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Dear Jim Murphy – Please Stop!

As many of you know, during the Referendum,we would raise the discussion of Football, and more importantly, Celtic and Celtic Fans. and Politics. Many agreed, many disagreed, which given the topic was Politics  made it all the more relevant. 

We have also covered the abysmal treatment of Celtic fans under the terrible “Thou shalt not sing any songs with the word Ireland” Act and the piss poor enforcement and the politicising by the Police in enforcing said Law.

Politics of course also came into play when discussing the Celtic Board and the AGM given our Boards connections with the Tory and Labour Parties, currently and over the recent years.

And of course we also discussed the Foodbank Collections at Celtic Park and their sad necessity in the day and age.

Bet you thought we had exhausted that “Politics” subject by now didnt you?

Well so did we to be honest, but no, just when you thought Politicians couldnt sink to a new low, up pops Jim Murphy.


I could write a few dozen paragraphs on how it sickens me to see a so called Scottish Party( Do Scottish Labour exist on their own?) use Celtic (and Rangers) to increase their grass roots appeal and expand their media coverage, aided of course by that great friend of  Celtic , The Daily Record ( Thugs and Thieves anyone), but I wont.

I could write a long and lengthy rant at how sad it is to see our Greatest Captain being used as a Political toy ( knowingly or unknowingly) to further a desperate mans attempt to climb up the popularity stakes by going for the lowest common demoninator instead of actually thinking up Policy that can help people, but I wont.

I could write a letter wondering why Jim Murphy didnt think this idea was relevant when he was Secretary of State for Scotland back in the day and had the Prime Minister on speed-dial, yet only now, when Rangers are yet again in trouble and Scottish Labour is in desperate need of positive spin, membership assistance and public backing, does he come up with this suggestion that to anyone with one iota of sense can see its the equivalent of patting the Celtic fans on the head and telling them to run along and vote for the red rose candidate like a good lap dog and never mind which Party voted with the Tory Government last week on further Austerity cuts thank you very much, but I wont.

Instead, I’ll just follow BlackAdder’s Telegram approach when he had had enough of watching Charlie Chaplin in the Trenches.

Dear Jim Murphy.


Desimond @ Etims.



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Mike Annis
9 years ago

Murphy the worst consensus politician since consensus politicians realised what it meant. The man has no shame like that other consensus politician ( most of them actually) Galloway who will okay the religious or sectarian card if they thought it would get them votes. He will disappear up his own ego eventually.

9 years ago
Reply to  Mike Annis


9 years ago
Reply to  jojopicasso

Capital letters, lots of exclamation marks and talking shite.

The Silver Fhox
9 years ago
Reply to  jojopicasso

You really are sad jojopicasso.
If you think the referendum was about oil, you need a wake-up call.
Your statements have no argument to back them up and your obvious hatred of ‘Sevconians’ does you little credit.
Whenever someone has no argument, they say, “you lost the referendum, get over it”, because they have nothing to add to any discussion.

9 years ago

Strange thing is the article had nothing to do with the referendum and his reply to Mikes post didn’t make any sense whatsoever.

9 years ago

Murphy is indeed shameless.

All you need to know about this muppet can be gleaned from the film of him hugging the war criminal Reid after the referendum vote.

Scottish Labour have really pissed on their chips this time in appointing him.

holy sea
9 years ago

An excellent and thoughtful piece.
All I can add,is that Murphy and the Daily Dump go hand in hand.As both of them,are struggling to survive!

9 years ago

Shite article…………..Politician seeks attention shock!!!!

If you’re moved to write a letter, then write a letter to the Nationalist twats who brought in the anti Celtic supporter legislation to ‘even up the arrest” stats.

I’m sure Kenny, Rosanna and Alex will give it their undivided attention.

9 years ago
Reply to  Desi Mond

Naw, me neither.

holy sea
9 years ago
Reply to  Bawsman

You’re talking baws!
Are you deadhead in disguise?
This fine piece by Desi,is about Murphy,it ain’t NO party political broadcast!!

9 years ago
Reply to  holy sea

Opinions are like arsholes, everybodys got wan.

I loath Nationalism, want less borders not more.

Trying to equate me with deadhead is a low blow but hey, I expected it to be honest. Character assasination is what the 44% do best.

9 years ago
Reply to  Bawsman

You loath nationalism, wow,really, what do you think your going to get with the tories and ukip?
I am not a nationalist.

9 years ago
Reply to  andybhoy

PS. Murphy is a grotesque, condescending arsehole.

9 years ago
Reply to  Bawsman


I’m sure your views will be a big comfort to those who will be on the rough end of £30billion of Westminster welfare cuts.

Most countries enslaved by the former British Empire have shed blood for their freedom and independence.

The Flower of Scotland were too timid to even vote for it…

9 years ago
Reply to  Bawsman

You would have been pleased that Labour were campaigning alongside the National Front then?

9 years ago
Reply to  Raymobhoy

Just the same was as the SNP being align to ISIS and Al Queda over intervention to slaughter innocents in Syria and Iraq or how the Natts position themselves on the balkans?

Just because political parties have views that overlap doesnt mean they support each other.

That particular tactic of guilt by association was used by the nazi to underming the left the 1920’s and early 30’s. It naive and political posturing of the worst kind.

Oh and just out of historical fact, Murphy had a bounty on his head from combat 18 and the BNP because of his anti nazi work in 1990 and 91, so where the f#ck where u in the street fighting combating the nazi?

I dont like his politica but this kinda sloppy political stupidity gets my goat.

9 years ago
Reply to  Raymobhoy

SNP werent actually sitting side by side with ISIS on the streets of Aberdeen posing for photos were they. And Murphy has obviously gone from Anti-Nazi League to Right Wing thinktanks. Very admirable.

9 years ago
Reply to  Bawsman

Smashing…I don’t mind if they fuck up the economy and vote to make the poor poorer – just as long as I can sing the Rebs.

9 years ago

Labour are a God Save the Queen Unionists Party, why any Celt would vote for them is beyond me.
Vote Green

9 years ago
Reply to  ids

It was Salmond’s idea to keep the queen as head of state?????

9 years ago
Reply to  Bawsman


Voting no retained the Queen as head of state.


9 years ago
Reply to  Carntyne

actually even if we did get independence she would still be head of state, like she is with canada and the rest of the commonwealth countries

Wee Bertie
9 years ago

I had the misfortune to attend a meeting during the Referendum where his comrade Brian Wilson was one of the speakers. I have seldom heard such a bilious rant. He is a nasty little shit who does Celtic no favours with his association with us.

9 years ago

Good article Desi,

9 years ago
Reply to  Monti

loving the Xx’s

9 years ago

They talk about labour being in bed with the Torres on the referendum vote, the same goes with any Celtic fan voting no….i.e. in bed with the Huns. And watching the shameful scenes after the result in George square….that was the no vote, so if you voted no well look who you made happy.

9 years ago
Reply to  ewanbhoy

are you seriously that backwards you think all rangers fans voted no ?, you are broken my child, for you there is no hope

Mike Annis
9 years ago

So the SNP brought in legislation to deal with Sectarianism, maybe not a bad idea but it was rushed and is not being used appropriately so the SNO are Baaad. They also want to scrap Trident, withdraw from useless wars, cut back on Austerity, feed primary children so they must be really Bad. Sorry Desi to digress from a very good article but some think that you pick your party over one policy. Good luck with that.

9 years ago
Reply to  Mike Annis problem and I have no problem with Bawsman either voicing an opinion regardless of how far it sidesteps the point being made.

Im sure we can come up with a good reason to get a Celtic + UK Election = Danger article around May 2015 and we can really get into the Political arguments.

One things for sure, the dream that all Celts are humane socialists is long gone.

9 years ago

And todays header (the heed the baws, obviously else where) from the daily tadger?

“Frormer Celtic boss Martin O’Neill: Scottish football is missing rangers.
(excuse the language)

Just about* says it all really!

*just about, except for.

Dear Martin O’Neill.



holy sea
9 years ago
Reply to  Mick67

Agree Mick,
MON’s fell into the laptop loyal trap.I’m surprised,a man as clever as him,fell for it!
I wonder what he thinks of Murphy ?

9 years ago
Reply to  holy sea

Stokes also uttered the dreaded “Old Firm” phrase in an interview over last few days

I wonder if that cheeky Irish sarcasm is coming to the fore again!

9 years ago
Reply to  holy sea


In the end they are all sucked in. It is part and parcel of becoming a certain class. Ethics and conscience are easily crushed under the weight and lure of money, power, attention and acceptability. It is one of my constant prayers that when I make it, I will never forget my roots and those who shared them. Thankfully, it is too late for me to make anything. Sadly, Martin is in the majority rather than the minority of our ex-Celts. Just look at the media pundits and all for a rotten feather in a blue cap.


holy sea
9 years ago
Reply to  pensionerbhoy

Well said,as always, PB.

9 years ago
Reply to  pensionerbhoy

Keep buying the lottery tickets PB m8, ye never know.

I’m sure a man like your good self would do far more good with a few Mill than some of the bams we’ve seen win it in the past.


My old mans a dustman, heeeeee wears a dustmans cap, heeeeee wears cor blimey trousers and heee lives in……a dunno..larkhall or kilwining ….or somewhere….


9 years ago

A great article.

I’m not sure about McNeill being used as a ‘toy’.

He and Bertie Auld and other members of Lisbon Lions said publicly they were for a NoVote.

9 years ago
Reply to  Carntyne

True, Thats why i put “knowingly or unknowingly” in and i wonder if Big Billy still does a column for The Sun, would they be happy at him being hand in hand with The Record on this charade.

9 years ago

Murphy is a carpetbagger and after his shameless political point scoring after the George squad tragedy, should be sent into the political wilderness or maybe the real wilderness forever.
Nine years at uni and never qualified at anything never mind pass a degree. Yet this clown will deny our weans the right to further education but it’s ok for him to panhandle his way through uni at no cost to himself or his family.
As my auld tradesman would say he could walk under a snake with a lum hat oan.

Green Spectre
9 years ago

If Jim Murphy is the saviour of the Scottish branch of the Red Tories then they are well and truly fecked!

An arrogant, duplicitous, patronising sh*t salesman who hopes to ride every bandwagon from here to the top job at Westminster where he thinks he belongs.

Oh and Bawsman we get it, you don’t like the SNP, or Nationalism or the 45% jeez!

The article was about Jim Murphy using a Celtic icon to further his own agenda, care to comment on that or is just the failings of the SNP you have an opinion on?

Mike Bhoyle
9 years ago

Canny wait for Mr.Murphy tae chap ma door and ask me why I used to vote Labour …but voted YES…(How does he know this btw?)…
I’ll tell him that when there are no longer persons in the House of Lords associated with the Labour movement…I might grant him an audience.
My arse.

9 years ago
Reply to  Mike Bhoyle


Nice to see you are still on song.


9 years ago


That is, in spite of shall we say, strong criticism, what I would call a heartfelt piece. When writing is from conviction, there is an honesty that is much welcome in a world of fake and forgery. No matter one’s personal convictions, it is hard not to sympathise with your contentions. As it happens I actually agree with pretty well everything in your article. I would go one step further and say that I do not believe in the sham honours thing anyway and certainly not for people who have done little beyond the norm such as sportsmen and entertainers. What is so marvellous about doing what you dream of, being paid relatively well for it, winning trophies, receiving a lifetime of adulation and, in many cases, being given carte blanche to do and behave as you will without redress (I am in no way claiming this is the case in at least one of your subjects. It may not in the other either if you discard a seriously failed directorship). If we are to honour anyone, we should look to those ordinary folk who of their own volition do extraordinary things in and with their lives, like MFS (Medicin sans Frontieres) doctors and nurses. They, like many other ordinary folk, are the real knights in our lives.


9 years ago


I had some words about knighthoods but that shady man of the night, moderator, has filed them once again in the “not worth it” bin. Don’t waste time looking it. I just wanted you to know I had read your piece. Mine was hardly worthy of your fine article.


Glasgow Southside
9 years ago

Could this be the same Jim Murphy who refused to condemn the waving of Orange scarves by uniformed British soldiers at Ibrox park?
As a constituent I wrote to him twice with regard to this and was simply fobbed off with platitudes about “our brave soldiers” .
Incidentally I had never questioned anyone’s courage and had pointed out that they were perfectly entitled to wave/wear Rangers scarves.

9 years ago

Murphy may be a right wing blairite , but he is a hundred times the politician salmond and mr sturgeon will ever be

9 years ago
Reply to  deadhead67


9 years ago
Reply to  deadhead67

But you are still a prick!

holy sea
9 years ago

I knew there was a link,between deadhead and bawsman.I hope they enjoy the game together,on Wednesday.

Mike Annis
9 years ago

Lost the referendum? Get over it! You wish. It was defeated by false promises and mediaanipulatipn and was only the beginning. Did ML King give up after a defeat? Did Ghandi? Did Mandela? Neither will we. Your Union is finished, it just doesn’t know it yet.

Mike Annis
9 years ago

If you mean a man withoutprincil

Mike Annis
9 years ago

If you mean a man without principles, a man who will say anything to get a vote and more power then you would be wrong. He fits well with most Westminster politicians but hardly to be compared to our present and past First Minister. You just stick with the red Tories.

9 years ago

Whilst down in London a couple of months ago on union business, I happened to get into a conversation with a Labour mp along with several other comrades. He was scathing about Milliband’s right wing leadership and said if Scottish Labour thought Jim Murphy was the answer, they really were on a hiding to nothing!! Talk about music to one’s ears

9 years ago

I did not realise so many people didn’t understand that if it had been a YES vote at the referendum, at this moment in time, we would still have been under Westminster rule and the “oil price” problem would still have been theirs!!

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