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Celtic Diary Friday August 24: Fatigue Sets In..

Celtic came away from Lithuania with a 1-1 draw last night, which should be good enough to help secure a place in the Europa League group stages, and therefore European football until Christmas .

An early Olivier Ntcham goal after some good work on the flank by surprise inclusion Mikey Johnston appeared to set the tone for a fairly comfortable evening, but it didn’t quite work out that way as the Lithuanians pulled one back when the Celtic defence joined the rest of us behind the sofa at a set piece.

That left an awful lot of room for the simplest of goals, with even Craig Gordon seeming to misjudge the ball in flight.

That defence…and that midfield….

Watching the players off the ball they look tired. Maybe not so much physically but certainly mentally.

The uncertainty and negativity of the last few weeks has apparently taken its toll, and combined with the shortest of summer breaks, there is a kind of lethargy that has replaced a strategy, and its not doing anyone any good.

The squad have been under intense pressure to perform very quickly, hence the squad rotation, and we need to remember that, and perhaps our criticism and demands for change have not helped.

Anyway, one more hurdle and at least we’ve European football throughout the rest of the year.

Though one might argue they’ve already played one campaign…eight games used to get you to the final…

The intense training programme hasn’t helped, it looked at first as though it had, but there are far too many players unavailable due to injury, and looking at last night, there’s one or two playing in a way that suggests they are carrying knocks.

Ordinarily, a score draw away from home in Europe, especially in a play off tie, would be seen as a triumph, and its certainly a good result, but the fear won’t go away.

This side is never far from a disaster, as the AEK Athens debacle showed, and its all of our own making.

Tellingly, the manager said a little more than he usually does about poor performances after the game..

We gave away a soft goal. That is a real, real concern now.

‘We are not giving away many chances but we don’t defend the set-piece well enough.

‘It’s an away European goal, we go back next week to finish the job, but as I’ve said before I look to the performance level and we weren’t quite where we would want to be.

‘We seem to lack concentration. That is a problem for us.

‘And a pride, really, in terms of defending. That is pretty clear. In games like this one, especially away from home, we have got to really demonstrate that hunger not to concede. And it was too easy for them.

‘It was a terrific ball in, don’t get me wrong, but we have to defend it much better than that. It game them some oxygen in the game when our start and early goal shouldn’t have’. 

There are numerous answers to this. Whilst you work with what is here, you have to try and improve it, make it better.

‘For me, it’s a level of concentration, a pride in your defending and an aggression in your defending.

‘These are really important factors.

‘I felt for the supporters tonight. They have come all the way out there, maybe 200 of them, on trains, buses, the whole thing. It’s a disappointing performance from them. Okay, they have seen a goal but we have to be much better.

Summing up ?

‘I thought we made really hard work of it, to be honest. 

We did indeed.

Really hard work.

If we look at the defence, we’ll note that it doesn’t seem to matter who is actually playing, the mistakes happen no matter who is there, which suggests its not down to individuals.

They are getting little or no protection from the midfield, and look uncomfortable playing a flat back four when the two full backs are often absent.

The obvious answer is to switch to a back three, with two wing backs.

The extra man should make the centre backs feel a little bit more comfortable, and prevent that chasm opening between them when faced with a central runner.

Then there’s the basic stuff. One full back-or wing back-forward, one staying back. At all times.

Rodgers did allude to players going “off plan ” last night, and that is simply another sign of fatigue. Mental fatigue, tired minds make tired decisions…

Effectively, he said that they weren’t doing what they were supposed to be doing, and instead were doing their own thing.

Well, thats down to him to sort out.

Come to think of it, thats pretty much the solution.

Everybody just needs to do their own job, and let everyone else get on with theirs..

The board must back the manager when he needs them to, usually with funds for players.

The manager must identify the right players-checking their medical history might be a start-and convince them to come to Celtic.

The coaches must coach, the players must play and the supporters must support.

There’s three consecutive home games coming up, and I dread to think what will happen if the crowd turn on the players….

However, a show of support-not an anti board protest -would have the opposite effect, and right now some of our players need a hug.

Management is about getting the best out of your staff using whatever is needed to be used, and right now, kicking this team when its already in pain is not going to help.

Left to me, there’d be a team bonding session, golf, a theme park, maybe even go karting.

Oh, no, not go karting.

Someone would get injured.

Maybe a game of dominoes then.

Something to get the adrenaline flowing, and something to remind them they are all on the same team.

Of course, despite the 1-1 draw away, the media can’t allow that to give us any encouragement.

The following headline, from the Guardian, is typical of the way last nights Europa League games are being viewed..

Celtic grab early lead but are held at Suduva while Rangers edge past Ufa

They haven’t gone past anyone. They have a slender lead to take to Russia.

Celtic may have been “held “, but surely it would be more accurate to say Suduva were, as they would have expected a better was an away draw, and those are usually good results…no matter the opposition.

Maybe part of the fatigue in the players is down to feeling they’ve underachieved, and maybe to an extent they have, but no matter what the manager tells them, when they come away and see this kind of agenda..subtle as it is..the doubts will creep in.


Hows it all going to end up ?

Well, I’d say that one day, maybe around late spring next year, we’re going to look back at this early stage of the season and laugh.

Its going to be alright, everyone just needs to chill out and do what they are supposed to do.

And I’m sure they will.




By the way, that does not make me a board apologist, nor a bitter critic of Rodgers.

It doesn’t mean that i’m ignoring the obvious problems, its just that I’m looking at it rationally, and offering a rational solution.

I’m simply calling it as I see it.


Hey, here’s something else that I’ve noticed, and its quite puzzling.

Sorry to talk about them, but this is significant.

Really significant.

Rangers appoint Hong Kong-based shareholder Julian Wolhardt as director 

Who ?

Julian Juul Wolhardt is Chief Executive Officer of DCP Advisors Ltd. Mr. Wolhardt is also Partner at KKR Asia Ltd. and on the board of 6 other companies. 

Mr. Wolhardt received an undergraduate degree from the University of Illinois.

And why ?

I have a long held love for Scotland and football and I am keen to see Rangers FC unlock its considerable commercial potential.”


This is no ordinary businessman. He is on the board of several large companies.. and has connections with several others..

COFCO Meat Investment Co., Ltd.
COFCO (Hong Kong) Ltd.
Achieve Bloom Ltd.
Dairy Association of China
COFCO Coca-Cola Beverages Ltd.
COFCO Coca-Cola Beverages (China) Investment Ltd.
Inner Mongolia Shengmu High-tech Farming Co., Ltd.
AAG Energy China Ltd.
Asian American Gas, Inc.
Helingeer Modern Farming Co. Ltd.
HOPU Investments Management Co. Ltd.
Inner Mongolia Mengniu Dairy (Group) Co., Ltd.


This is no Craig Whyte, and one wonders why he is involving himself with the basket case over the river.

They are about to try to hold a share issue, despite the Takeover Panel threat of a cold shoulder for Dave king, which would mean that anyone connected to King would not be able to continue to do business in the financial sector.

The share issue, combined with a number of soft loans, and one especially hard one, are an indication of the financial situation shape the Ibrox club are in, despite what you may read in the papers.

The Takeover Panel will get their man, there is, and always has been a kind of lumbering way in which they operate, as with most regulatory bodies.

If King does not comply with their ruling, then he will be cold shouldered.

Is Wolhardt there to keep King in check ?

To a guy like him, with a 4.5% share in the Ibrox entity, a cold shoulder decision would be a disaster.

Have a look at his profile, from Bloomberg.. this guy doesn’t need them, nor , however, does he need a cold shoulder


I’m no expert on world finance, especially the world these guys operate in, but this guy is the real deal, and not the sort of person I’d expect to see involved in Scottish football, as there is no money to be made there.

Well, on the surface, at least.


There’s your food for thought today.

Why has a big name in the corporate world not been lauded for his decision to get involved in Scottish football the way he should have been ?

It’s a real coup for “rangers ” to have him involved.


I’m just wondering why the media haven’t made more of it…


Back to the good guys, and a bit of transfer dutch..

Naast Samir Memisevic schijnt Celtic ook interesse te hebben in onze andere centrale verdediger Mike te Wierik dat meld:MondoBH 

Celtic to bid for two Groningen defenders ?

Are they injured ?

No, apparently they are quite the pair..

Samir Memisevic we also call ‘The Bosnian Messi’ over here in Groningen, he is very good with the ball and always keeps calm when he needs to. Mike Te Wierik is a. Beast. Last year he scored in the 95th minute against the big PSV to make it 3-3. He is also good in slidings. 

I see our clubs marketing department have a sense of humour…

Shop the Celtic way… Am heading in the superstore the now to offer £20 for the £80 tracky and see how a get on

Or, there’s another way of looking at it..

Just received an email from Celtic titled “Shop the Celtic way” so plan to ignore buying things I need, then fuck up transactions on those I dont!


Anyway, it’s Friday, and we all know what that means… its time to name and shame the Etims

Knob of the Week 

And you know what, he’s going to keep winning it until he takes the hint.

This hint..

Image result for fuck off

Dedryck Boyata has let himself down, his team mates down and the support down.

By hanging around he’s just prolonging the agony for himself and for us.

He could have been a hero, as fondly remembered as  Johann Mjallby , to name but one of many , many   guys with no previous love for Celtic who never shirked their duties. Guys who put their bodies on the line with every tackle..every header and their hearts into every minute of their time in the hoops.

But no.

He’s at home with a bad back and a bad attitude.

Just do us all a favour and go.

And take this with you..

Knob of the Week  


Yesterday we had this picture..

Bognorbhoy August 23, 2018 at 10:19 am · Edit · Reply →

Tonight’s centre back pairing told to keep close and no gaps …







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5 years ago

Spot on about agenda. Celtic were poor especially 2nd half and everyone including manager has said so. However numerous news sources today waxing lyrical about Sevco taking huge steps towards group stage while poor Celtic struggle to a draw. Yet we are the ones with a home game and away goal while they have a 5-6 hour flight to the arse end of Russia on a budget airline defending a massive 1 goal lead. The agenda being set is all to perpetuate the Celtic in crisis narrative.

5 years ago

Caption, Do the Huddle, the Wall street Huddle.

Great Diary, a well written, well thought out piece, Hurrah Ralphy’s back, (or is Desi the ghost writer) Just a thought, Ajer and K.T.the constants in an ever changing defence. MON THE TICK.

5 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Well written from a boardroom perspective, a lot of excuses & board hugging i think.

5 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Weered, Make it Glenmorangie the glen of tranquillity, imagine being named after a whisky, a name to be proud of, to be sure…

5 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Yes but the big question, did yo perform or did you leave it till you came hame? 😉

5 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Up the Reds, the wee Reds.

5 years ago

Tired my fucking arse, they are football players not fucking miners or nursing staff, care sector workers.
They need a fucking bollocking & told to lift their fucking performance levels.
I see Craig Gordon doing his ‘take unnecessary risks at the back ‘ routine again, it needs to stop.
We need to stop making excuses Ralph, some of these guys are done at Celtic, others just not good enough, get them tae fuck.
Where’s Biton btw? What wage is he taking?
Compper? Fffs?

Boyata? I told everyone years ago to get rid, he needs to fuck off today!

Everyone at Celtic from top to bottom needs to lift their fucking game!

Rob O'Keeffe
5 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Wise words Monti.Bitoff had a complicated knee injury operation and Chompper was fit and got a calf knock in “training”.Family Guy Gordon is a good shop stopper but is feckin useless at crosses in general and as for his “distribution”…..
Well done Mikey,you were the only Bhoy to do yourself proud!
P.S.How motivational is BR in word or on the touchline?

5 years ago

Can’t believe you are sticking up for the board, today, what next, you’ll be telling us Lawwell is ‘ world class in everything he does’ or ‘ lay off the board’?
Did you work for the ‘ Celtic view ‘ under the old board?
We need to put pressure on our board,not cosy up to them or apologise for them.

Maybe you should step down from the Diary & leave it to a younger, more supporter friendly individual.

The Cha
5 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Is that a job application? 🙂

If you get an interview who are going to be your 2 character referees?

5 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Fredcdobbs & Bob’s wives…..

5 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Una and TicToc.

5 years ago

Good diary especially like the point about it doesn’t matter who the centre backs are the same old mistakes keep
happening. So what has changed from the Invincible days ? Are our current tactics “sussed” out snd not working is the intense training combined with two games a week exhausting the players, we need to drill down and identify what’s wrong or Esther Brendan and his team do. I listened to the game on steam radio and conceding a goal would not have been an issue if Celtic had taken their 6 other goal scoring opportunities. What is clear is that the “problem” isn’t just at the back . Brendan said the players are some of them went “ off plan” and fund their own thing, who, why and what will he go about it. I don’t think he needs to go into the public domain about that, just deal with it.

5 years ago
Reply to  BJF

BJF I did reply to you yesterday, Michael Collins anniversary on the 22nd of August. Perhaps one of the best Irishman to walk this earth.
Viva Michael Collins.

5 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Indeed, God bless & always bless ‘ The big fella ‘!

5 years ago
Reply to  Monti

“I shall not last long, my life is forfeit, but I shall do my best, after I am gone it will be easier for others.” So spoke a brave man, a man with the heart of a Lion.

Rob O'Keeffe
5 years ago
Reply to  Mike

50th Anniversary today of the First Civil Rights March from Coalisland to Dungannon,County Tyrone.
First step on the road to stating that Roman Catholics were no longer prepared to be second class citizens.Ultimately,this will prove to pave the Way to A United Ireland….open to all….except for some….

5 years ago

Jack Hendry points the way forward.

5 years ago

Do you remember when the great wall was in goal if he made a saveor the defender’s in front of him cleared the ball, fists pumps all around, it was pride, pride in getting the ball away out of the danger area, pride in keeping a clean sheet, bring back pride, I like pride, the support wants to see that pride back.

Noel Skytrot
5 years ago

No one knows exactly what’s caused this total downward spiral. We were just getting by in some matches last season and our total inability to strengthen from a dominant position has been a millstone round our necks for decades and we’re still doing this.
I get that Lawwell and the other bean counters are only interested in financial prudence and that the club runs on a certain financial model to prevent an occurrence of what happened to the fuckwits over at the WilliamDome, but with the money generated over the past few years surely we can spend a bit and strengthen the squad. My biggest fear is that a double treble winning manager might walk due to people on bigger pay packets making decisions that aren’t in line with his. BR shouldn’t be exempt from any criticisms of needed, and the same applies to Lawwell, but I think that the fans are firmly on the managers side and Lawwell should be aware of this.

I’m alarmed at what’s happening and it look like all the negativity is starting to affect the players.

Rob O'Keeffe
5 years ago
Reply to  Noel Skytrot

Noel,I and others do.If you only knew what is happening behind closed doors,you certainly wouldn’t be stating,like Ralph,that everything will be ok come Spring time…..oh happy days…Not…

Steven R
5 years ago

Caption: the Stock Exchange has an unusually busy day, as Club 18-72 and individual sevco supporters rush to buy shares in their clumpany. Notably, there was a rush on sales of Sports Direct shares when rumours of a free Hummel shirt with each purchase was circulated by one of the more intellectual members of FollowFollow.

As I see it, it would be no bad thing if we went out of Europe this season. Okay, we’d lose the chance of earning a bit more money, but there would be no travelling back from the arse end of Europe late on a Thursday night, then have to play at the behest of Sky on Saturday lunchtimes. I’d also change the training regime around, so that the squad do an hour’s warm-ups, then in to watch highlights of their next opponents recent games for about an hour, then back out for more training for about 2 hours. After that, serve lunch based on the right foods as a balanced diet. After lunch, watch some more footy while their lunch is being digested, then out for another couple of hours training. If any of the players want to use the gym after that, then they should be free to do so. The physios could also offer massage sessions to the players to tone up their muscles. If there aren’t enough physios to cope with demand, then bring in final-year massage therapy students that are looking for hands-on (no pun intended) experience, while the physios supervise them. It might also be an idea to install a swimming pool, as swimming helps to stretch the lungs, and tone the upper body.

5 years ago

Have to disagree with most of today’s diary, though at least it’s opened up the debate even further. If players can’t handle the intense pressure of having to perform very quickly they shouldn’t be playing for Celtic. The mistakes we keep making at the back are down to individuals. Other than KT all those individuals are shite so we are only replacing shite with more shite. One person who seems to be avoiding any direct criticism is John Kennedy. He’s supposed to be First Team Coach so what the fuck is he coaching them, it’s definitely not how to defend. The reason why the midfield is struggling is they are terrified of making mistakes knowing they can’t trust any of the players behind them masquerading as defenders bar one. And you were wrong in the diaries building up to last night’s game, Suduva were no better than last time we played them. For the first time since sevco were formed I am slightly nervous about the game against them. If we continue as we are they will scent blood when they come to Paradise on 2 September, especially if they are still (somehow) undbeaten. Individually they are nowhere near as good as us but neither are Hearts or Suduva.

5 years ago

Have to disagree with most of today’s diary, though at least it’s opened up the debate even further. If players can’t handle the intense pressure of having to perform very quickly they shouldn’t be playing for Celtic. The mistakes we keep making at the back are down to individuals. Other than KT all those individuals are shite so we are only replacing shite with more shite. One person who seems to be avoiding any direct criticism is John Kennedy. He’s supposed to be First Team Coach so what the fuck is he coaching them, it’s definitely not how to defend. The reason why the midfield is struggling is they are terrified of making mistakes knowing they can’t trust any of the players behind them masquerading as defenders bar one. And you were wrong in the diaries building up to last night’s game, Suduva were no better than last time we played them. For the first time since sevco were formed I am slightly nervous about the game against them. If we continue as we are they will scent blood when they come to Paradise on 2 September, especially if they are still (somehow) undbeaten. Individually they are nowhere near as good as us but neither are Hearts or Suduva.

jpm 88
5 years ago

Biggest ” red herring ” in Scottish football , ” we don’t want to do a Rangers ” when discussing spending .
Rangers went under because of aggressive tax avoidance/evasion , law/rule breaking to a criminal level ; not because they went a bit ” over budget “!
Still , it’s a handy one to churn out when you’re being questioned about lack of investment/ambition/forward momentum .
Even wee Strachan’s on PLC message with that one , sadly .

5 years ago

Big Johan was my favourite player at the time, despite having Henke, Lubo etc who of course I loved as well, but something about the big man I just loved from day one. Maybe quotes like this helped:

“My first touch was horrendous and I felt I hid for the first 10 minutes or so. But then I had a 50/50 with Jorg Albertz and there was only one man standing after that and it was me. That allowed me to get back into the game. It was a dream debut for being a Celt.”

Of course it helps when your debut is a 5-1 win over the scum, absolute legend!!
I remember he came out with a quote about us having the better players, then under King Kenny we got murdered 4-0 or something and everyone laughed at him. Fast forward a year we turned a 20 point deficit into a 20 point winning treble and Johan definitely had the last laugh. To think of the players Blessed Martin inherited; Mjallby, Stubbs, McNamara, Lambert, Petrov, Lubo, Henrik, and he was able to deal Viduka out to get Sutton in for the same money. Not exactly a poisoned chalice, and by God did Martin know what to do with them.

5 years ago
Reply to  Gerry

Same here Gerry, I was at Celtic park the day he arrived, got his autograph and was impressed with the man in how he conducted himself. I watched him constantly and my respect for the player grew and grew, how I wish we had his ilk here playing now. I still remember him bursting every sinew trying to cut out THAT cross from the Frenchies in a C.L. game. Was it Ginola?

5 years ago

Caption Lee Congerton exhausted but still can’t find a player What about Lee you actually go and watch some fuckin games.

Rob O'Keeffe
5 years ago

For the younger Bhoys and Ghirls,if there are any on here,could I point out that Celtic Plc isn’t a modern phenomenon and Celtic have been motivated by profit almost all the way back to our roots….££€€$$Cryptocurrency…

london Celtic
5 years ago

Does any one else feel that this last few years our transfer policy has been a little bit scatter gun. There seems to be a saga to every signing we make.
Time and time again we try buy players from other SPL clubs on the cheap with poor bids with almost a total disrepect to there valuation.
But we take huge risks with certain players from europe, were we seem happy to pay out. Its nothing short of bizarre.
The way i see it is, Brendan liked the look of mc Ginn, a promising young player with huge potential. What did the board do (knowing that hes a celtic man) put in a poor half bid. Havent learnt nothing from the Mc Carty and fletcher diaster. Hibs do what any normal buisness do and sell to the highest bidder, its beyond stupid.
Now again a bid is made for Mc Kenna who i hear is a celtic fan. Aberdeen again being a business say “no go higher”.
Celtic board now turn around and pull out. What is going on.
We buy midfielders when we need defenders we cant seem to get simple deals done without a saga taking place.
Its amatuer hour at Celtc all the time. Some man some where is not doing his job.

5 years ago

Everybody has been going on about our defence…fair enough. Our problem last night was not giving up one goal. At Hearts, at Athens and now, last night our problem is (drum roll…)SCORING FUCKIN GOALS. It cost us last season and has continued. After Ntcham’s goal last night, we should have scored two or three more…yes, in the first half. Brendan’s first year in charge we might have. Last year and this, we are not scoring therefore not putting teams away, early on. A second goal last night would have also made Suduva open up, just like we should have done at Tynecastle and Athens. We have Edouard, Griff, Dembele, Forrest, Sinclair etc—all goal scorers. Maybe some of you can stop trouser-tenting against Lawwell long enough to explain why even Sevco outscored us last season and why we can’t score more than one goal per game?
Our problem is NOT SCORING GOALS! Letting in one goal per game is not bad defending. We should be scoring 3 or more every game. Not scoring will be our downfall, not letting in an occasional howler. 3-1 is a pretty good winning scoreline.
The Emperor has no clothes! He is not scoring goals.

5 years ago
Reply to  Devoy45

Agree with this. Do we need 90% possession and 30 shots to score more than one goal?

5 years ago

Think the JohnJamesSite answers the question regarding the new director at TinkerbellFC, my interpretation is he’s another GASL proxy.

5 years ago

Mike thanks for that re Mick Collins. Noel called it righr when he said last year we were just getting by, the warnngs were there. But as Devoy said if we were taking our chances then one concession wouldn’t matter as long as we got 3 or 4. Even against Partick Thistle we were not finishng them off until late on. There is a malaise but Hamilton offers a good opportunity to turn it around for next Thursday. Ralph you used to say you thought/ hoped Celtic would hit a big score, we were leading up to it. Actually the only time I remember that happening recently. We was against Hamilton and the much maligned Ronnie was the manager, only saying.

5 years ago
Reply to  BJF

Nae bother BJF and Noel was right about last season, some of us put that down to various injuries to key players, but there is no doubt but that the team needs to be refreshed and re-energised by bringing in a couple of fresh faces. Hamilton has a plastic pitch and the last thing we need is further injuries to players, so as the sarge in Hil Street Blues used to say.. “Lets be careful out there, but make sure that you get the 3points.

5 years ago
Reply to  Mike

The game is at Paradise ya walloper

5 years ago
Reply to  Monti

HAHA is it, Well ok but the Hamilton pitch is still plastic though 😉

5 years ago
Reply to  Mike

So is your hips 🙂

5 years ago
Reply to  Mike

No the noo, but sooon. 😉

5 years ago
Reply to  Mike


jpm 88
5 years ago

PhilMacs latest is up , interesting read !

5 years ago
Reply to  jpm 88

It is interesting, but some have come to the same conclusion, there has to be an element of truth in Phil’s piece, the evidence suggests that there is a certain amount of conflict. Rodgers is nobody’s fool and he is right to highlight his concerns, after all he has as well as the club he supports a future to think about as well as his own good name. Some of the signings have been dreadful, who is responsible for that and who was responsible for giving Sumonovic a four year contract extension, if you find out please send your reply to A.A. BTW I ever heard Brendan,s presser amazing that, hearing about PRIDE. Hope you are good, your mind is in good fettle.

5 years ago

We must be the only club in the world who can talk ourselves into a crisis.Yeah we haven’t strengthened the defence but we haven’t lost anybody from the defence that was good enough to win back to back trebles, yet. Boyata is going but is anyone shedding any tears over that. I’m still getting flashbacks from his last performance at Ibrox. Sevco have brought in a lot of players and definitely won’t concede many goals. Plus their centre halfs present a threat from set pieces ( I know our achilles heel). But upfront? Morelos? Good against diddy teams but apart from that? Laffatme? Has a better record at Hearts than Sevco v us. LAst night they squeezed by a team that needed a last minute goal to beat Progres. We’ve got an away draw. I know which result I prefer.
Not everything is rosy but I still think we have enough to win the title comfortably. And we will strenghten. Even if that only means getting rid of Boyata.

5 years ago

Ok I know it’s a stock Market trading floor but in an Alternative Universe and in keeping in line with not letting the facts get in the way of a good story…

BBC News room staff perform their version of musical chairs. The winner gets to report on Celtic for a week.

5 years ago
Reply to  jimboh

Jimboh, Is it true that you only do work for the Bigot Corporation, if you are in receipt of an EBT, simple as BBC.

5 years ago

I see the stevie g cheer leading squad has more followers now in the form of chicken tonight wright and the ball grabber wise.

5 years ago

Didn’t wise stick his finger up someones butt hole ? looks like hes at it again

5 years ago


Great diary! I shall desist from the critique of individual players and the team. It only provides therapy for me and who listens anyway?

I like your subtle questions about the new Sevco director.

Keep up the good work. You provide a good alternative to other Celtic.


The Cha
5 years ago

What the guy who’s in charge of a team barely in the top half of the Norwegian league and have conceded almost 30 goals in under 20 games?

Isn’t it time for your stauner for the guy to have gone flaccid?

The Cha
5 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Apologies, I thought you were still pimping for the Norwegian dud.

Delighted to see you’ve gone soft on him; it’ll be good for your health too.

The Cha
5 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

A 21yo what?

The dud(e) abides.

Noel Skytrot
5 years ago

Some supporters on social media saying that the buck ultimately lands at the managers feet due to him signing certain players whilst forgetting he signed some good players. For me it’s simple….Europe we know we’re not able to compete due to financial restraints, but domestically, he’s done it all and some should remember that. Six out of six and an invincibles season. We’ve not become a poor team overnight, hopefully BR will sort the stuff out with the players, the board, and we can get back on the one road. I actually can’t wait for the game against the fridge magnets on the 2nd, as they think we’re fucked. Time to rally and wheel out our cannons.

Staying in the positive

The Cha
5 years ago

Oh come on, someone is seriously taking the piss now.

We’ve gone from pursuing injured CBs, Bruma (Comperr lite/heavy), Mckenna (maybe a one-off but still unavailable for at least a month) to “Samir Memisevic we also call ‘The Bosnian Messi’”.

I’m sure a CB who plays like Messi will be great craic but the joke will be on us.

5 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

It could be worse, much worse, we could be keeping Boyata or mibbee even FFS Efe. I remember name checking Soapy Souter and then ducking for cover, but his brother Henry was a good centre-back… duck.

Noel Skytrot
5 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Cha, if there’s a CH that can also play like Leo Messi he won’t be coming to Celtic that’s for sure. What shite some of these reports come up with. The only think he has in common with Messi is if you take the letters from his first name and surname you can arrange them to read Messi. Lol

The Cha
5 years ago

Caption “I know as a stock broker I should be happy that the Celtic share price is looking good but, fuck me, that defence”.

Noel Skytrot
5 years ago

The manky mob think we’re done, we might be having a tough time but remember this we’ve won the SPL/SPFL for 7 consecutive years, a double treble, we know what it takes, can they handle the pressures? what have they won over the last 7 years?

Are they confident that a one nil lead going over to a team from some Russian industrial town is enough? If they don’t make it, their team will be in trouble due to the financial implications of non qualification. We might have some probs but so do they.

Huns they make you laugh with their short sightedness.

5 years ago
Reply to  Noel Skytrot

When they lost Murphy, not that he’s a good player, but one who could run at defenders but now they play Goldson up front, fuckin desperate

5 years ago

The grunts are used by the brutish army and the polis

5 years ago

And what rhymes with grunt, that’s right.. punt, take a punt on me, take a punt on me, oh, oh can you really see, take a punt on meeee.

The Cha
5 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Dunno if you were a dairy farmer but, if so, can you help Ralph’s research into the latest Sevco ‘rector by supplying a contact from “Inner Mongolia Mengniu Dairy”? 🙂

5 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Why are you after some dairy cream? I always help Ralph, even when he is a wee bit short, but there is only so much one can do, anyway he and his partner Auldheid don’t need no help, they are ensconced in a wee World of there own, summit to do with fitba. governance, both there heids must be bursting. 😉 Arable BTW wheat and wot the wind blows.

The Cha
5 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Arable? I thought you’d be a Dundee United fan then. 😉

5 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Ah am, ah say, ah am. 😉 Celtic, Celtic, its the team fur me, Celtic, Celtic its the only team you see.

5 years ago

Jeremy Hunt

Noel Skytrot
5 years ago
Reply to  SteveNaive

He’s defo a Jeremy Hunt is Jeremy.

5 years ago

The team are trying to play football and the defence, including the keeper are better at this. Retain the ball, recycle it, pass and move and we beat teams. ( except those who were much better and quicker at this than us) However, I think the defence in particular but the midfield also have forgotten that sometimes you need to dig and go fully into tackles. Do it the right way and you win the ball, don’t get hurt and show your opponent that is what you will do in that situation every time. Moreover, he can be intimidated to an extent and you will not get booked ( unlessi) you play for Celtic) I see loads of examples of our players trying to nick it or tackle so that it is a pass at the same time. Defending and defending hard is part of the game. I am not advocating a Hunnish. Agricultural style of play but I bet Miller still has nightmares about Jozo’s( fair) tackle.

5 years ago
Reply to  SteveNaive

What would you give now for a Billy McNeil, a John Clarke, a Stubbs even, a Mjalby, a Balde?, a Valagaren, a Ripier, we could go on and and on, even McDonald or my personal favourite an Aitken. Current defence not fit to lace their boots. On current form Frank Munro would get a game!! Sorry, showing my age….

Noel Skytrot
5 years ago

In other news, an organisation who’s sole existence is to discriminate against people of a certain religious ideology have today claimed they are being “discriminated” against.

Scotland in 2018

5 years ago

Noel, like you I e-mailed the council to complain bitterly about these funny walkers and I also e-mailed them to express my thanks to them for stopping the latest march past Canon Tom Whytes church, its only right guv, innit.

Noel Skytrot
5 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Mike, fair play, I’ve just not had the moment to do so. Might do it later.

5 years ago
Reply to  Noel Skytrot

Well done Noel, well done.

5 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Looks like the soap box is out again…..

5 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Ours perhaps, yours Naw.

5 years ago

Its no fair, can we know walk past the pineapples, shite!

BR criticising the players, sorry he is the manager, take responsibility.
The buck passing is incredible and also embarrassing, the scum loves this lack of solidarity. Get your fingers out we are
T he Celtic Football Club

5 years ago
Reply to  Cartvale88

The scum would only need to read the comments on this website to see a lack of solidarity. A couple of below par performances and the world is collapsing! We turn on our players, manager and board. Faithful through and through…
And don’t give me that pish that we the posters are holding everyone to account. We are all rank amateurs and have no idea what goes on behind the doors of Celtic Park. Have some faith FFS and maybe we can live up to the faithful
Through and through bit

5 years ago

What would you give now for a Billy McNeil, a John Clarke, a Stubbs even, a Mjalby, a Balde?, a Valagaren, a Ripier, we could go on and and on, even McDonald or my personal favourite an Aitken. Current defence not fit to lace their boots. On current form Frank Munro would get a game!! Sorry, showing my age….

5 years ago

Spot on devoy45, when Mon was here we conceded plenty in Europe, but had the forwards to Scot more, we are actually pretty poor offensively at present!!

5 years ago

“ we are actually pretty poor offensively at present!!” No shit Sherlock ️

5 years ago

No creativity, same old same old pass pass pass, sideways backwards. Add to that all the strikers carrying injuries #shambles

5 years ago
5 years ago

For those of a nervous disposition. look away…

5 years ago

Caption: Sky Sports News presenter, reacts to Celtic becoming active in this transfer window.

5 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Nope!! No activity, therefore no reaction.

5 years ago

Does anyone else watch ‘ come dine with me ‘? I only watch it to see who i’d ride.

5 years ago
Reply to  Monti

I’d like to source the guy who does the voice in the background and throw him down the stairs

Noel Skytrot
5 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Aye, Monti. I sit thinking some of them would do a round of cucumber/salami no probs. Lol

5 years ago

I’d be trying to get my hole, never mind all that cooking shite, lots of wine & a Chinese take away….

5 years ago
Reply to  Monti

5 years ago
Reply to  Doc


5 years ago
5 years ago

Etims blogger “john” tries to outdo his past posts commensurate with the teams current form and goes into meltdown on wall Street

5 years ago

Caption, One ride too many leaves Monti with a drooth.

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