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Celtic Diary Tuesday August 11: Suspend The Season

It was inevitable really.


Wealthy young athletes with enough money to retire for life at an age where most people don’t even know what they want to do with their life are told to stay at home for a few months due to a global pandemic that they  they think only affects old people and those who already had a cough decide that they are bored.


We saw Aberdeen players go out on the beer at the weekend, and now we’ve seen a second Celtic layer decide that whilst its all very sad that people are dying in their thousands it doesn’t really concern them.


Bolingoli Boli had a few days off in the week, and chose to go to Spain for whatever reason. He then featured for the last five minutes of Celtic’s horror show against Kilmarnock, where frankly the whole team looked as though everything going on around them was of little concern to them, and put the whole squad and their families at risk of infection.


Whether or not you agree with the decision of the British government to impose quarantine on travellers from Spain, or indeed the lack of a written statute confirming it as law, is irrelevant.


What matters here is the gross disregard for safety when dealing with a virus that is surrounded by so much misinformation and confusion, a young man has decided that he knows best and to hell with the consequences.


Scotland has managed to avoid a covid related death for a couple of weeks now, and that has largely been down to strong leadership from Holyrood and common sense from the public.


Why do footballers think they are above all that ?


With Leigh Griffiths holding a house party it appears, on the face of it, that management has not stressed enough the importance of complying with the rules, and more importantly perhaps, the question os out there as to whether or not anyone cares.


It would be unfair to make Boli a scapegoat, because undoubtedly it’s not just a Celtic or Scottish problem, as we saw a week or two ago when a few clubs disregarded the rules on regular testing, saying that they had misunderstood the rules, which hints again that they are not taking the threat of a resurgence in deaths seriously enough for the industry to be allowed special status ahead of others.


It’s certain that it’s happeneing in england as well, but as the company that shows the football is owned by the same people that by and large write about it, much will be kept away from the public eye, although one or two “sex parties ” have been documented.



From this, its clear that although there is a desire for football to be back on the agenda, thise involved in the sport simply cannot be trusted to behave in a way that is safe and responsible, and so with that in mind, the season should be suspended until they can.


Which judging from the first two weeks of action, won;t be any time soon.


It’s time to put things into perspective.


Football is not more important than life or death.



Boli issued a statement last night which confirmed the stories about his jaunt are correct…


“I have made a huge mistake.

“I want to apologise to my manager, my team mates, the supporters, everyone at Celtic and so many others for letting them down so badly.  

“I am guilty of a major error of judgement. I know what I did was wrong and I know that I must now deal with the consequences.”


One report suggests that two subsequent Covid tests have proved negative, but thats not the point.


The point is that football is in a priviliged position, and there are rules to be adhered to. It doesn’t take a great leap to realise that if they aren’t then there will be no football, and the game should decide to call a halt now before something serious happens.



First minister Nicola Sturgeon will issue a statement at some point, but advisors have told her to wait until she has calmed down….



Elsewhere, Celtic will face Ferencvaros or Djuurgarden should they overcome Reykjavik next week in the second Champions League qualifier, should the game go ahead in the first place.






UEFA have confirmed the kick off time and date on their website as one week from today, with a 7.45 kick off at Celtic Park.


Meanwhile, despite all that is going on, Celtic still have to plan for this competition as though we expect to actually play in it, and Moravcik 67 gives a little bit of information on the squad, and why we are a bit light…


Celtic have until 11pm on Wednesday to name our List A squad for the 1st round match against KR Reykjavik.

What does this mean?

Here’s a look at how the squad system works, and why we still have places for some new additions. 


UEFA allow each team 2 squads to call upon.

List A and List B.

List B is the easy one. It’s for the youngsters – any player born after 1/1/1999, who has been eligible to play for the club for 2 uninterrupted years since their 15th birthday. 


For teams with a good youth system, or who sign young players to develop, List B is a godsend.

It adds depth to the main squad.

Last year, among others, we had both Ajer and Edouard on List B – meaning we didn’t need use a place in the main squad for them. 


This year we won’t get the same benefit – Johnston, Henderson and Dembele are the most recognisable names that will be on the list, along with others around the fringes of the team – Robertson, McInroy, etc.

A club can have as many players on List B as it wants. 


List A is the main squad.

A club is guaranteed at least 17 players for the list, but it can go up to 25 players if the club meets certain criteria relating to homegrown players.

UEFA made changes in the 2000s to give clubs an incentive to use players trained in their country. 


They defined two different types of homegrown player – club trained, and association trained.

Whether a player falls into either category is decided by where they were registered between the ages of 15 and 21 – roughly.

36 months is the important time length here. 


To qualify as club trained, a player must have been registered at that one particular club for 3 seasons, or 36 months between 15 and 21.

That’s a simplification.

The full regulation is attached. 




So, for example, Forrest and McGregor both count as club trained for Celtic. 


To qualify as association trained, the player must have been registered with any club in that association for 36 months between 15 and 21.

Bain, Griffiths, Taylor, Brown and Christie count as association trained.

Brown would qualify as club-trained for Hibs if he went back. 




Back to the squad.

To have the full 25 players in the squad at least 8 of our players must be homegrown, and at least 4 of those 8 must be club trained.

Note that a club-trained player is also, by definition, an association trained player, so 8 club trained players is fine. 


If we don’t have 8 homegrown players our squad size is reduced by 1 place for every player we’re short.

Last season we could only put 23 players on List A because we only had 2 club-trained players – McGregor and Forrest.

For the full squad we needed 4. So we lost 2 places.  


Even though our EL squad had 6 association trained players to go with them, to get the full 25 players we needed a minimum of 4 players we trained ourselves.

We just got lucky that Edouard and Ajer were eligible for List B, or we’d have had to cut a couple of players. 


Note. Non homegrown players can only fill one of the other 17 places in the squad.

But homegrown playeres can also fill these places.

So we could have 25 club trained players and it’d be fine, or 4 club trained and 21 association trained.

I’m hoping this makes sense. 


Also, there are players on our List B of youngsters who would probably qualify already as club-trained – MJ for example.

While we could register them on List A, it doesnt’ make any different overall. They qualify on either list, and there are no limits to List B. 


Currently, and this is just my opinion, our squad is looking a little light.

There is room for a few additions before we have to start considering taking people back out the squad.

This is our 20 man squad at present, with a few notable List B players. 




I’ve left out the like of Shved and Bayo, who likely won’t be part of our European campaign.

Again, we only have 2 club trained players.

So we could only go up to 23 in our squad – meaning 3 more additions before we start taking people out.


Both Conor Hazard and Tony Ralston will qualify as club trained this year, and could be added for a little extra depth at no cost to allow us to go up to 25.

The only other way to reach 25 players is to sign someone who was trained at Celtic between 15 and 21. 


For the 3 remaining places, we could also add the youngsters who don’t qualify for List B – the likes of Connell, Afolabi and O’Connell.

But that’s last resort stuff, unless they do a Frimpong and suddenly break into the 1st team.

We’ll sign more players before Oct 5th.  


Note that I’m including Ajer as association trained, rather than club trained.

I’m not 100% sure, but I think his time at Kilmarnock on loan will forever rule him out of being club-trained for us.

If I’m wrong then it would give us an extra squad place 


So who do we need to add?

The concensus seems to be at least one striker, and a CB to start with.

There’s talk of a midfielder and needing a left back.

And I think we’re still short on the wings.

I’m sure everyone has their own thoughts on this. 


 There’s still plenty of scope for changes in the coming couple of months.

Particularly as we’re clearly looking to strengthen, have some players who are in demand, and some questions about just what we’re going to get out of certain players during the season. 


Final point.

Although we have to register List A about a week or so before each of the qualifying rounds, we can add 2 new players to it up to 11pm on the day before the game – as long as we stay within the squad rules.



One thought I had, if MacGregor, who was on loan at Notts County, can count as home trained, then it may well apply to Ajer.



On the transfer front, Shane Duffy has been telling his pals back in Derry that he is about to join Celtic, although there are no cross border regulations on quarantine between England and Scotland, it might be worth isolating him anyway for a while, and that bloke from West Ham who wasn’t sure about Celtic is apperently sure now, and an added bonus is that we believe that there is no one in Switzerland with even so much of a wheeze so he won;t have to isolate before his medical, which is according to some this morning….


Not sure he’ll be re-assured by the guys we’ve sent to pick him up from the airport though…


Biohazard Suit Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock



It really is turning out to be a bit of a chore, this football lark, and maybe it is best to give it a miss for a few months.




Yesterday, we had this….


The advice Neil Lennon gave to Celtic No.2 John Kennedy after he ...


Ralph Malph.. 


















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Mark McDonagh
3 years ago

If Boli is trying to sneak into dover on a boat with the migrants, he is no getting in on my watch!

3 years ago

The hordes distressed as floating pitch springs a leak.

tony carlin
3 years ago

Caption. “I’m not sure but I think I’ve pissed myself”

3 years ago

Bolingoli should be sacked and Celtic sue him for his transfer fee. Fvck him.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ralph Malph

Good practice, as is the case with most decent businesses ,would have required employees to sign a compliance directive. As you say, the management seems to be slipping back into their bad old ways.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ralph Malph

The players were told by the club not to leave Glasgow.
They are at home, go to training at Lennoxtown then home.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ralph Malph

Exactly the expectations and protocols need to be written and communicated By management as well as checked for understanding of the do and don’ts. Also the penalties. Then the club can hold the player contractually responsible and apply the penalties. Just like any other workplace. This was clearly a very poor decision by the player and he really ought to have known better without a rule book. That said a rule book would help these footballers since it seems common sense is lacking. A major sanction for the player is appropriate in this case.

3 years ago

Absolutely agree!

3 years ago

I think you may find a contractual clause that states ‘and any actions that brings the club into disrepute.’ Otherwise you’d need to put in writing don’t have sex with farm animals, don’t give children vodka, don’t run down pensioners etc etc. The guy has to conform to the rules of the country he is in and if he breaks them he’s het not Celtic. Plenty others have been sacked for infringements, apart from Cummings of course.

3 years ago

Interested to know if you think any season ticket holders that have broke covid-19(I’d bet there are thousands) rules should have their season ticket taken away??

3 years ago
Reply to  highseastim

Don’t try to justify this morons actions. From the guy who posts his disgust at fans having a pop at players and doesn’t see the irony in it.

3 years ago

Pic ; The Jungle toilets mid 80s.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jbhoy

Bolingoli & Griffiths should not wear the Hoops again!
Let them go Celtic.

Frank Spatula
3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Shut up, ya fat prick.

The Gallagate’s gonnae get ye!

3 years ago

Caption: Current bun

3 years ago

Caption – Policeman who foiled armed robbery at pharmacy, was shot in the colostomy bag …”

Paranoid celt
3 years ago

Maybe they all just sat back with a calm head. Ignored the mainstream media and read all the available data. Unreliable PCR tests, Infection fatality rates, false reporting on death certificates. The 77th brigade of the brit army being used against the public. The government behavioural scientists boasting that they can change the way people think and act
Listened to Prince Charles talk about the great global reset and thought this covid is convenient.
Thought back to when the story was just 3 weeks to flatten the curve and not over run the inefficient, bloated, corrupt NHS.
Looking at all the evidence for face masks and realising the science is far from settled.
Remembering being told not to touch your face and then looking around at the obedient masses touching their bacteria infected, moist face nappies and then everything else.
Looked at who was pushing vaccines and who was finding WHO, GAVI, imperial college of London etc
Thought about when the social distancing, mask wearing was going to end and realised that if they should wear them now they probably should have been wearing them all their lives and there’s never really a good time to stop. Specially looking at how many people die of flu every year despite having a vaccine. The flu at least 5 times more dangerous to children than the cv19 that hasn’t been isolated.
Really don’t like being treated like a walking bio hazard, getting temperature checks every where. Thinking of the asymptomatic spread and wondering how many grannies they’ve killed before they came down with a fever.
Wondering if the quote “what one generation tolerates the next will accept as normal” might apply to whats happening now.
Realised that it’s a pile of crap and decided not to go along with something that is going to do much more harm to society than this virus ever could.

3 years ago

Caption : ‘ Yin sheep, yin f##kin’ sheep and they gi’ me Union Street oan a Sunday f##kin’ mornin’.

3 years ago

I think Bolingoli is working his ticket here. A mysterious recurring thigh strain is the usual banter and putting others at risk is reprehensible. Get him to f*ck or better still Hearts.

3 years ago

Caption: The ideal pharmacy to pick up incontinence pads when you’ve left it a bit late.

3 years ago

To even attempt to justify the moronic actions by Boli the clown is pathetic. His contract should be ripped up as he has put everything Celtic are trying to achieve at risk, especially ten in a row.
This player has already behaved like a child when he left Kilmarnock in a taxi before the start of the match last year. Lenny and The idiot JPK are to blame, he should have gone then.
The performance on Sunday was pathetic, I wonder if the squad knew of his wee trip and were hacked off.
Lenny appears to be out of his depth and should take a good long look at himself, as for Leigh boy he should be made to apologise for his stupidity to the fans or go.. The Krsnkie she will react to this and anymore crap will end football. As for UEFA there could be issues also,

Scottish Water discover the leak at Ibrokes

3 years ago
Reply to  Cartvale88

How is Lenny to blame if a player fucks off for two days?

3 years ago


A large crowd gather on hearing a local enforcement officer was going baws deep on a street corner.

3 years ago

No Celtic games for at least a week. Fvcking shambles.

3 years ago

Boli better be sacked by close of business today!

Utter joke

3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Some of the leaders at the club should be getting their arses booted as well, but get Bolingoli as far away from Celtic Park immediately.

3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Of course we should just have put our covid-19 test’s back late, as seemingly that’s OK with the powers that be.

3 years ago
Reply to  highseastim

Hey, what’s new. I would have thought by now you’d have realised by now that there’s rules for everyone else and no rules for them.

Patrick O Hara
3 years ago

Water breaks local by-law by entering a restricted zone.
The policeman keeps his beady eye on it and will formally charge it as soon as his notebook dries out.

3 years ago

As I said to the other one Duncan, don’t try and justify this clowns actions and the mismanagement at the club.

3 years ago

Of course they are held responsible for their players, whither at work or not. That is what they signed up to , to allow the games to be played.
As for the huns getting away with their own transgression no surprise with that, but then you had Aberdeen then Bolingoli, the government were always going to act.

3 years ago

Fucin 2 days off for beating Accies youth team ffs.
We got 1 point from 6 against the same teams the huns took 6 points off in france.
Yet Lenny seems to think we did well.
First half against accies was the same shite as Sunday.
Am I watching something different?
So a player can go to spain, forget it was Bolingoli,for a moment
Let’s say it was Edouard instead. No one from our management team thought it worthy to ask the players at a team brief where they were and what they had done on their days off?
Not one player asked Bolingoli what did you get upto on your days off.
I can’t buy that sorry.
We played an illegible player for that we should lose the match 3-0 simple as. If this was the huns we would be saying and sfa carve up again.
Is it time for a new manager never mind a centre back.
Trust has simply gone from Lenny.
He was poor last season against the huns and they self imploded they won’t do it this season.

3 years ago

The testing was done but the results hadn’t come back from the lab. Again, we all know that they can get away with almost anything but it doesn’t hide the fact the player and management are responsible for this clusterfvck. Amateurish and unforgivable.

3 years ago

am wae saiz on this occasion …………..must be the buckfast heh heh

3 years ago

Yes and if the football authorities had acted correctly and punished the huns then Aberdeen and Bolingoli probably wouldn’t have happened.

3 years ago

a concur

Frank Spatula
3 years ago
Reply to  charlie

You wid, clown.

3 years ago
Reply to  Frank Spatula

mc scuse me sweetheart

3 years ago
Reply to  charlie

That’s that prick who comes on when he gets his laptop back from the guards in the asylum after doing them some ‘favours’ ,if you get my drift. Many names and multiple issues. A fvckin crackpot.

3 years ago

What happens with the European match?

3 years ago
Reply to  Whitearra

I think the Icelandic team will be on to UEFA at the moment to stir the shit. Wouldn’t be surprised if we get papped out.

3 years ago

uefa will know be able tae read thur contaminated mail on accounty the ammount they get wae zombie snotters awe ower thum ha ha

The Cha
3 years ago
Reply to  Whitearra

Advertised on fishal site (celticfc .net/news/18419) and UEFA so looks to be going ahead.

Having said that, it depends what further bombshells are uncovered.

Personally I’m hoping that Ralph is as accurate on that, as he was on Tierney to Everton. 😉

Salad queen
3 years ago
Reply to  Whitearra

Could be another Rapid Vienna cunt puts us out of Europe

3 years ago

we better hope hibs beat d united tonight cause if the zombies get to the tap ae the league the sfa will call it ……………………………always remember if they get a chance to cheat us they will never miss the operchancity

Cole Burns
3 years ago
Reply to  charlie

Surely if only a handful of games (less than 30?) get played it would be a null and void,

3 years ago
Reply to  Cole Burns

iff yon zombies are even a goal ahead no way they would void it imo

3 years ago
Reply to  Cole Burns

I think its 25

3 years ago

Notice people trying to excuse stupidity, the club is seriously at fault.
Why were players passports not held by the club as there is a possibility of UCL round being played in a neutral country. Also to find this out from a newspaper is pathetic. There is an issue with management at the club.
To allow players two days off, why? The season has just kicked off, also the performance against Hamilton was poor, OK we scored five, but our defence was atrocious.
Celtic should make a charitable donation to show they have accepted their management erred.
Currently two games cancelled, God help us if anyone catchescCovoid at Killie or Celtic, as we could say bye bye to the UCL
Note the media are gloating at the Wankers are now going to get a possible eight points lead over Celtic, so this has been caused by management stupidity, talking about shooting yourself in the foot.
It could be too much for Lenny and his erstwhile pal JPK

Onwards and upwards to ten in row


Plan devised to sneak Boli Boli out of the stadium.

3 years ago

This wouldn’t happen under a Rodgers or an O’Neill. Let’s give the players 2 days off after the FIRST game of the season and the slowest pre season in over a decade. Not knowing where your players are is as big a shambles as fucking off in the first place. Now the huns will be 11 clear before we kick another ball? What in the actual fuck?

3 years ago

Bolingoli made a bad mistake I think he’s devastated and not being in the managers plans took time away made a mistake about the destination and stupidly failed to inform staff about his travails. He’s not a pariah he’s done these things before the revelations about the Aberdeen fiasco which has heightened his guilt. There’s still away back he’s not that bad a player. And still young enough for improvement. Reactionary decisions aren’t the way to go. Griffiths having parties is equally if not more worse than Bolingoli has done. We are a fucking lunch mob at times. Maybe we pull our heads in

3 years ago
Reply to  Iancelt67

Sarcasm. Please be kind^^

3 years ago

Lynch mob*

Cole Burns
3 years ago

There ain’t much talk about Gerrard running around after the Aberdeen game shaking hands with all and sundry, including the officials

Surely, there must have been a few rules ignored there.

pilsbury dough bhoy
3 years ago

The best thing aboot it is none a them ken I’m naked from the waist doon

Cole Burns
3 years ago

Policeman with bladder problem feels it has taken too long to have his prescription made up. To

3 years ago

well they have only just been told not to go out to coffee shops etc so someone is lying

3 years ago
Reply to  bgbhoy

Frimpong under investigation too for going abroad

3 years ago
Reply to  bgbhoy

permanently I hope, couldnae tackle a fish supper

3 years ago

New Government slogan
“Don’t be a covvy, sell Bolingoli “

3 years ago

Boli,the players Mammys would like a quiet wee word with you.

s the last time I try that fancy asparagus.

SFA rule 1:0. Everything is at our discretion.

Frank Spatula
3 years ago

But mind an put yer wee mask on first, Ralph.

Jist in case the fat boy farts n’at.

Frank Spatula
3 years ago

Here, reading back it seems like there’s been more than one breach of my computer over the last few years …

You know anything about that, Ralph ..?

Frank Spatula
3 years ago

No, Ralph?

Ye no up for it?

Just like Ah said?

Frank Spatula
3 years ago
Reply to  Frank Spatula

What a great shame!

Just as I write you down as a bold yin tae{

Dearie dearie me!

The next thing he’ll be parading Peter’s new skirts for him!

Hahahaha 😀

3 years ago

Caption: Fuckin wife with her lets have a stay at home vacation this summer pish.

3 years ago

Sargent Stadanco tries an underwater blow job ….

3 years ago

Rivers of tears in Govan as Sevco megastore runs out of Castore orange taps.

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