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Celtic Diary Tuesday September 19: Here We Go Again

Ladies and gentlemen, lads and lassies, take your seats for tonight’s show.


Alright, some of you may elect to view the proceedings from behind the couch, but it’s still the only show in town.



Celtic open their Champions league campaign against Feyenoord in Rotterdam tonight, and there’s a curious mix of foreboding and optimism amongst the support. Well, mostly foreboding, but the advantage of an away game to start with cannot be overlooked.



We’ll be spared the usual nonsense from the opposition about how much they’re looking forward to coming to Celtic Park, and the usual hype around the atmosphere that’s reckoned to be one of the best in the world. Instead, the players will be under far less pressure and go out simply to try and get a result.



To start with an away defeat isn’t the end of the world, but a home defeat always puts us on the back foot from the start.



Conversely, should Celtic get anything from tonight, even what Etims colleague Monty Burns described as a “pyrrhic 2-1 defeat ” , it may well boost our confidence.



Celtic haven’t won the big cup for 57 years, and that is the longest period any winner has gone without winning it again, so it’s little wonder the manager made a point of saying he wants to make a mark on the big stage.



To do that, most have suggested that considerable investment was required in the team, and since we haven’t done that, and we’re forced to count on Liam Scales at the back, we’re already doomed.



Yet Scales stood up to the baying hordes at Ibrox, and has followed it with performances that are more than promising, and with the improved Joe Hart behind him as a mentor, is more than a stop gap.


Much more, in fact.



the defence still has an air of being shackled together than part of a master plan, but it’s getting better.



And if I’m right…and there’s always a first time….the manager has been working on a system for these games outside of the domestic campaign.



a little more patience, a little more covering for each other, and perhaps even an extra man sitting at the back.



Well, not sitting, that would be silly, but you get the point.



We’ll see tonight, of course, and what we’ll also see tonight is how much we learned from the last campaign, which we noted at the time was more a matter of fine margins than the humiliation the statistics finally suggested.



We need to be that bit wee bit quicker, in thought and in action.


We need to be more clinical in front of goal, probably as soon as we can.



One of the biggest what ifs around last seasons campaign surrounds how it would have went had Celtic scored one or both of the early chances against Real Madrid….



This time round we need to be a wee bit more ruthless, and make sure when we get the chances that we take them.



As for Feyenoord, they are certainly in a bit of form, scoring for fun domestically and looking like they will be a very difficult opponent.


Their manager, Arnie Slot, began his preparation for this game a long time ago, opting not to take the job at Tottenham , which meant that Ange Postecoglou would leave Celtic, disrupting our preparations at the same time.



Then he tried to make amends by telling the media that Celtic were better than “rangers “…


PSV won easily at home, but they were unable to win away. Celtic have only lost to them (Rangers) once in the last six meetings and have been champions nine times in the last ten years.

“They have simply been a much better club than Rangers over the last ten years, although I will now tell the Rangers fans a bit of an insult. If you look at the performances, I think you have to assess them differently than Rangers.”


He’s right. For a start, he has to take Celtic seriously.


On Celtic, he said:


“I admire them as a team, first of all because they play football, which I like to see. They did so last season as well under the former coach. Brendan Rodgers did a very good job at Leicester City, reached the semi-finals of the Conference League with football everybody enjoys watching. 


It’s easy to forget that Rodgers did reach a European semi final.

With Leicester.


“I think it is a very good team that plays in a structured way. Celtic has a lot of Asian influences and there are some dangers. They have a good fast striker (Kyogo Furuhashi), the left winger also stands out (Daizen Maeda).

“I also like their midfield. They play well and neatly. Postecoglou started that and Rodgers continues with it. Celtic are the only champions in the group besides us, you have to respect that.” 


The second point in that is the most interesting.



When you factor something else in.



When Rodgers built on the foundations laid by Ronny Deila, himself a title winner in three countries, he created something memorable.


In that context, it’s actually quite mouth watering to wonder what he can do with the foundations left by Ange Postecoglou.


Undoubtedly the players he has now are superior to the players then, in ability, in attitude and in work rate.



More importantly, these guys will fight for each other.



European football is not all about money, it is also about heart and courage.



If we can harness that we have a chance.




The other big news yesterday concerns the club’s financial report.



Harry Enfield: loadsamoney on Make a GIF



Effectively, there’s a few quid in the bank, quite a few quid, in fact.


There were one or two things Peter Lawwell said that raised an eyebrow, which we’ll probably discuss on the next podcast , largely because we’re waiting for the internet financial experts to comment first, so we can have a good laugh, but one can only wonder if our reluctance to “splash the cash ” was down perhaps to the thought that Celtic didn’t expect to be so well off, and now that we are the board, frankly speaking, haven’t got the faintest idea what to do with it ?



Could it be that on reading the statement for the first time, our esteemed custodians immediately ran round the building switching the lights off and turning down the heating ?






Or . of course, it could be all part of a master plan to fatten up the pig before taking it to market….



I did put a picture on yesterday, or at least I chose one to put on.



You can’t leave anything lying around these days.



Anyway…today …( it’s the same one )
 Detective Inspector George Johnstone being attacked by a youth with an open razor in Renfield Street, Glasgow 1971

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10 months ago


Big Stuzie fae Brigton slashes a copper.

Michael Annis
10 months ago

You put your left leg in, your left leg out……it’s these pasty frnians dancing again

Tony Carlin
10 months ago

caption “bugger me they take the hokey cokey seriously here don’t they?”

10 months ago

Huns on their way to George Square , to em , celebrate something.

10 months ago

Caption : “Dozens of partygoers enjoyed a impromptu bash on St Vincent Street in Glasgow where dance hits from Vengaboys and Dizzee Rascal were blared out in the open air.” (Mirror 9 Jan 2918).

Owen Mullions
10 months ago

“Whit the feck did ye dae wi’ yisterday’s caption?”

10 months ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

He put it here.

Haven’t you noticed?

Last edited 10 months ago by Gringo
10 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

Doughball & JimBob launch their favoured ‘stealth attacks’ campaign on Gringo in their inimitable primary school style because they’re a pair of shitbag weasels.

10 months ago

The flag of war in the background and a pathetic thug. Sooner the vote on NI is done and dusted the better and hopefully Scotland follows suit and the false union is dissolved forever. On a better note, the journey begins. Yes heartbreak to come but hopefully with something to sing about and a few European teams doing a Neymar. Scales may just be a diamond, already looking batter than Starfelt, just need to see the partnership with CV develop. PL would be delighted as potentially millions saved, typical. In reality concerning Europe, yes great to have Champs League every year, including the financial benefit, Hopefully one day we will be in a league where finances are stronger again and we can regularly compete and the quarters are again a given with an actual win or two, but not yet. For now, I feel third and a Europa Win is better than later stages of the competition is best, this changes next year where we have to be in it to win it. Am I wrong? COYBIG!

Woof Charlie
10 months ago
Reply to  BornCelt!

Not wrong third this season and a EL run would be realistic. Just frustrating that we didn’t get to a settled squad and CL run with AP but his choice.

10 months ago

Caption – “improvised street theatre will bring the crowds back to the high streets” said retail guru Mike Ashley

10 months ago

Caption; “ I’m a bigger hun than you.”
I am do not think Scales is better than Starfelt yet but he certainly looks solid and deserves his chance. I am apprehensive about tonight just because I don’t think we are quite ready. Rodger’s is a good enough coach to have us ready so fingers crossed. Ralph ‘would have went’ really.

George Lazenbhoy
10 months ago

1950s Harry Potter

Woof Charlie
10 months ago

Looks like the club have belatedly chosen to settle the historic abuse cases out of court. They may have won the case but it would have been a phyrric victory. My main hope is some form of resolution for the men affected. And that those who enjoy their online trolling of the victims and the club get the therapy that they need.

10 months ago

Good Diary and good to have it back. Given how I felt with our injuries etc. not too long ago I feel almost euphoric going into tonight’s game. We’ve certainly got a chance and with a fair wind (and a fair ref) I fancy our chances.
Brendan has proven to be a very good man-manager and with a bit of self-belief we can get something from this game.
Come On You Bhoys In GREEN,
(Go out and save the blushes of Heerenveen!)

10 months ago

Caption: Let me just tidy up that moustache of yours, sir!

10 months ago

Celtic haven’t won the big cup for 57 years, and that is the longest period any winner has gone without winning it again

Brilliant stat, err, apart from Benfica.

Yet Scales stood up to the baying hordes at Ibrox, and has followed it with performances that are more than promising”

The only post-Ibrox performance was Dundee at home and that was adequate at best.

Scales was deemed surplus to requirements in the summer and he probably would’ve gone to Aberdeen for a nominal fee but for injuries elsewhere.

Unfortunately, that’s the lot of a club that don’t have a pot of gold to substantially upskill.

We weren’t fine margins away last year, we were significantly off it, so much so we didn’t force any of the oppo to raise their game after 70m, as they had us gubbed.

To suggest otherwise is simply to adopt the mentality of most of the SPFL who think they’re only 1 unlucky break from getting a result against us. They weren’t and neither were we in the UCL.

We need to deaal with reality not rose-tinted what ifs, if we’re serious about improving.

Caption “Derry ya bass”, “Don’t make me put my fag out”

Honest Hoops
10 months ago

Caption; the dark side of Lionel Ritchie..

10 months ago
Reply to  Honest Hoops


10 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

Is it me you’re looking for?

10 months ago

I’ve told you before sonny – wee jobbies shouldn’t carry big boy razors.

Andrew Coyle
10 months ago

Comment.The slashmark my father wore

Woof Charlie
10 months ago

Caption: A scene from the unreleased ‘The Pink Panther: Tongs Ya Bass’ would see Sellers comic creation take a darker turn. Here Cato is played by Tam fae Airdrie.

10 months ago

Well, disappointment doesn’t come close. We’re an absolute disgrace tonight against average (to now) opposition. Aye, an absolute fukkin disgrace. Errors all over the park, no imagination, no skill, not even determination. I’ll correct that: Big Joe showed a level of determination by being determined to be out of position for their goal.
A self-inflicted fukkin disgrace. Oh Celtic, I give you my heart, how can you be so CRUEL????????

10 months ago

I try to get some of that shit off my chest and the inane drivel “Awaiting for approval” comes up. FFS!!!!!!

10 months ago

Two “projects” not quite ready for the highest level of football sent off. I don’t blame them one iota. They don’t have the experience and maybe not even the ability … that’s yet to be proven. But … hey-ho … maybe we can sell them for a few bob more than they’ve cost us in a couple of years. Hartson has just used the word “naive”. We can all see that but that’s not the fault of the young players. Or any of the players, really. We’re just playing better teams.
At least we’ve got money in the bank. Maybe they should parade that around the ground the next home game as that’s what seems to matter most. I’m sure annual bonuses for those and such as those wouldn’t be based on how much cash has been built up!
I didn’t expect to win tonight … hoping but didn’t expect it.
Watching tonight I reckon we’ll be lucky to get a draw until we’re pumped out.
3:0 and a VAR decision … think I’ll switch off just in case!

Woof Charlie
10 months ago
Reply to  JimmyBhoy

Not great. A team I’d hope to take points off at Paradise. If we had a defence. Which we don’t have now. We’re one CB injury away from Brendan phoning me to bring my boots. With records profits. FFS.

10 months ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

Go Charlie Go!

I wouldn’t doubt ye in the current environment.

In fact, I’ll join ye in my preferred role as a marauding centre forward! 😀

10 months ago
Reply to  JimmyBhoy

Agreed, Jimmy, and very well said.

Any fan with an ounce of sense knew this would happen two months ago and now our nightmares gave come to fruit.

So why doesn’t that fvckin blind ‘future investment gamble’ board ever see what we see?

I’m on the verge of giving up now as this blind expectation of dumb unsupported hope has been getting on my tits for at least these past twenty years already and even the most hardcore Tim has his limit with such never ending Groundhog Day bullshit.

10 months ago

The Celtic pseudobulbar affect. Again!

10 months ago

Gotta be honest here, seeing a man get his face slashed from a hardcore Hun fae Brigton isn’t really a laughing matter.

I know the guy who did it and I don’t think he ever laughed again, never mind the poor cvnt on the end of it, copper or not.

Tasteless, man, and in a manner very far detached from your usual casual wisdom and wit.

Sharpen up yourself.

Last edited 10 months ago by Gringo
10 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

6 guys on ETims think seeing a man get his face slashed is funny.

7 counting Ralphie.

Hang your heads in shame.

10 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

9 guys on ETims …

Though of course it might well just be Doughball on his lonesome now that he’s mastered the art of logging out then logging back in again so he can batter the shite out that ‘Hate Ye’ button all day long 😀

10 months ago

Now here’s an idea.
Set up a Celtic supporters blog and call it, say, eTims.
Allow AI or some other shit to ‘monitor’ it.
Now the clever bit: randomly halt a comment and make matters worse by adding some shit like “Awaiting for approval”. Ha, ha, ha, funny, right? Everyone loves a laugh!
So let’s go…….ah shit, somebody beat me to it!

10 months ago
Reply to  TicToc

You forgot to add the ‘Like Ye/Don’t Like Ye’ button that allows sad frustrated old men to act like inarticulate infants once again.

Even those who are preparing for university, like our resident immature student here.

10 months ago

Well I think we played fairly well for most of that match except the last half hour. Dubious penalty decision. If the ref was Scottish we’d be baying for the Board to send a dossier to the authorities. The other sending off a rush of blood. We lost an away game down to nine players to the Dutch champions. The sky still up there. They are beatable and I would expect to beat them at Celtic Park.

10 months ago
Reply to  BroxburnBhoy

I agree that they didn’t look great, say in contrast to PSV skelping the Huns but we said that about Shakhtar last season and plenty of others over the years.

The bottom line is they’re 3 points and 2 goals ahead, which will be tough to overcome, if it comes down to an effective Europa League qualifier in the return match.

I was disappointed with Lazio’s late equaliser, as I was hoping that Atleti would beat the other 2 home and away to give us a better chance of 2nd or 3rd.

10 months ago
Reply to  BroxburnBhoy

Jesus H Christ BB, where did you get all that Deludamol?

10 months ago
Reply to  TicToc

I watched it. They are beatable and yes we lost our first game always a tough start. I saw plenty of positives in the first 60 minutes. We played well for a good spell of that match. Fell apart with the penalty and sending offs. As I say if the ref was scottish we’d be mainly talking about him today

10 months ago

2 or 3 times Kyogo was clear and a simple pass from Hatate would have put him through but instead Reo selfishly tried pathetic efforts himself.

Its a shame that he’s so ‘nice’ as Kyogo should’ve given him pelters and maybe it would’ve shook up Reo who would thern play properly.

I was one of those calling for him to play instead of Turnbull but overall, Hatate was rotten, perhaps due to playing little football this season.

Yet another example of failing to prepare.

10 months ago

After that god-awful pish last night I went for a walk.
I got attacked by a Rotteweiller.
Latest reports say it’s doing quite well in the circumstances, 67 bite wounds and many, many kicks and bruises, but they think it’ll survive.

10 months ago
Reply to  TicToc


Careful now or you’ll be accused of trivialising being mauled to death by ‘devil’ dogs.

10 months ago
Reply to  The Cha

Cha, if you knew me you’d understand I’d NEVER trivialise anything to do with “devil dogs”, I’d eradicate every last one of them. I was merely pointing out MY frame of mind after that utter garbage last night. Of course you know that 🙂
BTW, I think Reo is seriously, mentally ill and his body language and performance last night is a consequence of such. The transfer window has left him scarred and maybe FIFA should be looking more into its impact on individuals both on and off the park. Ever met anyone in favour of it? Or internationals for that matter?

10 months ago
Reply to  TicToc

You think Hatate is ‘mentally ill, TT?

Straitjacket level or Doughball level?

Last edited 10 months ago by Gringo
10 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

Help level. He looks in need of a ‘head coach’ and I don’t mean the Brendan type.

10 months ago
Reply to  TicToc

I think he’s just pissed that he didn’t get to go with Ange.

He’s looked like that since the big yin left.

Also, nice to see the mute schoolboy looking in, wishing he had the articulacy to say something.

10 months ago

Ah only asked when the next corpy to the Milk was due ya nutter!

The Board triumphs again, another year in the UCL, more cash, everyone is happy.

10 months ago
Reply to  Cartvale88

I’m not Happy, I’m Grumpy.

10 months ago
Reply to  The Cha

I’m Gringo, pleased to meet you.

Hope you guessed mah name 🙂

10 months ago

Well, they were those who wanted competition in the SPFL.
I don’t feel comfortable that we will beat Livingston.

10 months ago
Reply to  portpower

You mean if we beat them your discomfort will rise?

10 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

depends on the Celtic dependabilityly.

10 months ago

Our PLC Board are hostile aliens and we are their experiment.

I want to believe.

10 months ago
Reply to  portpower

Do you believe in a love after love?

10 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

too ugly for a three be

10 months ago

That’s the Huns off to a flier in the Europa by beating Betis though it’s doing Celtic a favour as it keeps Micky Mouth in situ for a while longer.

Can’t say I can see them winning in Spain but they do have a working formula in the Europa having been over the course and have done more in two seasons than Celtic have done in twenty years, which really is nothing less than disgraceful management by the odious Celtic board, whether you like it or not.

I’nt that right, JimBob?

I keep seeing your Janus photo of yourself over on wee Janice’s blog, you’re not lacking verbiage over there, eh?

Such a shame that yer wee schoolboy pal has ye reduced to jabbing the Thumbs Down button on here as it lights me up to see your hilarious moniker that doesn’t even know what it means itself.

But, aye, Janus & Janice …

You make a lovely couple,


Last edited 10 months ago by Gringo
10 months ago

Can we get away from the exegetical word ‘mate’ and return to ‘Grand’?
The resolve is, it’s gone till the end of time.

10 months ago
Reply to  portpower

Grand, mate!

10 months ago
Reply to  Gringo


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