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Celtic Diary Tuesday August 21: Quick ! Buy Someone!

It’s all getting a bit frantic ahead of Celtic’s visit to the last chance saloon to secure European football until Christmas.

You’ll note that Celtic and “rangers ” are both at exactly the same stage in the Europa League, but for one its a cash bonanza and top level football, but for the other its a disaster which means everyone is for sake and the managers leaving.

I suppose it is an achievement for a cash strapped but plucky six year old entity with a rookie manager and an owner that spends more time in the courtroom than he does at his club, but otherwise its indicative of who the nations favourite team are.

With one of the establishment sides players being injured on the artificial surface at Rugby Park, the players union have come forward to condemn plastic pitches, in exactly the same way they didn’t do when it happened to Celts…

This time, as its an Ibrox player hurt, we get abject horror that footballers are subjected to this medieval torture and calls for it to be banned…

But we knew that would happen, right ?

The team itself might not be back, but the attitude surrounding it from the establishment certainly is, especially as they have now gone one hundred games without defeat or something, and UEFA are under pressure to chuck someone out of the Champions League group stages to give them an automatic place, as Europe needs a strong “rangers “.

We should have buried them when they died.

Instead, they’re trying to force their way back into society..

Image result for the walking dead zombies

Then again, they are the people, albeit the sort of people you wouldn’t have round for dinner, and as such, they have certain rights. Or they think they do, and finally, one of them has explained exactly what they mean by “We Are The People ” .

This from Follow Follow, a title which explains why so many venture capitalists have made a fortune from them…

• We are the people that are indigenous to the UK, we belong here 

• We are the people that don’t expect you to become one of us, but welcome you with open arms. 

• We are the people who change as we are proud of our history and culture 

• We are the people that will never accept the breakup of our lands or the handover of those lands to foreign governments 

• We are the people that respect and admire our royal heritage and wish to maintain it 

• We are the people that appreciate and are grateful to our armed forces for their service to our nation and it’s people

• We are the people that will never forget our fallen and all of them whenever we can 

• We are the people that respect traditional British values 

• We are the people that remain dignified in victory and defeat 

• We are the people that remain faithful to our ideology no matter how unpopular it makes us 

• We are the people of the Rangers family, for most of us it was never a choice – it’s genetic – but for those of us that chose to be part of our family you’re a member of the most loyal family on the planet 

• We are the people that fly the colours of the union flag, sing songs of the union and celebrate and defend the integrity of that flag whenever challenged 

So now you know why we are the people.

Er, yeah.
Thanks for clearing that up.
Although one of them did take it further, with a statement so mind bogglingly ridiculous, that it beggars belief..
Rangers Fans are born, we are not manufactured, we do not choose, we are chosen, those that dont understand dont matter, those that understand need no explanation. 
Just as well, really, as its beyond him to offer one.
Though I wonder, when he says they are chosen, who actually chooses them ?
And what does he look  for when he makes that decision?
Anyhoo, enough of them, and enough of the establishment.
We’ve our own problems, magnified perhaps by the media, but problems that we can all see nonetheless.
Celtic need to sign two centre halves and a right back, according to the Social Media management executive.
But there is a real danger that the pressure to buy will actually backfire, and we’ll end up with another Marvin Comperr to play alongside another Rafael Scheidt.
And we’ve done enough comparing shite over the last few years.
Jeffrey Bruma is the reported target, and he certainly fits the Lee Congerton Book Of Dodgy Defenders profile.
This is from a dutch magazine, ElfVoetbal , in April of this year…apologies for my schoolboy Dutch to English  translation..

Jeffrey Bruma: “Very nice that I can now rule out heart problems”

The player collapsed during a training session….

Of course it’s up to the trainer or to play, but I’m just fit,” says Bruma to ELF Voetbal.
“I have received the green light from the medical staff, and naturally I have a slightly bigger
heart than many people: a sport heart, which allows me to function normally, and the fact that
I fainted during the training had more to do with too little food. that day also traveled, or
perhaps a virus, fortunately the doctors did not find anything crazy, it turned out to be
innocent. ”

“It’s nice that I can now rule out heart problems, to know that there is nothing serious about it
, you’ve heard enough stories about boys with heart problems in recent years, sometimes with very
bad consequences. ready to play matches, there are very important weeks coming and I want to
help the team stay in the Bundesliga, we have to give the gas in the coming weeks “,  


They didn’t establish what it was, from reading this, and if it was £7m of my money being used to bring him to Celtic, I’d be a little more than concerned.

After reading that, the full article is here..Bruma , then Scott McKenna looks a much better use of funds.

A few  million quid and Ryan Christie moving north should seal the deal.

We could pretend to be interested in Shay Logan as well, which would be hilarious when we tell him he’s failed a medical due to his brain not being fully connected to his mouth.

We’ll be seeing a few players leave Celtic Park over the last two weeks of the window, and there will be one or two arriving.

Lets hope that the changes freshen things up a bit, and lift the nervous edge that seems to be around the club.

Rod Stewart, who was sold on Celtic when he met Jock Stein, who in turn was concerned about the footwear the singer was wearing, has written to Talkshite Radio, asking them to leave off his beloved hoops..

Its all very polite, but unfortunately gives the show, one of many piss poor productions in the name of entertainment on the Sky owned channel, a little bit of publicity and even perhaps gives them another opportunity to talk about Celtic.

With English football having priced real fans out of the game, there is little or no passion at matches, and this has now spread to the listening and viewing audience, so Talkshite, having wound a few Celts up in the past, have reverted to type.

They know we are passionate about our club, and know they will get a response every time they run us down.

Rods letter is admirable, it shows that he, like us, cares about what people say about Celtic.

My own would be somewhat different…perhaps rod would like to add it to his next letter, should the need arise..

Dear Talkshite Radio.. 

Image result for fuck off

Signed ,


Anyway, Oleksandr Zinchenko…Diego Luiz…Peter is browsing the Manchester city “not in the Champions League squad ” list, and we believe he’s been ringing around Manchester vehicle hire firms looking for a seven seater…known in these parts as a tarrier carrier…well, on match days at least.

As long as someone stops Lee Congerton from coming up with any more daft ideas about centre halves we’ll be fine.

Back in December and January the diary expressed doubts about Marvin Comperr, based purely on information that was readily available and seemingly ignored by everyone at Celtic.

Lets not make the same mistake again.

This is, in fact, the fifth transfer window under the present management and scouting  team. If they cannot find a decent, healthy and  affordable centre half then maybe we should look for  someone who can.

I’ll offer my thoughts, as its unfair to criticise without offering an alternative.

Christopher Jullien . Toulouse. He’ll cost about the same as Edouard, but he’ll make a much bigger difference to our side.

Right, I’ve done my bit.

Now its up to the club.

Yesterday, we had this image to stimulate your imagination..

puggy67 August 20, 2018 at 10:04 am · Edit · Reply →

Caption: Two athletic semi-naked young men cavort over a Cliff. BBC sued. 




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5 years ago

Caption: historians discover the “lost” record sleeve of the Beach Boys’ hit, Surfin’ USA.

5 years ago

Caption: ” Sligo rescue to home base, no sign of Mountbatten, calling search off, out “

5 years ago

Caption: GCC recommend the new route for orange walks for next year, councillor Padraig O’Malley hopes there is a massive turn out!

D'Fhinnein Mick
5 years ago


It’s your site,you can say what you like,but I’ve noticed a few critical comments about BR recently.

Such as…

“This is, in fact, the fifth transfer window under the present management and scouting team. If they cannot find a decent, healthy and affordable centre half then maybe we should look for someone who can.”

You been got at,invited into the PL inner sanctum? Must be like blogger heaven in there.

5 years ago

Brendan shouldn’t be immune from criticism, a number of his signings have been shite.
Five transfer windows in & there remains issues with the defence.

D'Fhinnein Mick
5 years ago
Reply to  Monti


I’m not nearly convinced that many of those signings were his idea. But he is at fault for not vetoing them.

The Cha
5 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Rodgers shouldn’t be immune from criticism but the only focus at the moment should be on this window.

We’ve gone from we’ll be signing early to bed in before Champs League, to we need to wait til English window closes (2 weeks ago), to anything now would be a panic buy!

This is a shambles and any distraction such as he was happy in January is irrelevant when he’s seething about Pistol Pete firing blanks this window.

Mike Annis
5 years ago

Caption: Brexit leader tells everyone it will be fine as he sees no ships.

D'Fhinnein Mick
5 years ago
Reply to  Mike Annis


Aye,like all these happyclapping bloggers telling us all they see no huns,nor need for a RB and CH.

Brexit is treason. So too is allowing the huns even the slightest sniff of hope.

5 years ago

I was noising a couple of Zombies up at work yesterday, as fun as that was….these cunts have been emboldened.

5 years ago

Caption: Surfer in Saltcoats can’t swim so just goes through the motions © The 1950s

5 years ago

Charlie Saiz,
Excellent stuff!

The Cha
5 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Yes, a new 5 year contract for the big man, the best £8m we’ll spend in a long time, he’s here for 12IAR.

5 years ago

Sign me Green garbage dumpville.

Is there a well spoken signing?

They`re rattlin` their cushion stone.

Hey,don`t your forget Rod.S. is up there for us.

Beyond a joke getting our own out.

It`s Tuesday week.Week in week out with these so and so`s.

Last Tuesday,fuck youse please.

There`s an

5 years ago
Reply to  portpower

I`m makin` sausage rolls,who wants some?

Ask yourself; Are not us their,there `cause of thee?

sevco swivet is coloured orange Ghirls and Bhoys…I can`t tell.

5 years ago

Kick a sand castle today.

5 years ago

Eau.Bottle it.

5 years ago

Still finding it hard to get my head around, how we can go from back to back trebles…to the feel good factor utterly smashed to fucking pieces?

5 years ago

Caption: Another silver surfer crashes on the rocks of resource limit pish

5 years ago

Our best 11:
some domestic games:
Brendan should find his best 11 but vary the formation/tactics to suit.
Sevco have improved enough to run us second and their defence has improved a lot. Our improvement in domestic matches needs to be in our wn attacking and goals scored. We need to score more set pieces/corners too. Boyata will help here.
Boyata should be forgiven by Brendan, the Celtic team and above all, the fans. Many of us raised Catholic Christians are supposed to forgive aren’t we? Boyata should be given another chance. He is our best overall defender and the only one who can score goals.
Cheerie-bye the noo.

5 years ago
Reply to  Devoy45

A kick and i`m paid in the rated rattlin` seat.
Celtic F.C.
Conduct for a fair too while.

Thy Matron at Celtic?

And there I was.

5 years ago
Reply to  Devoy45

Boyata can go & get fucked ASAP!

5 years ago
Reply to  Monti

I can oath Monti.

5 years ago
Reply to  Devoy45

Best 11
Gamboa simonovic ajer Tierney

Forrest brown ntcham McGregor



Forrest Griffith’s hrndry boyata kouassi vain lustig

5 years ago
Reply to  Iancelt67

Oh eventually arzani. First or second picked

5 years ago
Reply to  Iancelt67

Forrest could substitute Forrest I’d put eduoard in there on the wing instead of Forrest still think dembele is our best striker

5 years ago
Reply to  Iancelt67

Why would you do that?

5 years ago
Reply to  Monti

I put Forrest on the bench in that line up and in the first xi

5 years ago
Reply to  Iancelt67

Hendry`ld last 120 minutes if needs be.

5 years ago

And what have we`ve been told?
Not unless this question was too early asked.

Bring a man bag. Ball won`t fit in.

5 years ago

Caption: That guy Jesus showing off again last time he walked on water now he’s surfing.

5 years ago

I said bring Ed Moses for fecks sake.

5 years ago

Caption: Lawwell swoops in to sign mckenna

5 years ago

Sign an Aussie today. Host rock perpetually being formed?

The Cha
5 years ago

Caption “Dermot, it’s Peter here. I’ve scanned the horizon and everything is set fair.”

5 years ago

I wouldn’t bother either. Morton & Co`ll beat Rangers and Celtic to come.I`m afraid to say.

They`re to take their 2 bob the bassas.

Maybe it`s not all to sea?

5 years ago

Caption …

Aussie signing jet skis in to meet celtic staff…

5 years ago

Don’t think there’s a lot wrong with the message
Rod the mod is trying to get across to the patronizing English twat on talksport. Apart from claiming to be Scottish and the grammar. Should have had someone proofread it as its been plastered over a few pages on tabloids and other big name newspapers and social media.

5 years ago

Rod marsh on roof “I said tsunami coming not toon army”

5 years ago

Livi renounce titanic waiver.

5 years ago

Caption: advert for fake aftershave at The Barras…


It’s puir Baltic, man!

5 years ago

Caption: Sevconians all take a hippie bubble bath at the same time (fart in a mud puddle)

5 years ago

Is this big McKenna lad`s transfer a go ahead?

Send the center-halves to the balance beam. By a month or two they should be sprinting along from one end to the other. Dance.

5 years ago

caption jeest ooty picture dodgy dave shouts at the zombies fae his submarine watter wings three furra tenner

Noel Skytrot
5 years ago

Caption…..Hun tears cause massive tsunami as Sevconians watch Celtic do 8 in a row.

WE ARE a shower of lying, thieving, cheating, violent, bigoted, unintelligent, obese, Catholic hating scumbags. A club that opens it’s arms to all!!!! Dearie fucking me.

5 years ago

Is Lawwell and Rodgers on a self destruct mode for Celtic? Have they actually put money on the the huns to win the league? The players that we are linked with are absolutely useless, Bruma would be just another expensive cripple to keep Compter company in the treatment room and Mckenna who is at best an average player that would keep all the pulled hamstringers company.If everybody else can see through Comberton and what he is all about then why can’t the powers that be don’t? I have totally lost any respect for Rodgers with him giving Boyata another chance, he should be made to clean the boots and the toilets. from being one very optimistic bhoy to a complete disillusioned one in the space of 5 weeks. I fear this will be the worst season since the Barnes/Dalglish era.

5 years ago
Reply to  John McCrory


5 years ago


Reuters: Cataclysmic 500 foot tsunami prepares to wipe out Ibrox Park, the home of Sevco FC of Glasgow.

BBC Scotland: “Can Steven Gerrard’s Rangers win the treble? We ask Nacho Novo.”

5 years ago

New Danish saviour wings in to pour his billions into Sevco, says the media

There is something wrong with the scouting system, why now McKenna. There is no planning by Congerton or his minions. There has to be a change.
As for the knuckle draggers, they are inbred sad little people, they claim they support the Royals, the army and the establishment, yep they are brainless twats.

5 years ago

I started this at the end of the last transfer window to ask everyone about Rodger’s singings, but I never finished it so i’ve deleted the half written words so its just my ratings left.

Ajer ***
Dembele ****
Toure **
Sinclair ***
De Vries *
Gamboa **
Kouassi **
Hayes **
Benyu *
Ntcham ****
Roberts ***
Edouard ***
Compper *
Morgan *
Musonda *
Bain **
Hendry **

Stevie D
5 years ago

I was trying to make the same point yesterday re plastic pitches. It’s not considered a valid comment until Gerrard says they’re hazardous. From anybody else it’s put down to sour grapes or complaining for complaining’s sake. We all know they’re bad but why does it take an injured Paris Bun to make anybody sit up and take notice of what other managers have been going on about for a couple of seasons?

Noel Skytrot
5 years ago

Huns going on about the British monarchy, they were a few seig heils and a width of goose steps from being Nazi’s. Thick fucks don’t understand the monarchical lineage is very much German. Also not forgetting the element among these creatures who like a Nazi salute and are involved or support fascist Far Right groups. Many of them would be rooting for the FLA, the DFLA and Tommy 6 names Robinson. Fucking morons.

5 years ago

Noel, you’ll know of the great John Maclean’s comment that “if you truly want to fight the Hun, begin with the King of England…” It took 3 generations of Hanovers and nearly 80 years before one of them could speak English at all!

Noel Skytrot
5 years ago
Reply to  Devoy45

Dev, Nan Miltons book about MacLean is well worth a read, if you’ve not already read it. Far better is Connolly’s pamphlet written in 1910, called- Visit of George V, I’ve yet to read a better analysis of why the monarchy is basically….a load of shite.

5 years ago
Reply to  Noel Skytrot

Have you read ANY book?

5 years ago

Lawell and lackeys on rooftop

Lackey to peter” I thing there’s something in rodgers creating waves this time sir”

Noel Skytrot
5 years ago

Is McKenna good enough for Celtic?
Was Armstrong good enough when he signed from Dundee Utd?

What ye think Jungles?

5 years ago
Reply to  Noel Skytrot

I think McKenna is an out & out defender, seems to be quite strong in the air, not seen enough of him to know if his distribution is good, maybe ‘ Celtic by numbers ‘ could post his stats.

I certainly think McKenna is better than Boyata, Hendry or Compper…whoever he is?

5 years ago

“Largs coastguard usher Jiinky back to shore. Sandy Jardine still manages to foul him!”

5 years ago

Huz that wee basturt stole ma ironing board again

5 years ago

We are a team who have struggled to get back to where we were no doubt about it,yet looking at Devoys post quite a bit of money has been spent.But is it all doom and gloom.
So if Brendan was in charge of transfers since he came then Dembele Sinclair Ntcham and Edouard have been the blue chip signings.
Dr Vries was bought to challenge Gordon, it didn’t work out for him there. Bain then came in to provide cover. So the goalie front all is ok.
Lustig is the first choice,Gamboa purchased to provide back up with Ralston Gamboa hasnt been given match time so Brendan not utilising or not believing in him from what he has seen.
But still hope for Gamboa yet.
Left back hes one of our own Kieran Tierney, the strange one here is that Izzy was allowed to leave. He’s now been brought back so cover for KT sorted.
Centre backs is where it all fucks up.
Eric,young O’Connell allowed to leave.
Left us with Boyata as first pick and jozo and Ajer fighting out the other spot. Compper was signed to shore it up and to be honest he ticked all the boxes.But he just doesnt want to play.
But that isn’t Brendans fault he somehow managed to fool the medical staff.The South African looked the part also but he too failed a medical.
Boyata thinks he is a player now and missed the most crucial game of the season for if we had beaten AEK then we would be playing champions league football i have no doubt.
It left us with young Hendry a rookie it isn’t going for him at the moment hes much better as a right sided centre in a back 3. He will learn sadly for him Boyata and Jozo have made his life at Celtic difficult. He will improve given time.
So the centre backs is where the soft spot is.
Brendan tried to fix it. Compper if fit would have breezed it im sure Brendan was hoping for a fit man to be ready for the champions league.
He was let down by both Boyata and Compper.
We lost Armstrong, Roberts went back to his parent club. But midfield to front we are strong.
Hayes bought for cover only to suffer an horrific injury. Hooefully back to his best,Forrest playing his best football McGregor all blossoming under Brendan.
Rogic Ntcham Edouard Dembele Griff Sinclair,
All big game players add in Kouassi Benyu Morgan Johnstone Christie Allan all work in progress so for me we have the best squad, we have been unlucky in the centre backs as you can’t envisage a player wanting to be injured and one not wanting to play. But the present squad needs two hardened Centre backs its not too much of an ask is it. Get them from the championship or back to Sweden Denmark etc they must be out there.

5 years ago

As we approach the first sevco game of the season lets look back to Brendans first 11 for that game when he first came in.
De Vries
Dembele (33)
Dembele (42)
Sinclair (61)
Dembele (83)
Armstrong (90)
Armstrong on for Rogic (54)
Roberts on for Forrest (64)
McGregor on for Brown (74)
So we now have
Lustig Jozo Ajer Tierney
Brown Ntcham
Forrest Rogic Sinclair
Hendry Gamboa McGregor Izzy Griff.Edouard if fit.
Hayes Christie Johnstone etc.
The team is similar except one key area centre of defence. Eric gone Toure coaching.
Boyata and Jozo would have been the central pairing all being well it isn’t.
Boyata fucked it up. Jozo doesn’t look interested. So Compper was bought but injured he ticked all the boxes as did the south African to me its just bad luck and having no plan b.
Hendry is a development player he shouldn’t feature or be featuring in big games hes out his depth. Not the kids fault but brought on by others. Ajer looks to be making good but has lots to learn and would be more beneficial beside Brown in my humble opinion as a def midfielder. Ntcham to me is more of a number 10 than defensive midfielder.
So for me there is no way we have weakened the team.We just havent had the luck in strengthening the centre back positions.
There is still time though it is running out.
2 centre backs we are just as strong as we were 2 years ago. Sort it cant be so hard.

5 years ago

Looking forward to another day of ‘ Celtic set to miss out ‘ bid rejected & Celtic face serious competition ‘ for player stories.

Still, the lights look ok.

5 years ago

Memo to Lee Congerton – It’s a right back & two central defenders we need…just thought i’d provide guidance.

Look forward to hearing from you soon,


Dianbobo Balde

5 years ago

Failed 3.5m bid for a Scottish CB. Is it high noon at CP with Pistol Pete and Doc Wantaway? One of Celtic’s top guns won’t survive. All I’ll say is there’s plenty good administrators on the market. In Brendan I trust.

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