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The Forgotten Men Of Amsterdam

 Carl Jungle Bhoy, Etims Dutch correspondent, sends us this …….

Remember Mullan, Vance, McPherson, Dobbin & Kennedy?

An ancient Celtic front line from your Granda’s day??

Winners of some obscure 5-a-side trophy??

Wrong! – No need to delve in trivial pursuit down in the dusty vaults of The Celtic Wiki. These are simply the names of five guys who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. It could easily be your brother, cousin, mate, nephew, or a guy you rubbed shoulders with at CP the last time there was too much “lateral movement” doing The Huddle.


Padraig, Andy, Joe, Damian & Tam are 5 ordinary Celtic fans still awaiting #DamJustice >18 months after the Dam burst.

AHA! – Now you remember, don’t you?

You probably gave generously to a collection to help them.

So, I hear you ask, what’s been happening all that time?

Well, would it surprise you to know that the answer to that question is zilch, nowt, nix, nada, SFA?

Through no fault of their lawyer Christian Visser – who dutifully lodged appeals against highly dubious charges handed down in a sham of a “fast- track” trial there has been  not one  single, solitary word has been heard from the Dutch justice ministry (O.M) since November 2013.

So, even today, still no date has been set for their “re-trial”, and nobody can do anything about it but wait and wonder. It would seem that, IF the wheels of the Dutch justice system are moving at all, they’re slower than a clapped-out corporation bus in a traffic jam on Union Street, at rush hour, with a puncture.


I’m sure all of you are familiar with the shocking chain of events which led to the #DamJustice campaign (if not, check out my old blog rants, or hashtags #DamJustice or #LDAMLS on Twitter), so I won’t bore you with all the details.

 In short, a chain of monumental misjudgements, combined with tactical & logistical errors by the Amsterdam authorities and Police , starting with the  failure to protect Celtic fans from attack, 

and introducing the  use of the most despised plainclothes Police unit in Holland , 

Image result for Ajax v Celtic 2013

the Amsterdam A.E [ Aanhoudings Eenheid]  or “Romeos”  (their call-sign) , who are  renowned for excessive force  comparable with the most virulent of ” ultras” . 

All this ignited the flame that was already smouldering after a spate of violent attacks on Celts earlier in the day.

Not that it took much.

Tension among the police was  already high, due to the presence of the Head of State in the Palace on the Dam .

Under pressure, some Celtic fans defended themselves against unprovoked violent attacks against their fellow fans.  

From undercover  police as well as local supporters. Celtic fans couldn’t tell, and weren’t made aware of, the difference.

Now, at no time have we denied the fact that large numbers of Celtic fans on the Dam that day had too much to drink, or indeed that some retaliated.

However, what we do continue to deny – vehemently- is that Celtic fans caused the riot .

The ensuing  PR campaign from the Amsterdam mayor disputed this, trying to deflect attention from their own comedy of errors and culpability.

Also, anyone who witnessed the tissue of contradictions, inconsistencies & downright lies from the those same undercover Romeos who shamelessly used the initial trial in Nov 2013 to gain compensation for injuries,  knows that .

Truth is, other than unreliable statements from those same despised cops , not one single shred of actual evidence or impartial corroboration has been provided to prove that any of these Celtic fans are guilty of the charges against them.

In fact, not one of these Celtic fans is guilty of anything other than trying to defend themselves.

 To date, the official line,  from the Dutch authorities – both local & judicial – has been in laying the blame on “drunken , violent Celtic fans”.


Attempting to  deflect from errors in their own decision making process, and the brutal actions of the police , both those undercover and the  uniformed riot squad ( M.E. ),  officially, they were deemed to have been correct in using  “justifiable force” to clear the square,  thus dousing the “flames” their own colleagues had lit.

Out of the four main cities in Holland, Amsterdam police are responsible for 50% of arrests involving violence.

The A.E Police “Romeo” unit themselves have publicly stated (in newspapers) that they “will learn from the mistakes made” that day, despite showing a disinclination to actually own up to them in court.

There are also suspicions that police colluded in order to  tweak statements and may even have knowingly committed perjury to fit their version of events.

Maybe that’s why, legally, the issue has  moved  no further forward today since the initial hearings  18 months ago.


If you don’t count  the three Celtic fans who had charges dropped or were acquitted due to “unreliable” evidence, I suppose. 


So, let me ask you to put yourself in the shoes of those five  Celtic fans.

You’ve now had 575 days and nights knowing that you were  framed and used as scapegoats.

Your family & friends have gone through torment.

Some of you have suffered injury.

You’ve been painted in the SMSM as hardened criminals, as  thugs, or  hooligans.

The cops who abused their positions and beat the shit out of you have never been questioned in court and were even awarded compensation for their injuries. (The Pole Of Justice was not called as a witness).

You still don’t know if or when you’ll be asked to appear for re-trial.

Or , indeed, what may happen if you are. 

Although, on the surface, you may have managed to put it out of your minds and move on, it’s still lingering there in the background. 

Always threatening.

In effect, your life has been in limbo for more than eighteen months.

 Celtic fan groups such as The Celtic Trust & @CelticResearch have continued to offer stellar support . for which you are thankful, but not one single politician in Scotland or Ireland (North or South), or any mainstream “investigative” journalist – if such a thing actually exists – is still fighting on your behalf.

In fact, it’s now such “old news” many people have totally forgotten about you.


Maybe it’s time to remind people . Time to clear your name. Time to move on.

 Above all, it’s time the Dutch authorities got the finger out and either fixed a date for the re-trial, or dropped the charges.

The latter, being , as I’m sure they are aware,   the correct thing to do. 



When you hear the upcoming draw for the CL qualifiers and many of you start thinking about trips abroad, spare a thought for those five  Celtic fans who – just like you – went on a trip to enjoy themselves and support their team back in 2013, and are still dealing with the consequences of being a Celtic fan in the wrong place at the wrong time. 


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8 years ago

Orange bsds are Orange bstds regardless of which country they frequent…FREE THE DAM 5, KEEP THE FAITH+

8 years ago

Note: The attack by Ajax thugs on Celtic fans in rhe Old Sailor Pub shown above took place the previous night. One of the other sparks was Ajax fans inflitrating the crows on hthe Dam, stealing a Celtic flag and running away. Yet another reason why many fans thought plainclothes cops were Ajax hooligans

Fife Bhoy
8 years ago

In fairness to our fans, they did take the cause of the Dam Bhoys to heart. I did a bucket collection and the generosity and good will was overwhelming.

Do they still need funds for legals?

8 years ago
Reply to  Fife Bhoy

Cheers Fife Bjoy – No question the backing from the Celtic support was astonishing and heartwarming. The article was just a reminder to remind people that justice has yet to be served. As far as I know theres’ still plenty of funds in the kitty – @CelticResarch will know – but tnaks for aksing anyway HH

8 years ago

soory about the typos – the fnnt at this end is so small I’d need a magnifying glass to read it

Tom G
8 years ago

I was in Amsterdam and it was horrible. The police, stewards and Ajax fans were almost equally despicable. I would suggest that we publicly boycott the entire city and hurt them were it hurts. They have no morals and no conscience but my God they understand loss of income ! If all fans of our blessed club and this of other clubs who have suffered in this way make this public and harness the power of social media we can actually get to them. The five are victims of Dutch aggression and stupidity. I would stress the later because having an “elite” force who are worse than the casuals is so stupid they should win an award.

Boycott the DAM !

8 years ago


Verse 1

. The legal concept of “innocent unless proven guilty*” (alien to the SMSM) did not apply to the original fast-track trial. Whilst all 5 cases are different – ranging from random arrest/mistaken identity, to fighting back when attacked – 1 common thread links them all. A laughable failure to meet the other legal tenet “beyond a reasonable doubt”.

In fact, it’s gone well beyond a reasonable doubt – more like a entire truckload of full-strength Capstans – not to mention numerous smoking guns (enough of the old fag jokes, dear – Ed) that police statements where not worth the (roll up) paper they were written on.


8 years ago


2. The Video

. Dam Square is covered from different angles by a whole battery of CCTV cameras. It’s known, for example, that Police confiscated footage from a gift shop (near Café Zwart) covering that part of the square behind which their large Police Buses ( Black Marias) where parked. – The same buses they (laughably?) claim blocked the view of 2 of the accused Celtic fans attacking police – Their explanation for why they were unable to provide video evidence to support their charges.

Now, it may be wishful thinking on my part – but isn’t it reasonable to conclude that IF there was video evidence supporting their charges, the 2 weeks leading up to the fast-track trial would’ve been sufficient time for the Police with all their resources to un-earth it – especially considering the high profile this case was getting abroad at the time (e.g. petitions to Dutch Embassies in London & Dublin)?.

The fact that total amateurs (including myself) were able to un-earth video footage which supported OUR case, and that the defense put out an open public call to Celtic fans for any/all phone footages, speaks volumes IMHO.

On the subject of phones – it was also mentioned during the trial that Police took photos of a bruised & bloodied Padraig and were pissing themselves laughing about it. Those were also conspicuous by their absence in the first trial.

8 years ago

Every time it is a conspiracy or someone else’s fault. Just admit it was a minor bam element that blatantly exists. That isn’t in te psyche though, is it?

8 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Steve. You’re entitled to your opinion, but I beg to differ. I don’t deny that there some bams amongst the Celtic support – every large club has them. However, the facts suggest otherwise and all of those who know the specific details – as apposed to those who’s own psyche automatically assumes taig=guilty – thought that the trial was a sham. – this included independent Dutch people – mainly law & journalism students – in the public gallery.

The FACT that even Ajax ultra group VAK 410 – who aren’t exactly Celtic fans best friends – took the trouble to stick a poster in Dam Square saying the Celtic fans were innocent victims of police brutality, speaks volumes. Even on online ultra websites they were saying “…On the square at that time there were only “hats and scarves” (normal supporters , not hooligans ) of Celtic present.

So, if you’re aware of any single fact or piece of evidence which would help prove that any of these 5 are guilty of the crimes they are charged with – as apposed to un-informed pre-supposition – I urge you to share them ASAP with the Dutch police as – until now – they have failed to do so.

maggie quigley
8 years ago

The only Bam is you Steve if you weren’t there you don’t know !!!

8 years ago
Reply to  maggie quigley

Nice one Maggie! – “Steve” is no different from those in the Scottish mainstream media who were keen to automatically assume guilt based on their OWN biased agenda (“Celtic’s Manchester” my arse!) but without taking the trouble to collect all the facts or get to the bottom of the story. BTW. send my regards to J!

maggie quigley
8 years ago
Reply to  CarlJungleBhoy

Thanks Carl think we will be scarred for life lol but seriously wish the young lads could get the same closure as us

8 years ago
Reply to  maggie quigley

Hail Hail to that Maggie!

BTW: Are you sure those scars aren’t a throwback to your “honeymoon” when you came back walking like an Egyptian? – Sorry – couldn’t resist!

Seriously, ‘though, we all hope for the same closure – sooner rather than later. Take care!

Maggie Quigley
8 years ago
Reply to  CarlJungleBhoy

Cheeky pmsl

8 years ago

Is it in your psyche to pre-suppose – without being in possession of the facts – that taig=guilty ? Are you also suggesting that the 3 fans already acquitted as the judge ruled police evidence was “unreliable” were guilty?

8 years ago

Certainly not. I have many friends that are Celtic fans and I would never consider even using that kind of language to describe them. However, I do find it strange that whenever any Celtic fans / players are found guilty / charged with anything, the automatic response is – we were victims / it’s a conspiracy / it’s the “establishment”, other than actually apologising for anything – see Griffiths / Tonev / Amsterdam / IRA songs / flares / destroying sections of stadium / referee attacks…
There are a lot of rotten apples in Scotland and a lot of issues to do with football and a bit of humility and openness about these issues would help eradicate them. And the same goes for Rangers – when there are fan problems, the club needs to condemn them. The fans are actually doing a bit more self policing here which is a step in the right direction. Denying they are happening or worse, excusing them, just normalises these issues and in turn, increases the problem.

Maggie Quigley
8 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Steve you really had to see the police reports the utter crap made up by these so called undercover policemen,at one point my husband was allegedly the hardest man in Dam square that night even allegedly putting a policeman in hospital the same policeman that another of the accused was alleged to have assaulted at the same time It was proved by my husband and no one else they weren’t even in the same area and the wee guy that got the severest beating and recieved no medical help got the longest sentence it was a kangaroo court,and we have so much to thank all jungle bhoy for as we weren’t even allowed into the courtroom or even had access to an interpreter the only thing any of these guys were guilty of were being drunk or defending themselves from thugs with badges

8 years ago

Steve. I’m not going to argue with you. I simply think these guys are not guilty. Full stop

8 years ago

BTW Steve My old maw worked at Rangers for decades and I had family members who were St holders at Ibrox.Even one time lodge memebers. On most of the issues you listed above I happen to think there are very valid “excuses” – the 2 wee daft boys with flares were called thugsand told they endangerd lives. I’m not an apologist for violence – I’d even defend your right to be have a totally different view – even if your completely wrong. 🙂

8 years ago

BTW 3.1 🙂 Maggie Quigley ^is the wife of 1 of the fans acquitted. In short, he could prove the Police statement about him was utter rubbish. So if anybody’s qualified to reply to the “psyche / conspiracy” slur, and suggest knowing the facts before making any judgements she is. Also is it too far a stretchto suggests that if they could get his case so ally wrong, why should we believe anything the most despired Police unit in Holland say? – “Honest mistake” is not acceptable if it results in a prison sentence

8 years ago

Even the Ajax troublemakers came out in support of these guys as they know what this scummy police unit is like and even they could see it was a stitch up.
And thanks again CJB for keeping us up to date with this, much appreciated.
Hail hail Dam Justice!

8 years ago

Cheers Jar, Jar Bimka

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