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Regan. His Part in His Downfall

What Part Did Stewart Regan SFA CEO Play on Behalf of SFA in Shaping the SFA Judicial Panel and SPL Lord Nimmo Smith Commission Terms of Reference from February 2012?
In a E Tims diary earlier it was suggested that Stewart Regan the departed CEO of the SFA might have had a hand in the departure of Garry Hughes by drawing to Dave King’s attention Hughes “ great unwashed reference. This got me thinking about Regan’s role in what in my opinion has been the toxification of Scottish football since 2011 and what follows suggests he has questions to answer, questions that the upcoming JPDT on Rangers noncompliance with the UEFA FFP regulations in respect of the Licence Rangers were granted in 2011, should be asking.

One of the mysteries of both the SFA led Judicial Panel and the SPL led Lord Nimmo Smith Commission in 2012 was the exclusion of any reference whatsoever to the wee tax case £2.8 M liability that arose before 31 March 2011 and was the known subject of discussions between Regan, the SFA Licensing Unit and Rangers from Dec 2011 to Feb 2012.
The following timeline , with supporting documentation accessible via an underlined hyperlink by pressing Ctrl key and left Mouse Click, suggests the SFA engineered the nature of the two subsequent judicial processes in 2012 to produce a result that was anything but sporting justice, given the 12 years of sporting dishonesty by Rangers FC from 2000. It also shows how Sir David Murray was excluded from that process and suggests the departed SFA CEO Stewart Regan has questions to answer. Answers that Lord Nimmo Smith should be able to throw some light on if put to him.
JPDT/LNS Timeline Dec 2011 to April 2012
6th Dec 2011: Stewart Regan SFA CEO and Andrew Dickson Rangers FC Football administrator converse about the wee tax liability of £2.8m arising in March 2011 and the circumstances of its granting.
(This was because of general interest arising after HMRC sent Sheriff Officers into Ibrox to collect payment on 10 August 2011. A “potential” liability as it was described by Rangers Chairman Alastair Johnson on 1st April 2011, takes longer than 4 months to reach overdue collection status and merit such aggressive action and supporter pressure led to Celtic asking the SFA questions in late November 2011.)
7th Dec 2011:  Regan sends a draft explaining the granting circumstances to Ali Russell CEO of Rangers for consideration. A draft that was met with consternation at Ibrox, in particular Ramsay Smith who says, “If they persist they will only cause issues for themselves as much as Rangers”. As a result, a meeting is arranged between Craig Whyte, Ali Russell, Stewart Regan and Campbell Ogilvie at Hotel Du Vin on 20th December 2011. Campbell Ogilvie was the person responsible for setting up the Discount Option (EBT) Scheme in September 1999 that eventually created the wee tax case liability. He was also a recipient of a payment of £95,000 from the “Big Tax Case” ebt scheme that replaced the DOS scheme in 2002/03.
Whatever Regan is told in addition to what he and Dickson discussed on 6/7 Dec 2011 about the wee tax liability is not known but Regan’s draft never gets published.
31 Jan 2012:  Ken Olverman (Rangers Financial Controller) sends Keith Sharp Financial Accountant at the SFA a A UEFA License Application Template from Rangers Football Club for a UEFA licence for 2012.
The accompanying e mail of 31 Jan 2012 states wee tax case liability was appealed. This is not true, there was an appeal about the penalty but not core liability which was subsequently dismissed by HMRC on 10 Feb 2012
1st Feb 2012: Sharp at the SFA seeks proof there is a legal dispute or an agreement to pay has been reached on both Wee and Big tax cases.
10 Feb 2012:  HMRC confirm appeal was only in respect of the penalty, reject both appeal and offer to settle and say HMRC reserve the right to take any further action without notice.
14 Feb 2012: Four days later HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) made an unsuccessful bid at the Court of Session in Edinburgh to appoint its own Administrator but Rangers appointed Duff and Phelps as their own Administrators as result of HMRC bid.
17 Feb 2012: SFA announce an enquiry to be chaired by Lord Nimmo Smith and that its independent panel would also include Professor Niall Lothian, a past president of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland and Bob Downes, who is deputy chairman of the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency. Surprisingly, given his role as SFA chief executive, Stewart Regan also sat on the panel on what purported to be an independent investigation.
21st February 2012: According to this Telegraph Report 21 Feb 2012 Regan met Lord Nimmo Smith to define the terms of reference for the Judicial Panel that later in April ruled on charges that Craig Whyte had brought the game into disrepute. An output of Lord Nimmo Smith’s endeavours under the terms of reference, presumably agreed solely between him and Regan on or about 21st February , was an Inquiry report whose findings but not the report itself were presented to the JPDT.
The late Paul McConville questioned this process in August 2012 asking in an article well worth reading in full at why the report was not provided and then supplying a possible answer. . That answer points out that as a result of the absence of Craig Whyte contesting the charges and RFC agreeing them then no documentary evidence needed to be presented to the JPDT.

That absence of evidence might explain what follows. 
29 March to 23 April 2012: Surprisingly though whilst non-payment of VAT/PAYE tax is part of the supporting evidence for charges against Craig Whyte that the JP DT considered in April , Craig Whyte’s failure to pay the wee tax liability, that he had given a written public undertaking to do in June 2011 as part of the agreement to purchase Rangers, does not form part of the JPDT charges, presumably not being covered by the terms of reference agreed between Regan and Lord Nimmo Smith in February 2012.

Reference is made in the Judicial Panel Disciplinary Tribunal findings to other payment undertakings made by Craig Whyte in the April Judicial Panel report but not to the wee tax case undertaking.
This omission from the terms of reference is surprising on two counts:
⦁ Stewart Regan’s knowledge of the wee tax case liability after the 6th December 2011 discussion with Andrew Dickson and what emerged from the Hotel Du Vin meeting on 20th December 2011 that caused Regan not to publish his draft. The charges of non-payment and the decision of the Justice Panel in April 2012 can be read at
Judicial Panel Disciplinary Tribunal Apr 2012

⦁ The SFA’s own licensing department in early February 2012 were questioning the status of the wee tax case liability, which they had not done in 2011. This suggests some knowledge of the detail was known to the SFA as result of events in 2011.
Questions arising from the foregoing:
⦁ Were details of wee tax case liability provided to Lord Nimmo Smith at the discussion of 21st February where he and Regan set out the terms of reference? It was after all non-payment of tax, just like VAT and PAYE.
⦁ If not, why not?
⦁ March 15th 2012. When SPL lawyers started investigation into use of side letters with ebts whose use started on 30 Aug 2000, did SFA inform SPL lawyers of any of their knowledge of the nature of the wee tax case ebts gleaned in 2011?
⦁ If not, why not?
⦁ If there was a sharing why was the 30 Aug side letter plus contents of associated HMRC letters of ⦁ 23 Feb 2011 and ⦁ 20 May 2011 (the latter that Rangers FC had to give the SFA in May 2011 under UEFA FFP licensing regulations) not taken account of by SPL lawyers in the LNS Commission Terms of Reference?
⦁ If SPL lawyers were not informed, did the non-disclosure of what the SFA/Regan knew as well as Duff & Phelps failure to respond fully to SPL lawyer letter of 15 March 2012 undermine the basis of the LNS decisions?

⦁ Specifically, if Lord Nimmo Smith had been provided with full information on the nature of the wee tax case liability, along with Sir David Murrays testimony to the FTT stating

“I think it was a method of us acquiring, especially football wise, better players in a more cost effective manner than we would be able do so. In the football world, we’re in a very competitive game and you’re competing with players and countries all around the world. And we were very ambitious at that time. And it was seen as a correct and proper way for us to proceed.”

⦁ “As a club, we have been very successful, because we’ve been able to attract players of a certain standard that, perhaps, we may not have been able to do otherwise.” 
Could Lord Nimmo Smith have decided:
⦁ “Rangers FC did not gain any unfair competitive advantage from the contraventions of the SPL Rules in failing to make proper disclosure of the side-letter arrangements, nor did the non-disclosure have the effect that any of the registered players were ineligible to play, and for this and other reasons no sporting sanction or penalty should be imposed upon Rangers FC;” or state

⦁ “The directors of Oldco must bear a heavy responsibility for this. While there is no question of dishonesty, individual or corporate, we nevertheless take the view that the nondisclosure must be regarded as deliberate, in the sense that a decision was taken that the sideletters need not be or should not be disclosed”

⦁ “By deed dated 20 April 2001 MGM set up the Murray Group Management Remuneration Trust (the MGMRT). (We note that the MGMRT was preceded by the Rangers Employee Benefit Trust, but we are not aware that they were different trusts. We shall treat them as a continuous trust, which we shall refer to throughout as the MGMRT.)

⦁ “Nor is it a breach of SPL or SFA Rules for a club to arrange its affairs – within the law – so as to minimise its tax liabilities. The Tax Tribunal has held (subject to appeal) that Oldco was acting within the law in setting up and operating the EBT scheme. The SPL presented no argument to challenge the decision of the majority of the Tax Tribunal and Mr McKenzie stated expressly that for all purposes of this Commission’s Inquiry and Determination the SPL accepted that decision as it stood, without regard to any possible appeal by HMRC. Accordingly, we proceed on the basis that the EBT arrangements were lawful.”?
Whilst the SFA do not wish to have an enquiry into the handling of Rangers use of ebts is that any reason why the SPFL should not take up Stewart Regan’s suggestion in his letter of 18 Aug 2017 to Celtic suggesting that the SPFL ask Lord Nimmo Smith to consider Sir David Murrays FTT testimony re competitive advantage to see if that undermines his findings in any way but also include the questions
⦁ Was Lord Nimmo Smith made aware of the wee tax case detail by Stewart Regan when he sat with him in February 2012 when establishing the terms of reference for the Judicial Panel of April 2012 deciding if Craig Whyte had brought the game into disrepute?
⦁ What was the role of the then SFA Compliance Officer after Regan and LNS set the Terms of Reference?
⦁ Gary Allan QC alludes that the JPDT was totally nondependent of the LNS Inquiry report and yet it was the Compliance Officer Vincent Lunnny that was putting the case forward for the SFA. Did he not know of the WTC and the Sheriffs visiting Ibrox and any of the events thereafter?
⦁ Or was the evidence not presented to him so that he in turn couldn’t present it to the Disciplinary Tribunal although this seems very weak. The Compliance Officer has his own powers of investigation. In fact, it was stated when the Inquiry was announced that, “The inquiry team have been handed the same powers as the SFA to investigate the potential breach of their rules…”.
⦁ Had the information surrounding the wee tax case that had not been disclosed by Duff and Phelps to SPL lawyers in April 2012 been presented to him, would that too have undermined his decision?
PS. Is this Sun article, by Roger Hannah,  of 10 March 2012 an attempt by Stewart Regan to divert attention from the behaviour of Rangers under the ownership of Sir David Murray and focus on Craig Whyte?

Obstructive Liars…That is what We Had To Face At Rangers

Regan slams whyte–Hugh-Adam.html
When the “Independent” Inquiry was announced on the 21-February-2012. Stewart Regan stated, “There will be no further comment on the investigation until it is complete and it’s findings are presented to the Board.”
The findings had been presented to the Board, yet they decided there was a case for a Disciplinary Tribunal.
Why would the SFA not wait for the outcome of the JPDT before condemning someone, does the SFA not defer to innocent until proven guilty?
After the Tribunal had announced its outcome Stewart Regan stated “it is inappropriate to discuss the findings” based on the fact that those findings were subject to appeal.

Pity he didn’t follow that protocol before the Tribunal 

Ralph Malph adds..
 Move on ? 
How can Scottish football ever move on when the evidence points to skullduggery on an unprecedented level ? 
At the very least, and if he wants to earn any sort of credibility, then Ian Maxwell has to order a full and independent enquiry. 
The timeline above suggests a lack of honesty, a lack of transparency, and to a lesser extent a lack of competency. 
For all the new faces at the SFA, and the change of leadership, a refusal to seek closure on the murky events listed above means that the distrust will remain. 
For all the demands to move on cannot possibly be met whilst one’s shoes retain the odour of something you have recently stood in. 
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Desmond and the Dekkers
6 years ago

A pity Paul McBride QC wasn’t still with us, I have a feeling he would brought them to book. Also annoyed that no one from the other clubs is bothered which plays into their hands.

The Cha
6 years ago

Why did Regan go, was it due to all this good stuff highlighted above?

No, it was because he fell out with King and the botched pursuit of Michael O’Neill.

This is why nothing will become of this.

Pessimistic, yes but also realistic.

6 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Normally you would be right but this situation is not normal.
Wait and see.

The Cha
6 years ago
Reply to  Auldheid

Not knocking you or anyone else’s efforts but we’re now 6-7 years down the line and its always, wait, wait, wait.

I can’t even recall all of them but it included LNS, Supreme Court, Judicial Review and probably plenty of others that were all going to bring the house of cards down but didn’t and something new was introduced to wait for.

Without having specific targets and deadlines never worked well when I was still working and simply led to endless delays.

6 years ago

Hands up. I dont read this shoite anymore. It´s basically a controlled Celtic narrative. Our club modus operandi Have your cake and eat it. As always.

Anyone Remmeber Goram, Amoruso, Novo being unable to pay fines and the judiciary allowing them better pay back terms than anoyne on the dole

So the corruption goes way way back. With full nod and a wink – three monkey impressions from the usual suspects.

Celtic PLC
SP(F)L whatever rule changes prove to be most prescient for Old Firm survival
The Judiciary

Club Motto: More jam tomorrow

Regan and Doncaster were brought in to remove Smith and Peat and were part of the Paul Mc Bride/John reid going to clean up the game.

You know where Celtic “abstained” from relecting Ogilivie

Where Peter Lawwell abstained from giving King fit and Proper status

You can fool some of the people some of the time. You can full rigid belief system tims ALL OF THE TIME.

Stop giving them your money.

So Easy

6 years ago

The SPFL have asked for an investigation.

The SFA refused.

This piece if you do read it suggests a way past that impasse.

If it adds to the case for an investigation does it matter if its Celtic controlled although I can assure you it isn’t.

6 years ago
Reply to  Auldheid


Next year you´ll be telling everyone to stop giving them your money.

Or will it be the year after ?

or the year after that ?

The bloggers will not. Too much click bait to be had. As I pointed out at the time it is akin to wrestling (Scottish football as a Sport(an entertainment industry) and the customer base that is propping it up with the added toxic riddled right through it the mix of bigotry added in)

That can never be beaten or taken away unless we reclaim our ball.

A boycott of less than thirty days will suffice. Too much to ask for ? HOLY F**K Really ?? Too many words for most of them to correlate and dissemeinate as you well know.

Problem is as you can see from the other replies to my post. Too many slabbering morons only to willing to take their kids to Ibrox ( A stadium that only has a saftey certificate due to handshakes and Celtics PLC three monkey stance)

They don´t want to miss mass as it´s a sin.


As always good luck

6 years ago

awe naw heres him who is still moanng aboot annoni coming on 20 year later telling peole wit tae spend there money on anonni no here anymer get over it kid ….so easy

6 years ago
Reply to  charlie

See what I mean I´m telling you what NOT to spend your money on. Canny even get that right. Put yer money in the plate so the priest can get some nice poof juice. 🙂

6 years ago
Reply to  charlie

dae yersel a favour hing yersel

6 years ago
Reply to  charlie

Seemed to have touched a raw nerve there or was it unrequited love ? Sorry about that – really really. Mouthwash would be cheaper mind you but the memory still lingers on.

6 years ago

Go back to follow follow and rant there about your own team. You might want to consider holding back any cash from them
Since the old deceased club have caused this mess

Edward 7
6 years ago

Richard Gough up St Vincents tiolet ya knuckle dragger

6 years ago
Reply to  charlie

you would know zombie

6 years ago
Reply to  Ralph Malph

Was it a heated seat & did you get a prawn sanny? 🙂

6 years ago
Reply to  Ralph Malph

Ralphy, did you sit beside him on a park bench, did you stare lovingly into his eyes. 😉

6 years ago
Reply to  Ralph Malph

I agree – this was all caused by Minty Murray and his cronies. It affected all of Scottish football. Focus fire on the real villains here.

6 years ago
Reply to  Ralph Malph

I think Celtic know on which side their bread is buttered and know that they are answerable to shareholders.

That is the beauty of Res12.

Corrib 04
6 years ago

Jeezo! Our new signing Lewis Morgan seems a bit of a trouble maker.
Jilted lovers, stabbings! Phew. We have a right live one here!

6 years ago
Reply to  Corrib 04

wrong lewis morgan

Corrib 04
6 years ago
Reply to  charlie

Yeah I know. It just looks strange as it is all over Newsnow/celtic pages. It would be funny if it wasnt so serious.

6 years ago

They say one picture is worth more than 10,000 words and I believe that to be true. The diary a couple of days back, its header had a picture with Regan, King and Johnston, “all pals together” although I
read the timeline, that picture said it all about the “cosy” relationship that Regan shared with the cheats, so I have no doubts but that Regan DID play a significant role in shaping the Judicial Panel and that he played his “role” in the LNS Commission.
Garry Hugh’s departure was down to him alone, he could have done a “Turnbull Hutton”. While Regan lorded it with his sooth side brethren, both he and his “same club myth” compatriot Doncaster, brought Scottish football into its lowest level since FARRY.
The timeline provides a written calendar of dishonesty and a manipulation of the Scottish game, no wonder so many are questioning themselves “should we walk away”. Only by holding a full Judicial Review can the game be cleansed, anything else is….
My only regret about Regan is that it took his failed pursuit of Michael O’ Neil to get him out the door and not because of his “Downfall the cheating years”. Others might question is this all getting us anywhere or are we just going through the motions.
Me, I am in the camp of truth and justice, I only hope that all your efforts are rewarded by a successful outcome.

6 years ago

Regan, Doncaster, Ogilvy, Dickson, Johnston, King, Ramsey Smith, Murray, Craig Whyte, Ali Russell, Overman, and all the EBT recipiants.
Foreman of the jury, how do you find them… Guilty my Laud.

6 years ago

That’s great all this evidence all the blogs, articles,all very well written and researched but it is accomplishing the sum total of fuck all nobody within the corridors of power be it at the sfa or the club’s are willing to do anything so we just keep giving them our money and supporting the corrupt league and I include Celtic in the corruption due to their silence on all matters. We as a support are also involved think back servo not in the premier league top tier closed ground 3/4 full they arrive back all of a sudden full ground full take up of season tickets and a waiting list no wonder they don’t take any notice everything is wonderful

Rob O'Keeffe
6 years ago
Reply to  Weeski

Weeski,correct….Plc not FC,apparently……

6 years ago
Reply to  Weeski

See my other replies.Doing nothing is not an option.

6 years ago

Celtic need a full team of lawyers on this case, without prejudice or fear.

6 years ago
Reply to  Devoy45

I understand the case was reviewed by independent lawyers before SFA were forced into action by testimony in CW trial.
This is what I was told from impecable source.

The Budgie
6 years ago

Scotland: a shameful, corrupt country.

And an inept, pathetic parliament that looks away. Says nothing. Does nothing. Sees nothing.
Blood of their fecking blood indeed. With brown lipped and brown nosed shit journalists, cowering before the masons.

If Celtic had been LIQUIDATED rankers we know what the reviews and findings would have been and how many titles and trophies would have been stripped.

6 years ago

The Sun Article of 10 March 2012 where Regan slams Craig Whyte can be seen as a graphic at

6 years ago

And where we are just now is.. deja vou. With Sevco building up debt’s
by the barrow load, a lying criminal at its head and with most of the same players still in situ. Just think, sometime soon, “Downfall two”
the sequel. As Sevco head into administration, the SFA/SPFL continue to fuck up Scottish football and all for one club, the Mother Ship, everything being done to protect this “Institution”, that cannot be allowed to fail. Follow Follow we WILL follow “Rangers”.

6 years ago

I’m just completely disillusioned with it all now, we all know who the guilty parties are but no one is taking them to task.
I’m in the ‘ Celtic need to go now ‘ camp, leave them to it, leave the other silent clubs with their blue masters.

It’s time to get out!

6 years ago

How is it that a complete squinty eyed fuckwit criminal, force the SFA to dig out Gary Hughes and force the guy out, yet the Celtic board say not a fucking word?
How good would it be if Lawwell came out and said ” Campbell Ogilvie & Andrew Dickson need investigated immediately “?

Start the fucking fight for fuck sake….

6 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Charlie Saiz,
Frustration is turning to anger on this now, the title stripping,the cheating, fucking Mcleish lapping it up at a hun do…
Ogilvie, Regan, Social unrest, no sporting advantage….

It is fucking ridiculous now!
We need out now!

6 years ago
Reply to  Monti

The JPDT cannot avoid looking into the roles of the parties involved.

6 years ago

The biggest scandal in the history of Scottish football & Celtic have left it up to our support to fight the good fight.

Never mind the millions stolen from Celtic, denied to Celtic, never mind the stripping of titles and cups from cheats….

Let’s put up some coloured lights tho…..

6 years ago

Lord Carloway has cause to incline to the view that since Rangers’ offences were towards the higher end of the scale, the punishment should be proportionate.

Certainly, there is concern within the SFA that Rangers are now more likely, rather than less, to suffer sanctions which could see them effectively expelled from football.

The convenience of a car crash involving a Harper MacLeod employee gave them a couple of weeks breathing room.

Coincidence? I think not.

6 years ago
Reply to  portpower

It’s Ogilvie & Dickson’s head i want, Regan next & how Doncaster is still involved in Scottish football is ridiculous.
David Murray, that cunt should be stood in front of an inquiry.

Scottish football is ill m8

6 years ago
Reply to  Monti

the narcotic power from those within the SFA/SPFL forget it is an obligation that they must be accounted for, and repaid in some way.

They`re a Bastard breed that`s put upon all us Football Supporters.

6 years ago
Reply to  Monti

It`s only kraft business!

6 years ago
Reply to  Monti

There is an e mail from 2012 after the LNS Decision was made public that asked for Regan and Ogilvie’s heads on a plate.

6 years ago
Reply to  Auldheid

From who to who?
Sorry for sounding like am owl…..

6 years ago
Reply to  portpower

Auldheid,thank you for your malcontent persistence.

Noel Skytrot
6 years ago

Excellent article Auldheid. I’m not sitting in the camp of optimism and thinking we and others will see change any time soon. I’d imagine that this whole appalling episode ascends away above the footballing fraternity and that people higher up the ladder are in involved in serious criminal activities, but will never be taken to task for it due to their lofty positions and having a certain standing within Scottish society. I’ve nothing but admiration for yourself and the others having a right dash at this but fear it will be in vain.

The rich always betray the poor

6 years ago
Reply to  Noel Skytrot

There is little doubt that strenuous steps were taken to protect SDM and RFC from facing the consequences of their actions that justice demands.

The job is to widen the net as far as possible.

6 years ago

Great article @Auldheid !

Rob O'Keeffe
6 years ago

I hope everyone is aware that Maxwell is a Freemason so draw your own conclusions……even the other day he stated that he was “open” to a cosy chat with the criminals from the Sooside Sectarian Cesspit…..

6 years ago

Yes it certainly is a great article, but it asks the question, Res 12
has been ongoing for the past 4/5 years. I know that he Auldheid and his friends have been discussing this issue, enquiring and watching and listening to the correspondence’s and court cases that have finally allowed him/them to refine and produce all the evidence that we see in the timeline. What happens next? the evidence is there, how do we bring it to the relevant authorities attention. Ralph and Auldheid have said that they have brought it to Lawwell’s attention and is confidant that he will act on the evidence. But what else is missing, anything? Regan would not provide any assistance that would implement himself. LNS is still alive although he is 75 ish so no point in asking him if he could fill in any blank spaces. Copying and sending the findings to the new CEO. Maxwell. Where do we go from… here?

6 years ago
Reply to  Mike

The JPDT is the result of Res12 keeping the issue alive.

Two bits of advice to Celtic were

In Oct 2013 do not vote down Res12 because in time Celtic would have to answer why having been shown evidence something was amiss.

In Dec 2016 after UEFA closed the door on answering Res12 lawyers, the advice was check what became known as result of Traverso reply but wait for CW trial before acting.

They listened to both.

6 years ago

Celtic are in possession of all the facts and are rightly awaiting outcome of JPDT that begins on 26th June.

Should that come up with anything that contradicts or fails to adequately explain the narrative that the information held supports then Celtic can act.
That narrative can be made public so there is no hiding place.
Additionally the narrative suggests the possibility of fraud and it would be unwise of SFA JPDT to risk becoming complicit by failing to act on all the information held.
With regard to Regan the narrative of this blog suggests he knew the details of the wtc before Feb 2012 and the JPDT will have to examine documents that SFA should have been provided with, so it is possible the JPDT will open the way to SPFL acting as is suggested here and asking LNS for a view on his Commission decision.
In short there is a process in place with the eyes of the Scottish Football Supporters on it and it is the SFA and their Judicial Protocol process that is on trial.

6 years ago
Reply to  Auldheid

Hail Hail Auldheid, fingers crossed, how did I miss that post, must have been caught up in the word press machine.

6 years ago

Spot on but i fear the only action that will impact is the boycott route, from next season we should not take one single away ticket for domestic fixtures, leagues & cups.

6 years ago

am a celtic supporter and a place ma hope in cleverer celtic suporters tae keepus right god bless auldheid and his pals COYBIG

6 years ago

Me to Celtic on hearing LNS Decision.

6 years ago
Reply to  Auldheid

What action will Celtic take if the titles aren’t stripped?
It’s all i want to know.

6 years ago
Reply to  Monti

It is a mistake imo to make title stripping the objective.

It might be the consequence of what emerges and in the blog one way to take matters forward is for the SPFL to do as Regan suggested and put the questions raised to LNS along with SDM”s testimony to the btc FTT.

Ultimately it will be up to Celtic to do the right thing and justify what that is whatever they decide it is.

6 years ago

Michael Davitt: “Let justice be done tho the heavens fall.” One of the best quotes from any of the old Fenians like Davitt, Devoy, etc.

Mike, Jimmybee, you’ll know more about Davitt than I do?

Monti, ‘Boycott’ was something our people did very well (we invented the word) and it is very effective. No away support? Wow? It might work but will it harm our team on the pitch? However, I think this current team could win anywhere anytime with no support present. I would favour any boycott that would not harm our team on the pitch.
One other way: we could refuse to share our European winnings with the rest of the league. Perhaps a legal loophole would let us give the money to Charity or to foodbanks on the grounds of them cutting our away allocation?
We should certainly not share any European money with Sevco.

6 years ago
Reply to  Devoy45

Agreed on all points.
We have had to be patient on this stuff, court cases & ‘ investigations ‘ cough, being carried out.
Auldheid may be closer to the facts than i or others in terms of what the club is ‘ doing ‘, but how long do we have to fucking wait?
Lawwell has done fuck all other than say ” we are surprised at the findings “?

What has Dermot said on it all, wgen you can get a fucking hold of him on a golf course that is, and after he has told us we need Sevco in the top flight…fuck off!

Celtic have been fucking cheated, we have been denied success because of cheating, complicity and corruption, we ( Celtic football club ) are going to do fuck all about any of it apart from issue ( every two years ) shite statements.

Title stripping, trophy stripping, it’s not going to fucking happen because Celtic AND all the other clubs are going to let it go.

I hope i’m wrong but i fear the worst!

What a fucking situation to have that a club can cheat over a decade and the other member clubs sit around not giving a fuck?

It’s a fucking joke & it’s time for action, not patience!

6 years ago
Reply to  Monti


It’s simply not true Lawwell has done nothing an accusation that was angrily made at end of 2016.

However in September 2017 SFA and SPFL agreed to release of correspondence that showed Celtic had made their concerns known to the SFA and copied them to UEFA in 2012. It’s all on the Celtic Web site.

It is surprising those concerns were ignored by SFA and we don’t know what the UEFA response was but one conclusion is Celtic got no support from UEFA and having only one vote as an SFA member were powerless to change the course the SFA set.

On patience and my attitude that infinite patience produces an immediate result: When the JPDT concludes, probably July then at point the result (that Res12 never predicted or even sought all it asked was UEFA investigate) and whether it meets expectations or not will be immediate.

If the result is one that fails to satisfactorily support what is known then is the time to unleash the impatience.

The Cha
6 years ago
Reply to  Auldheid

The release of the letters was half-hearted at best.

Celtic released theirs and then maintained a “dignified silcence” ie disappeared.

The SFA etc were all over the media putting their side; christ even Reagan sounded competent and reasonable.

6 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

How can you release a letter half heartily, you either release it or don’t and then mibbee the “dignified silence” was that they were waiting on a reply. No-one ever said that Regan was incompetent, what he was, was complicit, a lying cheat.
You know Cha, some supporters have their own agenda, I don’t blame them or critisise them for that or for harbouring suspicion’s about the board, but some also said that Lawwell would do nothing and then you find out that he did do something, me, I want to wait and see, to give them a chance and if they do nothing then….

The Cha
6 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Its not the release of the letters that was half-hearted but the follow through.

It was obvious it would be met by a full-on PR offensive by those who had something to hide, so where was Lawwell and our PR to counteract that?

6 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

I’m not going to defend the board, or what they did or didn’t do, I think they could have should have done more. The thing is that we don’t know what they did, that was until the SFA released papers showing that they had in fact asked questions. Ralph seems to think that Lawwell cares after meeting him, I have met and I trust Ralph, I have never met Lawwell, but I am in the camp, that every avenue should be explored until we get some kind of answer, then and only then will I pass judgement and either decide to continue my support for the club or to walk away from Scottish football. I will not go to the cesspit or Internationals.. never again.

6 years ago
Reply to  Devoy45

Devoy I know more about Divots being a category 4 golfer, (that in real terms is shite btw, though my son Wolfetone is cat. 1, which is great) than Davitt. Although I do know that he fought for Irish tenant farmers to resist English absentee landlords. So he is one of my Republican hero’s. He is in good company, get the pitch forks ready
and chase away the follow followers of rule Britannia. A great Republican bhoy who fought strenuously for his fellow Irishmen.
But you know a lot about republicanism Devoy, so don’t put yourself down, we need men like you to educate us about the Irish struggle for
justice and freedom. Oh father dear, I often hear you speak of Skibereen, one of my auld da’s favourite’s.

6 years ago

First of all you have to acknowledge the work, the hours, the effort and the intelligence that Auldheid and his associates have put into Res 12. Then you acknowledge that it was them that discovered the cheating by the Huns, if it wasn’t for them and their leadership we would have known nothing about it. They discovered it and have then never given up on there pursuit for the truth to come out and then to follow up on that truth and to fight for justice. We owe them an enormous debt. So the least that they deserve is our backing to continue to fight for justice, no matter how long it takes. Hearing his replies, I get the feeling that things have moved nearer to the end result and that things are coming to a head, closure cannot be to far away.
They started it, so lets give them time to follow it through and back them to the hilt, its the very least they deserve.

6 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Charlie Saiz,

6 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Well give him and his friends the time to conclude their investigations and promptings, see what the club does, we have not long to wait and then to see what else happens.

6 years ago
Reply to  Mike

All I heard was it was the RES.12 bhoys that discovered that the licence was incorrectly awarded to them and then pointed it out to Lawwell at an AGM.
But you could be right, I don’t know, all I hear from people in football that I respect is… move along now. But how can you, knowing that a club cheated every other club and then was assisted by the governing bodies to continue with the corruption and secret deals, its a National disgrace. But follow it through until the end, yes defo.

6 years ago

Same here Weered, it is complex and that turns supporters of, not reading it or trying to follow these complexities. What is the alternative to trying to fight for Scottish football, continued arse kicking by the Huns and there complicit governing bodies. So the fight must continue for the future of Scottish football, there is NO alternative. Some supporters say “the club is doing nothing” but truthfully we are not party to what they do, its only later on that we find out that they have requested information or called for a Judicial revue. We MUST continue the good fight and back these/ our hero’s till the death of it all and then we can decide to stay or walk away from the game. 😉

6 years ago

“The “Rangers” are coming” according to the Scottish cough press, Goldson is now worth £20.000.000 GBP so were fucked anyway. HAHAHA
The Scottish press can talk more shite than those barges that sail up the Thames. ie Stupid pricks.

6 years ago

There is a short summary that cuts through the complexity that was published in Not The has been revised slightly and can be released at the right time.

6 years ago

Auldheid has my utmost respect for his efforts, alongwith his/our fellow comrades.
I’m not questioning Auldheid, i’m just saying the time for action is near….very fucking near.

6 years ago

Feel the Force Monti use it wisely. Beware the Dark side

6 years ago
Reply to  Auldheid

Fear not ” the force is strong in this one “….just want my light saber rammed up Ogilvie’s arse!

6 years ago

Patience is a virtue, do not show your hand until the right time and then use it with full force.

The Cha
6 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Well I hope they’ve got a few good women on board. 😉

6 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Woooft. First I was afraid I was petrified, then I had my chance and became…terrified. 😉

6 years ago

well the world cup is almost apon us and who can forget the brazierian 7-1 bumming by germany lasy time. how fucking good was it to watch that bunch of fan dans taking it right up thae crapper. And awe the greetin during the match.

fucking ace. here is hoping for more samba bummings

6 years ago

It was the SPFL who asked for an investigation not Celtic.

If response was half hearted then it was the SPFL not Celtic.

What SPFL should do is proceed unilaterally after the JPDT if conclusions merit it and if JPDT act on evidence of serious non disclosure then unilateral action would be justified.

If the right thing is done a lot of self held views of the Celtic Board will need revisiting. A further incentive to get it right in itself.

Imagine feeling appreciated.

6 years ago

Aw Naw

I’ll not be telling folk anything. They can make up their own minds.

Scottish football justice is on trial at the end of June. Who would have thought that would happen so whilst you might be right justice will not be served you might be wrong.

You should be delighted if you are.

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