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Blame Catholic Schools!

We here at Etims are man enough, and even woman enough depending on how many cocktails we sip, to admit it when we get something wrong.

For years and years you have had to suffer us  banging on about Catholic Schools in respect to the whole State School and Scotlands Sectarian Shame debate.

Well what do you know, we were wrong all this time.  Hands-Up, E-ea Culpa and all that.

We were incorrect.

Foolishly, we were under the illusion that not only was it a fact that Catholic schools didnt actively encourage attending children to believe in horrid ignorant self-loathing laden sectarianism but that they ALSO gave a higher level of education too. 

Today we have a Scottish Government commissioned report that confirms the belief that Catholic schools DO NOT contribute to sectarianism ( we assume you can tell the difference between contribute and be the target or the excuse for sectarianism here) but sadly for us here at Etims, the report does not highlight any exceptional learning opportunities  for Catholic School pupils and therefore we put our hands up and say fair dues.

The report as noted on the BBC states ‘Denominational schools are not the cause of sectarianism’.  

The report then goes on to clarify “We do not believe that sectarianism stems from, or is the responsibility of, denominational schooling, or, specifically, Catholic schools, nor that sectarianism would be eradicated by closing such institutions.”

It added: “All schools should be encouraged to create imaginative anti-sectarian partnerships and develop opportunities for pupils to share classes and facilities.”

The report does make interesting and welcome reading and quite a few cups of tea may be sprayed over keyboards in Scotland after certain mindsets read the key points.

The report also includes a further clarification worth noting here :

 “What remains is largely the belief or perception that the ‘them’ and ‘us’ opposition is still alive and well and the negative consequences of that world view.”

Three assumptions need to be challenged: that sectarianism can simply be equated with overtly aggressive bigotry; that it is entirely the same as anti-Catholicism; and that it is entirely the same as anti-Irish racism.”

And just when mild mannered Orangemen who wondered what sort of banter they were now going to indulge down the Lodge tonight, thought they were safe, the Report threw in another whammy for them:

On marches and parades, the working group said it recognised the right to political and cultural expression.

But it stressed: “No rights are absolute in themselves and they should always be enjoyed with regard to the impact they have on others.”




So in respect to todays report, we here at Etims will look to immediately redesign our famous  Blame Catholic Schools T-Shirt and get it up on the Etims Store straight away.


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10 years ago

Following in the footsteps of a govan companies share prices, sales of ETIM’s t-shirts have plummeted.

10 years ago
Reply to  Brian53

The E-weans are weeping on the streets of Glasgow tonight….as all hope of a PS4 flies out the window..

10 years ago

Doesn’t mean they should be receiving a penny of public funding though. The Vatican has enough cash to fund these schools or Catholics themselves can pay for religious instruction to be part of their child’s wider education.

10 years ago
Reply to  keddaw

So , do catholics not pay taxes now?

Frank McGaaaaarvey
10 years ago
Reply to  keddaw

What about the many non-denominational (Protestant, Muslim, Sikh, etc.) pupils who are enrolled at the same schools? Should their parents also pay for wanting their child to receive a decent education? Don’t the Catholics who send pupils to these schools pay tax? Why shouldn’t the schools be funded?

10 years ago

They shouldn’t be funded from the public purse because they are a waste of scarce public resources due to the duplication of services. I went to a Catholic school that was right next door to a Proddy (non-denominational) school. There was no reason other than some parents wanted stupid Catholic teaching to be part of their children’s education. Do that crap at home or in Church on Sundays, not on the taxpayers dime. We should be a secular nation where the state has no role in people’s beliefs and the public education should deal in facts not superstition.

10 years ago

Keddaw,what absolute pish. Denominational schools have every right to funding as long as there is a demand from the TAX PAYERS who help fund them. I

john smith
10 years ago

yeah yeah just u keep telling yourselfs that as u stagger on with the same old bullshit and hared about everything british, do yourselfs a favoiur and wise up your an embarresment to scotland not to mention your sordid club and its shameful acts against children, songs of terrorism and what about your spelling on banners yeah we all know about your history timmy.

10 years ago
Reply to  john smith

I assume you are being ironic, John or is your spell check gubbed. As a tribute to Madihba (another terrorist?)We forgive you for spouting your sectarian bile. Please let your carer know that you accessed his PC. Bless you

10 years ago
Reply to  john smith

Oh the irony, talks about spelling on banners and his own post is riddled with mistakes.
John/Billy or whatever your name is, irony has nothing to do with your metalwork classes. Now go and do your homework like a good boy.

Charlie Saiz
10 years ago
Reply to  john smith

Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.

I shall pray for you John son of Smith from Mordor.

Mick Quigley
10 years ago
Reply to  john smith

You are a fuckin wanker

10 years ago
Reply to  john smith

Smith, I think you should have took a Catholic education , a bit of grammer goes a long way, ignorance is bliss for the uneducated ,sectarian , ignorant , neanderthals like you.

10 years ago

John Smith your a dirty filthy bigoted hatred filled wanker!

Mike Garrett
10 years ago

I think the report is right. Afterall, isn’t it “mea culpa”?

10 years ago

It’s a pity the bold Johnny can’t practice what he preaches.
He can’t even spell *hatred.
Dunces hat for you son.

10 years ago

John Smith: I don’t hate all that is British for my part but I am most definitely proud to be Scottish. Ps. Check your spelling!

10 years ago

Maybe John Smith should read the words of the national anthem and ask himself; am I British, English or Scottish? Scots wha hae

the lurgan tiger
10 years ago

He is also quite uneducated given the poor spelling, appalling grammar and non existent punctuation.

I blame the schools

10 years ago

Its a well known fact that when you dont go to a Catholic school,you end up having a poor grasp of English.need proof?just see Mr Smiths post above.

10 years ago

Nothing to do with Celtic, take it you will be posting about non denominational school , baptism , church of Scotland , jewdiasm etc ??? I keep hearing people say we are non sectarian ???

10 years ago

Whats sectarian about posting an article about Catholic schools not creating sectarianism?

10 years ago

Mr John Shit, remember one of the main reasons caflik schools were started was because of the intolerance from the kirk about have papes taught with there own.
always has been always will be a bigoted wee country.

10 years ago

““Three assumptions need to be challenged: that sectarianism can simply be equated with overtly aggressive bigotry; that it is entirely the same as anti-Catholicism; and that it is entirely the same as anti-Irish racism.””

Basically saying that it swings both ways.

10 years ago

I’m sure that there have probably been many other times when people from the dark side have chosen to comment on CQN, but I have been following for years and really can’t remember anytime when the unfortunate have posted anything on the comments here. Maybe they like to lurk and don’t like to comment too much on the football side of things, but as soon as a post goes up proving that bigotry and sectarianism is MOSTLY one way traffic they all suddenly manage to find a keyboard that is big enough to allow for knuckle typing and make their feelings clear. I think they manage to answer the findings of the report.

BTW FWIW I am one of the many thousands of “protestant” Celtic fans……..

10 years ago

Sorry lhads for saying CQN instead of Etims….please don’t ban me…..I have four open windows on IE9 at the moment and have been jumping back and forth from Etims, CQN, KDS and CTV….sorry it was an honest mistake…………I blame my non-denominational school upbringing 😉

10 years ago
Reply to  Scott

Funny, Scott.

Charlie Saiz
10 years ago

John Smith is the name of a horrible ale
After only one sip your face it turns pale
It is also the name of one of the brothers
A race of bitter souls who were shat out there Mothers..
Behind the face of this Loyal British fellow
Lies a pish stained Duvet all manky and yellow
A bedsit in Renton near the Bru is his lair
Sat behind his keyboard with a 1000 yard stare
He’ll be typing his venom without even a care
For the spelling is atrocious blame the schools he’s a bear.

Charlie Saiz
10 years ago
Reply to  Desi Mond

Well spotted Desi 😉

the holy teacher
10 years ago

John smith ur a bam, away and put ur heed under ur proddie pillow n kid urself on ur club isnt dead n gone ya prick

10 years ago

I know there are some now commenting on here who were regulars on that first class blog, Random Thoughts Re Scots Law, and who will have seen that site deteriorate on many an occasion into a morass of mud slinging abuse depending on the topic and the comments. I am sure the late, incomparable and much missed Paul McConville cringed in horror on many occasions but tolerated the bulk of it because he would not compromise the principle of freedom of speech. However, I always felt the blogs were often devalued and potentially informative debate destroyed by uncontrolled biased and even bigoted opinion. Unfortunately, I detect the potential for a similar deterioration on this site should some of the above comments continue. This site has been renowned for openness to all opinions and has always managed to soften the impact of difficult topics with outstanding humour. If people of a different persuasion comment on here with abusive and unacceptable language, there are ways to respond without stooping to the same level. Enough bad publicity has come the way of Celtic and its fans over the last few months. Surely we can preserve the standards on here that make us the greatest in the world, tolerant, polite (even if not towards each other :)) and intelligent with it. Keep the standards high and I will keep my posts short.


10 years ago

If any “religion” should be criticized and ostracised in any religious debate it should be the followers of the murderous book called the Koran, they just don’t like ANY other religious practise, the only thing that will push our two sides together is the fact that the moslims want ALL Christians jews hindus Mormons dead if they don’t follow their “religion”, don’t believe me,?? ….READ UP ON THE KORAN.!!

10 years ago

Regarding religion every one to their own.Regarding bigots and sectairian remarks they would do well to consider a couple of well known sayings from the past,were awe Jock Tamsons bairns and love thy neighbour as thyself.

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