the Catalan wonderteam and its reputations. In fact, it reminded me of the story when Stein told Herrarra where to go in Lisbon when the former miner used miners language to tell the Inter manager that he, Stein, would be using this particular bench.

Neil Lennon promised to bring back the thunder, and last night the lightning was there as well.

“It is a very special occasion to do themselves justice tonight and they’ve just beaten the best team in the world. It is two of the stiffest examinations they will everget in their careers and they have come through it with flying colours.”

Lennon had done his homework before the game.

“We felt we could affect them at corners, we knew the back post area with Alba they mark zonal and we knew we could threaten that. ”

He went on, and claimed that

“I am not saying that this is the pinnacle because i think there is more to come from this team -you know the progression is great.”

Well, there is a huge improvement every time this team -with whatever players-takes the field as this group goes on, and I’m pretty sure i’m not the only person checking what relatives and friends i have in London, who will have a couch for a couple of days come May.

Not putting a damper on it, but now that the team has raised its profile, there will be bigger contracts from bigger leagues dangled in front of some of these players. Not from bigger clubs-such a thing doesn’t exist.

We hear that Barcelona are keen on Wanyama, their reps have spoken to his agent already, presumably to get him out of our team before we meet again in the final. Fraser Forster is the subject of enquiries from Arsenal and Chelsea, and they are looking at Stevie Woods as well, the goalkeeping coach.

The most important member of the club right now though, the one who should be holding his head very high this morning, is John Park. He found a few of these players, and he , too, has been the subject of ย attention from the likes of Tottenham and West Brom.

We are all realistic enough to know that most players will want to move on at some point, but keeping Park happy and content is a must. We cannot afford to lose him, and surely some kind of bonus commission related to transfer fees when his discoveries move on should be written down and put to him?

Anyway, lets enjoy it while we can. They might just stick around, they might not. But while they are here, they are giving us something to smile about, and they’re not done yet.

Meanwhile, not to be outdone, Richard Wilson, the journalist, not the grumpy , bitter old man who moans a lot, (well, i think so anyway), combined with Sandy Jardine in the most deluded article of 2012-and quite a few other years as well).

Rangers are now celebrating 140 years of history, and Jardine talks of their achievements being unmatched etc.

Will someone just tell him, please. Its not nice watching him embarrass himself anymore. It used to be funny, now its just kind of sad.

Anyway, yesterdays teaser got us all thinking. We have played Elgin-twice, but never Rangers, Airdrie and Annan -three delightful clubs , all with their own unique brand of supporters. why have we not played them? Because we don’t want to.

Today, an easier one, keeping within the theme of linking the questions in a semi straight line.

The first two of those clubs have both had to reform due to financial problems. We all know what happened to Rangers, but how did Airdrie finally go under?

If you see someone suddenly burst into a grin and punch the air today, shouting “Yes”, you’ll probably know what he’s thinking. And it’ll probably be me.



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11 years ago

The same way as their rabid cousins – at the hands of Sir Minty Moonbeams.

the lurgan tiger
11 years ago

What a night. The old place has seen some memorable occassions but last night took it to a new level.

Its great being at work today. Sevconians suddenly finding themselves with lots to do and have no time for a wee chat.

Anyhoo. Airdrie. Wasnt it a bill owed to the scottish business man of the century who demanded payment and finally killed offAirdrie?

That man was David Murray. What goes around…..

San Miguel
11 years ago

The Best Club in thw World beat the best team in the world.

And a note to Sandy Jardine – you are an irrelevance, you were picked in front of the greatest full back in Scottish History by your bigoted masters at the SFA. He was watching history last night whilst you were watching the history channel.

This was a once in a generation night last night Bhoys !

Hail Hail

Spartacus MacDonald
11 years ago


Barga bhoy
11 years ago

Fantastic, tremendous, wonderful, special night, (oh how our “old friends” must have watched through envious & bitter eyes) marvelous! Had a great few days in Barcelona, a coulple of weeks ago -apart from the last, gut wrenching 10 seconds- but last night truly made up for that. From the very start, the classic thunderous walk on, the g b display (awesome), the action, the noise, the goals, all made for one memorable, magical, Cetic park extravaganza that we are famous for. Me & middle son were on telly at final whistle celebrations, as if the tape wasn’t a keeper already!

11 years ago

San Miguel, a perfect summation – Hail Hail!

Barga bhoy
11 years ago

Oh & well done to Neil & the bhoys. Go & see it through now& qualify for the last 16, a feat which few gave us any chance of. Hail hail! Oh aye, it was dodgy Dave, the Lumley stalker that seen off jabbas “team”, Irony eh? Btw why is our game with st johnstone on Sunday & not Saturday? Don’t think it’s scheduled for Telly. Anyone?

11 years ago

Do you think the ref in that fantastic, momentuous display last night was the Rev. (5th) Collum, or Crawford Allan in disguise? last night. Song and Maschenero? should have been dismissed last night. Kuipers(the ref) could quite easily fit into the M.I.B’s.Hail. Hail. God Bless Neil Lennon and his magnificentteam(may modify that comment in the next couple of weeks) and backroom bhoys.

11 years ago

I sometimes think we get so caught up in our own incompetent whistlers that we are less aware of the poor quality of those from other countries. I have seen really ‘biased’ refereeing going against Celtic in loads of European games over the years. It would interesting actually to check how their bad decisions compare with Scottish ones and how costly they have been for us in Europe. I am not for one minute saying that justifies the blatant bias for a very specific purpose in Scotland. It is certainly on a completely different level here but it is not exclusive. If only the ref had your eyesight last night, Francis, we would have won at least 3-0 against 9 men. You are spot on with that.
Just remember when you are as old as me, it is you that will enjoy the happy memories of the night. I just hope I am in a place where I can look down and share them with you :>))


11 years ago
Reply to  Pensionerbhoy

Pensionerbhoy, I agree 100% with your comment in reply to mine about Kuiper’s the Dutch referee at Parkhead, I also have thought that many European refs have vied with the M.I.B’s in how they can prevent Celtic from having a level playing field, the usual response down here in England, is, that the refs aren’t biased against Celtic, per se, but it does seem that there is a certain attitude that they seem to give the teams from the smaller nations very little protection,probably reflecting the attitude of their U.E.F.A.masters, however, in so doing they certainly can’t learn anything from the deceased Rangers F.C.’s best players aka the Scottish Referees Association. B.T.W. I am also a “Pensionerbhoy”, 69 years a week on Saturday.

11 years ago

Hello! Anybody in? Can’t seem to post. Am I banned?


ralph malph
11 years ago

er,you just posted.

11 years ago

Did a previous one – twice – and has not appeared. Maybe just as well given the content :>)

11 years ago

Francis, you were not the only one wondering that. But like Gollum, his schemes came to naught.

11 years ago

The performances of: the Green Brigade, the fans, the team, the manager; everyone pulled together and made Glasgow Celtic FC’s birthday a truly unforgettable experience, not just for established fans and Celtic family members, but for everyone who witnessed this momentous event (except for Chick Hun and other haters) and it’s obvious from subsequent media content that the worldwide Celtic family got a whole lot bigger over the course of the last 24 hours.

I’m looking for professional pictures of the Green Brigade display (ie media content) but I haven’t been able to find any as it seems the huns at sky and shortbread have decided to ignore this heartwarming example of fan power and collective love for football. Any pointers would be appreciated

the namesgerard
11 years ago

Fabulous show last night, loved evry minute.

On to the wee huns. If they go into liquidation all results becoem 3-0 wins to their opponents. In the current league table this would make a difference. They have played Dundee twice and got beat both times, so all Dundee would get is +4 goal difference. However at the other end of the table we would get +2 GD but no points while Hibs would get 2 points and +3GD. Other teams winning under this senario would be St Johnstone (3p+5GD); ICT (2pts+3GD); Aberdeen (2pts+3GD);Motherwell (3pts+4GD) and Ross County (2pts+3GD), or have I got this all wrong?

11 years ago

As fudgey says it was Murray that put them under for the princely sum of about ยฃ30,000, at the time he said “I apologise to Airdrie’s supporters but something had to be done about this debt”.
I do humbly apologise if your sides have spilt having just read that.

Frank McGaaaarvey
11 years ago

I’m still in a dreamy daze, waiting for the highlights package to be shown any minute with the real result-a Barca win! Last night summed up everything magical about this club. Staggering home about 12 then getting in to watch the whole thing again on V+ with Neville, Redknapp, Stelling & Collins (Once a Tim, always a Tim) waxing lyrical about our achievments filled me with even more pride and sentiment, not to mention Rod the Plods genuine tears of joy!

BTW Ed, when did Annan Athletic sh*t in your shoes?

ralph malph
11 years ago

Party in the west end a few years ago. some guys from annan were eating while I was trying to have a fag.

Frank McGaaaarvey
11 years ago

Not one to bear grudges then eh?

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