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Celtic Diary Thursday July 27: Slump Continues Unabated

Not only did Celtic fail to win last night against a well drilled and disciplined Rosenborg, they failed to score !

Image result for that's it i'm out

Nerves and perhaps a little degree of unfamiliarity got the better pf Celtic in Glasgow last night and the goal that would have settled the players never came.

On the bright side, the defence, despite a few scares, held fairly firm and none were conceded either. Which leaves it all to play for in Trondheim next week with the Norwegians taking their turn in being a little nervous at the back.

There were plus points, Kristoffer Ajer a stand out at the back with his composure and passing, whilst Olivier Ntcham certainly has an eye for a pass. In a few weeks he’ll probably have the feet for one as well.

James Forrest worked tirelessly without much reward, suffering from a lack of a focal point, as was everyone else, he did himself proud, picking himself up and dusting himself down to have another go as each run seemed to turn into nothing.

Craig Gordon was sharp enough to be on hand towards the end, saving with his legs, but apart from that it looked like a team that was trying too hard not to make mistakes, and dare i say it, but that pitch may have looked good, but the players don’t seem to be used to it yet.

So, at the break, its 0-0, with a slight advantage to Celtic.

We score early over there and its in the bag.

That should be greatly helped by the rumour that Leigh Griffiths isn;t actually injured, but being saved from abuse by the manager saying he’s injured, after his suspension for tying a scarf around a Linfield goalpost.

Lets hope he’s learned a lesson. We need him, never so more evident than when Stuart Armstrong hit a free kick which had a see you in January note tied to it, addressed to the eventual recipients of him and the ball in Southampton.

I’ll be glad when these qualifiers, and the transfer window are behind us.

And Moussa Dembele gets better.

No one will buy him at the money we want while he’s doing a Derk.

And thats without the yes we know they cheated but no one else will get away with it statement from the SPFL, which will be dealt with in a separate article, which I’m putting together with the working title “bastards ”

Maybe the peace and quiet of Trondheim will be a bonus.

There was peace and quiet without the Green Brigade, which some say was destined to give Celtic a less than favourable result, and I’m quite sure had they been there, one of them would have jinked down the wing to cross for his pal to wheech the ball beyond a despairing keeper.

Happens all the time, fans scoring. Look at Keiran Tierney. Oh wait, he didn’t have to pay to get in.

Looking ahead to next week, Brendan Rodgers declared;

“If we play like we did in Monchengladbach and at Manchester City, then we are through,”  

“Next week we can go there and play. There will be a bit more space. We will go there confident, knowing we can score goals. We look forward to it.”

With the exception of last night, Celtic usually score. I can’t remember the last time we didn’t.

“It was a little bit frustrating we couldn’t get the win tonight,”

 “But 0-0 is never a bad result in Europe. What’s important is that if you can’t score, then don’t concede.

“I was very pleased with the players in terms of being up against it without strikers and how they adapted to that. They showed an ability to be patient and look for openings. Chances can be few and far between at this level. We just needed that final ball.

“You can see Rosenborg are a good side. But they will also know they will want to come out a bit more at home, take the initiative, which opens up space for us.

“Last season, we scored more goals away from home. It’s still evenly balanced and we will be another week fitter for the 
second leg.

“I’m hopeful Leigh will be back for the second leg but we’ll see. He couldn’t have played tonight even if he had been available.”

Rosenborg are seventeen games into their season. And it showed. Although Celtic are arguably the stronger side on paper, they weren’t on the night, as the Norwegians had the look of a team who knew each other well.

Celtic didn’t have that.

Bizarrely, Calum MacGregor wasn’t picked, and his influence and simple approach to linking the midfield with the forwards was missed.

Ntcham may well become a legend, but for next week it might be a better idea to stick with the tried and trusted.


Want cheering up ?

We hear that Manchester City have accepted an offer from Celtic for Patrick Roberts for another year.

However, its not the only offer they have accepted. Its down now to the player.


Meanwhile, there were concerns that the police might have their own agenda again whilst on duty at Celtic Park.

They surrounded the closed 109 section, presumably in case teleportation had been invented during the week.

Then there was proof the pies were watching us as well…

Today sees the start of a few days in the north east of England…

Theres also the Sunderland friendly, where the locals seem a lot more grown up than counterpoints  in Glasgow..

Alcohol will be on sale on Saturday in the concourse. Please remember that you must stay in the concourse with alcohol. 

Dont abuse it. Be grown up.

Finally, in advance of the hatchet job i’m going to do on those who ru(i)n our game, have a look at some inside info on the new man at the SPFL  ( Scottish Professional Fucking Liars ) , from sualid little rag Private Eye.

Hope not.

Caption yesterday…

Image result for old black and white photographs of people The winner doesn’t always have to be funny…or even an entry..

Liftedinmoscow July 26, 2017 at 11:36 am · Edit · Reply →

The caption photo is so sad. Please of you can don”t try and say something funny, there is nothing funny about it. All comments despising that bastard thatcher would be better in my opinion. 


Image result for old black and white photography people

Actually, I think “Every New Wrong Makes Us Stronger ” is a better working title for the hatchet job.

Keep an eye out for it.

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Patrick Street
6 years ago

Caption “while dad still refuses to get Sky Sports, he continues to enthuse about the past and insist that little William and little Elizabeth watch old Rangers matches with him.”

6 years ago

Fans have a great part to play in games.
They give players a lift, and opponents the jitters.It was upto the fans there last night to spur the team on, i wasnt there so dont know what the atmosphere was like, but im guessing it wasnt as colourful and noisy?
Whens your tea and biscuuts with Peter again?

The Cha
6 years ago
Reply to  jimmybee

Exactly, only a day or so ago, it was let’s put it all behind, we’re all Celtic fans together, let’s not let others divide us. Sadly the Green Brigade haters won’t ever unite until the last rebel is banned permanently.

I think European games take care of themselves and it’s the boring routine games where the atmosphere requires a kick-start.

6 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

It’s not the GB I hate they bring so much to the atmosphere it’s the fines and bans heading our way l hate.

The Cha
6 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

Wrong, wrong, wrong.

No ban has ever been issued for banners and flares and there’s not the slightest evidence that this would happen, so you really need to drop this fallacy.

As for the fines, how much merchandise have we flogged on the back of GB displays etc?

And the £50m in lost revenues due to the cheating huns that the board have never challenged this, other than a couple of string along do nothing statements for gullible fans.

6 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Think you will find UEFA are running out of patience with our Club and the next step will be closed stands then ultimately bans.
That’s kinda how these things work bud.
Celtic have asked these plumbs on many occasions to screw the nut and adhere to the guidelines but no the plastic provo ultra uber fandans have their own agenda.
As rubber stamped in their response to the 2 game ban.
Celtic provided the GB with the standing section so they could enhance the Supporters experience and how do the balloon brigade repay that gesture?
More fines.
You can justify it all you want the fact remains the GB are the ones guilty of causing issue here not the Club.
You remind me of one of these folk who moans about seed cameras?
My response is always the same if you don’t speed then you won’t get done.
Apply that logic to Flares,Banners and Illicit Songs.

6 years ago
Reply to  The Cha


The Cha
6 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

You don’t have a clue what UEFA think so why claim to?

If bans are the next step then there will be evidence of this so where is it?

As Celtic are not challenging it, the huns are getting away with cheating. I hear you bud.

6 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

When fines are obviously not working (and they evidently aren’t )then the next logical step is closing stands then bans.
Celtic are trying to avoid this situation by removing the risk of further indiscretions from the equation.
11 altercations in 5 years is not the way to behave irrespective of your views on the GB.
It needs to stop BEFORE we get heavier sanctions.

The Cha
6 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

so, in other words, you’ve no evidence just a wish for it to happen.

James barker
6 years ago

As a lifelong supporter over 70 years I think until we learn to pass the ball forward more than back as was the case last night we should stick with the Scottish amateurs whom we are the best Jim b

6 years ago
Reply to  James barker

Spot on and why we continue to feed the wide men with a flat square ball rather than a yard or so in front (so they can run onto it and continue moving forward) is beyond me?
Lustig was getting the right service on the right but poor KT had to keep checking his runs and turning back to find a pass after getting closed down.
Same under Lenny.

6 years ago

Caption : Meanwhile on the other side of town.

The Cha
6 years ago

Caption: Family sit down to watch the last time Rangers won fairly.

6 years ago
Reply to  The Cha


6 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Probably with a dodgy pen

The Cha
6 years ago
Reply to  jimmybee

Honest mistake, surely.

6 years ago

Captions: The Celtic TV production team embrace the digital revolution.

Sorry wee Barry and Williamina but until this tax thing blows over the 90 inch plasma is staying at yer maw’s maw’s.

6 years ago

could have been a lot worse last nite no goals conceded is a plus,all to play for now

6 years ago

Caption: Strip the titles! and while you’re at it Strip this God forsaken wallpaper!

6 years ago

Slightly disappointed we aren’t taking any sort of lead to Trondheim next week, not prepared to slate the team though, we didn’t concede & that is massive over two legs.
It’s going to be a nervy night but i have faith in the manager & players!

The Cha
6 years ago

Does anyone remember the glorious pro-Celtic anti-Hun of the noughties in the days of “Thugs and Thieves”? Me neither.

PE does a lot of good work and it’s moved on from when it was simply the MI5 house mag but it’s still got this insufferable working class sneering attitude.

6 years ago

New pitch is playing even slower than last year which didn’t help. Need to wait until next season for the new hybrid surface after all the ground work was done this close season.

6 years ago
Reply to  TunaSalad

I thought the idea was that the pitch encouraged faster flowing football?
Next year you say?

6 years ago
Reply to  Monti

It’s a two year project M. because of the short close season, there was no way of doing it in the timescale allowed.

6 years ago

I know m8 i’ve been reading up on these pitches, i remember the days of playing on some pitches that had a drain in the middle of it 🙂
As if the game isn’thard enough up against your immediate opponent, you have to factor in a fucking manhole cover 🙂

6 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Red ash broken glass everywhere,and a mitre 5 right in the kisser,kids don’t know how easy they have it.

6 years ago
Reply to  TunaSalad

TunaSalad or a prawn sandwich, noo that IS a dilema!!

6 years ago
Reply to  mike

No dilemma…a fucking pie every time!

6 years ago
Reply to  mike

Roll with the changes Mike 😉

6 years ago

Caption : i thought our micro chips would have dinged by now. You sure its a microwave and not a tv you bought sammy. There will be no tv in this house Elizabeth go get my sash im off.

The real Anton Rogan
6 years ago

caption: TV finally comes to Airdrie

6 years ago

These qualifiers are a nightmare. So much at stake. They probably had the better goal chances so a goalless draw was acceptable. With a striker , I am confident about next week.

Caption :

Pa: aw fuck the pictures gone. Right son ootside with the aerial and get up on top of the bunker.

6 years ago
Reply to  Hugh67

How’s the Greenock Bhoys?

While i don’t think last night was a disaster, i’m bracing myself for the prospect of no CL football this year m8.
With the injuries to our main strikers i have a sinking feeling it might prove crucial.
Having said that, the players have never really let us down when it matters.

Prediction from the heart- Rosenborg 1 Cetic 2
Prediction from the head – nah, fuck that i’ll go with the heart!

6 years ago

After a tireless day writing up a forward thinking and never needing updating rule-book, the man hailed the “SPFL Visionary” settles down to an exciting night watching the phototube with his family

6 years ago

The players weren’t that bad, for me Rodgers made a huge mistake with the formation and lack of a striker. Whether it’s Levein, Deila or Rodgers, playing without a striker is playing for a nil-nil, which we were lucky to get.

I was surprised by how poor Rosenborg were, their back four sat so deep, didn’t press up and seemed quite happy to have four players just covering space. When we did put someone up front they played us offside a few times, had the back four pushed up it should have caused us problems. They seemed happy for our full backs to have the ball as if we posed no aerial threat.

The most disappointing aspect is that we didn’t test their defence or goalie, fortunately they seemed happy with a night off.

Caption: GB watching the game

6 years ago

Caption: Wife – ” I see the SPFL have said there will be no title stripping ”
Husband – ” Where do you fancy taking the kids to on a Saturday afternoon, honey? We have some extra money now because i’ll not be setting foot in any ground again”

D J Smyth
6 years ago

Don’t blame the pitch for our slowness last night . Either credit the Norwegians who were set up in such a way that we were unable to pass the ball to a colleague running towards their goals . Or else our players were too static & unable to make these runs , afraid of the loud moans & groans audible last night because GB were not there to drown them out

6 years ago
Reply to  D J Smyth

Oh dear, ask yourself if there’s any need for that?

6 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Nope…..we need to stop the abuse on here, i’ve done it myself and i’m bored of it now.
We are all Celtic supporters on here, not sure about one or two but most of us, we need to spend our time on here being humerous and a bit close to the bone craic is not that bad, but there is no need to be calling each other, cunts, pricks….so on and so on.
Time for a bit of growing up i think, just how i feel about it now.
Let’s keep it funny & cheeky & a bit wide…..but the nasty stuff needs to go!


6 years ago
Reply to  Monti


6 years ago
Reply to  Monti

its back!!!!! 🙂

6 years ago
Reply to  Monti

See that salad queen wants to get her nat king s needs some meat in her diet 😉

6 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Plenty meat on these bones 🙂

6 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Mon Red, its a blog for bucksake, don’t take it ti heart.

“I have a right to be absolutely furious”

If a throwaway comment on E Tims makes yi furious, I’d hate ti see yi if yi were really insulted.

Rob O'Keeffe
6 years ago
Reply to  D J Smyth

Don’t want to upset you,Phil used the “A” word yesterday,my charity and Jesuitism continues…..

6 years ago
Reply to  Rob O'Keeffe

As do your contributions to the $peakeasy

Rob O'Keeffe
6 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

I believe that site has some excellent articles on it,over 14 million “hits”(remember them?).The work,apropos the demise and cheating of your former club is superb and I shall continue to give praise when it is due.Best Wishes,sincerely…..

6 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

12m of those “hits” are no doubt from raging Huns and the rest from gullible numpties like yersel.
Tell your target audience what they want to hear and hey presto you have a viable financial revenue stream.
The Daily Rangord has been using this tactic for decades Ironic yer man JJ slates KJ (was that a typo on his original post l wonder?) more than most.
Begging bowl blogging nice…

6 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

Have JJ and KJ ever been seen in the same chat room together?
I mean to say both are award winning stenographers with a penchant for Rangers.
As for that Mench fellow fellow he must wear a wetsuit and smear himself in KY before crawling up his erchie every day in the cumments section.

6 years ago
Reply to  D J Smyth

KOTW comment contender, surely:

“D J Smyth…hey there you fucking prick smart ass cunt…
I am not a watered down anything…

I AM an Irish Republican of long standing…

I just see things differently now without having to return to violence…”

But if it is ever needed then I am ready for ALL eventualities
That’s got ti be right up there with KOTW comment contender.

6 years ago

Rosenberg played a very clever solid game and could have had a couple of goals. We can be just as clever in Norway and we have better players to execute it. This is no walkover and that said I’m confident we will play better than last night. I agree with the players getting concerned about mistakes based on the crowd being a moaning and groaning atmosphere. I really wonder why people show up and moan and groan at the sligtest error. The GB were missed for sure for their noise and encoragement of the team. Plus a big empty section for all to see. We need to get the club and the GB round the table and getbthis sorted out.

john young
6 years ago
Reply to  BroxburnBhoy

Broxburnbhoy we need better players than Jamesie/Rogic,we go into these competitions year in year out minus2/3 quality players you won,t/don,t get away wiyh it.Nichsam looks to my eye to be a player.

Mike Bhoyle
6 years ago

I was disappointed in BR last night…
There were 2 players in particular (I won’t name them as its all about opinions) who…in my opinion..should have been hooked at half-time…if not before.
Both produced four fifths of fuck all and why BR persisted with them is a big puzzle.
Oh and btw…every player is entitled to an off night..but BR should spot this and be prepared to do something about it.
As for the result..
When you take everything into account…0-0 turned out OK.
The team was totally imbalanced last night…and if Leigh is fit for next week it will help us big time.

6 years ago
Reply to  Mike Bhoyle

What about a wee bit of common sense and bring in summer fitba.

Fitba. in Scotia is a joke, run by peepil who have no imagination or are totally lacking in any kind of new ideas, ideas that should include some kind of parity with the EPL money wise. We receive a pittance compared to them, i include the Bigoted Broadcasting Corp.
If they were worth there salt they would be shouting and screaming for near parity. Focus on the National team and look into ways that we could improve the performances of our European qualifiers, like Aberdeen tonight and St. Johnstone. How can it be fair, when some clubs like Rosenborg and Dundalk are mid season and we are just at the beginning of ours. BTW i totally agree with him above.

6 years ago
Reply to  mike

caption, Celtic t.v. gets back to basics. (could they be any mair pish than they are) well at least they made me get of my arse and go to the game, mibbee that was the intention!!

6 years ago
Reply to  mike

I’ve been shouting for this since the qualifiers started crippling us. Not just us but all the clubs representing us in Europe.
It is the only solution, Friday nights and Saturday afternoons,get our own tv deal with BT sport fuck sky.
I think it would increase our TVs audience and have better financial rewards. It has to be worth a go.

6 years ago
Reply to  jimmybee

9 million supporters World wide, totally agree, but the fannies are collecting their dosh, sshhh dinny rock the boat, we need the bigots to perpetuate the myth.
Of course we do not need them, a B.T. deal would be ideal, but first we need to oust the fannies from Hampden. and get the right people in to Govern the game.

6 years ago
Reply to  mike

Well said!

6 years ago
Reply to  mike

Of course big climate difference between Aust & Scotland, but goin ti watch fitba on a warm night is the way ti go.

6 years ago

James Forrest done himself proud God your easily pleased he was rank rotten omg how we need a winger he’ll never do but he was’nt the only one

6 years ago
Reply to  Drew

“he will never do”

cup final goals, champions league goals, countless medals, aye sell him

6 years ago

I think the first leg at home the focus is not to lose a goal. With no main striker I think job done. Brendan could have went gung Ho but was very patient. I think he trusts the players to get the job done over there. He will shuffle the pack,as he knows we only need to score 1 to give us a better chance of going through.
The players weren’t match sharp,but hopefully it will come in the big game next week,but I think they played to Brendan’s instruction,and not to be left open at the back,as they showed they are very dangerous breaking.
A score draw or 2-1 to the bhoys. Will do just fine.

6 years ago

WHAT SOME PEOPLE FAIL TO REALISE, especially the SFA/SPFL is that……………

The Titles will not be stripped because of EBTs but because of Illegally registered players and a failure of RFC (IL) to notify all details of players wages and contracts.

The SFA/SPFL are disregarding their own rules in favor of a solitary club that is no longer with the Association, they are also disregarding the Rules again in favor of a b*astard club with no identity, to the detriment of all other Clubs & Scottish Football as a whole/

That will be their downfall in a Judicial Review,Rules must be followed.


Mike Bhoyle
6 years ago
Reply to  IRISHGUY

Spot on…Irishguy..
That’s it in a nutshell.
Undeclared side contracts…They are GUILTY.
“Imperfectly Registered?”…whit fuckwit thought that up?

6 years ago

statement celtic?

6 years ago

Looks like the Europa to me bhoys.

6 years ago
Reply to  Celtic125

I think we will do it m8 away from home.

6 years ago
Reply to  Celtic125

Head up lad, get up for the fight, if you want to give up fine, but we aren’t beaten until we are beaten.

6 years ago
Reply to  Celtic125

1-0 ti the good guys when we paly over in rattus norvegicus.

6 years ago

Confused at who was supposed to do what last night. Too many back passes, no one breaking through their lines. Rosenberg tactics to close the game down in the first half and our players looked slow. Yes they are halfway through their league, but we have the better players. Nothing lossed last night so all to be done next week.
Think McGregor would be an advantage as he can run with the ball, again Gordon did well and Ayer looks the part.
Hopefully your comment on Roberts come to fruition, have a nice break in the North East.
Pedro and family dream of 55 yet again

6 years ago

Agree with a statement above that Veltic players played as if they did not want to make a mistake. I wonder if anyone else noticed Scott Brown receiving a quick pass in midfield but with an acre in front of him he elected to pass back to Simonuvic instead of running with the ball into that space. It was so obvious. He could have negated two of their players with a swift move forward. Too careful if you ask me, and as a result no penetration whatsoever. Also Forrest seems always the scapegoat but he had more assists than anyone last season. In this game he had no one to pass to, no point crossing when no one there, that was Jock’s philosophy anyway.

6 years ago

My wee girl asked me for the ‘ Trolls ‘ movie, at the shops today.
Sorry honey, nae poppy’s in ywr dad’s hoose 🙂

6 years ago
Reply to  Monti

See my earlier reply to you, wee bit of friendly advice for you going forward.
If you want to have a bit of decent craic & keep it friendly, i’m ok with that, if you want to be smarmy, i’d rather you just skipped my posts.

6 years ago
Reply to  Monti

It’s ok, it’s cool!

6 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Ok brother…

6 years ago
Reply to  Monti

I concur brothers

6 years ago

Well said about the needless abuse Monti and here’s me thinking Monti was an acronym of Manifestation Of Narcissistic Tourette’s Interjections….

6 years ago
Reply to  Puggy67

It’s just became a personal battle with a few others, it’s a waste of energy & time.
I just want to concentrate on Celtic & the good stuff, Celtic is an interesting thing with much to celebrate & discuss.

6 years ago
Reply to  Puggy67


6 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

You got it! 🙂

6 years ago
Reply to  Monti
6 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz
6 years ago

Work hard on the Griffalo,
we need him fast and not to slow,
one up two up here we go,
going for 7 inarow.
Griff. dropping a hint that he will be good to go next week, gawn yersell son.

The Cha
6 years ago

Anyone got any “highlights” from last night, as didn’t get to see it (not Celtic TV, as I don’t subscribe)?

Mike Bhoyle
6 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

The Cha:
Main highlights were their misses…
Ah widnae’ll no miss much…Honest.

The Cha
6 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Was that due to our poor defending or the anti-Celtic bias?

The Cha
6 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Sounds like we need to substantially up our game next week but the good news is we did this regularly last year.

Interesting stat in this article that in 70 Euro ties that finished 0-0 in 1st leg its almost 50-50 as to who progressed (I would’ve thought it would’ve heavily favoured the home team in the 2nd leg):

“Celtic left short by striker gamble”

Annoying that the article never mentions the GB but there’s a captioned photo of the empty section. Relevance none.

6 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

I think they may have been implying that the empty section had something to do with the performance.

The Cha
6 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

I don’t think so as the article was about the “gamble” we took in not getting a 3rd striker in given injuries to top 2.

6 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

The photo makes no sense though regarding the piece.
The media have made a song and dance about the spat between the Club and GB.

The Cha
6 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Amen to that. 🙂

6 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

Decent summing up that by English he’s highlighted the obvious though l think he’s been a bit kinder on his fellow countryman than some might have been.
We do have other strikers at the Club but for some reason Brendan obviously didn’t consider using them.
Not even on the bench which if l was the likes of Ciftci or Aitchison I’d be more than a bit disappointed.
Ciftci can at least hold a ball up and bring players into it as well as making his presence felt as he roughs up the defenders.
Rogic did none of these things.

The Cha
6 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

The “don’t upset the apple-cart” rationale for not getting another striker as the top 2 are temperamental also seems odd as I doubt that would stop Rodgers if he thought it was necessary.

He didn’t (rightly) have any qualms about promoting Dembele over our 40 goal player of the year.

6 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

That came from Rodgers himself Cha.
You can see the logic in it if you only play 1 main striker and have 2 or 3 second string as backup.
Which we do in Ciftci and several development strikers.
The fact he chose not to involve any of them and went without a recognised frontman is the worrying bit.

6 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Charlie, i said something similar yesterday but Ciftci isn’t in the CL squad.

6 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

We only have 2 strikers named and 11 midfielders.
Though with Izzy now gone and both strikers out surely there is allowances for using a b player?
Aitchison for example.

6 years ago
Reply to  The Cha


6 years ago

Caption: Celtic TV market dynamic TV sets to go with their’dynamic match coverage!

Monti you are on a roll spot on with everything today re comments and the players not letting us down. Atmosphere was pretty good last night especially in the first 25 minutes when we played well ( however GB much missed, come on guys supporting Celtic first) and Nitcham looked a bit special. Rogic is wasted with his back to the play. No read on why we can’t do the business next week, we would be better with a young striker.

6 years ago

Celtic to reminds me of the old test cards you used to get with the little girl and the teddy bear in the middle

6 years ago

Celtic tv sorry

Mike Bhoyle
6 years ago

My younger brother went to his local last night to watch the game…
Nae chance he was told…
Celtic TV had it blocked just about everywhere.
Apparently the Rosenberg fans back in Norway couldnae get it either thanks to Celtic…and they were most pissed.

The Cha
6 years ago
Reply to  Mike Bhoyle

I heard of pubs that were showing it but that may have just been boasting.

6 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Aye the Kerrydale suite….

The Cha
6 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Were sandwiches available?

6 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Prawn cocktails…

6 years ago

T.V. comnentator ” The final whistle goes, Celtic have done it, Celtic 2 Inter Milan 1, Celtic are kings of Europe”

Wife:- ” Bowl “?

Husband – ” oh yes “

6 years ago

Several things that seem to have been overlooked l feel from the game last night:

A Only 1 recognised CB’ on the pitch NONE ON THE BENCH
B No recognised Striker on the pitch or on the bench yet we have Ciftci and several decent young prospects chomping at the bit in development
C Hayes came on and Brendan subbed Ntcham who out the 4 MFs on the park was actually passing with fairly decent accuracy
D 7 midfielders in the squad 1 CB and no Strikers
E Armstrong taking free kicks from the right side when Hayes was on the pitch
Now fitness and performance aside l think these factors worked against us.
In short l think Brendan fucked up in his planning and got away with it.
I hope to fuck we have at least 2 CBS next week and 1 recognised striker fit and at it next week.

6 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

” Ciftci chomping at the bit “?
He’s definetely been chomping something!

6 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

What’s G? 🙂

6 years ago
Reply to  Monti


6 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

I think N’tcham came off as he’s a few weeks behind the rest Charlie, his running and passing took a noticeable dip right before being subbed. On form definitely not the worst but maybe Brendan was concerned his legs wouldn’t hold up.

6 years ago
Reply to  Gerry

Could be as he was doing most of the running first half by comparison to Brown and Armstrong.

6 years ago

Only the big man could work miracles, you can only play with who you have available and you cannot predict the future,
Hopefully Griffiths will be available for Wednesday, young Ajer played well at centre back and we will never play that badly either.
They will be more confidant and will come out to attack more, so with a recognised striker and back to our usual positions, hopefully things will work out more to our advantage. If they do not, that is the rub of the green and then,
Rodgers oot!!

6 years ago
Reply to  mike

Is anyone aware Ajer played as an auxiliary Forward at his last Club?
He has decent ability in front of goal and a far better target for wingers than Rogic.
He could have slotted Lustig in at CB and played Ralston at RB.
Fact is though we have Ciftci and at least 2 young strikers in the youths who at least know what’s required in terms of movement up top.
Brendan stated he is for development well the fact remains very few in development are getting a shot even when there are no other options.
l think last night was a disaster from a coaching perspective.
We got lucky that’s the bottom line.

6 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

” last night was a disaster “?
0-0 at home to a team sitting 5 points clear at the top of their league, having played SEVENTEEN league matches, is no disaster.
I actually think Rosenborg will pay dearly for their profligacy in front of goal at Parkhead.
It’s not often Celtic fail to score.

I would love to see you sat down at a table with Brendan and describe his tactics as a disaster.


6 years ago
Reply to  Monti

P.S. A disaster is hiring the 5th best manager in Mexico and going out of Europe to the fourth best side in Luxembourg!

6 years ago
Reply to  Monti

That is true.

6 years ago
Reply to  Monti

It was only due to Rosenborgs profligacy in front of goal that we are not going out there needing 2 or 3 just to stay in Monti.
He made so many odd decisions when you consider:
1 We had 7 midfielders in the team picked
2 1 recognised Centreback
3 No recognised forward not even on the bench
4 He hooked Ntcham and left Rogic Brown and Armstrong on when he brought Hayes on
I would have no problem sitting down with the man and bringing these things up because from the outside it looks like he thought we had more than enough to win given all of the above?
Is he even aware Ajer has played as a striker previously or the fact Lustig started life out as one in Sweden?
Where were the youth players he stated he is all for developing?
Or is it the case he’s here to develop his own that we bring in?
We let both O’Connell and Kelleher go in the Summer two decent young CBs that could have got us out a hole this week.
What’s Toure doing is he still training at Celtic?
We make so much fuss of getting into the Champions League but as is often the case we seem to be short handed when these ties come round.
Poor forward planning l say.
Let these players go AFTER you have secured the big Leagues not before.
Common sense approach.

6 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

A lot of things happened that you can’t legislate for, injuries & so forth, let’s just keep clear heads & hopefully next week the Bhoys will do the business.

6 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

and Gordon’s long legs, he made a good save with his leg in the later stages, btw their strikers were poor as well, they defended in numbers, at home they will open up, just like a hoors legs that’s getting paid 20 quid a ride and yes we willy will be right in there.
How can you plan for every eventuality, two strikers out at the same time and two centre backs injured, you have to keep a balance and keep players happy, everybody wants to play, it was the breadman who wore the majic hat, but Brendan is the magician.

6 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

Monti l know l stated all this at the beginning of Deila last season he had similar issues and in central defence.
Thing is though it made no sense having that many MFs in the squad given the deficiencies in both defence and in attack?
We do have a development squad with cover in both areas.

Rob O'Keeffe
6 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

I thought you were behind BR,a “million ” per cent? Criticism has started and you continually state how Celtic should play and with which players.Have you got your badges from the Largs Mafia,Mr.Selltick?……

6 years ago
Reply to  Rob O'Keeffe

I am but it won’t stop me highlighting issues on a forum for conversation (free conversation at that ) about Celtic among fellow Celtic fans.
You want to be a sheep go join a dons forum 😉

6 years ago

“Every new wrong makes us stronger” keep an eye out for it, well there you go and here is my eye, but now i canny see.!

Rob O'Keeffe
6 years ago

Celtic Foundation give £10000 to Bradley Lowery charity.Well done to Peter and all concerned.Sunderland will be very pleased and new friendships forged…..

6 years ago
Reply to  Rob O'Keeffe

Christie scores for the dandies

The Cha
6 years ago
Reply to  jimmybee

Are you watching?

6 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Are the red brigade singing , ba ba blacksheep have you any wool, or are they dancin, the cha cha cha?

The Cha
6 years ago
Reply to  mike

You’ll Never Flock Alone given laldy

6 years ago
Reply to  mike

You can just see them cuddling up the gither oan the sofa so good, the bhoys from the auld brigade!!
pass the duchy from the left hand side.

6 years ago
Reply to  jimmybee

Christie best player on the pitch tonight.
Going to be a top performer for us some day.

6 years ago
Reply to  jimmybee

Assist from GM-S l see.
Telling ye he’s going to come back and haunt us at some point.
Just lacked a bit of confidence at Celtic.

6 years ago
Reply to  jimmybee

Charlie he was good at Dundee Utd our club was just too big fir him. But he has talent our fans never really got to see his true worth.
I thought he was far superior to Armstrong at Utd.

6 years ago
Reply to  jimmybee

I agree l think the pressure got tae him Jimmy sometimes happens when they make the step up to a massive Club.
Out the two l wanted Armstrong more he had plenty potential from what l had seen very comfortable in possession etc.

6 years ago
Reply to  Rob O'Keeffe

Lovely gesture well done Celtic

Ex Catherdra
6 years ago

Forrest in the team is a man short,made their LB look like a world beater.
We cannot afford non triers who do not want the ball except for reverse passes.
Ntcham playing was an error,over the unbeaten run we developed a setup where players were dovetailing into positions as we changed the team when injuries or tactics dictated.
McGregor or Biton should have played not some untried frankly average so far,addition.
Rogic an error,Hayes not starting an error.

Too bloody cocky.

Ex Cathedra
6 years ago

User name previous post should be Excathedra

6 years ago

Haha fuck the sfa.
The Scottish FA has been fined £4000 by FIFA after fans booed the English national anthem in June’s World Cup qualifier at Hampden.

It is the second time in less than a year the SFA has been punished by the game’s governing body.

In November they were fined almost £16,000 for fans booing the national anthem and Scotland players displaying poppies at Wembley’s qualifier .

Keep politics outside the stadium right enough.

6 years ago
Reply to  jimmybee


6 years ago

Good result for the dons 2_1

6 years ago
Reply to  jimmybee

I would suggest that away goal makes it a lot harder for Aberdeen to progress?

Rob O'Keeffe
6 years ago
Reply to  jimmybee

Nope…..hope they go out,considering Mr.Milne’s contribution to the “moving on mob”…..his company made a loss of £258 million up till June last year.He is a poor man’ s David Murray…..

6 years ago
Reply to  Rob O'Keeffe

With a syrup….

6 years ago

“BondiBrian no impressed with feedback from E Tims on getting Celtic TV”

6 years ago


FFS Morag,I can still hear they fruitful Fenians multiplying.

6 years ago
Reply to  portpower

Good morning my old Antipodean friend, did you see old hector posting the other other day?
Must have been waiting on his cords drying 🙂


Rob O'Keeffe
6 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Try and keep the fighting down to a minimum M.So of the posts are so offensive on here,naming no names.It’s getting so bad that Huns at work are pointing it out to us The Jesuit Charity Wing and we’re having to watch them rolling about laughing.Could you please tell our manager in waiting,Mr.All Things Celtic(British Army Wing)….. comments deleted by moderator…..

Rob O'Keeffe
6 years ago
Reply to  Rob O'Keeffe

Could posters please note that Aberdeen are not our new best friends just because Christie is there and we managed to offload GMS to them.They are not very good opposition and don’t like Celtic.Mr.Milne and his board don’t want any titles stripped.For certain reasons,I hope Hibs finish second in all three of this year’s competitions.Site charity organiser and all round good guy.£££s

6 years ago
Reply to  Rob O'Keeffe

He played the charity card looking for hauners.
Lower than a crabs baw sack in the the Mariana Trench 🙂

6 years ago
Reply to  Monti

G`day Monti, G`day Hector.
I`ll check back to see.

Another start to the season with heart palpitations thrown in for auld times sake.

Self cleaning tele screen. Carn Sony get the engineers onto it.

6 years ago

Morning has broken wee RRab has spoken
Words from the Jesuit JRR Tolkien
Lord of the ring sting harbinger of faeces
He will gladly pay the tariff for comment on his pieces
A pedant and a pundit all rolled into one
Canny hack a Tim but will praise and back a hun
He’s on every single forum from here to kingdom come
Spreading the word of JJ the sandal wearing plumb
Peace be upon you these words l say in jest
I only made this rhyme to highlight you ya pest

6 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

It’s a wild world out there … well mibees no as wild as it used to be eh Red 😉
Rise above the nonsense bud

6 years ago

statement celtic????

6 years ago

Sure if there was no fire in the belly then we would all be rugs for folk to wipe their feet on.
Everyone has a switch some folk spend all day on the internet trying to flick them.
Take the fuse out Red and come on prepared.

This little light of mine am gonna let it shine
let it shine
let it shine
Let it shine 😉

Wisnae me
6 years ago

Caption: Dad, why did you build that cabinet around my iPhone?

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