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Celtic Diary Wednesday November 7

Never mind the injuries, or the fact that on paper Barcelona aren’t a bad side, theres a couple of omens to mention today, a couple of signs from above that all may not be lost in tonights UCL group game against the Catalans in Glasgow.

First, Smooth Radio, one of the few stations which plays records in between the adverts, had their football guru, a man I think is called Johnny Gould, i didn’t quite catch it, giving his predictions for tonight. He expects Man Utd to win in Braga, but can they win the champions league-“Probably not”, then Chelsea, up against Shakthar-can they win, “Probably not”. He moved to Celtic and Barcelona

“Celtic at home to Barcelona-can Celtic win? Probably.”

Now the other wee portent. Our wee rabbit died on bonfire night, and inquiries as to its cremation or burial have shocked me at the price. We told the youngest that it was up to him, but he doesn’t seem too concerned as long as the foxes don’t get him, and the DHL box that the body is in isn’t used to post him. When the dog died, we told him he’d gone to doggy heaven, where he could chase rabbits all day, so we thought it was better not to mention any after life.

To take his mind off it, I mentioned tonights game, and he asked if it was in Glasgow. When I told him it was, he said with more confidence than Charles Green before a share issue, that Celtic would win. Because it will be freezing, windy and rainy. No doubt evoking memories of his own trips to Celtic Park on November nights.

So thats that then, Barcelona might as well stay in the hotel.

Lennons Lions will be definitely without Izzaguerre, Forrest,Rogne, Lassad and probably without Hooper. Though Samaras might make it. Its going to annoy Hooper a bit more than the others, as the Independent claimed that Roy Hodgson has been asking about his fitness prior to next weeks England Sweden game.

Scott Brown feels good though, and thats a hell of a bonus. He said;

“I am starting to feel a lot better. I have had a lot of rest and my body is slowly getting better and better. I have managed to play three games in a row and I am feeling the benefits. so hopefully I am over the worst of it. You can never tell what is around the corner but my body is feeling good just now and if I can keep training day in day out, playing two or three games a week, I am happy with that.”

He is essential tonight, as the Barcelona midfield were uncomfortable with his constant harassment.

Lennon added;

“It is perfect timing. The fact that he is recovering better gives us encouragement. He is playing at the top of his game, I feel, and he will bevery important to us ,and in particular..(.tonight.).., with his experience and drive a huge asset.”

A big game from Brown, and the match doesn’t seem so daunting.

A big shout from the crowd, and the match doesn’t seem so daunting.

And it will be cold, wet and windy.

Efe Ambrose is determined to make up for his error on Sunday when he scored an own goal to give Dundee Utd a share of the points, and the mindset that served the team so well in the Camp Nou is starting to set in again. Anything from the game will set Celtic up for a last 16 place, and these guys will not give it up without a fight.

C’mon the hoops.

The game is on Sky Sports, and the programme starts at six o’clock, giving those who can’t get to the game a chance to actually soak up -albeit it a watered down-pre match atmosphere, and anyway, if you open your windows, no matter where you are, you should hear the roar when the teams come out.

Prediction? Joe Ledley, far post header. The winning goal. Though 5-4 is just as likely as 1-0.

Elsewhere, like it matters, Gordon Strachan has said it “would be an honour” to manage Scotland, but no-one has asked him. And Stuart McCall has ruled himself out of the running. He’d do okay, as there is no chance of playing Rangers at that level.

Anyway, the butterflies have already gathered in the stomach, the nerves are beginning to jangle, and the game is still hours away.

C’mon the hoops.


Yesterdays teaser asked which teams have been the most frequent opponents of Celtic in the last 125 years and one day, yesterdays birthday was an event shamefully missed by the Diary, but to be fair, I use my own birthday as my pin number, and still never remember it. Andy was first with the correct answer, which was Hearts, Aberdeen, Motherwell, and the now defunct Rangers.

Today, although lets be honest, we have other things to think about, how about this one?

Which teams currently operating in Scottish senior football have we never played?

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the namesgerard
11 years ago

The Rangers and probably a few others with history.

11 years ago

Sevco, Annan and Elgin.

the lurgan tiger
11 years ago

Have we ever played the Airdrie?

11 years ago

loads of times,the were in the premier league for years,also 1975 Scottish Cup Final,Billy McNeil’s last game.

11 years ago

I lost my original post so if it turns up, I apologise now. I hope it was worse than this – it definitely was.
You played a belter with this one, Ralph. Great humour and funny stories.
Anyway, I now know I can relax as the outcome of tonight’s game is a done deal (not a reference to results for a certain ex-Scottish team over the years). Confirmation has been received from reliable sources that Celtic will be victorious. All the signs in heaven and on earth point to a shock. One hopes that that will not mean someone committing hari kiri with an electric chair – unless it is wee S McC. As for wee GS, I hope the sense lobe in his brain starts up again before he does something silly like managing a dodo farm. On the other hand, if he believes it an honourable offer, then perhaps he missed the boat when Celtic manager. His ship owners will happily send him into the Bermuda triangle with a bottomless ship. See you Gordon – sometime, somewhere, maybe! DON@T DO IT. We all loved you really.
The good news, Ralph, is that you managed to convince your son of the benefits of not cremating the rabbit. It might all ‘go to pot’ then instead? I believe after death all vendettas are ended (see the case of Rangers versus Celtic, SPL2012) so the doggy and the bunny would have been ok. Tell him. You must remember how the stork and baby story cam back to haunt you.
Anyway, I hear an echo from the distant hills “c’mon the hoops”.
I am off to get ready, the gear on, put on the pod-cast while I sh** my pants as a suitable build-up, then I will listen to the lies from Paul and Laura on CTV about how good Barca are and how we are humping them with our non-football. Then I will jump for joy at the final whistle, at least till I realise there is an uncomfortable substance running down my leg, that stuff that had gathered in my trousers prior to the match. And so back to reality.
No matter what, I will be a happy chappy (nearly said bunny but did not think it appropriate given the potential trauma the reminder could bring on). “Win, lose or draw” is our defiant battle cry. Yes, I don’t care as long as we hammer them (1-0 will be a good enough hammer for me).
No matter what, Ralph, you must be so proud to discover your youngest is actually the Braham Seer.

Joy to the world, at least the part consisting of Glasgow’s East End, tonight. ENJOY everybody wherever you are watching or listening.


If you count those that have gone and come back as something completely different, there could be hunners but the only one that matters is singing the blues even though it is strictly Green’s.


11 years ago

Yeah sevco Annan airdrie utd & also by looks of things new hertz very shortly!!!

andy docherty
11 years ago

Great post again- just getting set to leave for the game and the excitement is really building – haven’t felt this excited before a game for a very long time – I expect it to be a great game – would love to win, but I’ll be happy just to enjoy the big game atmosphere.
Last time rangers(rip) won the league, I had a discussion with a friend who was a rangers (rip) season ticket holder and we both agreed that due to the qualifying rounds, it was unlikely that either of us would ever make the CL group stages again, so I’m just happy we’re there again and intend enjoying the experience to the max (if we do win, I’ll be opening a lovely wee red on my return).
Was thinking on my way home tonight if we were missing rangers(rip) and I’ve got to say no. Tonight’s game would likely be tarnished / diluted if they were in the SPL.
This is what I want – CL football, not sectarian battles.

11 years ago

Hector strikes again!!

Hertz v Sevco in the challenge cup next season. SFL is about to get uglier

11 years ago

On such a night. O my God. I am without words.

Incredible my young warriors. Thank you for fantastic night.

Hail hail to all the family here there and everywhere

I love you all!

bognor bhoyle
11 years ago

tremendous , watt a night what a result
hail hail

andy docherty
11 years ago

wine duly opened – my 12 year olds first time seeing Barca and he reckons tonight is the best time he;s ever had supporting Celtic – I’m sure I’ve had better nights, but right now it doesn’t seem like it – everything about tonight from start to finish was unbelievable = the tifo at the beginning was amazing – never thought the GB could better the 4 horsemen, but tonight they did – the team were amazing, the fans were amazing & Neil Lennon’s tactics were perfect = what a night

11 years ago

To The Lurgan Tiger:

‘The Airdrie’ are what used to be Clydebank.

11 years ago

A canny stop greetin’!

Hail, hail to ye a’ again!

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