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Celtic Diary Wednesday October 2

Perhaps its just as well I missed taking part in the Etims podcast last night. I’d have felt a wee bit stupid this morning.

Sitting in 108, where just in front of me, Scott Brown bundled Brazilian drama queen Neymar off the ball in what seemed a fairly harmless chalenge. There was a wee bit of surprise in the stand around me when he was given his marching orders.

As you can imagine, any immediate post match rant would have been at the expense of Barcelonas image of  the perfect football team. Instead in the cold light of day, Scott Brown, Celtics captain and most experienced player, let the team, the club and the supporters down.

He pushed Neymar over, then he went out of his way to kick him, and finished with a knee in the back of the head. All of which is against Rule 14,  section a,paragraph 2 which clearly states

” don’t be a knob. ”

Especially in front of the referee. If you have any further doubts, have a look at it here;

Brown makes a tit of himself and lets us all down

Brown should have known better. But its not the first time he should have known better, though it should be the last. Take the captaincy off him, and make him earn his place in the team all over again. On form, and playing to his strengths, he is a tremendous asset, with his enthusiasm and commitment inspiring those around him.

Last night, again, he was a liability.

Barcelona move the ball around quickly, and that saps the energy from the opposition. Its hard enough to keep up with them with eleven players. Losing one makes it nigh on impossible.

Kevin McCarra, football journlist with the Guardian and one time Etims podcast guest-look for it on here, its a great chat- had this to say, when he was on Talksport radio this morning;

“He is the captain and that is a terrible example to set. A great deal of damage has been done to Celtic through that.”

Its hard to disagree. So I won’t.

As a result, he won’t feature in the next game, the crucial home match with Ajax. So Celtic need to get used to not having him around, starting with the Motherwell game on Saturday.

He has , according to Kris Commons, apologised to the rest of the players, which implies a certain degree of guilt, and its time for him to make it up to the fans. By growing up.

So, where does that leave the campaign, now that Celtic have started with two straight defeats ?

Firstly, it was always going to be about getting the better of Ajax, and most of us would be happy with third place, giving us  European football after Christmas. This, in turn,  would allow the new players to gain experience and might even improve the co-efficient.

So, a home win next time out against Ronald de Boers side  could kick start the competition for us, followed by an away win in Amsterdam, -who could only manage a draw at home to  Milan  last night-  combined with two Barcelona wins over the Italians , would see Barcelona on 12, Celtic on six, Milan on four with Ajax adrift on one. A home win over Milan would ensure qualification. Two wins over Ajax, of course means the Europa league.

So its not all doom and gloom. Celtic have played very well in the two games so far, and there is actually a feeling that Lennons team are desperately unlucky to be sitting on no goals and no points. Well, there is from me. But then I wear these

and I suppose I could be accused of this

Meanwhile , Neil Lennon has indicated at further embarrassment for the club when he said he would appeal against the red card given to Brown. Might be an idea to watch the video first…

‘I don’t think Neymar does himself any favours the way he behaves at times. Our supporters are very respectful of great players.

‘Iniesta walked off to a standing ovation from the Celtic support. Neymar, after the incident, got booed every time he touched the ball.’

Which sounded a bt like  when Martin O’Neill criticised Celtic fans for demanding Celtic attack during the home game against Boavista in 203, for knowing nothing about football, before telling the world how knowledgable we were after booing Porto after they had dived and time wasted their way to a 3-2 win in Seville, in front of  several million fans  at the ground.

Which reminds me, what on earth are Celtic fans doing applauding the opposition anyway ? I can’t be the only one sick of foreign superstars telling the world what a great place it is to come and play. It should be an ordeal for them, not a career highspot.

I’ve written to UEFA this morning, asking if we can chuck darts at them from now on. Wouldn’t be any less irresponsible than a Scott Brown challenge.

The tifo , by all accounts looked good on the telly, which was the whole point, I suppose, but again, surely a picture of a pile of dead Barcelona players with darts sticking out of them would have at least made them look nervously into the stands before setting off down the flanks with the ball ?  We could even dress up  for these games.

Of course, some would say throwing darts is a bit extreme. In that case, a couple of  housebricks should suffice.

Its not supposed to be a nice day out for the other team. The crowd is supposed to put them off, not stand there applauding them afterwards.

Anyway, I believe the tifo upset the Green Brigade, who were a little peeved at not being asked to do one of their own, although to be fair, the club were always unlikely to approve of one that had the words ” Lawwell ” and “tosser ” in the display.

The clubs official site has a different take on events than the Diary, which makes me wonder if we were at the same game;

” Despite having the bulk of possession, the Catalans only fashioned five chances on target, and the majority of them came after Celtic were controversially reduced to 10 men when Scott Brown was given a straight red card by the referee.

Cesc Fabregas headed home the only goal of the game on 79 minutes, just a few minutes after two great chances for the home side – a shot from James Forrest that was superbly saved by Victor Valdes, and a Charlie Mulgrew header from the resulting corner that went agonisingly wide of the goal.

The manager, though disappointed at the final result and, in particular, the red card issued to his captain, was nevertheless proud of his players.

“I thought we were terrific,” he said after the game. “Our defensive shape was good, our discipline was good and we had a real spell there with James Forrest and Charlie Mulgrew with two great chances, although Valdes has made a wonderful save, but Charlie maybe should have done better with the header.

“Sami had a great chance in the first 10 minutes and Valdes again has come out and smothered it. We restricted Barcelona, we knew they would have possession for periods of the game but up until they scored we had the better chances.”

The talking point, and turning point of the match came just before the hour mark. Scott Brown fouled Brazilian forward Neymar as he surged into the Celtic half, and the French referee produced a red card, adjudging the Celtic captain to have kicked out at the Barca player.

It was a decision that stunned Celtic Park and left the Hoops with a mountain to climb. The Celtic boss thought it was a harsh decision which changed the game.

“It´s not a red card,” Neil Lennon said. “I´m not convinced there was any contact there and it has changed the game. There was a lot more going on in the game that warranted a lot more than what Scott got tonight.”

The 10 men of Celtic faced a tough, but not impossible task against the 11 of Barcelona, but it was one that the home side tackled with determination.

“It is really difficult playing against Barcelona with 11 men. It´s even harder with 10,” said the Celtic boss, “but we created two brilliant chances.

“The game got stretched in the end. We went for it – I would rather lose 2-0 going for it than see the game out 1-0 and you saw the quality of my goalkeeper in the end as well. We were always in the game right up until the last kick of the ball.”

Oh wait, they were right about Forster. He was magnificent, as was Efe Ambrose, as was Virgil van Dijk, and it would be unfair not to mention any of the others in the same breath. They all gave their all, even more so after Brown decided the game should become a handicap event.

I’m all for managers protecting players and not washing their dirty linen in public, and perhaps even now they are in the dressing room taking it in turn to stick pencils in Browns eyes, but I doubt it.



I’m away for a lie down.

It was Bobby  Carroll who was the player in yesterdays picture puzzle, arrived at with a picture of a bobby grip, used by women to keep their hair in place, and men for virtually everything else, and a wee blast from the past with singer Carol Decker, of the eighties band T’Pau, who disappeared up their own arses after a couple of  hits in the eighties.

Heres todays clue.




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10 years ago

Scott Brown (a tit)

10 years ago

Unfortunately a Blue Tit, so I cant narrow it down

10 years ago


Mike Annis
10 years ago

Broony – a great tut even

Mike Annis
10 years ago

That should read great tit

10 years ago

a great tit scott brown and also the guy who made him captain in the first place

10 years ago
Reply to  deadhead67

Great tit? Is there a ‘complete fanny’ bird? That’s the Broonie…

10 years ago

Thought the team done a lot better than previous encounters with Barcelona especially in Defence with Foster being immense. Unfortunately there were too many cul-de-sacs with virtually no help being offered.
The goal was unfortunate and again we lost possesion easily high up the filed with defenders out of position (when will we learn).
As for the Red Card for Brown. It definately was. We all wouldnt have minded aiming a boot a NaeMark but unfortunately you cant do it on a football pitch, especially with the referee a couple of yards behind you.

It was a pity as Brown was doing a good job of harassing barca and being confident in possesion in Midfield. Was a bit disappointed in Mulgrew. Thought the game passed him by mostly.

Charlie Saiz
10 years ago
Reply to  Raymobhoy

Totally agree but Lennon going with a 4-4-2 certainly never helped did it?
My heart sunk when I seen the formation..way to predictable and easy for Barca.

Charlie Saiz
10 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz


10 years ago

Ralph, I dont think you should be so quick to criticise the Celtic support for applauding Iniesta. He is both a class footballer and a classy individual. Unlike Scott Brown.

Parkhead was no bed of roses for Barca last time out and the likes of Iniesta showed their grace by taking defeat and lauding the amphitheatre they had played in. Take the compliment as it was meant then and is now. European nights are what they are because we get to seethe Xavi’s and Iniesta’s of this world in our stadium against our players.

Charlie Saiz
10 years ago

“Firstly, it was always going to be about getting the better of Ajax, and most of us would be happy with third place, giving us European football after Christmas. This, in turn, would allow the new players to gain experience and might even improve the co-efficient”

This was my initial response to the Draw and still is my hope for the remainder of the games.
5 pts and 3rd spot would be a fair result given the players we lost in the window and the fact we are rebuilding the spine of our side.
On that Virgil has proved he can cut it at European Level for me he along with Efe was solid last night against a very ,very good outfit(Messi or no Messi).
Brown needs to sort his shit out he’s a plastic hardman that needs to calm down,concentrate on his attributes and cut the crap out of his game.
Otherwise sell him and buy some cunt who will with the money.
Rant over.

jon littledick
10 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

When I saw the draw I too would have been happy with third place. But our display in Milan, where we could have won, and last night’s performance up to Broonageddon have left me irritated beyond belief. I suppose I’ll be happy with third place – if we make it and its a big IF. But we could have finished second with s bit more calmness and maturity.
It’s time the captaincy was taken off Brown. He’s a good man to have on your side but we need someone like Big Billy: calm and exemplary.

10 years ago

Nah its no Scott Brown…..thats a wee ugly burd….its Cheryl Cole.

10 years ago

The Broon Card apart I thought we were excellent at times.

have another look at the CL table-4 points in the next 2 games is nt impossible to set up a hame tie v Milan, worst case we could be looking at Europa Lge, plenty to play for.

Lets get real about Broony though,he was doing exactly what he’s paid for- harassing opponents and breaking up opposition play ie controlled aggression, if he played like an Old Etonian and applauded skilled players on the pitch,like some seem to think a Celtic captain should, there would be no place in the side for him and we’d be the poorer for it.

As for taking the Captaincy aff him – hysterical nonsense

San Miguel
10 years ago
Reply to  krislowe

Nonsense? Brown rarely does controlled aggression as you call it.He is paid to play football, not be some sort of manic cheerleader ,his goal scoring record is abysmal, his passing can be myopic, immature for his years -he is supposed to be our most experienced player. He better start acting it.

10 years ago
Reply to  Ralph Malph

Brown didn’t cost us last night – we were never going to win, we might have managed a 0 – 0 draw, but that’s as much as we would have got. If Brown hadn’t taken neymar out he was running in on goal with only efe to stop him, so good chance of a penalty / goal from the move.If we’re looking for culprits from last night hiw about Mulgrew for missing that header, Izzy for losing sanchez at the goal or efe for losing fabregas at the goal?
can’t believe the witch hunt against brown – he is what he is, it’s his combatative persona, his needling of opponents and his determination to win that makes him an integral part of our team. If he didn’t have any flaws, he wouldn’t be playing for us.

10 years ago
Reply to  krislowe

Spot on!

jon littledick
10 years ago
Reply to  krislowe

‘if he played like an Old Etonian and applauded skilled players on the pitch,like some seem to think a Celtic captain should, there would be no place in the side for him and we’d be the poorer for it’
There’s a big difference between the above and his display last night – come off it!

Charlie Saiz
10 years ago

The intent to kick the player was there so Brown rightly got a red Card.
My only concern was the Ref initially pulled out the Yellow and only after half the Barca team complained and told him it was indeed the wrong card the lily livered french twat of course obliged.
Never ever got the love in with our support over Barca myself?
All the gushing and swooning make me boak if I am honest and hopefully after the cynical diving by arguably the most hyped player in Europe- Gareth Bale smiles and makes a wee love heart sign to Charlie-these gushing fans might want to have a rethink.
They have arguably 3 of the best players in world football and play a nice attacking style but for the love of god 800 passes to score 1 fuckin goal?
Aye right.
Give me 4-3-3 or 3-5-2 at Celtic Park any day of the week.

San Miguel
10 years ago

Brown never is and never was a Captain. NL Should pass the captaincy to Commons or Ledley if fit and drop him and Mulgrew his other favourite.
2 games and no points is where I thought we would be. We need to aim for 7 points(Ajax 4 and Milan 3) and hopefully Barcelona (and I agree we need to stop fawning over them) will be out of sight by the time we hit their midden.
Listen when you lose 1-0 to Barcelona when down to 10 men then it is a measure of how far we have travelled. Care to remember Artmedia or Nauchatel Xamax ?

There will be richerclubs tonight that will get humped by poorer clubs than Barcelona- we didn’t.

10 years ago

krislowe…….Mate, he’s got previous.
We suffer hugely for that petulant streak. The Naymarks and Bellytellys in the game are gagging for the chance to ‘gain an advantage’ and the officials are gagging to give teams from the big 4 nations the resultant award.
If you are in any doubt, have a look at the Milan penalty award against Ajax last night.

It’s hard enough at this dinner table without Broonie being an arse.

10 years ago

Is it a swallow…if so, Frank MacAvennie 😉

Brian Fearon
10 years ago

The referee was right to send Brown off, the intent was clearly there.Bown has cleaned up his act a lot and is a very effective captian, wrong decision on his part.
If Joe Ledley is back for Ajax then that might be better for Celtic.Lennon’s tactics, especially second half were spot on. you know Barcleona are actually quite good at thsi sort of thing(playing Champions League football) we are in a two bit league punching well above our weight.The defence looks better than last Year, Pukki is a disappointment so far but Sammy has really moved up a notch as has Matteaws, usually but not last night. Bring on the Dutch.

10 years ago

Brilliant diary…Scott Brown is a shocking example of leadership and one which is indefensible after last night. Watched it with my kids who said the captaincy should go to Forster….after I sent them to their rooms I realised that you do want the captain to be close to the play.
The manager cannot defend Brown though spent most of last week expressing how much he has matured. C’mon Neil, stop smoking that stuff…

Frank McGaaaaarvey
10 years ago

Captain Dunderheid at it again. He should fully reach his potential at about 32 years of age and then we will have a player on our hands.
Apart from that I am extremely proud of all the other players who bust a gut and went that extra mile when we went down to 10. If we managed to convert one of those chances (Mulgroooo especially) then last night would easily have surpassed last season’s result. IF IF IF. If Scott Brown had a brain he would be a great foorballer.
We can take great encouragement from these 2 games and 3rd place is still definitely there for the taking.
As for the Iniesta applause I certainly joined in. He is a class act as he showed yet again last night and has nothing but good things to say about Celtic so whit’s the problem?

10 years ago

No problem here. Iniesta is a wee genius who plays with honesty. He’ll still be a player at 35 cos he’s bright. We could do with a clever midfielder..

jon littledick
10 years ago
Reply to  Brisbanecelt

And his ice-cream is pure brilliant, so it is! 🙂

10 years ago

Censorship, well I never!

10 years ago
Reply to  Brian53

I have your Fiction pieces in emails btw…will hopefully get scheduled for posts throughout the next week.
Many thanks for pieces and your patience

10 years ago
Reply to  Desi Mond


Will that include my rubbish too? Or have you rightly just binned it? 🙂


10 years ago
Reply to  Pensionerbhoy


Its Now up, as Mrs PB once said after that wee blue pill bonanza in the summer of ’08

10 years ago

Some immense performances last nite, SAMARAS was something else, he covered all of parkhead last nite, he played like a true Celtic captain and led by example (wont even mention Broonie) Ambrose n virgil looked like a partnership but once again izzy looked and played like a total clown, he ball watches far to often and his positional play is terrible at best, totally caught out on the goal, he should have been there to stop that cross even coming over, instead he gets sucked into marking fresh air, the game passed stokes and mulgrew by last night but lenny does have a love in with mulgrew so we mite as well get used to it. Finaly, NEYMAR ur a fkg cheating wee prick. Hail hail, KTF+

10 years ago

Load a smart arse tits on here. Go piss up a rope

Frank McGaaaarvey
10 years ago
Reply to  gary

And u go and climb up it with your teeth

Iain McAllister
10 years ago

Willo Flood!

10 years ago

I’m going to defend Scott Brown, after that wee diving fud said “Scottish people are racist” a few years ago (he still stands by that remark) I think Brown showed a lot more restraint than I would be capable of. Was it red card? A stupidly soft red card. Should he have done it? Probably not but the same could be said every time a player holds an opponent when defending a corner or a free kick.
Football is supposed to be a mans game, the way some of the their players roll around prentending to be hurt they look more suited to WWF wrestling. I like Brown doing what he does, giving the opposition a dunt and letting them know he’s there. He done it to Xavi and Iniesta in the first half and they didn’t roll about like they had just been tasered. Xavi threw a look and Iniesta smiled. Barca players gave Sammy a few dunts when he ran up the halfway line with about 10 mins left but Sammy started shouting at ref, got himself booked 1 min later and commited 4/5 fouls after that.

Run Sammy Run
10 years ago

I bet Sammy was happy Brown got sent off, keeps the hordes off his back in the blame game stakes.
I actually thought we were better last night than we were against them last year. Though having the backs to the wall we looked far more organized, composed and in control. The two center halfs were immense and though it kills me to admit it Forster was outstanding.
I’m not going to blame Brown either, I think he’s been asked to do a slightly different job this year since Wanyama left and I seem to remember Vic picking up a few bookings in the CL last year. There are times when you just have to put a tackle in that’s going to pick up a booking. Should he have had a wee kick at him on the way down, no, but it certainly wasn’t a sending off. I wonder if that Brazilian would have gone down as easy or made as much of a meal of it if the ref had had the balls to book him in the first half for taking a dive in the edge of the box.
After watching our first two games I actually think Stokes is the weak link on our team. I understand now why NL never selected him in CL games. He doesn’t provide an out ball for the midfield/defenders when we have to play deep, he doesn’t hold the ball up and he doesn’t win anything in the air. Thing is though, I don’t think we’ve got anyone else who can and that’s my worry for the Ajax games.

Charlie Saiz
10 years ago

Scot Brown aye let himself down
Whilst big Fraser stayed sharp as a razor
Wee Izzy? well the wee man was busy
Big Van Dijk as cool as you like
Along with Ambrose cleared his lines as he rose
Mikael the big swede played the game with his heid
Whilst young Adam Mathews tried hard not to lose
Charlie Mulgrew had his chance that he blew
Wee Jamesie of course shook Valdes with force
Neymar was shocking got the stands really talking
The ref pulled a flanker switched his card fookin wanker
Sammy did well broke clean through awe fookin hell
The crowd stood aghast Valdes oot chance it had pased
Stokes he played well banjo’d Elvis fookin hell
As Commons did too tracking back had to do
A problem caused by Lenny say no more 4-4-2
But Barca were not great huffed and puffed left it late
Wee Cesc headed well as his team they did gel
In the end showed some class Broonies mist bit our ass
Stokesy he got hooked on came Kayal…

Was he booked?

Frank McGaaaarvey
10 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

Nice wee bit of verse Charlie. You’re mair lyrical than Bob Marley!

10 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

Oh thats going on the mantlepiece!!

10 years ago


I have had a busy day helping the sick and the aged. No I was not at Parkhead but my local surgery. It was great to have the distraction of other people who were ill as it helped me to stop being sick from last night. I will refrain from commenting on the game as there are so many issues regarding individuals, tactics, systems, referees and the plethora of afterthoughts that all may be best left in peace. What really annoys me is the surreal interpretations of events from managers, press etc. post match. We f**ked up, Brown f**ked up, the manager f**ked up (yduring and after) and the referee f**ked up. Funnily ever f**k up was a repeat of several years of f**k ups by the same f**kers. Listen, I enjoy a good f**k just like anyone else but I am f**ked if I will accept f**king gloss over. Time to face the f**ing truth. By the way ** is not swearing. I checked with the priest and he can vouch for more sins than most. It’s more like a Broon kick. It just looks like it is.

By the way, I wish that bast*** tit would stop looking so chirpy. With the accounts audited in invisible ink every blue tit in Scotland should in hiding.

F O sorry finger slipped – H H = Happy, Happy!!

John Murray
10 years ago

We’ve seen enough of Brown – even when he was a Hibbee – to know he’s a brainless, cheap-shot merchant. I recall him coming on as a sub at Easter Rd and immediately ran over and left his foot in on Bobo, who retaliated and was sent off missing the next game at Hunsville. He lacks brains and class and it’s a measure of how low standards have got that he’s both captain of Celtic and Scotland. You just know he’s going to do somenthing silly and get a card. In fact, he was very lucky to have escaped a red card in the 2nd leg of the Karagandy tie – that was a much more vicious assault than the his pathetic flick of the boot last night. With TV cameras all over the place, only a fool would carry on like he does.

Look, he’s been with us 6 years and I’m still waiting to see him ‘come of age’ grow up, mature. Or is he another of our ‘work in progress’ projects?

Opponents can’t wait to get their chance to bait him because they know he’ll bite.

Just get that Keep Net ready.

tam the tim
10 years ago

I said yesterday to watch Neymar as he is the type to go down like a sack of tatties if you breathe on him. I am no great fan of Scott Brown, to me he should not be Celtic captain, but I still don’t think he should have been sent off. The referee was clearly going to issue him with a yellow but changed his mind when confronted with Barcelona players looking for a change of colour. There are too many players taking a dive to get others into trouble and Neymar obviously has no shame in his antics. Brown should not have had the wee sly kick at him but his reaction was way over the top. We need aggression in the game but with Scott Brown it is his slyness which I find distasteful in a player. A captain is there to show leadership on the park but his style of leadership is not the Celtic way. When you look at the likes of Aitken and McStay Brown is a poor captain.

10 years ago

Strachan has Brown as Scotland captain & intends leaving it at that.
every manager of the Scottish national team have made Brown a first pick.
Every Celtic manager since Brown arrived have made him a 1st pick.
But it seems all these esteemed managers know nothing about football and all the fans know better – get real.
Brown was stupid last night, but there is previous between him and neymar from the Scotland v brazil game.
Brown’s game is all about niggling & noising up the opposition – he did it again last night but over stepped the mark. The ref definitely had a yellow out but changed his mind when confronted by the barca players. If Brown hadn’t fouled him, neymar was heading for goal with only efe to stop him. neymar would have dived and got a penalty and efe would have been sent off.
we were never going to win last night – a 0 – 0 draw would have been as much as we would have managed. Brown’s dismissal changed nothing – in fact we had our 2 best chances after the red card.
I’ll be backing Brown on saturday

Charlie Saiz
10 years ago
Reply to  andy docherty

Spot on andy.

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