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ETIMS PODCAST #15 – 27th MAY, 2013

Bedford? Check. Ralph? Check. Desi? Check. Complete utter claptrap talked for an hour? Check. This lovely 3-ball talk about

  • Celtic at the double
  • Lennon’s future
  • Paddy McCourt
  • The season gone
  • There is a Twitterbag of course
  • &, an impromptu lamentation on the evils of modern football.

You can listen on this link, or perhaps you’d prefer to go to iTunes in the morning for a wee download. Indeed, you can do the whole ‘right click > download thing as well. Whatever you do, enjoy!

Any problems opening up the link above copy and paste the address below into your browser and rock on, Tommy.

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11 years ago

Congratulations to Celtic on winning the double

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