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Celtic Diary Wednesday July 26: All About The Football

There’ll be a statement later today from the SPFL regarding cheating, and what they are not going to do about it.

We’ll worry about that tomorrow, because today all eyes will be on Celtic Park. Which, of course, is why the statement from the SPFL is being released.

For the first time in its recent shameful run, the SPFL are finally being transparent, although they probably think they aren’t.


So, back at the ranch, and it appears the sudden shock of competitive football so early in the summer has affected the players fragile physicalities.

Moussa Dembele is injured and doubtful, Leigh Griffiths is injured and suspended and Nadir Ciftci is so far off the radar the manager has borrowed a NASA probe to try and locate him. Not to bring him back, just to locate him in case any offers come in.

Should we be worried ? The manager isn’t, which also suggests that Dembele is being given every chance to prove himself fit. Then he can replcate his performance against “rangers “.

Not the hat trick, the one when he went off after around ten minutes injured. It might be an idea to seel him this summer and tell prospective buyers we’ll, er, arrange the medical…

Anyway, Brendan reassured us about the lack of strikers available…

“We didn’t have a striker at Hearts and we scored five.

“That’s what you need. Multiple goalscorers. We’ve got Tom Rogic who scores, Scott Sinclair who scores, James Forrest chips in, Stuart Armstrong can score.

“We have enough goalscorers in there. Just because it’s not a traditional goalscorer doesn’t mean you can’t score. You just have to find a different way” 

Image result for scared face

“That floating player forcing the centre-half to come in or come out and what you need is pace in behind him.

“It can gain you superiority in an effective area of the field.

“You will always have in your squad the reference point of a number nine.

“For me, that nine needs to be able and have mobility.

“But, if they are not available, it’s about being able to move and find other ways.

“That was the beauty of last season, what we developed from.

“The style is always the same, fast, dynamic, pressing, but the systems can change.” 

Does that make you feel better ?

No ?

Then flip back to the home page and read all about Rosenborg. The Hearts comparison may be a little closer than you first thought.


There are options, sevral options, but with Boyata out and Sviatchenko also doubtful, the squad may look a little thin, hence the calls to buy another striker, another centre half and a back up goalkeeper.

Sure, players get hurt, but they’re not always going to be injured..

Image result for derk boerrigter

Well, not all of them, and rushing out to buy a third top class striker may sound easy, but it would be virtually impossible to persuade anyone of any real class to come in to play third man when everyone else is fit, and it also does a disservice to those who are already there.

If you get replaced by an import when you are injured, players will feel even less secure than they do now.

They may even avoid giving 100% in case they get injured.

Better surely to keep the squad happy ?

We’ll trust in the boss for now, especially as its nearly a year since the team last tasted defeat, and that was against Barcelona while the players were still getting used to the new way of playing.

Craig Gordon will start, and thats about as sure as we can be about the line up for now, although some players are certain to play, the role they will be given may be slightly unfamiliar.

Three at the back ? Not unlikely, with Lustig, Simunovic and possibly even Ajer filling those slots, with Tierney and maybe Forrest as wing backs.

That allows for Brown, Armstrong  amd Ntcham in the middle, with Rogic and Sinclair up front.

The traditional 4-2-3-1 would mean Tierney alongside the back three, Armstrong and Brown as the two-or Brown and Ntcham, depending on whether or not Rodgers and Armstrong are speaking, with Sinclair , Forrest, Hayes and Rogic all given free roles up front.

The Rosenborg defence, not noted for speed, would be pulled all over the place, creating all manner of space.

Easy on paper, isn’t it ?

And anyway, its over 180 minutes, so unless theres a complete collapse tonight, there’s time to recover next week, when we might have a full complement, so don’t worry.

I’m not, I’ll just do my usual light-me-another-fag-this-one’s-nearly-out routine from behind the couch.

Nine hundred supporters have been locked out of the game due to the somewhat heavy handed blanket ban-they were bringing in blankets to commemorate the IRA as well ? – on the Green Brigades section.

Quite why the club didn’t use CCTV to identfy where the banner wavers were sitting and just ban them is beyond me, and all they have done is react poorly to a poor situation.

Sure, they had to be told, but you wouldn’t punch a guy in the face and then punch everyone else in the room to get your message across, would you ?

Well, not unless you’d been on the monkey dust.

Some say the atmosphere will suffer, although its doubtful anyone will really notice the difference should the team play the way they can, but it has created an atmosphere of its own within the support, and a support divided merely multiplies the differences.

Lets get this tie out of the way, progress into the next round, and all sit down together like grown ups and sort things out.

The game is not on television, unless you live far, far away where you can catch it on Celtic TV, though given the distinctly amateur production of the channel, I’d start trying to log on now if i was you.

Celtic have the sole rights for the game, and have refused to sell them even to Norwegian television, in what seems like a remarkably churlish way of pretending they know how modern media works.

The idea seems to be to prevent streams becoming available on the interweb, but with the new periscope app, there’s going to be a few streams direct from the ground anyway, and it seems the idea of making sure the ground is full and pretending its the only place to see the game is at best at best left in the seventies where it belongs.

What happens if Rosenborg return the favour next week and refuse to sell the rights to anyone so no one over here can see it ?

They’re not happy, and they’re being not happy in Norwegian, so that we can’t even tell how unhappy they are…

NRK får sende Celtic-Rosenborg på radio

Etter det vart kjent at Celtic-Rosenborg ikkje vert sendt på TV har NRK klart å sikre seg rettigheitene til radio. Dermed vil kampen bli sendt direkte på NRK Sport. 

– Sjølv om UEFA ikkje rangerar desse kvalifiseringskampane så høgt, så er det dritviktige for oss. Argumentasjonane Celtic kjem med for å ikkje sende kampen på TV i Norge held ikkje mål. Det er rett og slett eit spark i ballane. 

From the days of Deila I picked up a little Norwegian…

Image result for little norwegian lady

“Even if UEFA does not rank these qualifying matches so high, it’s critical to us. Argumentation Celtic agrees not to send the match on television in Norway, no goal. It’s simply a kick in balloons. 

This decision will bite us in the arse next week…


To my mind, whatever there is left of it at least, those who can go to the game will go. Regardless of where they live.

Others, due to work, family or financial constraints cannot.

Don’t make them feel any less of a fan by isolating them. They would have paid to see the game on television, not everyone is looking for a free lunch, and this decision to restrict access is exactly the same smallmindedness behind the decision to ban everyone who sat near the guys who waved the forbidden banner.

Sure, punish those who did wrong, and rightly so, but guilt by association doesn’t sit well with most right thinking men. Or women.

There’s a sense that the teacher is telling a pupil to own up, or everyone stays in after school.

Its not an attitude a club should have towards its customer base.

Image result for kirk mccoy nod gif


Wisnae Me won the predictascore competition for the Linfoeld ties, correctly predicitng 2-0 and 4-0.

Thanks to Rob o’Keefe who has donated £100 on his behalf to the chosen charity..

Your gift of £100 takes us one step closer to bringing about the first life-changing dementia treatment by 2025.

To date research funded by gifts like yours has identified 21 out of the 22 known genes which affect your risk of developing Alzheimer’s. This is significant progress which has provided targets for new treatments. And just recently our scientists discovered a protein ‘fingerprint’ in blood that can predict whether someone with mild memory problems may go on to develop Alzheimer’s.

Let’s fight dementia together

For every £1 donated, 84p powers our research and helps people to understand and fight dementia.
The research powered by Alzheimer’s Research UK can change lives, but we can’t do it alone. People like you are at the heart of our battle. We receive no government funding for our research and rely entirely on your generous support so thank you once again, we look forward to keeping you up to date on our progress.

Kind regards

Katherine Atkinson
Supporter Care Team

Telephone: 0300 111 5555


Thanks again to Rob, and well done to Wisnae Me.

I’m going for a tidy 4-0 tonight, but won’t be going to the bookies until I see what Wisnae thinks.

As for any chance of watching the game, thats in the lap of the Gods, though there’s always the radio.


Or something called a vpn, and a smart tv….

If anyone would care to explain how this works, so that i don;t use it on my smart tv or laptop/ipad/pc by accident, please feel free to explain.

That way, other readers can take the same precautions.


That Barry Ferguson feller got lucky didn’t he ? The papers reckon he’s transferred all his assets over to his wife, as though that will fool Hector and other creditors.

That includes his house, or is it soon to be Hectors house ?

Did Hearts almost field an ineligible player last night against Peterhead ?

One is tempted to think that may not have been a mistake…

Then again, why would Hearts want to investigate EBT usage ? My memory , faulty as it is, seems to recall it was a Hearts player who was refused a mortgage that blew the whole thing into the open.

I might be wrong, but I dont think I’m wrong when I suggest that the Rangers collapse and their use of EBTs is only the tip of an extremely large iceberg.

Which is why everyone seems to want to steer away from it.

Icebergs can rip a hole in even the most unsinkable of ships..

But we’ll talk about that another time.

Tonight its about the football, and getting through a tricky tie.


Image result for cmon the hoops


Before we go, there’s the caption competition..

Yesterday, we asked for your thoughts on this one..

Image result for old black and white photo

Bognorbhoy July 25, 2017 at 10:44 am · Edit · Reply →

Sevco tour de france team assure the organiser that having 3 on a bike is no sporting advantage…

And for today… incredibly a picture taken in Newcastle in 1981

Image result for old black and white photographs of people


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John McCourt
7 years ago

The GB just been informed they are banned for tonights game

7 years ago

Yeah wur dad just won the pools like, we’ll miss this I canna believe it man

7 years ago

I told that prick King the stadium repairs needed done years ago

Charlie Saiz
7 years ago

Caption : Joey Barton surveys his Ibrox career from the safety of his Club supplied Govan Mansion

7 years ago

The SPFL Board today announced, following legal advice from eminent Senior Counsel, Gerry Moynihan Q.C., that there will be no further disciplinary proceedings taken by the SPFL connected with the use by Rangers of EBTs and other tax schemes.

The SPFL Board further announced that it supports the calls that have been made for an independent review concerning the way in which Scottish football’s authorities have dealt with non-payment of tax by clubs, have applied their rules and regulations, and the sufficiency of changes made to their rules and regulations in this area over the last few years.


7 years ago

The spfl statement is up no surprises go the website spfl

Charlie Saiz
7 years ago
Reply to  jimmybee

Now consider the actions of Lawwell jumping ship onto the SFAs gaming Board…
I think he already knew the SPFL were going to wash their hands of it and decided the next best thing was to tackle it from inside the SFA.
After all SFAs Rules there were broken regarding the players validity to play.
Most interesting aspect though is the fact they (The SPFL) have separated both entities and shattered the continuity myth…
The SPFL Board of directors has considered carefully the judgement of the Supreme Court in the unsuccessful appeal by the former Rangers Football Club PLC (in liquidation) (“Rangers OldCo”) against the decision of the Inner House of the Court of Session finding that OldCo acted unlawfully in failing to deduct and pay over to HMRC, PAYE income tax, from payments made by it to EBTs for many of its registered players.

7 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

Aye, but check out Moynihan’s catch all.

4.2 In the case of Rangers FC, it was a member of the SPL and it was owned and operated by Oldco until Rangers FC became owned and operated by Newco.  It subsequently played in the SFL in Season 2012/2013. Oldco was a Member (shareholder in) of SPL Limited until 3 August 2012 but Newco was not a Member of SPL Limited (the same company as SPFL Limited) until 27 June 2013 when it became a Member of (shareholder in) SPL Limited (later renamed SPFL Limited) and Rangers FC became a member Club of the SPFL.  Is the tax liability of Oldco arising from use by Oldco of EBTs etc. a “Tax Liability” of Rangers FC, as now a member Club of the SPFL, for the purposes of Rules E20 to E29 and if the Supreme Court, as the final appellate body, refused the appeal against the decision of the Inner House will the consequences of Rules E20 to E29 apply to Newco and Rangers FC?

1. There is scope for argument about question 4.1 but having given the matter considerable thought I prefer the view that SPFL Rules E20-29 apply to the combination of the club and its current owners. The ruling in §46 of the preliminary decision of the LNS Commission (Document 12) supports the proposition that there is a distinction between a ‘club’ and its owners and operators from time to time. That will reflect the fact that fans, and the sports minded general public, identify with the club and not necessarily with the owners. That having been said, the LNS Commission was not considering the proper interpretation of Rules E20-29. A ‘club’ is defined as “a Football club … which is, for the time being, eligible to participate in the League and, except where the context otherwise requires, includes the owner and operator of such club”. The key here is that Rangers FC is not a legal entity. The legal entity liable to tax was Oldco. That being so, the context requires us to read the ‘club’ as including the owner and operators for the time being (i.e. it current owners).
2. I would answer question 4.2 in the negative. My reasoning proceeds in stages.
3. Since the liability is that of Oldco, there can be no question of Newco being directly in breach of the rules.
4. Is it possible to hold Newco indirectly liable by virtue of the 5-Way Agreement? In other words, is it possible to hold Newco liable for a breach of the rules by Oldco? My view is no because that presupposes that Oldco was in breach of some SPL or SPFL rule. As I shall explain in the next paragraph, Oldco was not in breach of the SPL Rules and cannot be in breach of an SPFL rule.
5. Under Tax Law an assessment may be immediately due and payable notwithstanding that an appeal is pending. As far as HMRC is concerned, Oldco may have been under a liability to pay tax in respect of EBTs as at the date when the SPL first introduced rules on this matter (16 July 2012).  However, the SPL Rules do not take such a hard line. Where a tax assessment is being ‘formally contested’ (i.e. appealed) it is not ‘due’ for the purposes of the SPL/SPFL Rules until the date of final determination of the claim (A6.32 in the July 2012 Rules; and E.28 in the current SPFL Rules).
(a)          As at the date when Oldco ceased to be a member of the SPL (August 2012) the EBT tax was not ‘due’ for the purposes of the SPL Rules because it was ‘formally contested’. Oldco was not in breach of the SPL Rules at that date.   
(b)          Assuming that the Supreme Court upholds the assessment the tax will become ‘due’ as at the date of the Court’s decision but Oldco is no longer a member of the SPL/SPFL and therefore it cannot be in breach of the rules in force as at that future date. 

Charlie Saiz
7 years ago

On the striker issue this week interesting wee quote from Brendan Rodgers…
Rodgers knows the loss of Dembele and Griffiths raises the issue of buying a third striker, but he said: “You have to be careful in the make-up of your squad.
“If you have got two highly-strung strikers who are fighting for a position and then you add a third one to the mix, it can actually work against you.
“Some will say you can’t have too many good players, but I think you can. It can give you a problem you don’t need.
“It’s just unfortunate if two get injured, so we’ll see. We’ll make do and take it from there.”


7 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

I think paddy will be a huge loss tonight Charlie. He was the guy who could see things happening before they did.
But we do have goal scorers through the team.
We have been crying out for a centre back since Virgil left this is the main weakness in the team.
I would go with
Gamboa Lustig Jozo Tierney.
Brown Armstrong.
Forrest Natcham Hayes
Rogic McGregor Bitton Aitchison Ralston Benyu Goalie.

Charlie Saiz
7 years ago
Reply to  jimmybee

I agree on both points Jimmy though l think Gamboa is still out with injury?
Hence why l think Ajer may drop in at CB if Erik is deemed unfit?
I don’t think this will be an easy game tonight though l think we have more than enough quality to win provided we turn up that is?

3-1 Celtic as l can see the high press causing us some issues at the back.

7 years ago
Reply to  jimmybee

gamboa crocked

7 years ago

Once again the spfl show blatant disregard for Celtic preparing for a European tie, this statement could easily have been withheld till Friday. No get it out there to take the focus of the media,whilst disregarding the importance of the club representing their corrupt body in the champions league.
It’s a fuckin joke. Not even it is a joke,it’s a disgrace. For them to act in this manner.
There are many factions at work against Celtic,the board need to wisen up and start fighting back.
The ref against Linfield was called one of the worst even before the game,and now a rookie for the most important match of the season for Celtic. You would think someone in UEFA on the refs committee had it in for us.

Charlie Saiz
7 years ago
Reply to  jimmybee

Don’t let paranoia muddy the waters here Jimmy deal only in the facts not supposition as leaves weaknesses for the enemy to focus on whilst deflecting from the facts and truth.
The ref was a useless wank that’s it no conspiracy.
The GB fucked up that’s a fact you have to accept and deal with.
The SFA are a shower of bastards that is the issue at hand here the SPFL will always look after its own interests.
Hence why Pedro has fucked them off.

7 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

What the fuck has the GB got to do with the post I just made.
I didn’t mention them.

Charlie Saiz
7 years ago
Reply to  jimmybee

You have just speant 4 days defending the GBs actions that will see us up in front of UEFA (yet again).
I thought it was kinda relevant?

7 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

It wasn’t mentioned so it wasn’t relevant get over yerself

Charlie Saiz
7 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz


Charlie Saiz
7 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

So let me get this straight here…
We as a Club are to defend ourselves against perceived attacks from the likes of UEFA but at the same time we are to ignore the fact our own support are doing things which enable the likes of UEFA to do so?

Aye ok Jimmy I’ll get over myself.

7 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

Should be easy with four legs!

7 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

Charlie you went off pitch with bringing up the gb that I never mentioned. I thought the measures Celtic have brought in were harsh against that section,you don’t that’s fair enough.
It just seemed odd to me, on the day Celtic are in Champions league qualification, they spfl decided to issue this statement.
That the refs used in the champions league matches we are playing are rookies,one was told to be completely useless before the Linfield match. Which proved correct, as the bookings issued to Griffiths and Armstrong were a joke. It cost Celtic a fine and a charge. So I will continue to hold very little regard for UEFA, paranoid maybe,but just calling it how I’ve seen it for the past 50 years. Yes I think Celtic should be more vocal,especially with the match and decisions in Linfield.
They have also failed to respond to the PSNI even though they did say they would do after the tie was over in Glasgow.
But nothing so far.

Charlie Saiz
7 years ago
Reply to  jimmybee

Jimmy the decision affects all Clubs not just Celtic.
They had their meeting yesterday it makes sense that they would release their decision the next day or soon after so as not to have fans,media on their case in the event of any delay.
Their domain is the SPFL NOT THE CHANPIONSLEAGUE and seeing as the League starts very soon surely getting this squared away before that made sense?
I agree on the bookings UEFA can be farcical at times when it comes to their decision making but the fact remains that comes down to a poor ref nothing else.
Let’s no get caught up in the sideshow here eh bud let’s concentrate on the real issue at hand?
Ie the corruption within the SFA and the decision made in a Supreme Court that undermines THEIR DECISIONS.
Brendan and the boys will have no interest whatsoever in the SPFL and it won’t stop them performing on the night.

Bill Reilly
7 years ago

You have to wonder if PL walking last week and the TV rights thing tonight are linked. Domestic Scottish rights are neither here nor there to Celtic but are crucial to everyone else in the league including the law makers. If Celtic follow the Barca/Real domestic TV deals Celtic get richer but the league gets poorer but if the league is corrupt do Celtic care?

7 years ago

The caption photo is so sad. Please of you can don”t try and say something funny, there is nothing funny about it. All comments despising that bastard thatcher would be better in my opinion.

Charlie Saiz
7 years ago
Reply to  Liftedinmoscow

What’s sad about it?
I see a group of kids sticking together in a time of need.
Anyone who grew up in a scheme can probably relate to that photo and look back with a smile.
We were skint but our environment did not stop us being happy.
In fact it probably strengthened and enriched the bond between us?w

It was reality for a great many at that time.

Pat Higney
7 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

True Charlie,
I grew up the son of a miner at that time, we never had a lot, but it forged many a character from our village, into a mindset that they would be successful no matter what that witch threw at them. Photos like this one should be shown to all and sundry, jto let them see what ‘it’ tried to do to communities and to show that success can rise from the ashes of poverty. Kind of reminds me of a wee club from the east end!

7 years ago
Reply to  Pat Higney

Sancatmonious crap. Let me explain to the hard of thinking. The picture is sad because it shows the lack of hope and total despair on the kid’s faces. That sums up the evil that thatcher did. And you’re not the only ones who grew up on a scheme.

Pat Higney
7 years ago
Reply to  Liftedinmoscow

What should people have done then? Let her beat us every day by not bettering ourselves?
Say thanks for scraps while the tories have their boot on yer neck?
No! You fight back with the tools at your disposal, and for many it was getting educated and using their heads.
You’re the one being sanctimonious, most everyone else has used this period as a lesson learnt, you seem to want to beat your chest in anguish.
Better still, you’ve started the ” my scheme was more downtrodden than yours” competition.

Charlie Saiz
7 years ago
Reply to  Pat Higney

Exactly l suppose it comes down to perception Pat?
I see a group of hardy weans that will survive in life no matter what shite comes their way.
My wee pal had fuck all as a wean and now takes hame over 50k a year he would still to this day give you his last penny if you needed it.

Ding dong the wicked witch is dead …

7 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

Does he still eat dog food? 🙂

Charlie Saiz
7 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

No but he eats fannies for breakfast 😉

No muff too tough he dives at 5

7 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

You shared a plate then….or was it a bowl?

Charlie Saiz
7 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

Yes correct devoured a few fannies in my time.


7 years ago
Reply to  Liftedinmoscow


Prawn Sandwich sir?

7 years ago
Reply to  Monti

These guys wi the prawn sandwiches are they supporting the team and going to the fucking match?

or is it made up shite in that empty dome above your fucking neck.

7 years ago
Reply to  FredCDobbs

Oh dear??

7 years ago
Reply to  Monti

0-0 tonight, in case you are at all interested in celtic

7 years ago
Reply to  Liftedinmoscow

Mon Moscow. They may be pissed off cos they’ve been refused entry ti get in the local disco across the street):. But really, ah think most on here have played around building sites wi ther mates and got a rollicking off oor parents for ‘cumin hame mawkit’

But ah agree, thatcher was a bitch.

7 years ago

Mr Ferguson needs to google the phrase “gratuitous alienation”.
Disposing of your assets at less than market value or through gifting before applying for bankruptcy is a big no no.
Trustee can still take those assets for the benefit of he creditors and I can’t imagine Hector allowing the Trustee to do a light overview in this case.

7 years ago

That bastard thatcher. First the milk, now she just spilt wit pints

7 years ago

I left the uk when Callaghan was pm when I came back I was hit with a poll tax bill. Shouldn’t have gone tae the Buroo I spose

Pat Higney
7 years ago

Caption: Kenny Miller shaped missile destroys family home, authorities suspect a Simunovic ballistic delivery system.

7 years ago

Caption pic That is Joey Barton isn’t it ?

7 years ago

Caption : take it the Huns had a pre season friendly?

7 years ago

Caption: Oh Sergent where’s mine says the young man in the chair.

Pat Higney
7 years ago

Caption: Right Joey, that’s the last time your getting a chemistry set for Christmas!

7 years ago

Caption: Auf Wiedersen pet to Crosssmaglen

7 years ago
Reply to  Martin67

My favourite was ‘ Bomber ‘ 🙂

The Cha
7 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Moxy, the twisted firestarter

7 years ago

Caption – ‘We are the people’

7 years ago

The easiest way to Explain a vpn is a program/app that hides your location / tricks the server into thinking you are in a different country/ for celtic tv you can make the program believe you are in say america / canada which would allow you to watch

As for watching

7 years ago
Reply to  P

Premium Accounts on Twitter are very good, send them cash, they send you a link and all you do is click it, voila…5000 channels!

7 years ago
Reply to  P

Is that what Bondi is using to pretend he’s in Australia? 🙂

The Cha
7 years ago
Reply to  P

I’m not sure why you need a VPN, as this would only be required if you signed up for Celtic TV Overseas (£160pa) and you also need an overseas postal address.

Some of the usual free sites are advertising links but whether they actually work or not is another thing.

7 years ago
Reply to  P

a VPN creates a secure, encrypted connection, which can be thought of as a tunnel, between your computer and a server operated by the VPN service provider. from there the traffic is sent to the peer given in the url. This gives protection from hackers sniffing the internet looking for targets, since the data from the source is encrypted. the traffic looks to the peer like its coming from the server. The server exists in a country of your choice. For the really paranoid use the tor browser on top. Make sure to always clear you browser history since if you surf with the VPN off your real IP is exposed by cookies.

I wouldn’t surf the web without a VPN.

7 years ago
Reply to  FredCDobbs

PS. The free VPNs are shit

7 years ago
Reply to  FredCDobbs

So is your craic

7 years ago
Reply to  FredCDobbs

and yes the traffic look to the peer like its coming from the VPN servers applied ip address.

7 years ago
Reply to  FredCDobbs

Ive read that 3 times Fred N still huvt a clue. Nae reflection on you, just me N electricity don’t get on. Ma youngest is mair clued up, as most youngsters are.

Anyhoo.. 0-0. Hmm could be along night in Norway.

7 years ago

Caption:”Told you we should have left the flares at home.”

7 years ago

Only time I’ve been to Wembley was on this date 8 years ago.
How time flies. Big Sammy on fire.

7 years ago

Todays announcement from the SPFL is what we knew it was always going to be…..the war has begun….
I hope and expect a response from our club in the coming days but It will be fan power that wins this war……..there is a long road ahead of us and all fans from all clubs must come together to fight as one.
We can not and must not let this cheating go unpunished and to do that we must bring down the SFA and all the corruption of Scottish football too


7 years ago
Reply to  ewanbhoy

hail hail ewanbhoy

7 years ago

Don’t know why people getting upset at the picture, I liked Dexys Midnight runners

The Cha
7 years ago
Reply to  Desi Mond

What an appalling dance stance

7 years ago

the wee guy wae the glesses sais kop for they two hurray henrys headin oor way they think weer skint but weer only as skint as theyv got in thier pockets ha ha

7 years ago

Caption: Guy with glasses: ” Wayaye mum, can we gan ootside and play now “? 🙂

Pat Higney
7 years ago
Reply to  Monti

I’m laughing out loud here, you might find yerself in a ‘Gulag’ if someone takes offence to that cracker!!

7 years ago
Reply to  Pat Higney


7 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Just spat my drink all over my shirt..belter M.

7 years ago
Reply to  Monti


7 years ago

Caption: These poor souls have just been informed they are not ‘ real Newcastle Utd fans ‘ because they don’t go to the games.

7 years ago

caption maggie sais skint ma arse so were did speccy get the money for fags

7 years ago

Caption: A Quentin Tarantino Production
‘ The Gateshead hateful eight ‘

7 years ago

Caption: “Pyros, Buckie and aerosols you said. What could possibly go wrong?”

7 years ago
Reply to  PeteCon

I thought that read Pyros, Buckie & arseholes…..
Forgive me, i was thinking about Charlie Saiz there 🙂

Charlie Saiz
7 years ago
Reply to  Monti

If l have told you once l have told you a thousand times am not intae the fudge packing hing Monti lm a happily married man.
Go join Grindr man ffs 😉

7 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

How can i possibly have heard you when your head is buried in a nosebag?

Charlie Saiz
7 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Animal porn now fs somebody have a word with Monti…

Charlie Saiz
7 years ago
Reply to  Monti

In a stable environment

Charlie Saiz
6 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Did we take that too farrier?

7 years ago

Desi Mond,
Good afternoon to you…..podcast coming up?

7 years ago

statement celtic?

52k season books? of course you don’t care

7 years ago
Reply to  bgbhoy

How’s it going m8, give my regards to Maria!
Bgbhoy, do you not get the feeling there is going to be a war with all this shit?

We are basically being told to fuck off…..

7 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Yes der fuhrer is fine lad. Cheers. Haha. I don’t know mate, what can be forced? By who? Maybe bent nose had it right all along Not going.. but he isn’t making a difference when thousands of fans will continue to go. I don’t Think i will be going in the mean time but for every one of me there will be someone else to go. What’s the point?

7 years ago
Reply to  Bgbhoy

He’ll boot your bawz for that lol.
What i will say m8 is this, there will be no turning back, no visiting this in the future, ALL action must be taken now.

P.S. Andybhoy, if you need a hand to take bg down, let me know 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  Monti

apart from a few sheep and arab fans, nobody seems to care

7 years ago

Its July FFS.

Ah’m lookin oot the windae, its pishin doon wi rain,
ma arthritis is playin up, its rampin up the pain,
will we ever see that golden sun again?

Ah’m lookin oot the windae, the rain has changed tae sleet,
it’s coverin the tap o’ the barley, it’s even above the wheat,
ma mood his gone fae guid tae bad, it makes me wannae greet,

Ah’m lookin oot the windae, it’s blawin a feckin gale,
ah cannae see the sheep nae mair, that were feedin oan the kale,
the hoose is rattlin michtily, it’s aff the richter scale,
thank goad the Tic. are playin the nicht, commoan you bhoys, Hail,Hail.

7 years ago

STV remake of “Whatever Hapened to the Likely Lads ” wasn’t the same.

7 years ago

“Gerry Moynihan” hahaha. You can hear them all saying “See, ya Taigs, we’re no biased! It’s youse! ( Psst. Cover up thon nipple, Crawford, the ceremony’s over.)”

Mike Annis
7 years ago

Caption: phew, That’s the last time we play The Rangers in a friendly.

As to that SPFL press release, the game is finished in this country. irredemiably so.

7 years ago

Caption: “The loyal fans applaud as John Greig’s Unwinnables troop from the pitch after gallantly securing a point off mighty Thistle.”

Dziekanowski's nightclub child
7 years ago

Caption: The Ferguson family settle in to their new digs

7 years ago

“The SPFL Board further announced that it supports the calls that have been made for an independent review concerning the way in which Scottish football’s authorities have dealt with non-payment of tax by clubs, have applied their rules and regulations, and the sufficiency of changes made to their rules and regulations in this area over the last few years.”

The SPFL is punting this to an independent inquiry. They know it was a scam and they are afraid to address it. They need an independent body to do this. This is the leverage an independent inquiry address the the question: Did any clubs in Scotland gain a sporting advantage through illegal tax schemes and if so what are the SFA rules that apply to that and what enforcement must be done. Based on the fact that that players were improperly registered than there is set punishments that can simply be applied. Open and shut case I would say

7 years ago

Do you have any more pics of the Norwegian blonde?
Shit that was meant to be a pm 🙂

Cough cough

7 years ago

Where’s Lawwells statement then Bhoys?

I want Celtic to pick a fight….TODAY!


7 years ago




Celtic bicycle club
7 years ago

whilst largely agreeing with the sentiments of the GB (i don’t dot the i’s or cross the T’s though)please leave your politics OUTSIDE of cp.all fair minded people know of the Palestinian plight (shameful)and the non-sensical clamour to besmirch our jersey with poppies (commemorating murdering bastard thugs,ww1 and ww11 excepted)but,as BR said,celtic park is NOT the place to demonstrate your frustrations.kindly desist now,or this could escalate (witch is what some people desperately want-monti,are you listening ya fuckin’ fud)

7 years ago


Charlie Saiz
7 years ago

A Roman nose song for our Italian bhoys …

Roman in the gloamin wi ma nostrils in the air
Roamin in the gloamin like a don’t really fuckin care
Oh a went intae the shops n bought a man size box
Of tissues tae blow ma massive fuckin shnozzer

Wisnae me
7 years ago

FYI. 2-0 tonight, 2-1 away, both Celtic wins.

Wisnae me
7 years ago
Reply to  Wisnae me

No strikers? I want to take my prediction back.

Wisnae me
7 years ago

Well done to Rob for being so generous with the money I made him at the bookies 🙂

I think anything we can do to cure a disease like Alzheimers is worth doing, although it might be too late for a couple of people on here…

Rob O'Keefe
7 years ago
Reply to  Wisnae me

No problem Wisnae.Sporting integrity.Take note,SPFL.Great cause and nice of them to reply to Ralph so quickly.As they don’t receive government funding,I’ll donate to them from forthcoming competitions unless winner suggests their own.Well done.HH

Rob O'Keefe
7 years ago
Reply to  Wisnae me

Cheers Wisnae,great cause.Winnings from forthcoming comps will go to them as they don’t receive govt.funding unless winner/s have a personal favourite charity/pub.Well done again.HH

7 years ago

Good luck tonight Celtic, go for the jugular!

7 years ago


Rob O'Keefe
7 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Cheers M,interesting team tonight…..

7 years ago
7 years ago
Reply to  charlie

pass this on bhoys

7 years ago
Reply to  charlie

and ghirls ………a dont want ma baws toed

Rob O'Keefe
7 years ago
Reply to  charlie

Twitter feed RangersTaxCase for crowdfunding information……

Rob O'Keeffe
6 years ago
Reply to  Rob O'Keefe

I sent my children’s’ inheritance Signed Barry Fergiehun…..

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