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Celtic Diary Friday January 10 2025: Deflector Shields At Maximum

Despite usually playing quite well on a Thursday, the brief revival of a title race crashed and burned last night as “rangers ” dropped two points and pretty much all their credibility as a serious threat fell apart.


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Well, Keith Jackson said it was a revival. Sort of.





That should be that for them, and Clement, which would be a shame. I was beginning to like the chap.


The man who has such a superior brain that the heat generated by it has burned all the follicles on his scalp could have been a contender, but although the board want to keep him as they can’t afford to pay him off , fan pressure may yet prove overwhelming.


Despite rumours to the contrary , they can see when they’re being conned…

Since Rangers started openly signing Roman Catholics the club has won 16 league titles. In that time Celtc have won 19, nearly 20 league titles. The experiment should be over. 
 Though one has to wonder where they’d be if they hadn’t improved the stock with the occasional catholic.
 Despite their best efforts
 The media are kind of delighted, as it gives them the chance to avoid talking about yet another assault on a Celtic player at Ibrox, the obvious lack of transfer activity over there, and more curiously, they don;t have to ask how Jack Butland came to suffer internal bleeding, which is usually caused by trauma….
 Or the Ebola virus, to be fair, but that’s bloody unlikely as someone would have probably noticed an outbreak.
 With “Union ” Jackson doing his bit to point to a revival, the mantle fell to Tom English, the Irishman who works for Radio Scotland to welch on his duties as a reporter… and do the bidding if his master’s voice

Tom English
In a sane world Rangers would back a manager, show strength amid fan fury and accept that their rebuild is so huge they have to forget about Celtic for a number of years while they create a vibrant young team. This is not a sane world. Panic and the ‘chase’ is torturing them 
 It’s not the first time Tom has done their bidding, as older readers will remember from the Resolution 12 archives.
 The remit among the SMSM is blatantly obvious, they must support Clement.
 That’s why the Belgian doesn’t seem to be bothered by the pressure. He can’t lose.
 In fact, he’s doing as well as the board can expect him to.
 The fans, however, seem to think that the plucky newcomers should be battling it out for honours, when in reality they haven’t ever done that, apart from when no one was watching.
 It’ll get worse for them before it gets better. If it ever does….
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 Meanwhile, back at the ranch, and MLS side Atlanta United mistakenly announced that they had signed Japanese forward Kyogo Fuhruhashi.
 Described as a mistake later by the US club, one has to wonder just how they had not only slipped up, but done their research as well.
 And for those who weren’t aware, this guy is their manager/coach….
 If we sign a striker , at least we know where Kyogo is going. If not this month, then almost certainly in the summer.
 My guess is it’s all sorted as long as we sign a replacement, which would also explain why Adam Idah has started two games in a row.
 Keiran Tierney doesn’t appear to be on his way , the intense cold and icy conditions mean he can;t risk slipping and further knackering his hip, so that might have to wait until summer.
 Various other names have been bandied about, but even the speculation around signings has been pushed to one side as the SMSM ramp up their defence of Phillipe le Phlop
 But if we hear anything, we’ll let you know.
 And if we don’t , we’ll make something up.
 Yesterday, we had this….
Pat Higney
 22 hours ago

The young, daring apprentice reporter, Hugh Keevins, is pictured being instructed on how to take the soup properly.

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1 month ago

Come back phillipe your job is done

Woof Charlie
1 month ago

Caption: Furore in Foyers as Nessie is convinced she saw Napoleon on loch shore.

1 month ago

Even Phillipe Phlops Great Great Grandfather couldnae see the Rainjurz’s coming…..

1 month ago

I still can’t see them coming

matthew gallagher
1 month ago

Napoleon, can you see them coming yet?

1 month ago

“The Rangers are coming. Oops no they are not, their ship is sinking.”
I never thought Kieran was coming back to. Celtic this young. I hope he does sometime, what amazes me is the sensible people I know who tonight he was. If only.
Ralph you started it, religion and football.
How is a Catholic defined? ‘A person who has been baptised and attends mass and the sacraments WEEKLY.’
No it’s not what school did you go to etc? How many Catholics go to Celtic Park each home game, 15 k at most. There are a. lot of tribal Catholics, school, baptised, married in a Catholic Church, doesn’t make them Catholics or good or bad people.Have to go every week. No harm. Glad we settled that,’ A club for all.’

1 month ago
Reply to  BJF

“Have to go every week. No harm. Glad we settled that,’ A club for all.’

.Not settled at all you pompous overly-pious jackass. How dare you dictate to others what it means to be a “proper” Catholic. Get your head out of your back side.

“A Catholic is a Christian who is a member of the Catholic Church and adheres to its teachings. The word “Catholic” comes from the Greek word katholikós, which means “universal”. 


Catholics believe in the Christian God, who is the Trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. They believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the redeemer of humankind. They believe in the infallibility of the Pope. They believe in the importance of confession for the forgiveness of sins. They believe in the necessity and efficacy of sacraments. Practices

Catholics regularly participate in the sacraments of the Catholic Church, including Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. They use the Sign of the Cross in their personal and liturgical lives. They use sacred images, candles, vestments, music, incense, and water in worship. They observe the Christian liturgical year. They are devoted to the saints, especially Mary, the mother of Jesus. Community 

Catholics are part of a Christ-centered faith community.They are called to care for one another, use their gifts for the good of the community, and follow Jesus’ teachings.”Nowhere in that or any other work I have seen has ever stated that to be considered catholic you MUST participate in the sacraments EVERY WEEK. It is a matter of faith between you and the Lord, the church are mere go-betweens. It’s about following the teaching of the Catholic bible, and considering the books therein were written long before there was a Roman Catholic Church I think it’s fine to maybe miss mass every now and again as long as you adhere to the teachings of Christ.

Lapsed is still Catholic, regardless of your stuck-up opinion.

ETA: I doubt there are that many even devout Catholics left that still believe in “Papal infallibility”, not after some of the crap the Church has tried to cover up over the years.

Last edited 1 month ago by Seppington
1 month ago
Reply to  Seppington

Gosh I am pompous? Why are you so angry? I haven’t seen so much guilt in a long time, confession tomorrow night will sort it mate.
I am trying to distance us from the ‘Catholic club’ notion that’s all.
You deal with your own issues.
Lapsed doesn’t cut it. I note your adherence to papal Infallibility didn’t last long. Glad we sorted it all out have a good one.

1 month ago
Reply to  BJF

My apologies. Your post seemed like you were doing the complete opposite and criticising those fans who, in your eyes, claim to be Catholic but don’t cut the mustard, which indeed came across as pompous hence my rant. I was standing up for the average fan there, who maybe can’t attend all the time due to many factors in this work-till-you-collapse society we now live in. I would also like to distance us from the religious ties as a club, as though a part of our History really has nothing to do with the game of football (other than the occasional prayer for divine intervention for a goal).
In terms of lapsed, well I often say that I could be be referred to as lapsed that would imply there was a chance I would return to the pews but that will never happen. There isn’t a human being alive or dead who is was infallible (except for Jesus, if you are a believer) and certainly no Pope. That’s not to say they were all bad but no, not infallible. Too much hypocrisy and outright disgraces from the Church throughout history up to today have pushed me away. I have my own relationship with God and His creation, I don’t need to be told what to believe by some eejit claiming authority who truly has none. The only opinion that matters is God’s. Though I feel that way I understand that others still have strong faith even if they perhaps find the organised part of the religion a bit of an issue for whatever reason, and I don’t like to see stuck-up attitudes like I incorrectly perceived your post as having. It grinds my gears when non-Catholics have a pop but it’s worse when I think other Catholics are doing it.

Again, my apologies.

1 month ago
Reply to  Seppington

Accepted. We all find our path own to whatever but a path to Celtic Park is a joy for us all.

1 month ago
Reply to  BJF

Indeed it is and thank you for your understanding. All the best!

Daniel Docherty
1 month ago
Reply to  Seppington

The Pope isonly infallible in matters of the church not in any wordly matters

1 month ago

Is he truly infallible if he is actively covering-up scandals perpetrated by the Church?

1 month ago
Reply to  Seppington

Thanks for the lesson. Think everyone’s got this covered though

Owen Mullions
1 month ago
Reply to  BJF

Ralph didn’t ‘start’ anything. He just humorously quoted a mad hun who is blaming ‘theym’ for the downfall of Raynjurz. Please don’t let us go down this path again as it has derailed the blog in the past. Let’s stick to the football and laughing at Sevco – that’s what etims should always be about.

1 month ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions


1 month ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

A misunderstanding on my part.

1 month ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

You tell them Owen…..

The one constant in life apart from death is that religion is a guarantee of divisiveness between’Men’.

“ma faith is better than yours,”, “Naw it iznae”, “Aye it bloody well is”, “sez you ya pagan”,;”Who uryou callin a pagan ya heretic”
KAPOW “take that ya dobber”…

as easy as that all rational discourse goes oot thu windae.

Owen Mullions
1 month ago


Philippe Clement addresses full house of bears before kick off.

1 month ago

Just seen ibroke’s sink

Michael Annis
1 month ago

Oh Josephine, Josephine, Monsieur wants to know eef tu can play ze right back. ( said in Allo Allo accent aaaaaggghhh

Woof Charlie
1 month ago

The meltdown in BBC Sportsound is delicious. A collection of men called Billy too scared to call out the second rate shenanigans of the butchers, bakers and candle….no we don’t do candles, that run the club out of Ibrox. The death rattle of loyalism eminating from the stands. The pariah status of a club steeped in bigotry that employs quite a lot of young catholic men who lose. The tone of disappointment that greets every Celtic win, “balanced’ by big Pat who is just too gentlemanly to say GIRUY. And when Ireland unifies Scotland is their Israel. Aye right. Our day has come. I’ll live to see an Aldi on that postcode.

Thomas Cochrane
1 month ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

Scotland…Israel…..unified Ireland, wtf are you talking about, your mental pal.

Woof Charlie
1 month ago

Thanks mate but if you hang around a bit you’ll find I’m just a beginner.

1 month ago

Napoleon: “Josephine, Josephine, come quick and see the size of this feckin shark”

1 month ago

“Come in Mr Johnstone, your time is up “

“Ralph surveys the caption competition and will add a pithy comment after a game , declaring himself winner”

“Napoleon regrets booking St. Helena with”

Alan Dougan
1 month ago

The “rangers” are supposed to be coming but I can’t see a thing

1 month ago

“Able was I ere I saw Elba” stated the little general but even he had given up hope of ever seeing ‘ra ranjurs cumin’.

1 month ago

Caption: Jimmy McMenemy-out of picture-

“Hey, you. Short arse. I’m the real Napoleon.”

Hail Hail.

Yoker Bhoy
1 month ago

Forrest, Maeda, Kuhn and Maeda are all out for tomorrow’s match in Dingwall, leaving Yang as our only recognised winger. We know that McCowan play out wide but an another interesting option could be to deploy Alex Valle in a more advanced wide role with Taylor providing him with support. The Spaniard has bags of skill and likes to bomb forward to make things happen but it probably won’t come about. I’d like to see Johnny Kenny on the bench though, as we need more attacking options.

Owen Mullions
1 month ago
Reply to  Yoker Bhoy

I would be very interested to see Kenny in action too as I have a sneaking suspicion that Kyogo is US bound in the very near future. Was that statement from Atlanta really a mistake or was it just a prepared announcement released prematurely? If the latter, I shudder to think of us having to rely on Idah to lead the line for the rest if the season (although I suppose we could always use Maeda if we get a decent replacement winger for him).

PS, I take it you mean Palma is unavailable rather than Maeda twice! A family bereavement apparently.

Yoker Bhoy
1 month ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

Don’t think Kyogo will be for the off just yet but I’ve got a feeling we’ll be in for an important striker in this window anyway. Yeah, I saw my mistake (doh) just before I read your reply but I’m sure everyone knew what I meant.

Owen Mullions
1 month ago
Reply to  Yoker Bhoy

Yes, sorry about that, just my facetious attempt at being humorous.

Yoker Bhoy
1 month ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

No probs. Enjoy the game tomorrow. I’ll personally be delighted if we can scrape any kind of win.

Dziekanowski’s nightclub child
1 month ago

Caption: fuck that, I’m not going to Fife!

BTW, if it is Osteitis Pubis KT has, it’s his Pelvis that’s knackered, not his hip.

1 month ago


You’d think Atlanta’s manager would know who was who…

Owen Mullions
1 month ago
Reply to  SteveNaive

That’s what makes me wonder. There’s all this talk of Kyogo having changed agents and the press release about him was so accurate on detail that it makes me wonder if an agreement hasn’t been reached but the official announcement went out too early. I suppose we’ll find out soon enough.

1 month ago

Clement will join me on Helena, as they sink into Hell.

Good victory today, Kyogo superb, but as usual the men in black tried to disrupt. As for the debate on Dundee penalty nowhere to be seen, the press fixated with all things Clementines.

Yoker Bhoy
1 month ago

Result and Performance about as good as you could hope for as that’s not an easy place to go even at the best of times. Great to see Kyogo looking much more like his old self scoring two cracking goals, especially the second but not only that – he dropped back to link up play very well spraying around quite a few telling passes. Playing alongside another main striker will surely give the manager food for thought as regards future team selections as it seemed to bring out the best of him today. Also pleased to see an encouraging debut from Johnny Kenny who, although far from the finished article, certainly made his presence felt. Good stuff all round and onto the next one on Tuesday. Got a sneaky feeling that the Perth Saints could cause something of a sensation tomorrow 😉

1 month ago

A very solid performance today in Dingwall. Kyogo still has plenty of life left in him and playing where he was today worked very well. Perhaps a new role for him. This should have been about 10-1 given what I watched. But good old biased BBC report said that the result was harsh on Ross County? Not at all they were lucky not to concede the proverbial barrowload. I for one hope kyogo stays and we play this new role for him more often.

Owen Mullions
1 month ago
Reply to  BroxburnBhoy

Don’t want to come across as a prophet of doom but don’t you think Kyogo’s goal celebrations were very muted compared to the smiling assassin we’re used to? Of course, it may just have been the dubious pleasure of winter in Dingwall or even the new trend of wearing a gumshield like Reo does that kept that smile under wraps! As for Idah…oh dear, oh dear, oh dear…young Kenny doesn’t have much to beat.

Woof Charlie
1 month ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

Idahs first touch is woeful and for a style based on precision passing around the box when heavily marked he has no chance

The Cha
1 month ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

Personally, I thought he linked up very well with Kyogo, especially in the 1st half and made some nice through balls etc.

That was promising but he’s a goal scorer and that’s what he’ll be judged on.

Kenny looked lively in his brief cameo, being in the right position a few times and may have been unlucky not to score.

I also thought Yang was also good today, another who gets his fair share of (fair) criticism.

My heart sank at KO, when the commentator said that the pitch was soft, meaning it had started to thaw and was likely to be a quagmire before the end.

Although the players did slip and slide a bit more in the 2nd half, they adjusted superbly, especially with the mud bath of the goalmouths.

All in all, a great overall performance, with only downside being the failure to capitalise on 1st half superiority, leading to an unnecessary fraught period in the 2nd but, from which, we recovered well.

Michael Tate
1 month ago

What’s the story behind Butland’s internal bleeding, Ralph?

Phil’s hinted at this too but for some odd reason he won’t tell the full tale either.

Owen Mullions
1 month ago
Reply to  Michael Tate

I think the suggestion is some fisticuffs at Auchenhowie with one of his ‘brethren’.

1 month ago

Taylor to Turkey? Fantastic bit of business for all concerned.

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