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Celtic Diary Friday October 29: Let Us Eat Cake

It looks like we’ve finally discovered why the board have been extracting as much urine from the support as they could.


They’re throwing it up our backs and telling us it’s raining.



Fannies and gaslighting.



Brian Wilson, who somehow ended up on the board despite the availability of people like Ian Paisley junior and Donald Findlay, penned an obituary in the Guardian yesterday for Walter Smith, the former Rangers and Scotland manager.


In it, he said.of Smith’s second tenure at Ibrox;




having been punished with demotion… for having gone into administration




The Guardian, of course, is famous for it’s typographical errors, but even by their standards, this is a belter.



Unless, of course, it’s not an error. Perhaps Wilson really does believe, or wants the wider UK readership of the Guardian to believe, they really were demoted as a punishment for going into administration, in order to preserve the Old Firm brand and to perpetuate the same club myth.


Oh, and it would help deter serious journalists from outwith Scotland into looking to closely at such novel and refreshing sporting standards as the Five Way Agreement and the discounted asset sales to venture capitalists that have resulted not only in compensation paid by the taxpayer running into millions, but the loss of income to the state of tens of millions due to accounting techniques that are perhaps just the other side of legal.



By describing the events of 2012 in the way he has, on a public platform, he is hiding the truth.


By describing them in this way, he is complicit in all that happened and is still happening, and by describing them in this way in his position as a Celtic director, he is, in fact, acting as a spokesman for the board.



Which tells us all we need to know about their position on the matter.



They were at it as well, weren’t they ?



All this bullshit about us not needing another club, and not being one half of anything is merely their way of deflecting attention from their own part in the scandal that rocked Scottish football, and still threatens to destroy it.



Glasgow Derby my arse, thats not what they call it in the boardroom.




We used to do a Knob of the Week feature on Etims on Fridays, but all such knobbery pales into insignificance with what Wilson wrote yesterday.



The man should be fired. No thank you, no pay off, just a fuck off.



And if the board do not do that, then it is apparent that they feel the same way about the events back then and if they do, we need an explanantion as to why.



Then again, they certainly know how to show us they don;t actually give a toss what we think….





We are disappointed to have to report that Celtic Football Club appear set to appoint ACC Bernard Higgins to a senior role within the club. Higgins was personally responsible for a vindictive policing campaign which targeted the Celtic support and fans of all clubs.




Thats this guy…..






One wonders if this job is a thank you for not highlighting safety concerns after the Janefield Street crush a year or two ago…. a sort of backslapping and knob pulling agreement between the police and the board to not blame each other for the fiasco outside the ground which could well have resulted in several injuries or even deaths….



Nothing would surprise me any more in the murky world of Scottish football.








We may only be small shareholders, or even merely customers, and they may feel that they can piss up our backs and blame the weather, but the price of those shares that they hold is entirely dependent on those customers and what they decide to do with their money.



Or, of course, we could just head to the car park.



The wisdom of pitchfork-wielding crowds | The Spectator








The accusations of bias within refereeing circles in Scotland has reached a point that rivals the time the men in black went on strike, only to be shown up as bloody useless and heading back to work before anyone pointed out the fact.



The media seem to be concentrating on the introduction of VAR, where a referee can head to a telly and watch the incident again or perhaps refer to an independent panel of three other referees to help him make a decision.



Not content with having one incompetent official with questionable motives, there will now be four, all of whom can blame a computer for their honest mistakes.



What a load of bollocks.


Here’s an idea.



Why not bar referees from taking part in matches featuring their favourite team, or even in matches that could affect their favourite team ?



That alone would create openings for honest chaps, you know the ones i mean, who give up their Sunday mornings to be abused by hungover players and violent supporters. guys who actually love to be involved in the game for their love of it, instead of those involved because of their pals at the lodge.



The perception of bias has moved onto allegations, and not without foundation.



Meantime, the media stay silent, merely discussing the symptons and not the cause.



And heaven help anyone who says anything critical about anyone from Ibrox….




Over on the bear pit, a forum for “rangers ” supporters, there’s a campaign to oust Michael Stewart from the BBC, one of the few analysts who isn’t afraid of speaking his mind.



Saying bad things about “rangers ” results in being Spenced….the term used for the removal of critical thinkers at the state funded broadcasters, in honour of Jim Spence, who spoke freely during his time at the BBC, which of course isn;t allowed these days, and those sensitive and delicate flowers in the bear pit are after Stewart now…..







You can email the BBC to express your admiration and support for Stewarts work, or you can tweet them.



It would be nice if they could retain at least one person who tells it like it is……




But then again, Scottish football doesn’t like people who tell it like it is, which means we need to support thise who do.





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2 years ago

Brian Wilson is just another hun sympathizing C##T, on a Celtic board full of hun sympathizing C##TS….The enemy within us what’s destroying Celtic, complicit in everything that’s rotten in Scottish football since 2012, this Celtic board of Tory huns are solely responsible fur the manufacturerd decline of Celtic, so as tae allow the Govan tramps time tae not just catch Celtic up, but overtake them. This more than likely explains McKay getting moved on so quickly, maybe he was having no more hun sympathisers in the boardroom , and wanted tae cut all ties with the disgraceful OF tag that’s been holding Celtic back for years, this Celtic board are as corrupt and shameful as anything over at the Bigotdome….Hell awaits them all…TAL.

2 years ago

Shouldโ€™ve stayed with the beach boys

2 years ago
Reply to  Iancelt67

Brian Wilson (no relation) has traveled from being editor of The Western Free Press (and perhaps a publication named Seven Days?, both of the left ) to then being a Minister under the warmongering Blair. Now heโ€™s an apologist for the โ€˜O** F***. Whatโ€™s next chairman of Club 1872?

The Cha
2 years ago
Reply to  Whitearra

Also as a very young MP excoriating a Tory (Nicolas Fairbairn?) who was bemoaning Highland Estates been sold to the wrong sort (an ex-exotic dancer):

“Give me a social climbing stripper any day than the kilted grandees that have ruined the land for generations”

I wonder if the Celtic Director looks back on that young fella and wonders whatever became of him.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

I think one look at his bank balance would instantly dismiss all notions of probity & integrity.

Unless his conscience blocks out the big figures and all he can see is the word SELLOUT there instead.

The Green Machine
2 years ago

Though I doubt it.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Iancelt67

โ€˜Shouldโ€™ve stayed with The Beach Boysโ€™ ๐Ÿ˜€

Given Brianโ€™s happily singing along with The Billy Boysโ€™ version of โ€˜The Sloop John Bโ€™ heโ€™s just proven that he has.

2 years ago

Gaslighting Iโ€™ve experienced that from a psycho girlfriend. Her shrink told her she had no moral compass. Says it all.

2 years ago
Reply to  Iancelt67

Lol I reminded her she told me of her lack of moral compass told to her by the shrink. She denied ever saying it. Thatโ€™s gaslighting

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Iancelt67

Gaslighting is a key part of the parcel of clinically diagnosed narcissism.

Youโ€™re lucky you got out alive.

The Celtic support havenโ€™t been so lucky.

2 years ago

‘One club since 1888’ is proudly displayed on the Celtic website. A visual reminder that Celtic FC has a continuous history, unlike them’s across the river, who we all know was liquidated and died in 2012. A slight on the ‘Big Lie’, that all the Scottish press pretend never happened.
“Rory Bremner can pretend to be Tony Blair” said Peter Lawwell at the AGM in November 2013, a clear reference that The Rangers was a new club after liquidation. All meaningless pish said for the benefit of the happy clappers. November 2013. Note that the 5Way Agreement that was sent to him but not his secretary and to the holidaying Eric Riley and is dated Thursday the 26th.of July 2012.
It is very easy to spot the hypocrisy and Brian Wilson is no different to the others on the Celtic board. Unconscious Bias – every human being has it, it grows within us as we age, referees are no different, our life experiences only adds to it, we can never get rid of it. Madden and the OO, Beaton and his Loyalist pub, Robertson and his school’s involvement with the young *Rangers youth team, the list goes on and on, how to solve it, VAR will not, only by bringing in referees from other countries….

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike.

‘We may only be small shareholders’, well as I eMailed you there are 28,366 small shareholders and I have all their names and addresses and the number of shares that they own. I was the one that found them, not The Celtic Supporters Trust, including David Low. Everybody said that their names was missing, that they had disappeared, that they didn’t exist. It took me weeks of research, I paid out for the fees, the reams of paper to print out a hard copy and packets of black ink. Number 3 in the list of share ownership, many millions of shares, all without a voice. They come from all over from America, Australia, Canada, but mostly from the UK, Scotia as you would expect. I told you that I was prepared to tell the Trust how to go about trying to get all the names, but SFA. Is the Trustees of The Trust interested? brilliant at local issues, but less so perhaps in pushing Resolution 12, or any other issues related to Scottish football governance, so, I will not be passing them on to them. The CSA, if they think that sending Maxwell an e-Mail every 6 months is going to achieve anything, then they are wrong. United we are strong, disunited as strong as a piece of chocolate in a foundry.

The Cha
2 years ago
Reply to  Mike.

Incredible work and completely baffling that CST don’t want to run with this.

Since Jan 2020 they’ve been trying to contact “missing” shareholders and it would be a long and complicated process.

It looks like you’ve found a fast track, which should be utilised to maximise the small supporter shareholders block vote.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

I told you months ago, Cha, theyโ€™re a firewall front fir the PLC.

Mikeโ€™s work has just proved this.

And for all Iโ€™ve been proven correct once again Iโ€™m in no mood for globing when all these deceptions, nay, sly crimes, are being carried out by our own board on the Celtic support.

But I did warn all of you about all of this many many years ago now and I feel as sick now as I did then, if not worse, as the situation worsens daily.

The Green Machine
2 years ago


Nor globing ๐Ÿ™‚

2 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Thank’s to all of you for your replies. T’was a dreary drudge until a hidden switch turned on the lightbulb in my brain. The reality is that it is a simple process and I had to sign a ‘Proper Person Test’, Including a clause not to reveal the information to any others under threat of prosecution, though it cannot stop me from revealing to others the process on how to get the names etc. The board too had to grant me access within a short space of time or take me to court, however they didn’t, but I did get other info from the search. My access was granted under the research umbrella, but there are other reasons to obtain access, like director accountability. The CST has as has been said got its limitations, my concern is some supporters going cold on football honesty like Res.12, so I’m not going to judge anyone else,s motives. I put in only a few weeks, the real credit is Auldheid’s and his age defying persistence for honesty in Scottish football, the years and intelligence that he has put in is immeasurable.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike.

Mike, what you’ve done here is way above anything I can even imagine in terms of man-hours and personal cost. “Bravo” to you is just a drop in the ocean and insignificant.
I think the CST is limited in what it can do by its own Articles and that limitation put me off joining recently though they have my proxy for the AGM. Of course the CST could broaden its horizons. Anyway, you’re NOT alone in wishing to see Celtic FC stand up to all the cheating over the decades. In the end I just hope to see success for our supporters, by our supporters and I do believe that “Persistence beats Resistance” should maybe now be altered to something like ‘Success from Resistance with Persistence’.
Anyway, Our Day Will Come and we cannot lose that belief.
Once again, ‘Well Done’ for putting so much work into something many of us feel so close to; an Honest Club. I hope your spirit gives rise to others on here and elsewhere getting behind you in a Movement for Permanent Honesty and Change.
Hail! Hail! to you and that principle.

2 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

Thank’s TicToc, I appreciate it, I agree with you,see above.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike.

Cheers Mike and for your humility in brushing your own incredible efforts off and giving due praise to Auldheid. With Bhoys like you two, it’s difficult to see anything other than a positive outcome. But, when are we going to see these efforts backed by a torrent of offers of help and financial backing to really get the momentum to drive the incumbent Board and its puppet-master, Desmond, as far from Celtic Park as is humanly possible?
Hail! Hail!

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

Whenever Desmond feels like it, Vinnie.

Or whenever his bosses decide itโ€™s time to take over.

Those are the only two possible outcomes, fan uprising apart.

The support is fractured and largely powerless so long as theyโ€™re divided.

And divided they are, and not by accident either.


2 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

I reply here, to my own comment and especially this:
“But, when are we going to see these efforts backed by a torrent of offers of help and financial backing to really get the momentum to drive the incumbent Board and its puppet-master, Desmond, as far from Celtic Park as is humanly possible?

NO RETURN COMMENT. So evidently, the creeps, the jellyfish, the anonymous (+ or -) knockers on here are nothing more nor less than the sum (scum) of Lawwellist/Loyalist collusion. But, no doubt, go to ‘church’ and feel all ‘righteous’?
Really? Has hypocrisy no boundary?
I’m delighted I saw through religion when I was around 8 YO.
Hypocrite I am not.
Celtic FC supporter for all of my life. PLC Board, Naw! Not then, not now, not ever.
Hail! Hail! the Glasgow Celtic and its charitable supporters.
Poetry (in motion)
Desmond and his scummy ilk? I wish only HARM upon them, and HARM they’ll one day face. Those self-invested hypocrites have come to the very wrong place.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

What you on about, I replied to you.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Mike.

Absolutely first class work, Mike, I saw you had written this over on the Dr Strangelove page the other day but didnโ€™t realise it was you.

However, it comes as no surprise that The Celtic Supporters Trust arenโ€™t interested in following up your sterling research because, as Iโ€™ve pointed out numerous times on here & elsewhere, the CST are simply more controlled opposition, a front organisation working on behalf of the board and are also, therefore, gaslighting everyone who trusts them.

But that is precisely the kind of research work required to call this Hun board of pits to boot and it looks like the only option left will indeed be for Auldheid et al to bring criminal charges.

Youโ€™re a good man, Mike, and you know I think highly of you for all my pisstaking at times.


2 years ago

Cheers and thanks.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Mike.

My pleasure, Mike.

2 years ago

We are a club open to all, and that includes the boardroom. But that only extends to people who have the best interests of the club at heart. And by club I mean fans, cos no matter what else happens the fans will still be there.

The board really are taking the p!ss with this. If our own board really believe that rangers were demoted then what chance did resolution 12 ever have? Not a snowball in hell’s chance. Everything we have seen last season and this, the loose application of covid rules to the sevconians, the honest mistakes, the trashing of george square and the rise of racism over there could have been avoided if we made clear that this version of rangers is a new entity.

Yet the board were complicit in allowing this narrative to be spun. 5 way agreement, you better believe we knew about, hell we were probably involved in drafting it. Never liked that old firm term, I believe the origins of it were to describe how both clubs decided to fleece the fans over a cup replay. Even back then we worked hand in glove with them to fleece the fans. Get it tae feck.

To paraphrase: by their deeds shall you know them.

And this Bernard Higgins appointment? If this isn’t sticking two fingers up to the fans then God knows what the board are thinking, do they think?

Time for a clear out, way past time for a clear out.

2 years ago

Why has no one picked yup that the sevco player was offside when he was run over with the Aberdeen team for the pen HH

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  TAMBHOY

Well, that would mean no penalty and they couldnโ€™t have that, could they?

2 years ago

Watching replay of hibs game. Football is scintillating, really good. Got high hopes again please!

2 years ago

Just on the VAR point I welcome it. The guy on the line maybe as incompetent or as biased as the ref on the pitch depending on which analysis you favour but it is going to be harder. VAR means more scrutiny of red decisions, they will be more exposed and the more people involved the harder it is to run a conspiracy, if there is a conspiracy?
It will also be telling if smaller clubs get more decisions against bigger clubs as they claim the refs react to the crowd.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  BJF

Oh, there is a conspiracy alright.

My grandfather spoke of it being extant since he was a wee Bhoy so weโ€™re talking about 110 years or more itโ€™s being going on, which makes it all the more incredible that youโ€˜ve missed it.

Especially after these past few weeks and least season where it has been openly and shamelessly displayed without fear by almost every high ranking referee in Scotland.

They gifted Sevco the league last year and not one club even mentioned anything about it so itโ€™s not just between Sevco & the SFA/LRA …

The conspiracy is entrenched within the very fabric of the Scottish game.

Thats why no one talks about it, as itโ€™s in with the bricks.

2 years ago

Respect to your position Green Machine.However, I am in my 70s, was educated on the Falls Road in Belfast in the 60s and worked on the Shankill Road in the 1970s, came close to a lot of conspiracies that often turned out to be cock ups. But my definite experience of such conspiracies I have seen is that there are always fall outs and everything comes out in the end, just in my experience any how.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  BJF

Cheers, BJF, but this century long conspiracy is no cockup.

This weekโ€™s games alone proved this.

The LRA, like the SFA & the Celtic PLC, is a Masonic organisation to its very core.

We could spend years compiling a video of these โ€˜honest mistakesโ€™ and still not have enough space on the tapes for all of them.

A proven conspiracy is no longer a theory but a demonstrable fact.



2 years ago
Reply to  BJF

Recall Wee Bobby the McDermots doorman?

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Mahe

Alright, Mahe, good to see you here.

Is it true that Garry took the jab against his will and it did him?

2 years ago

Scottish football is killing itself from within, I chucked it in 2012 when the 5 way was brought in to save one club, I realised then that the game was being fixed And I hope more and more fans will do the same and give up due to the rigged game they’re watching. The only people who can force change is the fans, not just Celtic fans but fans of all other clubs too. The clubs will do nothing until the fans stop paying, why should they change when they know that thousands will still turn up with season book money every year. I laugh at the same people continually moaning on social media about refs, our board, Sevco, Sky, BBC etc. Do something about it, stop going and stop giving them money! Tell them why your not paying anymore, The clubs can’t survive without the fans paying. I’ll support the team until I die but I’ll never give the club another penny.

2 years ago
Reply to  jimmea

If it gets beyond the fabric of Scottish society they will scream paedophilia. It is only from they over there.

2 years ago
Reply to  portpower

Celtic board members are to billet a room for the Poor.

2 years ago
Reply to  portpower

COP26. Maggie has a filthy 3 seater settee. Spies for no-one.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  portpower

And in her eyes you see nothing
No sign of love behind the ears

2 years ago

There is a lull. Do we have a left winger on tour ?
The rest make the numbers up.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  portpower

All our left wingers feel right left out.

2 years ago

I hear Scotland is full of pale unhealthy looking continental people. They are to change the gauge.

How deep is thy British pool ?

2 years ago

Spies in Scotland. It could be her or him.

Do you want buy an all borders umbrella. Comes with a map and a pencil sharpener.

Some refuse of a collapse

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  portpower

I definitely want an all borders umbrella!

Gerard Reilly
2 years ago

Brilliant piece Ralph ( Raif, in engerlund) I.m sorry to say , I.m reaching for the columbian cookoo dust by the sack full after reading the response by the BBC to the shy newco fans who.s gentle feelings were allegedly damaged by Michael Stewart who had the audacity to give straight answers and opinions when the Lazarus FC were on the telly, he.ll have to go , no room for a truthful opinion on any forum relating to the 2012 resurrection establishment “

Owen Mullions
2 years ago
Reply to  Gerard Reilly

Mikey Stewart’s the only ‘pundit’ worthy of the name at EBT Scotland – he won’t last long, the truth-telling bastard!

The Cha
2 years ago
Reply to  Gerard Reilly

That’s what they claim the reply was, its not a published letter from Aunty.

There again, it would be completely out of character for Huns to lie.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Gerard Reilly

Aye, truth & fitba forums donโ€™t really go down too well as my 7 or 8 years of getting banned for it testifies so itโ€™s very much appreciated that our discerning hosts allow the truth to be told here.

2 years ago

Wilson is Knob of the week. I feel the tide is turning. We need a Rosa Parks

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  SteveNaive

Hang on, Naรฏvetรฉ, youโ€™re saying we need an old black woman on a bus to solve our problems for us?

Whyโ€™s that then?

Too much trouble for the men, are they?

The Green Machine
2 years ago

Are we not men?

Or are we all Stevo?

2 years ago

You get what you pay for!

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  James

But not what you expect.

2 years ago

My post yesterday about Walter Smith seems to belong more to todayโ€™s diaryโ€ฆ

Iโ€™m probably going to get pelters for this, but I think it needs to be said:

I donโ€™t doubt Walter Smith was a decent man and a good manager, nor that he deserves our respect for being friendly enough with TB to be asked to carry his coffin.

However, for me that legacy of decency was spoiled somewhat by the fact he knowingly oversaw years of financial doping, then lied about it in court saying โ€“ for example โ€“ that he never discussed finances with Murray and that he didnโ€™t know how Rangers had done in Europe because he was โ€œon holiday at the timeโ€. An insult to both the taxpayers deprived of millions by the illegal scheme that funded his success and a long list of unpaid creditors it left in its wake.

Unfortunately, like almost all involved with the club, he continued to play along with the liquidation denial and survival myth and never at any time showed a hint of remorse. An understandable human failing, perhaps, particularly when clearly devoted to his club, but for me โ€“ a man of genuine bravery and integrity would have refused to play any part in misleading the football world. Instead, he not only played along, but actually said Rangers fans were right to be bitter about being โ€œput down into the Third Divisionโ€

So, by all means praise him for his better qualities, but excuse me if I donโ€™t join in the calls for sainthood.

The Cha
2 years ago
Reply to  CarlJungleBhoy

I echo all the other supporting comments on yesterday’s diary.

Whether they’ve offered sympathies for his passing, I doubt there’s a Celtic fan (and fans of other clubs) who are unaware of the other side that the media won’t portray.

Personally my anger is focussed on our complicit board as they are the first target in acknowledging and trying to get change.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  CarlJungleBhoy

Monti still loves him though.

Donโ€™t ye, Monti?

2 years ago

You’re not Rangers anymore……
Alan Dewar QC, representing Charles Green at the Inner House of the Court of Session, has stated on 29 Jan 2016 that “The Rangers football club does not exist, it is an idea in people’s minds, a myth of continuity. No-one knows what the Rangers football club is, but it has no legal personality.”

To be a member of the SFA, UEFA etc. every company/club MUST have a legal personality. SO, it’s been stated, without counter argument in the highest Court in Scotland that Rangers Football Club no longer exists.
You’re not Rangers anymore indeed! You are deid!

The Cha
2 years ago

Beeb – Injured Rogic to miss three weeks after “carrying burden” for Celtic .uk/sport/football/59093198 (remove space)

Its actually 3 games and the only key game is Ferencvaros away (Livi and Dundee being the others).

This would take him up to the next International break, which he’ll hopefully miss but I think Kyogo was in the same position the last time and went anyway, although thankfully he returned uninjured and raring to go.

I wonder if there’s any chance of seeing the lesser spotted James McCarthy?

The Cha
2 years ago

Another Beeb item (actually Herald but reported on Footy Gossip page):

Police are investigating after Aberdeen players were targeted with “a small number of missiles” thrown from the Rangers end during Wednesday’s draw at Ibrox.

I wonder if it was the media or the Higgins Horrors who specified “a small number”, which is beloved when deliberately downplaying Ibrox malfeasance viz “a small number of racists” etc, so beloved by alleged Anti-Racist Show Racism the Red Card (Scotland).

The Scotland part is important, as the counterpart down here in England, pulled no punches on the 10 game bigot ban Broadfoot and the ongoing abuse of James McClean.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Ibrox statement on the missiles:

โ€˜That was Chelsea fans and it was only crisp pokes.โ€™

The Green Machine
2 years ago

SFA response:

โ€™Thank you for clearing that up for us.

For a moment there we feared we might have to โ€˜start an investigationโ€™ …โ€™

The Green Machine
2 years ago

No one likes people who tell it like it really is, Ralph, as my work on here proves.

The Green Machine
2 years ago

See? ๐Ÿ˜€

2 years ago

Self praise is no recommendation

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Weered

Iโ€™m not praising myself, Red, Iโ€™m pointing out the general resistance to the proven truth across the blogs.

Learn the difference, itโ€™s worth knowing.

The Green Machine
2 years ago

โ€œ(VAR) โ€˜is important for the benefit of everybody, especially for clubs like ourselves when you are going to difficult away stadiums and there has been some mistakes made. It is important these are made correct.” – Aberdeen manager Stephen Glass after being robbed fo all 3 points at Ibrox the other night.

Odd that none of them say โ€˜These Reganโ€™s are all known Masonic cheating bastards favouring whatever scum entity plays out of Ibroxโ€™, isnโ€™t it though?

But hereโ€™s the bit I like best …

โ€˜The 12 Premiership clubs will share the costs – each paying ยฃ60,000 to ยฃ80,000 per season – of running VAR across the four tiers.โ€™

So thatโ€™s 80 grand PEE CLUB for watching a fvcking video playback?

I can watch a video playback in real time while sitting on my sofa so whatโ€™s all this utter pish about these ridiculously high costs?

Who the fvck are they trying to kid with this?

The Green Machine
2 years ago

*These Refs.

Apologies but my device refuses to use Spellcheck any longer no matter what I do to correct it.

The Green Machine
2 years ago

And now the board decide to appoint a scumbag copper who specifically targeted Celtic fans for years on end and helped implement the hated OBAF to run the Celtic security team!

A Masonic copper to corral the support on behalf of our disgusting and disgraceful Masonic board.

See The Green Brigade statement over on Philโ€™s site.

Please note, this recommendation comes solely due to the excellent takedown of the board by Rod McLeod in the comments section.

The Green Machine
2 years ago

*Rod MacLeod

The Green Machine
2 years ago

โ€˜(The Masonic Policeman) Bernard Higgins is not fit to serve Celtic Football Club and we call on all fans to make this clear to the Celtic boardโ€™

The Green Machine
2 years ago

If only they could extend that thought to those on the board who keep giving them those cherished away tickets year on year …

The Green Machine
2 years ago

More proof that the โ€˜Celtic Supporters are doing all they can to further stymie all efforts at presenting Res 12 to our Hun board in its original form as intended by Auldheid:

โ€™ Friesdorfer

The Celtic Trust general meeting on Tuesday evening was troubling. Not so much in the rush to get the Resolutions backed and submitted to Celtic PLC in time for them to be included in the AGM papers, but for the fact that the Resolutions as voted for by the members, were amended by the Trustees before submission to Celtic.
Now, there may be legitimate reasons for this, however it is not clear what these are โ€“ to me anyway โ€“ but the inescapable fact is that the members were not consulted on this. If you canโ€™t trust the Trustees to behave in a democratic manner, then what is the point?
Furthermore, what was submitted to Celtic is not what appears in the AGM papersโ€ฆ Disillusionment doesnโ€™t come close.

The Green Machine
2 years ago

*โ€˜The Celtic Supporters Trustโ€™

The Green Machine
2 years ago

See further details on this racket from Auldheidโ€™s comments on the Sentinel Celts page.

2 years ago

Hey Green machine, I’m in the Hoops bar if you fancy a beer.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Monti

We know.

2 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Well tell them to introduce themselves then ๐Ÿ™‚

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Monti

They did.

Long ago.

You missed it.

The Green Machine
2 years ago

You were seconds away from another kind of introduction tae, Monti.

If I hadnโ€™t got that phone signal in the nick of time youโ€™d still be nursing that yin.

And not in a fun way.

The Green Machine
2 years ago

Why all the negativity when I saved the big yinโ€™s bacon?

Some of the Bhoys didnโ€™t take too well to his bringing family members into the chat here and some of them still hold the grudge yet.

So donโ€™t get too cocky, Monti, as they still read these pages.

2 years ago

Giakoumakis is a useless bastard that should never play for us again

2 years ago
Reply to  James

I do not know what he brought to the game at all. It is idiotic From Ange changing penalty takers.
It is not baffling, it is just a really stupid choice. All the effort for eff all in past few weeks.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  portpower

And to change penalty takers to a guy whoโ€™s only played a game and a half all season.

Idiotic is indeed the word, Port.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  James

I told everyone the other night he was nothing but a poacher.

No one believed me.

They might now, if heโ€™s even that.

2 years ago
Reply to  James

You need to take the penalty out of the equation, this slow, slow build up was always going to cost us against organised defensive set ups, giving Livi loads of time to drop back and re organise. Plus the constant refusal to get to the byline but cut inside continually does my heid in, makes the over populated goalmouth easy to defend.

2 years ago
Reply to  highseastim

Totally agree

2 years ago
Reply to  James

Lol bit harsh

2 years ago

And the Refs Association clicked on we scored 2 goals the other night from set pieces so whilst we were struggling to score they gave us fuck all inside 25 yards,this is what we’re up against n we go n sign shite like Giakoumakis

The Green Machine
2 years ago

Well, that was just woeful beyond belief.

Kyogo on the bench, Bitton (BITTON!!!) in the middle and a useless fvckin donkey up front being allowed to take a last minute penalty to put us top f the league.

And those two useless spy cvnts Kennedy & Strachan as the coaching team!

Thereโ€™s now so many bams to blame at the club that I donโ€™t know where to start.

Abysmal game to have to bear witness to, Betsy last one of them looked clueless in how to break down a team who we knew exactly how theyโ€™d play against us and after two full game against 5em weโ€™ve got one point and ONE SHOT ON TARGET!



2 years ago

Yep, dreadful today.

2 years ago

Weโ€™re you at the game ? Tell me what system we played, they played ?

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  SteveNaive

We played shite.

What else do you need to know?

Fvckin naive right enough.

2 years ago

I could see we were shite playing in front of their defence, so much so I went for a shower with 20 mins to go, my eyes were bleeding watching shitebags without the courage to take short quick passes in the box area instead of using the ball like a hot tattie n trying to look like Barcelona of old but even with the shite slow play you expect a half decent player to fucking thump in an injury time penalty to save our embarrassment n you could see he didn’t want it the shitebag, he’ll never be a player for us now the streak of pish that he is

2 years ago

Peter Lawwells eulogy on "Walter" wasnt much better than Wilsons. Praising him for his managerial successes was a way of declaring that every "success" was accomplished fairly and squarely.

Lawwells words effectively cleared all the smoke from the gun, so it might as well have the firing pin removed now, if Peter hasn`t already done so a long time ago.

2 years ago
Reply to  Effarr

Apologies for the missing apostrophys.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Effarr

Itโ€™s apostles we need, mate.

Good points, though the gun was always pointed at their own heads.

Marked โ€˜5WAโ€™.

2 years ago

Green machine,
Next home game let’s have a beer m8…I’ll bring a packet of black particles.


The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Monti

We know you have the black particles and we know you need a nurse.

Thatโ€™s why we avoid ye.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Monti

The irony is, Monti, that it was your constant cries for a nurse that got you intae all this bother in the first place.

You didnโ€™t know it at the time but it was.

Because thoughts become things, Monti, and that was what inevitably led your wish for a nurse to end up with you being injected with unknown & so far unidentifiable substances.

That and the constant fearmongering aff the media that you swallied whole like the mug ye are.

Howโ€™s Walter looking in yer wifeโ€™s slippers, btw?

Fetching ..?

2 years ago

So if God forbid your parents or grandparents get seriously ill from Covid, I take it you will be at their bedside talking about black particles?

2 years ago

Baffles m8

2 years ago

No you avoid me because of the consequences.
You know it & so do others.

I’ve told you on countless occasions to step up….you fail to even turn up ffs.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Monti

I turn up.

But i avoid you because I gave up aggro for Lent once and it stuck.

And I wouldnโ€™t want to break my vow and embarrass ye in front of aw yer pals.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Besides, whateverโ€™s in the toxin is contagious.

So I avoid the vaxxed like the plague.

Because thatโ€™s what they have.

Nae luck, tubs.

The Green Machine
2 years ago

Look up Spike Protein Shedding for proof of claim.

2 years ago

Does anyone on here have the misfortune to sit in the main stand? Do they approach the board & ask questions?
Not about prawn sandwiches…..

2 years ago
Reply to  Monti

They are all just a bunch of want for nothing, corporate company stamped on their forehead, brown nosed crawlers.

They are the bane of our game.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Monti

No, itโ€™s about black particles!


2 years ago

Celtic support fantastic today & at long last putting real vocal pressure on the masonic, cheating scum with flags & a whistle.
Keep on them Bhoys & Ghirls.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Monti

You put pressure on the board with some flags and a whistle?

Is that all youโ€™ve got?

The Green Machine
2 years ago

Trying to play through two solid banks of five needs regular shots from outside the area as it pulls at least one or two defenders out of position.

Instead we went for the shitey ponderous build up where the ball would have seen a quicker return if ye were playing alone in Janefield St cemetery.

2 years ago

The forwards were awfa feart of that keeper. Not one challenge against him. The Livi keeper read everything. He had an easy day out at Celtic Park and the good penalty save was the icing.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  portpower

The whole team are scared of Livingston.

And Madden.

And Beaton.

And Lawwell.

2 years ago


2 years ago

Mike Bassett

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Fat Bastart

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Monti

What is up wae you, lardarse?

All I get is complaints that I never talk about the fitba then we hen I do pass comment on the game you come out wae yer broken down record parrot shite about Mike Basset.

Iโ€™ve played the game for years and am still playing it yet unlike some fat lazy clowns round here.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Do enlighten us, Monti, on your solution to breaking down two banks of five?

2 years ago

Bernie Higgins is an offence to the detriment of Celtic FC.
Does this mean you & I are forcible advocates of fascism.

Tic a box to get in. Slowly but surely they will want your right allegiance.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  portpower

Having to show some steward your private medical records IS The โ€˜Rightโ€™ (sic) Allegiance.

Not only do they want yer money they also want yer private health info …

A d all those daft COMPLIANT mugs at the game yesterday went along with it …

Yet the GB still have the cheek and the idiocy to call themselves โ€˜rebelsโ€™ …

The whole thing is a joke.

A Masonic joke played on gullible idiot humanity.

2 years ago

Madden officiated the game in the first half as “what are you going to do about it, I am giving you Fenian bassas nothing.”

Between that attitude and co-ordinating himself around the ball of play;
When Celtic were attacking he ran straight to where the ball was chopping off the space off the ball.

That is their smug genius.

2 years ago
Reply to  portpower

I am sure Callum MacGregor (Captain), had a go at Madden about his interference around the ball.

2 years ago
Reply to  portpower

Is it just me ?

Do the fraternal Lancashire Referee Associated brethren march onto Celtic Park with an ulster tune in their heids.

2 years ago
Reply to  portpower

Exactly! And the PLC Board do nothing. But they DO know.
THAT (their hun-assisting asses) will oust them, root and branch, order and lodge, viper’s nest and all. Our Time Is NOW.
Rise up Tims, but don’t wait till Easter.

2 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

I unhumbly ask that my earlier comment is found and posted. It was meant to aid the spirit of eTims amongst the indignity of dropping points to hammer-throwers. Without timely craic, much good patter and advice is lost.
Gotta say, it’s not just YOUR site, as sites without the fans are nothing. Plagiarism admission: I kinda copied that from Big Jock.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

Itโ€™s true though, the posters make the site.

But I donโ€™t itโ€™s not Ralph or a Desi to blame for binned comments, that the Akismet AI algorithm that objects to certain words which you can then break down, though maybe R & D could fill us in on why words like Vac cine, or the been far less offensive STR INGS, would be deemed โ€˜offensiveโ€™ by a computer unless it had been previously that set that way.

2 years ago

Still cannot believe that shite yesterday

2 years ago
Reply to  James

Meanwhile today the Daily Ranger hack cannae hide his sheer glee and ecstasy as he describes each of *rangers goals….3 of which came when Murderwell were reduced to 10 men…and no mention of the hand ball in the area when Murderwell were leading 1-0.
As for us yesterday, I was hoarse with the number of times I was shouting “shoot, shoot for feks sake”. Total domination counts for zilch if ye cannae put the ball in the net.
As for that sleekit creature Madden’s performance, especially in the first half, he doesn’t even try to hide what he’s doing. The stadium was buzzing in disbelief at his “performance”….and he knew it.
We better get the shooting boots on quick or we’re gonna be left far behind “them”.

2 years ago

Well, yesterday was a hard game to watch, but it happens in fitba. Those drastic 0-0 draws (and I realise 0-0 draws can be terrific games too), but not yesterday. I think many of us saw the outcome long before the final whistle with anti-fitba, as expected, from Livi. We really need to get behind the team here though, a lot of young bhoys and many far from home. Onwards and upwards.
BTW, I didn’t see it as my head was in my hands, but did Madden REALLY do 3 cartwheels and a lap of the track, cheered on by our Board, when ‘El Greco’ made a cunt of it?

2 years ago

Aw lads, FFS, 1 comment to try to lift spirits and straight into the sin-bin? FFS!

2 years ago

A seasonal ‘golden oldie’ for those who may have missed it first time round (feel free to delete).

I was walking past Ibrox late last night
When my eyes beheld an eerie sight.
For a zombie from his grave began to rise
When suddenly to my surprise.
He did the mash (he did the zombie mash).
His brain was bashed (that Hibs cup final clash).
He took a slash (he’d been on the lash).
Then sang the Sash and danced the zombie mash.

From the Daily Record and the BBC,
Home of the ‘pundit’ with an EBT,
The press all came from their humble abode
To join the dance in the Copland Road.
They did the mash (they did the zombie mash).
Their hopes were dashed (those title dreams were rash).
Their sales have crashed (their reportage is trash).
They’re unabashed, they love to zombie mash.

The zombie was having fun.
The party had just begun.
The next guests were Keith Jackson, Chris Jack and Chic Young.

Reagan and Doncaster were hanging around,
Jabba chained up like a rabid hound,
‘Uncle Tim’ Keevins was next to arrive
With the supporters’ bus from Radio Clyde.
They did the mash (they did the zombie mash).
Their teeth got gnashed (they’d seen the Gers get thrashed).
The bogs got smashed (the Huns have no panache).
Whit a stramash at Sevco’s zombie mash!

With Stevie at the head of an Orange band,
The zombie mash is sweeping the land.
Now all you Tims can join the dance too
Just go to Ibrox and say the madhouse sent you!
Then you can mash (then you can zombie mash).
Don’t mention Mass! (You’ll need a gravestone fast).
Don’t carry cash (it will be gone in a flash).
Nae need tae waash – you’re at a Sevco bash.

2 years ago
Reply to  R.St.Parsley


2 years ago
Reply to  R.St.Parsley

Genius Sir, very well done.

2 years ago
Reply to  R.St.Parsley

That’s you at your best RSP. Another Monster comment!

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  R.St.Parsley

Very good, R.St.P

I reckon itโ€™ll be a smash!

The Green Machine
2 years ago

Aye, itโ€™s hard to free fools from the chains they revere alright.

2 years ago

The James Tavernier story goes broom broom.

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