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Celtic Diary Wednesday March 9: More Important Derby Ahead

Aberdeen beat Partick last night 2-1 to move within a point of Celtic at the top of the league. That makes Celtic’s visit to Firhill a little more important than it ought to be.

Suddenly, it’s time for the players to wake up and realise that they have a fight on their hands.

The dons even recovered from a setback when the Jags took the lead, something that almost never happens to Celtic, and it proved that they are up for the fight.

Four years ago, we bemoaned a lack of competition, and now that its here, we’re moaning that we allowed it to happen. It was inevitable that a challenge would come from somewhere sooner or later. It’s taken four years, but now it’s here, and there’s no excuse for not getting behind the team as they strive for a fifth consecutive title.

Every game now is important, more important than the upcoming Cup semi final, which I vaguely remember reading about somewhere, and perhaps it would, as Rebus suggested yesterday, be an idea for the club to announce that Celtic have a number of important games coming up, nd the semi final is just one of them.

And get the players to sing from the same hymn sheet.

Except Leigh Griffiths. He’s not allowed to sing anything. Anywhere.

Having exhausted the line of former players who think that Second Rangers actually have a chance in that game, the press have now moved to hint that a couple of Celts are on their way out, which is their plan B.

Scott allan has been linked with moves to Derby, Nottingham forest and Bolton, while James Forrrest has the chance to go to Norwich,

All speculation, of course, but the former story has added to the faux confidence over at Ibrox, as website Ibrox noise points out;

It was with a great deal amusement that news broke recently regarding former Rangers fan and club target Scott Allan’s link with a move out of Parkhead. Information received over a month ago by this site (but which elected to remain unpublished due to relative unimportance) was that he had expressed his desire to leave Celtic due to lack of playing time.

With Derby, Nottingham Forest & Bolton all reportedly interested in the playmaker, it highlights just how bad a decision he made to leave Hibs for Celtic rather than just waiting a few months to sign a pre-contract with Rangers, his supposed ‘boyhood club’.

Right now Scott Allan would be likely frozen out at Easter Road, true, but he would be looking forward to the Premiership with Rangers next season and a bright career with the club he loved. Or claimed to.

But now he is looking at the midriff of English football if he is lucky, and a career which had so much promise but is now threatening to fall apart entirely.

Put simply, the pettiness of Celtic was to stop Rangers signing him by snapping him up themselves – and consigning him to the development team because they had no intention of ever using him. If ever the value of money was trivilialised, it was the £350K signing of Scott Allan by Celtic just to stick a middle finger up at Rangers. 

Now Rangers do not even need him, with Jason Holt blossoming in ways Allan could only dream of, while the team as a whole grows and improves in readiness for the Premiership and the clash with Celtic next month. 

They do look at things different over there. Even if there’s some truth in the story, and there might be, ” now he is looking at the midriff of English football if he is lucky ” presumably instead of plying his trade in the underbelly of Scottish football is proof that the fans of the new club have exactly the same mentality as those of the old one.

Had Allan gone to Ibrox, it’s unlikely anyone outwith the newspaper and radio offices of Scotland would even have noticed him, as evidenced by the plethora of bids for those who do ply their trade at ibrox during the last transfer window.

If he is to go, and I don’t want to see that happen, then at least he’s got somewhere to go to.

However, there was more evidence of more than a little sensitivity from another Ibrox supporter when he complained about a headline in the Scotsman;

“pandering a wee bit to the Sevco crowd ” is, of course, an allegory for “telling the truth “.

Or this one, which somehow managed to connect the word “bigot 2 to the headline;


Whilst simultaneously ignoring his own intolerance.


There was a little touch of realism from Chris Sutton yesterday, the former Celt who , in all fairness , speaks from the heart and changes his opinions to such a level we’ve considered asking him to write the Diary. With typical forthrightness, Sutton said;

 I look at them player-for-player. It’s difficult because Celtic have so many. But how many of the Rangers players would get in the Celtic team?

 You have to look at form but all things being equal if you asked Mark Warburton whether he would take the majority of the Celtic team over his team then (everyone) would say yes. 
The majority of the Celtic team ? Which of the Celtic players wouldn’t get into the Ibrox line up ?
Conversely, however, he’s spot on, not one of the Warburton wunderteam would even make the bench at Celtic Park, especially if there was a game on.
Tom Boyd was even more forthright;

“there’s nothing to fear from a team that are in a lower division.

“They are taking some plaudits for the way they are playing, but we are sitting top of the league, four points clear and in the semi-final as well.

“So if we can get our act together, get the boys up for it as we did against Morton, then I think it will be a little bit tighter in terms of the overall standard of the game, but I still see us coming through this because we do have the better quality players.

“It’s just about making sure they turn up for the occasion and I can only see victory.” 

But we’ll leave that game there, because there is a much more important Glasgow Derby to deal with first, and it has become a bit of a season definer. In fact. I’ve opened a wee b and b where you can get away from all the hype as a first division club tries to make themselves feel all important.
 Should Celtic lose, the impetus, which is arguably already firmly encamped in the north east, will grow stronger, and like a side that were three up at half time only to find themselves level with ten minutes to go, Celtic could struggle to shift back up a gear.
Ronny needs to pick his first team squad  with his best eleven starting every game, and stick with them now until the league is won. No more farting about with players, pick a team and stick with it.
Aberdeen have clung on until March, and there’s no reason not to expect them to keep clinging on.
Hell, its what we needed to waken the club up from their slumber and maybe remind the fans that we have no divine right to win anything just because our former rivals aren’t there anymore.
Contrast our own somewhat spoiled attitude with that of Aberdeen manager Derek McInnes

“It will be a rollercoaster between now and the end of the season. There will be more games like tonight.

“But I am loving it. There’s going to be tension and times fraught with nerves.

“We need to stay calm and focused to get the job done. We believe we can win games.

“It was really important we got back into the game and got those two goals. It was down to quality and determination.

“It was never going to be easy for us. Thistle are a good side and that’s a tough fixture out the way. I was proud of that performance tonight. They never know when they are beaten.”

…..we are enjoying winning and we don’t intend to stop.

“We have a team with total trust in themselves and total trust in me. We have a tight, hungry squad.

“The supporters were brilliant, they got behind us. There is a bit of momentum there and we need to keep that with us.”

Looks like we’ve got that excitement we were craving. I suppose I’ll have to get off my arse and out the pub and get into the ground from now on. 

In other news, Erik Sviatchenko is making ingratiating himself with the support…
This young lad got a post match gift from the big Dane, which is pleasing to see, and other players should take note and do a wee bit more themselves.
Or at least let us know what they are doing.
One of the criticisms the Diary has levelled at Celtic in the past is a lack of information regarding the charitable side of the club, because although its kind of crass to blow one’s own trumpet about this sort of thing, it does no harm to let people know that you have a trumpet and are using it on occasion.
Which is why I was pleased to see that there is now a Celtic FC Charity foundation newsletter, which highlights the work of the Foundation. Its very well put together, with a mission statement and details of work they’ve done, as well as a what’s on timetable to allow people to get involved.
Now thats the Celtic we support.
I’ve tried to copy a few bits from it to give you an example of it, but as usual failed miserably, but I’ll see if those smarter than me -i.e. everyone can do something.
Anyhow, if anyones interested I’ll see if I can work out how to get you a copy, and alternatively I’ll see if the club have a way of distributing it so you can get your own copy.
It’s a good wee read.
Susan Murphy took the caption competition yesterday with this line, and no doubt that’s the first of many.
So, today, see what you can do with this one…
By the way, can you remmeber my pal in your prayers. He is in a bad way in the  hospital after taking an E. Ttupid I know, as the security staff on Countdown don’t mess about.
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Charlie Saiz
8 years ago

Dave Kings world domination plans kick into high gear as work on The Death Star International finally nears completion …

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

Ralph check your inbox on Twitter reference the Celtic Foundation

mr greene
8 years ago

Caption .

It has been reported today that workers have found the Holy Grail but there is still no sign of The War Chest . But they will keep digging .

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago

The Borrowers release actual video footage of the internal workings of the Ibrox Calculator

8 years ago

Caption: Work get’s underway on the construction of the Tay bridge, these lads are just having a wee brek, Ken and having a PEH before getting back tae work, Ken!
Help, Crivvens, Jings and help ma boab!

8 years ago

Leadership will be the key factor in this title run in now, Craig Gordon, Mikael Lustig, Charlie Mulgrew and Scott Brown, these guys should be starting every game now, guide the young players through.
Must win on Saturday!

8 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Monti,you are so right,all of the above players have been critised in recent months but they are the ones to guide the team to title no5.
I have today looked into these players backgrounds and each one has a strong bond or family tie with Bonny Dundee.

8 years ago
Reply to  mike

I like Dundee driving through it tells me I’m almost home. Although I would rather be driving on empty motorway. Bloody Roundabouts!

8 years ago
Reply to  Uralius


I new you were quality,you sound like a Perth laddie,

so not far from me.


8 years ago
Reply to  mike

I am driving from the ferry.

8 years ago

Caption: Look boys, if we didnae huvtae get Ally McCoist oot, the Ibrox escape tunnel could be a lot smaller.

8 years ago

I’m struggling to keep up my ‘ get behind Deila until the end of the season ‘… I know I have to but I’m disgusted with how this season is panning out.
I need to think about Celtic first and why we have to support, when I see an image of Lawwell and Deila in my mind, I just feel anger and resentment!
Not handling this well at all….

8 years ago
Reply to  Monti

I share your pain, but the priority now, notwithstanding all that has happened, is to make sure that we cross that line as Champions (and Double winners too). That means backing the team on the pitch in every game until May. Recriminations, post-mortems, redundancies and clear-outs etc can happen in the summer.

8 years ago
Reply to  jrw

I agree with you, but deep inside I have a sinking feeling!
I can’t shake it off, maybe it’s a wee bit of panic but it’s hard to put faith in this manager and team.
I’m going to say it because I feel this…there is a real chance we will lose this title!

If this happens Lawwell better have a fucking jet waiting!

James Queen
8 years ago
Reply to  jrw

Good shout comrade

8 years ago

Caption: Look lads, when I said Rangers had to dig deep to get into Europe….

8 years ago

with respect ralph,
some of us on here have been talking about this exact situation we find ourselves in now for months, and have been slaughtered for it, ” hes building a team”, ” he must be given time” “we will be 12 clear by march” all of that based on blind loyalty to the cause whilst some folk could see this coming, you are doing exactly the same with the deadco have no chance line, as they do, sadly, so from here lets stop talking about the tribute act, 1 game at a time, settled team, 40,000 at CP for every home game and just hope this is enough, and the blind loyalty that some held so dearly does not cost us the league

8 years ago

Well said Torrance,

James Queen
8 years ago

Hail hail m8

Brian (not the messiah)
8 years ago

Caption: miners down tools and stop shoveling coal to keep the lights on at Ibrokes

Do I win a t-shirt?????

8 years ago

Only if you go into a bar topless…

8 years ago

A few weeks ago I looked at the fixture list and agreed to make plans to go away this weekend with the wife and kids….my thinking was that the title would be in the bag by now and I could miss the Thistle game. After last night (much to my wife’s annoyance) I’ve rescheduled the plans so I can be in a pub at 12:30 on Saturday to watch the game. We’re in a genuine title race now and I’m not missing the game! And do you know what, deep down I think I prefer this to coasting to a title win by about 25 points.

Our form has been poor the last few games and Ronny and the players need to take a long hard look at themselves…..but we’re still favourites for the league and still favourites for the cup. It’s not going to be easy though – so everyone needs to get motivated right now and treat every game as a battle – the manager, the players and the fans. We all stick together – the players give the fans something to get behind and the fans really get behind the players and manager. If we do that then we’ll all be celebrating at the end of the season.

Let’s put the recent run of bad performances behind us. We’ve got a fight on our hands now and I, for one, can’t wait! Counting the hours to Saturday at 12:30pm.

Mon the Hoops!

8 years ago
Reply to  Martin

Good post Martin , What happened to the SFA Armageddon ? We are entering the decisive 10 games we are under pressure and this is where The Whole club needs to stand up and be counted including the fans. If 10 in a row goes then I would go along with a complete clear out from top to bottom but we have a fight on our hands so let us see if the ‘Club’ are up for it starting Saturday. This could be as enjoyable as winning it on the last day at Love Street.
Armageddon my Arsenal!☘☘☘

8 years ago

caption the zombies try to dig themselves out of a dark place after hmrc win the tax case and we win 18 in a row

8 years ago

Is there a groundswell of opinion growing amongst The Celtic diaspora to abandon attendance at this semi final as a stand against the Establishment of Scottish Football and it’s media supported New Club I suggested this before pre EK game but a semi final against The Dead Club would certainly have more of an impact on National TV too . Get the banners out GB and set them across the seats opposite the camera positions and get the message across we will take no more cheating in The Scottish Game?☘☘☘

8 years ago

play the development team against the zombies so they bastard bookies might gie me a hauf decent price

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  charlie

A fool and his money are soon parted as my wee maw used to say…

8 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

only bet on a sure thing as ma auld da used to say

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  charlie

Many a mickle makes a muckle some daft cnut once said.

8 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

wisnae any ae mine ha ha

8 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

…never see a poor bookie…

8 years ago

On a scale of 1-10 today, 1 being very concerned and 10 bordering on hysterical arrogance….I’m nearer to 2!

8 years ago

Does anyone else on here have a sinking feeling that they are trying, but failing to hide?

8 years ago

Boycott the semi. If we attend we still recognise them. They are the same club. Don’t go. If you couldn’t be bothered to show up against Morton why do you want to go against another 1st division club. The Celtic board need to do more to protest against the cheating. Get up off your knees Lawwell. Celtic are allowing the same club lie to become a reality.

8 years ago
Reply to  john

Until the BTC is decided Lawell’s hands are tied, if it goes against them and Celtic do not go after them all guns blazing then we have a problem at Board Level.☘☘☘

8 years ago
Reply to  DanTheMan

Dan The Man, that’s not quite the case. The Big Tax Case will prove that EBTs were illegal, as is the case now subject to appeal by BDO (RFCs Liquidators). Once the appeal is rejected, then title-stripping must be on the agenda. However, in the meantime we should be chasing the granting of the EUFA Licence awarded (wrongfully) to RFC (IL) for 2011-12 and at huge cost to ourselves. RFC (IL) was in breach of EUFA conditions due to unpaid social taxes during Whyte’s tenure at Ibrox. Mr Lawwell knows all about this but refuses to act. I am open to correction but I don’t think that is going to happen as I’m convinced the above is absolutely correct.

8 years ago
Reply to  Vinnie

Vinnie, Has BDO not won there appeal on the big tax case and has it not very recently been passed over to the Supreme Court for final decision, poss.9 months time? Interestingly the decision today about the Tax decision by Deucth bank and another Bank ruled that they were also guilty of tax avoidance and might/should be a guide to the end result.


8 years ago
Reply to  mike

Mike, BDO has recently won the RIGHT to appeal the last decision which was a victory for HMRC. So, if BDOs appeal fails (which will, as you correctly say, be held some time in the future but date not known) then EBTs are finally proved illegal. No further appeals possible. This is not the same thing as the EUFA Licence which was wrongly awarded to RFC(IL) and can be challenged at any time. It should be challenged in Court but to date PL has avoided the issue. This could also lay down a marker for future title-stripping. Hope this makes sense.

8 years ago
Reply to  john

Monti if I can avoid saying it then so can you, just think it a lot and you will feel better

8 years ago

Hunable to accept that their club is dead, these huns hide away from possible hunageddon.

8 years ago

The comments from the Darkside about Scott Allan in today’s post above are exactly why I would like to see him play a pivotal role in the semi final Monti , they are still hurting from it and Scott could make it even more painful by playing and playing well in a Celtic victory . Just a wee bit of what goes around comes around for signing ‘Judas ‘ What do you think?☘☘☘

8 years ago
Reply to  DanTheMan

I’d love to see him score goal 5 and pop out a Scott Brown celebration…..

8 years ago

the huns are starting a club 1872 the know you know fucking hilarious ha ha ha ha

8 years ago
Reply to  charlie


8 years ago

Caption….On what should have been a day of celebration after completing the last stage of the tunnel linking Celtic Park with the Vatican City, the Celtic subterranean soccer crew are informed that Ronny Deila is still the Celtic manager.
After a brief discussion, they’ve decided to head for Sydney.

8 years ago
Reply to  andybhoy

HA.HA.HA.feckin brilliant Andy.

8 years ago

Good article again Ralphy, If i was motivational coach,the first thing i would do,would be to get wee Bertie to give the Players and Management Team a guided tour of the Cellic Museam.This is who you play for and this is the standard we set,pucker up and go and get them.
Then i would run them up Law hill in Bonnie Dundee till there Hearts and thighs were burstin,show them oor Willie 80 year auld yesterday and disny look a day over 15.Find oot whos got Dundee blood in there veins and automatically pick them,any with Edinburger blood,sell them,use the 30quid for Dundee Pehs and beans.

8 years ago
Reply to  mike

I’d be surprised if there are any veins left in Dundee….

8 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Monti, i have been reading your mini crisis,pucker up for fucks sake.
Do we have the best players yes.
Do we have the squad to cope with injuries yes.
Do we have the most experieneed players yes.
Do we have the bottle yes its been proven in the past.
Do the players want this title yes of course they do.
Do we have the best coaches yes they have won titles previously.
Is Bonny Dundee the best shitty in Scotland,of ffs fo.

8 years ago

whilst your thoughts are admirable, they will not work, if 45,000 tims said they would boycott, 45,000 more would take there tickets, oldco, sevco, deadco, the tribute act, whatever you want to call them, they look like orcs, they smell like orcs, they act like orcs, therefore for some they are orcs, and there is nothing better than destroying the orcs at hampden, or anywhere for that matter
tickets will be sold out quicker than a adele concert

8 years ago

Torrance i am 100% with john on this,but feel that we would be better of hittin our Heeds with a brick.
What will be will be.
BTW who is Adele?

8 years ago

Hello Hello…it’s me 🙂

8 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Hello Hello, are you sure its no Bob.yer beginning to post like him.

brian(not the messiah)
8 years ago

Stop worrying Monti, chill out man, where is your faith??????

8 years ago

It has gone!

brian(not the messiah)
8 years ago
Reply to  Monti

same with me and the church, but as yer man says “some things in life are bad they can really make you mad other things just make you smile and laugh,,,,,,always look on the bright side of life, com’on monti cheer up ye old bugger!!!!

Craigy Bhoy
8 years ago

Four years ago, we bemoaned a lack of competition, and now that its here, we’re moaning that we allowed it to happen.

I don’t think people are moaning it has happened, we welcome any form of challenge from ANY team in Scotland, it isn’t however that other teams have gotten better, Celtic have receded so far under Deila it is unreal, the style, the signings, the formation(one of) the inconsistency in selection, disciplinary proceedings, it all points at one thing, deila OUT

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  Craigy Bhoy

Aberdeen and Hearts have improved no end in the past 4 years.

Craigy Bhoy
8 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

Improved enough to become champions? So Celtic haven’t went backwards at all then?

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  Craigy Bhoy

You said “it isn’t however that other teams haven’t gotten better”
That’s not true there have been marked improvements at both Aberdeen and Hearts.
We on the other hand have been going backwards since Strachan took over.
Since then we have taken 1 step forward for every two back.
Funnily enough since Peter Lawwell was appointed 😉

Craigy Bhoy
8 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

Totally agree, his spreadsheet must be showing some alarming trends on attendances going down down down

On another note, RD stays in charge for qualifiers next season what then? how many people are going to renew their books?

Have other teams gotten better as much as Celtic have went backwards? not IMO…but we all have our own Charlie…

8 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

Aberdeen and Hearts UEFA ranking in 2012: 143 and 184. Current UEFA ranking: 221 and 247. I don’t think they are getting better at all.

Difficult to compare Hearts after their admin but lets compare Aberdeen: In 08 Aberdeen qualified from a UEFA Cup group (5 teams then) composing of Athletico Madrid, Lokomotiv Moscow, Panathanikos and FC Copenhagen, this year they got put out before the group stage by FC Kairat, a team that finished in the bottom three of the Kazakh League three out of the last five seasons. I don’t consider that progress.

How confident would we be in qualifying from that group now that Aberdeen did then?

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  Doc

Aberdeen final standings last 5 Seasons:
2010-11 9th 38pts
2011-12 9th 41pts
2012-13 8th 48pts
2013-14 3rd 68pts
2014-15 2nd 75 pts
2015-16 2nd on 62 pts
Heart final standings last 5 seasons:
2010-11 3rd 63pts
2011-12 5th 52pts
2012-13 10th 44pts-
2013-14 12th 23pts relegated
2014-15 no mans land
2015-16 3rd on 53 pts
Celtic standing last 5 seasons:
2010-11 2nd 92pts
2011-12 1st 93 pts
2012-13 1st 79pts
2013-14 1st 99 pts
2014-15 1st 92 pts
2015-16 Top on 63pts

8 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

So they only look as if they are getting better when compared with teams like Hamilton and Kilmarnock? I think we can set the bar a bit higher.

8 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

Probably because they brought in the good players from ICT,Shinnie,Hayes,Rooney etc.Im only suprised they didnt bring in Draper.
They failed in bring in another ICT player.
When that well dries up they are Fecked.

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

You can only beat what’s in front of you Aberdeen have been doing that as have Hearts.
As have Celtic though you would be forgiven for thinking we have been getting pumped week in week out in here and elsewhere.

8 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

My point is that wee ratface is given all the plaudits because of his team, a team that was systimaticaly taken from ICT.
The point about the tic is that we have been playing very disjointed and with no cohesion and that is why the support are unhappy and have lost confidence in the team,

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago

The numbskulls line up for a team photo before another shift in Montis heid.

8 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

As Bob’s wife would say ” come again “?

8 years ago

Caption: Excavation at Ibrox underground station uncovers a gang of construction workers left behind since the 19th century, who stubbornly claim that, despite changes in ownership from Glasgow District Subway Company to Glasgow Corporation to Strathclyde Partnership for Transport – and dramatic changes in size, shape, colour & speed over the last +/140 years – the current orange tubular train system is still the “same subway”

8 years ago
Reply to  CarlJungleBhoy


8 years ago
Reply to  Raymobhoy

Cheers Ray!

8 years ago

The new Hampden has proved to be a graveyard for the tic and so while I agree wae Tommy Boyd’s prediction on a purely footballing basis, I also think it’s distinctly possible we might lose. An early penalty or sending off has over the last hundred years proved to be enuff tae ensure the proper result against us. That man for man talk worries me. Some think that having better footballers is all it takes. For example, I don’t know a Tim that would’ve swapped Maloney for Lafferty but check the stats. Being a good footballer and being an effective one are two very different things. I couldnae give a monkeys if we lose the semi. Even the huns learnt that when they were on the way to replicate the nine. We beat them on a couple of SC ocassions but as I remember it was small potatoes.

8 years ago

Lord give me the strength….

Susan Murphy
8 years ago

Help please…yesterday the first two pics in the diary were jist wee indeterminate blobs and I couldn’t see the photo or open them. Same with one of today’s observations…(ok it is the one that says which of my garrulous gobshite captions was granted a wee mention).

Any ideas greatly appreciated.



8 years ago
Reply to  Susan Murphy

sue have you and ralph got a thing going on billy paul meant mrs murphy ha ha

Susan Murphy
8 years ago
Reply to  charlie

Charlie, do you think the wee indeterminate blob (no not him), could be a secret message? 🙂



8 years ago
Reply to  Susan Murphy

sue noo yuv spilled the beans the blob was indeterminate to you and me but not monti he thought the seccret message was to him now hees stalking ralph through e mail ha ha

brian(not the messiah)
8 years ago
Reply to  Susan Murphy

Me too, are you using apple device??

Susan Murphy
8 years ago

Brian, same on Android, Chrome under Windows 10 and whatever that new Microsoft browser is called…(although on that case it is just a wee x). Every other Pic works. Perhaps there is a format I need to enable (note…that came from the same bucket as my captions…I don’t know what it means or why I said it.)



8 years ago
Reply to  Susan Murphy

Same for me. I blame Deila

Susan Murphy
8 years ago

Caption….”Trust me lads, in a hundred years all the youngsters will be wearing this gear…now feckin smile”



8 years ago

Is it just me or do fellow Celts know plenty of zombies that ditched there tribute team when fat sally was having a mare… i know plenty that said they were finished n would never be back but now all of a sudden all is forgot and there as blue loyal as ever… prob the same type that jumped on the lamb gravy train in the 90s.. a strange bunch

adam rush
8 years ago

Apparently Desmond thinks Delia has improved the team- Really ? I have lost confidence in this team. I cannot see the refs allowing Celtic to win,especially after ICT and R/County and I think THAT will be the deciding factor.Celtic have to be able to beat the refs as well and these guys can’t. The Celtic players who haven’t played in this fixture before will be shocked at the officials bias.

I think Celtic fans should boycott the game totally accompanied by a public statement that they question the impartiality of the officials. All that awaits Celtic fans is heartache.This is Scotland. I am still angry about the officials from the last two Semis. The depression following this defeat will undermine the title run-in and wallop- a Treble Failure ! Lawwell apparently ISN’T a Celtic fan- pretty obvious ! Still, he can enjoy a 2/3rds empty stadium next season. Sad, it could’ve/should’ve been so different. DON’T GO TO THE GAME !

8 years ago

@martin so you rescheduled a weekend away with the wife and weans,but your not going to miss the game now from the Pub!
lol fair play for getting out of that one and a day in the pub to boot. Nae pubs where you were going then.My wife would have cut the bollocks off me if I didn’t actually go to the game.
Celtic need us more than ever now. Watching from the pub,well too many do it now. Yes the club has downsized, but we had too. The fans aren’t turning up,I firmly believe even if we had top drawer players we wouldn’t get much more than we have this season or last. Sevco coming up will generate more interest but 50.000 days are over. It happens.
The club has the players to beat Sevco,win a title and the cup.
No problem, Gordon Lustig, Eric, Boyata ,Jose ,Mulgrew Tierney Izzy Janko. All players who can play when required at a better standard than they have.
Brown, Bitton ,Rogic ,Johansen, Commons Forrest, Roberts Armstrong ,Mackay Stevens ,Allan ,Christie, Griffiths.
All better than what they have.
Celtic fans stop worrying, players are coming back from injury,players are starting to hit form, all will be well.
Come out of the pubs and clubs back onto the terraces and support the team. Not the board, not the spfl,or the sfa, but fuckin support the hoops. Enough greeting and get fuckin into them.
Hail Hail

8 years ago

Folks we are up against a poor football team in the semi final. We have superior players and strength in depth. Last year we tanned Hearts who were winning the Championship at a canter a few times. Let’s avoid hysteria here and look at the the probabilities. For Sevco to win this game the stars will need to align and Celtic players get sent off. That to me is the only danger. Now here is an opportunity to raise all the realities for them. Let’s remember they are a basket of assets, cheated their way to titles and cups, defaulted on large debt including taxes owed, a different club and entity to the Huns we used to know, living on handouts from Hong Kong benefactors, no license for EUfa football. Let’s remind them and remind them again!!!

8 years ago
Reply to  BroxburnBhoy

Ah changed ma mind from the other day thinking we might win it 1-0. Bukit the day am thinking 3 or 4 – 0.

2 – 0 up at half time, early second half goal, sevco loose the plot BOOM another goal for the Tic.

Who cares aboot the players we are up against, really…they areny very good despite what were getting telt. Its aw aboot shutting them up on their terrace that ah want ti see & hear. Petty…naw.

HAIL HAIL N aw that!!

8 years ago

Change the narrative from Celtic in crisis which we are not to Sevco in crisis which they are

8 years ago
Reply to  BroxburnBhoy

Here Here Broxburn a bit of faith and na mair Mr Mannering Gash.

8 years ago

To be fair Jimmy,the pubs have got to make a living to,Martin is obviously an auld meeried man,hes got it sussed,maybe his auld legs canny get him into the stadium.
In the pub he can celebrate a win,if the unthinkable happens he can get pished and fall of his stool,hes obviously a pal of Ralphy,thats how he celebrates,as long as Martin remembers where he lives he will be OK.

8 years ago

jimmybee i think the reason the crowds are doon is because so far celtic have said nothing about the huns cheating they can say we have to wait for the final appeals on ebt s but what about the dos crimes

8 years ago

the crowds are not down because we have said nothing yet, the crowds are down because we have week in week out been watching insipid shite, people would rather go shopping with there mrs or somebodies mrs than go to CP , them are the facts bud, so as we have been saying for weeks, something has go to change or nothing will change, and by the way don’t be surprised if the EBT thing does go the way of the taxman that mr lawell says fuck all, you need to have balls to stand up to the the establishment as far as I am concerned he has a vagina, so don’t hold your breath

brian(not the messiah)
8 years ago

And cas it was mothers day and they are all under the thumb, not like me (cough cough)

8 years ago

brian took ma wee maw oot on saturday for mothers day or it would have been a bus ada been under ha ha

8 years ago

He has a vagina? Mmmmmmmmm 🙂

8 years ago

Bit crude, only one day after International Women’s Day.

BTW , ah personally know a few woman who read this site. Am sure they would simply roll their eyes and think WTF.

8 years ago
Reply to  BondiBrian

Vagina vagina vagina….

8 years ago
Reply to  BondiBrian


8 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Salt N Vagina – My favourite flavour 🙂

8 years ago

torrance i agree some of them aint going because ae the performances on the pitch but imo more are staying away because ae the cheating

8 years ago
Reply to  charlie

Charlie I have never met a real life supporter who has said he/she has stopped going to games because of the inaction on Hun cheating. I have met many, both friends and family, who can’t stand to watch the guff we have been playing. People want to be entertained fgs.

8 years ago
Reply to  maryhillbhoy

ye canny get oot much eh

8 years ago
Reply to  charlie

And your comment is witty reflective or accurate how Charlie?

8 years ago
Reply to  charlie

Too much what? vagina? 🙂

8 years ago
Reply to  maryhillbhoy

I stopped going after LNS, I’m not paying to be cheated, strip the titles and I will return.

8 years ago

I agree m8 the performances have been poor,the last time we played well was beating the sheep 3-1, that was back in September.
But the fans aren’t there now.Do you think if we had better players that the attendance would swell by 10k the answer is no.
The lions couldn’t fill stadiums even in their hey day.
The time from Fergus to The end of the Mon era,was the golden time for the club season ticket wise.
Unless a European league of some format comes calling, then the days of sell out season ticket holders is over.
Even the sevco game will be lucky to sell out as a lot of fans won’t be going to it when they come back.
It hasn’t just happened it has been coming since Strachans time.
Out of 40k season ticket holders how many kids,how many reduced tickets, my guess more than half.
So from a possible 60k stadium we only have about 20k paying adults maximum. Some financial downturn. Yet people expect the same standard of players like Lennon Lambert Hartson Sutton. It’s not going to happen we couldn’t afford it.
Hail hail

8 years ago

dont know anyone who is staying away, because of the huns maybe you do mate fair enough but most of the tims I talk to are staying away for 1 reason only
shite football

8 years ago

most of the stayaways i know are staying away because of the cheating but they will come back to laugh at the zombies in the semi when warbys wonders will show us all about shite football

8 years ago

I hope you are correct mate, lets hope we are laughing at the zombies, few nervous moments before then though

Honest Hoops
8 years ago

Unfortuntely I am at a weekend wedding on the days of the semi finals its in Engerlund, I just hope and pray we are on fire that day and send them back to grey skull with a humping, thier defence is shaky, thier midfield is lightweight, follow what st.johnstone did by stopping galloping Wallace and Bruno Mars on the other side and the humping is on the cards…..

8 years ago
Reply to  Honest Hoops

if we keep a full team on the park we will destroy them

Steve Naive
8 years ago

Monti, Celtic’s part in his downfall.
Brown ? Biton ? Mulgrew ?…faith ? Why do you think we are in this position.? They are better than the middens but they are not good nor effective players and it’s not all Ronnie’s fault.
This new found ‘let’s get behind the bhoys” reignited by ‘Scotland’s Shame’…feck them…Europe and the Dundee game were an absolute disgrace
Beating them wont make my season and neither will the double because we will get more of the same moneyball recruitment.
Having said that, I hope we fucking humiliate them.

8 years ago
Reply to  Steve Naive

The time for batching about Deila is past, for now.
Nothing is going to change now until the end of the season, it makes no sense to just keep fucking moaning.
Let’s just win some fucking football matches, win 5 in a row and shift the unwashed at Hampden.
There is two trophies to win….and I fucking want them! HH

8 years ago
Reply to  Monti


Steve Naive
8 years ago

Agreed Monti but why should it take this game to focus our attention to be up for it. I know that you know that had we done it the right way since their demise we would have been on easy street against them for a long time into the future and cemented European football into the fabric of the Club.
Now it is back to what it always was…we have to win in the name of all that is right and decent.
What if we win the Double and RonJon are given another shot with the basis of the squad and some new additions ? My guess is I will still be bitching about those crap midweek league performances.
Of course the two cups (any cups and titles) are huge and I will cheer like a bastard when we win them but my half empty glass has a leak and we need to fix it. Root and branch gutting come June no matter what.

8 years ago
Reply to  Steve Naive

I couldn’t give two fucks about the semi final at this point, the only thing I’m thinking about is beating Partick Thistle!

8 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Well said Monti Saturday is vital

8 years ago

agreed the time for bitching is over, we need to get behind RD and the bhoys, when will be the right time though??
anyways last post of the evening from me

” it would have cost less, and left previous owners with nothing, to go into liquidation, but it wold have been humiliating for celtic, so we paid the bills”

Fergus McCann

that is the quality of shite we are up against
good prevails or evil, cheats never win

hail hail

8 years ago

good prevails over evil, shitey computer

8 years ago

It depends on what one considers good and what one considers evil, ah suppose.

But aye, ah get yer drift.

8 years ago
Reply to  BondiBrian

Condoms are Evil….

8 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Sad thing is Monti ah bet you believe that. However making crude comments is totally acceptable.

8 years ago
Reply to  BondiBrian


8 years ago
Reply to  BondiBrian

I do believe condoms are Evil……..Unless you are working in Holland 🙂

8 years ago

Great my ridiculous comment had gone walkabout.

8 years ago
Reply to  Uralius

Maybe your comment met Charlie Saiz on the way in and just thought better of it, perfectly understandable.

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