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Celtic Diary Thursday September 3: High Anxiety ? Maybe Not

According to a Facebook Memories post yesterday, the Diary was nine years old, an astonishing revelation that shows just how fast time flies when you’re having fun.


And as one or two people pointed out, sooner or later we’ll get something right.


We recorded a podcast last night, which will appear on the site later today, and although the general feeling of doom and gloom from these pages was mentioned, we were astonished to discover that round about this time of year, we have always felt the same.


So thats that then, ten in a row it is.


Although I still reckon that it will be a largely different side that stumbles over the final hurdle come April or May.


One of those new faces is Shane Duffy, the Brighton defender who will be on loan for a year at Celtic Park.


Duffy spoke to the media …..


“Obviously, I don’t need a reason to go to Celtic but if there is ever a reason it’s this year to make history.

“It’s something I have been following anyway, hoping they would get the title every year so now to get the chance to be a part of it is a huge honour but there is a lot of hard work to do to get that 10-in-a-row. 

I know the fans are optimistic and I am too so we are going to do the hard work and hopefully the reward is at the end.

“I’m delighted, obviously. It’s taken a little while to get it done but I’m over the moon. It’s something I’ve always dreamed of doing and to get the chance and the club to want me is a special moment for me and I’m really excited to get up there and get going.

“Hopefully I can bring success to the club.

“It’s been a long time coming.”  



Later, he tweeted


Shane Duffy

My dream to play for Celtic is here. I can’t thank everyone enough who helped me get this move done . I will give it my everything for this club to succeed while I am here now let’s go do it I CANT wait


Whatever has gone wrong for him at Brighton matters not a jot, it’s what he does now that matters, and we could well have a new Aitken / Mjalbby cult figure in the ranks, and thats exactly what we need just now.



This means, sadly, that the way is clear for Kris Ajer to move on. The word is that Lennon was told he could keep only one of Simunovic or Biton, due to financial restrictions, and the squad needed trimming anyway. If Lennon chose biton, it means he intends to use him, and that could mean two ball playing centre backs and a powerhouse forming a back three.


It could also mean the Ebn Hamed is now first reserve for right back or centre half, as Jeremie Frimpong and Greg Taylor will take it in turns with James Forrest to provide width, depending on the set up.


Then again, Ben Davies…..


Frankly, as long as it puts a stop to this sort of defending….





…I don’t care who we get in


Mo Elyannoussi though, will be squeezed in somewhere , and there’s still David Turnbull , Ismael Soro to supplement Scott Brown in the centre of midfield, even if , as expected, we lose MacGregor, Ntcham, Christie and Rogic.


Though it does look considerably weaker, and we may see a further addition, possibly an experienced fellow to add a bit of steel.


Up front, Griffiths is not going to feature unless everyone is in some sort of motor accident, which leaves Klimala and Ajeti to aid Oddsone Edouard, as long as the Frenchman ignores his agent, the media and his homeland.


And then there’s the Ryan Fraser mystery, as he has certainly been linked with Celtic, and there may actually be something in this one, with the winger not committing himself to anything yet.


No matter who goes , however, the tenth title not arriving at Celtic Park at the end of the season would still be a major upset, as there isn’t a side in Scotland strong enough to go the distance over 38 games and take the title away from Celtic.


Thats the cold hard truth of the matter, but it must be stressed that there is a lot of hard work to be done between now and then, and there is no room for complacency.



In other news, the delightful Brazilian forward Neymar has tested positive for coronavirus, presumably having contracted the disease from the spittle ejected onto the ground he loves to roll around around in.


It is not known if his sister has the disease, but she’s probably already sent off for a test.





In these often strange and unprecedented days, we’ve found it difficult to pick someone who has done enough to provide a suitable winner of the prestigious Etims Knob of the Week award.


Not this fucking week we haven’t….



Sometimes you just have to acknowledge genius…..


There are a few of them out there, and they fall into certain categories…





Let’s face it, some of them will never be described as the brightest star in the night sky, which is partly why someone is going to get a big apology quite soon after his treatment at the hands of the Scottish establishment and media….and it will just rub further salt into their wounds…


Look at how the poor soul ended up….


Charles Green backs Mike Ashley to save Rangers...from hospital bed | Football | Sport |


Not only that, he awoke from a coma to see this face leaning over him….


Sky Sports presenter Jim White hails pubs as 'perfect' place for transfer deadline day drama



I’d have stayed in a coma.



Charles had a tough time trying to save the unsaveable and defend the indefensible, and reaped scant reward for his effort…



Former Rangers chief Charles Green reveals the £335k French mansion he bought with some of his Ibrox loot - Daily Record



Then again, they always have had difficulty in seeing what is genuine and what is someone taking the piss out of them….



You need to click on that’s a rolling video.



Anyway, doom and gloom ?


Not while there are gullibillies to provide the giggles.




Yesterday, we had this…..







 That guy yesterday must have sorted the fan  



Today… lets have a happy picture…










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3 years ago

Duffy finally signs.

3 years ago

Bairds bar re-opens.

Jazzy K
3 years ago

Caption ; The Dunoon CSC hear the news of Duffy signing

3 years ago

According to a Facebook Memories post yesterday, the Diary was nine years old,


Should’ve kept that quiet. Champions every year when ETims is up and running. Seems the only way to stop us is to stop ETims.

You guys need to look after yourselves. Stay safe, watch out for snipers.

Man in Denial
3 years ago


Aberdeen FC players quietly celebrate the lifting of COVID 19 restrictions

3 years ago

caption: Despite the fact that the Barman was wearing the shroud of Turin,Big Peter denied that the Kerrydale Bar was making a fortune

3 years ago

Caption: After being caught But ‘n Benning, Horace Broon and Fat Boab eloped to San Francisco. Here, in a rare picture, they are seen celebrating the release of The Wizard of Oz soundtrack on 78.

3 years ago


Mein host manages to login to the Pass to Paradise just before the start of the second half.

3 years ago

Where everyone knows your name…
Rodney Dangerfield celebrates the wrap of Caddyshack.

3 years ago

shroud of turin turns up wrapped round a bar man’s waist.

hoop hoop hooray
3 years ago

WTF – Nicola Sturgeon

3 years ago

Lawwell Driveway Ltd Annual Directors meeting convenes

3 years ago

Ye’ve mair chance of getting served in the Old Oak at quarter to 3 on a Saturday.

3 years ago

A breather from harvest, huff, puff, to say hello to my fellow E-Tims posters.
The caption must be a celebration of the huge payouts coming to Duff and Phelps pair David Whitehouse and Paul Clark, who were awarded their costs (£600K) after a judge said that their arrests were unjust. David Whitehouse is suing for £9 million and Paul Clark £5million. Irony of Irony. Charles Green, will need his “big hands” after “he too” note, not, #Me Too” he has received an apology letter and will no doubt collect a massive payout in due course.
The “Unseen Fenian Hand” has apparently has been at it, makes a change I suppose from the usual fiddly handshakes. As the *Rangers pair were arrested “maliciously”. more on that later.
Ralph and Desimond, your work is brilliant and consistent, it is much appreciated.
Yoker- Eff Off. 😉

Yoker Bhoy
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

U 2. 😉

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Good to see you back Mike.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Yay Mike’s back! Don’t you have Eastern Europeans to help at harvest time? 🙂 🙂 🙂

3 years ago
Reply to  Christina

Racist comment

3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

To ask if he is still employing our European friends despite Brexit and Piggy Patel’s hysterical rhetoric- racist? Aye I’ll crack the jokes Monti (and this better be one or you’re getting slapped!!)

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

You could always stick on , after the goldrush 😉

The Cha
3 years ago
Reply to  Bognorbhoy

No, he’ll be On The Beach after Harvest.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Maybe reply to your emails ya ignorant Noel Hunt

3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Look sis, look ^ told you I had pals.
I’m Shane Duffy’s personal trainer,
Don’t Cha wish you buns were are firm as mine,
Don’t Cha, Don’t Cha.
i’m so happy 😉 thank youse. But busy busy, take care!.

3 years ago

Caption – Look at all those happy, selfish bastards! At this very moment, George Bailey is outside, in the snow, preparing to throw himself into a frozen river.

3 years ago


Home lockdown in Glasgow celebrated.

Enjoyed your musings over the last nine Ralphie, another nine to follow, leading to the death of the zombies. Some of the contributors in their whinging have added a bit of spice.

3 years ago

Locals help Donald Trump celebrate his last day serving at O’Hares Pub in the Bronx. One regular commented “I’ll be glad to see the back of the dirty orange bar steward!”

3 years ago

rangers are deid

3 years ago

French Eddy is staying for the Ten!

3 years ago

Caption: Embarrassing ETims leak as an email from a pish-stained source legible on barman’s apron.

Alan Ryan
3 years ago

Where’s Jack Nicholson ?

por cierto
3 years ago


Hey, Guys, Neymar’s got the Coronavirus!

3 years ago

Lennon announces he will start a striker against Ross County

George Lazenbhoy
3 years ago

The guy up front just realised his misses will find out he’s at the pub and not the post office

Dziekanowski's nightclub child
3 years ago

Caption: Specky guy sticks thumb up fat guys arse, fat guy kinda likes it!

3 years ago

Caption: Yes Celtic TV is actually working

3 years ago

Caption : ‘Alex Salmond (centre of picture) and friends tell Nicola giruy’.

3 years ago

Caption: Pub offered a free bottle of beer for everyone who made it by the fan that the guy fixed with their hat on.
You know it makes sense 🙂

3 years ago

Two points:
(1) you actually spelled Klimala’s name right for once. You feeling all right Ralph? Do you need a lie down or maybe go to the hospital? Worried about your well being…
(2) the doom and gloom about this team every year as the calendar turns to September… maybe that’s because it’s around this time every year that the team is eliminated from Champions League and the Director of Football / CEO is looking to sell one or more of the squad’s best players. It’s like watching Bill Murray in Groundhog Day only not as funny and without the happy ending where something different actually happens.

3 years ago

And the Celtic Way is awash with merry cheer as they all croned happily the old song the hun are going bust and the new, here we go,10 in a row in great mirth, while drinking good beer, good helpings of jelly and ice cream passed around, Ralph Malph promises to obtain a spell checker and Shane Duffy sings happily along. HH!

Nas M
3 years ago

Caption – One of the Aberdeen 8 wondering if this picture will make the Daily Ranger and thinking he should have mabe just gone with Boli to Malaga instead!

The Cha
3 years ago

Caption “Cheers Nicola, the pub was empty before you shut down those house parties!”

3 years ago

Enjoyed the podcast guys and very much in my way of thinking regarding the recent set up or lack of it as may be the case.
Broony is not the driving force of old. He should be used only when we don’t need to have a high tempo in the match. He could come on sit in and protect the back 3/4 when we have command of the game.
Ntcham is the most technical player we have in midfield Lenny is trying to fit the square pegs into round holes and you are right he has to make his mind up of the one that misses out.
Ntcham hasn’t been given the game time his qualities deserve any other team he would be a first choice pick.
For me John Kennedy should be more vocal in his defensive coach duties. He should be paying attention to the back line let Lenny watch middle to front.
If he sees someone move out of position tell him to get back and organise like you said at 1-1 we shouldn’t be caught out on a 1v1 in a champions league decider or any game for that matter. We have seen this far too often.
Time to get Celtic back to doing what we do best. Attack.
It took McGregor to take it on and find the pass to Jamesy who scored and who’s roar must have been out of pure frustration of how we had been playing until then.
Big decisions for Lenny coming up and how the players he has accused of not wanting to be there respond. Duffy will bring quality and a heart to the Celtic back line he knows the history and what’s at stake those who get in his or our way will not know whats hit them.
My starting 11 would be this just on what I have seen so far.
Jullien Duffy Ajer
Frimpong Forrest as the wing backs
Christie Ntcham McGregor midfield
Edouard Ajeti. 2 up top.
3 5 2. HH thanks again for the listen.

3 years ago

caption: Mike the fermers back yaasss 🙂

3 years ago
Reply to  Jimmybee

He was at a House of Bruar itchy tartan merchandise event, his new Fergusson tractor interior is decked out with Harris tweed seat covers.

The Cha
3 years ago

Caption “Woohoo, KOTW is back and its only Thursday!”

3 years ago

(David attenborough narrating
)”A long long time ago there was a team called Rangers. Here are some of their Chipper fans, they are now extinct. How many more of our species must disappear”

3 years ago

Celts on EL tour.
‘Here we go Terry Munro’

3 years ago

Caption: Sky Sports News report Craig Whyte has found a pound coin & looking to invest it.

3 years ago

Mike the farmer can he fix it? Mike the farmer yes he can. Lennon, Leigh and lawell are screwing things up. Mike is now back to sort things out.
Mike the farmer has been in lockdown mike the farmer now he’s back !!

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