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Celtic Diary Monday July 31: Another Traverso Letter

A Celtic shareholder and supporter has sent this to Mr Traverso, the head of club licencing at UEFA.

He’s right to do so.

After all, all we all want is a game with a level playing field, where cheating is punished and everyone has a chance to win something, to make great memories, and above all, to have a good time.

We’re paying for it, so we should have some say in how its governed.

With the SPFL last week sweeping the last few years under an already mountainous carpet, its time for us to draw a line so we can move on.

FAO: Mr Traverso
On 8th June 2016, you responded to a letter from lawyers employed by Celtic shareholders, of which I am one, on the matter of processing a UEFA licence application from Rangers FC in 2011. I thank you for the reply but I am not writing about that matter but to make a general point arising from it about the lack of sporting integrity in the governance of Scottish football as a whole.
I love my football, it is that first, my club second. I played at amateur level myself for a number of years and managed two amateur clubs starting from scratch. When my family arrived and from age 10 the boys and girls followed in my football boots playing and winning trophies, managing, coaching and probably best of all making many, many friends on their travels and I am certain football played a huge part in their development as civil balanced human beings of whom I am very proud.
Those are my football loving credentials and it from that basis that I write to you.
At a Commission conducted in 2012/13 established by the then Scottish Premier League, the SFA registration officer came out with an interpretation on player eligibility after a series of improper registrations over ten years which staggered me as an ex amateur team manager. At amateur level team lines are important, they deter teams from using ineligible players, they are a deterrent in that respect.
That deterrent is significantly weakened by the decision of the Commission led by Lord Nimmo Smith based largely on the advice of the SFA Registration Officer. There are other aspects about that commission that are questionable too, but on my general theme and why I am writing to you…
It is my view that Article 12 of UEFA FFP has been ignored by Scottish football authority, to me Article 12 is fundamentally about protecting the integrity of UEFA competitions. It seems to me that since 2011/12 the last thing on the minds of our football authority is sporting integrity. I also believe that as a result they have been blind to their duties to football at all levels as cited earlier.
I appreciate national associations have some autonomy and UEFA have limits to their involvement, but surely if a national association does not have an equivalent of Article 12 in its regulations and the mechanism to see that it is observed as UEFA intend, UEFA cannot remain silent?
This is no longer a matter as raised by Celtic shareholders solicitors about the processing of the Rangers FC application for a UEFA licence, there is no need to pursue that as what took place is apparent (and if you want to see what did happen check this update to Celtic shareholders at [with apologies this is not an electronic document you can click on). The matter now lies with Celtic FC.
This has now become an issue about restoring the integrity of Scottish football lost because of commercial considerations taking precedence over sporting integrity starting in 2011 in violation of UEFA Value One.
The game of football in Scotland needs help and it has to come from the outside. I am unsure of UEFA’s jurisdiction in such an important issue, but it must surely be in your particular interest to be satisfied that your rules that depend on integrity are not undermined by its lack, but more importantly to uphold values One, Four, Five and Eight (see below). Values that appear to have escaped the attention of those responsible for good governance in Scottish football.
If UEFA really care about football as the footnote on your letters say then his crie de couer to save Scottish football from itself will not fall on deaf ears. 

The UEFA Values Violated by Scottish Football Authorities.
Value One
Football first
In everything that we do, football must always be the first and most important element that we take into consideration. Football is a game before being a product, a sport before being a market, a show before being a business.

Value Four
Good governance and autonomy
UEFA and its member associations are committed to good governance. Good governance means openness, democracy, transparency and responsibility. In this spirit, UEFA defends the autonomy of sports structures, so that football bodies – with national associations in the lead – are the ultimate decision-makers in matters concerning football, with no undue interference from governments.

Value Five
Grassroots football and solidarity
Football is based on the grass roots, played everywhere by men and women, boys and girls. The top professional level is just the tip of the iceberg. UEFA will continue with, and even strengthen solidarity, both to protect the future of football and to deliver the wider benefits that our sport brings to society as a whole. And it is also because the strength of football lies in its grass roots that we have to preserve the local, regional and national identities of our game, always in accordance with the law.
Value 8
Financial fair play and regularity of competitions
UEFA supports fair play both on and off the pitch. Financial fair play means that clubs operate transparently and responsibly, to protect both sporting competition and the clubs themselves. Financial fair play means clubs not getting into a spiral of debt to compete with their rivals but rather competing with their own means, ie the resources they generate. 

At the time of writing, there has been no response, and perhaps there’s a good reason for it.

Maybe you could prompt him..

Mr A Traverso

Head of Club Licensing


Route de La Geneve 46

CH 1260



Whilst UEFA are probably aware that there is a little problem with Scottish football, it wouldn’t do any harm at all for as many of us as possible to let him know we are also aware of it.

We’re at a crossroads now.

Either we can move on and let them get away with it, or we can find a place to make a stand.

This is merely one action in what will need to be a massive concerted effort to rid the game of the stench that has pervaded throughout ever since someone at Ibrox said he wanted to streamline the way wages were paid…

Of course, it all goes a little deeper than just Ibrox, and perhaps thats why certain establishments want to drae a line and move on.

Thats maybe why certain people in certain positions would rather we all stopped moaning and were good citizens and accepted that although some wrong was done, there’s no chance of it ever happening again.

although by admitting there was something done wrong, their refusal to do anything about it means that they weren;t fit for office then, and therefore sure as hell aren’t now.

I’ve stayed away from football and computers over the weekend while i had a wee think about what I’m going to do next.

As you probably know, I’ll be in Glasgow this later this week to ask a few questions which will give me a fair idea of how things are going to go forward.

If, indeed, forward is the correct word in this context.

Until then, keep the pressure on UEFA by writing to Traverso, if you will, and we’ll see where we go from there.

As for the football, Celtic beat Sunderland in a friendly which may now see the end of Celtic playing down south, either permanently or every now and again.

The police down here have long been a major opponent of having the big Glasgow club-used to be clubs but one died-as a regular event , and the trouble in the north east on Saturday would have added to that.

A small group of young Celtic fans naively fell for the taunting of suspected British agent Tommy whateverhis nameis , who put on a “rangers ” top and goaded, via you tube-the relatively few Celtic fans who could give a flying fuck about who he is and what he stands for.

Predictably, and sadly, a few youngsters took him up on it, and somehow forgot to think things through. his pals were waiting, were well organised, and at least one young fan suffered a horrific head wound when he was clubbed with a bat.

The problem with going anywhere mob handed is that when the action actually starts, and things get a little serious, most people follow the herd mentality, and if someone panics, all will panic.

The predators will gain confidence from seeing this, and in the old days it was known as “running ” the enemy.

Usually some tough guy will get a sleekit shot or two in, and someone gets hurt.

Thats what happened.

There was a video of the incident available for those who want to watch that sort of thing, and there will probably be arrests.

But for some kid who went looking for trouble he found out that there is always someone out there who will hit you back.

This played into the hand sof the EDL, who were waiting, allowing them to claim women, kids, dogs and al sorts of vulnerable people were under attack, so there is little public sympathy for the lad, althoug that is usually the case with football related violence.

There is a feeling that he got what he deserved, and its hard to argue with that.

Its not hard to argue that it was a set up, but really, its best not to fall for the goading, and unsurprisingly, it ended in tears.

However, the Record had a different slant on it…

On the pitch, and in the stadium, the support reminded us why their reputation is largely intact, and Calum MacGregor reminded everyone he can play a bit, and score goals. Though there were concerns at one point that the police were a little overenthisiastic

near disaster at turnstile jp. Police treatment shocking. Guys getting lifted for being crushed. Women, kids, old guys in tears

Celtic beat Sunderland 5-0, and whilst it was largely a second string Celtic side, it has to be remembered that sunderland were without their main striker, who apparently would score goals for fun in Scotland…

Whilst we have a picture of a woman dressed in ridiculous tartan attire, it would be unfair if we didnlt show a man dressed in a similar garb.

We are assured , however, that Scott Brown was merely auditioning for a part in a new Hollywood blockbuster, as he intends to carve out a movie career when he hangs up his boots.

Image result for rupert the bear

Celtic will face Kilmarnock in the first knockout stage of the League cup. Its at Celtic Park.

Billy Bowie is a major shareholder in the financially stricken Ayrshire club…

Urging SPFL clubs and supporters to focus on the future, however, Killie director Bowie said: ‘My thing is to look to the future and stop dwelling on the past.

‘If we keep dwelling on the past it will drag us down — all of the clubs. The SPFL have outlined their stance and it’s past history now. 

‘Rangers need to move on — and Scottish football has to draw a line in the sand and move on as well.

‘There are a lot of challenges facing the game currently and we need to see a way through them.’

There’s the first game to boycott.

In fact, why not hire Cappielow or the Shyberry for this game ?

Kilamrnock will be expecting a wee bonus from the gate receipts.

Don’t give it to them, and let the world know why.

As with the letter above, we need to make a stand, otherwise we can forget it, and find something else to do at weekends.

And just to give you a reminder of why we have to make a stand, Paul Larkins “Anyone but Celtic ” is out tomorrow, the third of his books on why Scottish football is rotten to the core.

Its well worth picking up and  a full review will be on the site later today.

As I was away in contemplation mode this weekend, we must go back to Thursday  for the caption picture..

Image result for old black and white photography people

Patrick Street July 27, 2017 at 12:14 pm · Edit · Reply →

Caption “while dad still refuses to get Sky Sports, he continues to enthuse about the past and insist that little William and little Elizabeth watch old Rangers matches with him.”


Image result for old black and white pictures

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6 years ago

Caption: Maastricht 1998 immediately after Celtic stopped 10 in a row!
Not saying any more in case my partner looks in 🙂
Hoe veel!

6 years ago

Caption Celtic ladies 1930 prove beyond any shadow of doubt that we are a Club for all as they unveil their new star signing from Rangers …

D'Fhinnein Mick
6 years ago

Scotland’s women’s rugby team struggle to form a scrum.

Mike Annis
6 years ago

Caption: “Lady” of the Eastern Star on undercover mission at Celtic Park

6 years ago

Neil Doncaster’s new hairdo and Rod McKenzie lead the new chorus line Move On

6 years ago

CAption: The swimsuit section of the annual “Miss Sash” competition at Larkhall Orange Halls comes to it’s traditional conclusion with the contestants performing the much loved “Kick a Catholic Conga”.

6 years ago

Caption: Pensionerbhoy turns up to Malones in nothing but his speedos….the ladies wait impatiently for his autograph.

George Lazenbhoy
6 years ago
Reply to  Monti

The women with walking sticks Celtic supporter’s club

6 years ago

All that above and not a mention of Hee fucking haw from your pal Peter as yet?

This keeping the gunpowder dry talk is getting tiresome.


When Opportunity knocks, you have to be ready to open the door or chances are your left with a flaming pile of shite to deal with!

6 years ago
Reply to  Desimond

The thing about dynamite is in certain conditions it can become a bit unstable and go off in yer face if you fail to treat it right 😉

6 years ago
Reply to  Desimond

Exactly….it’s like waiting on an official SFA statement regarding racism.
Patience grasshopper! 😉

6 years ago
Reply to  Desimond

Desi, there really is no shock here. A silence of 5 years did always indicate that Lawwell was doing nothing.
Peter Lawwell apologists, and there are many spaced strategically around, are as fucking tainted as the titles ‘won’ by a dead club.
But, I’m exhilirated to see, the bastard Lawwell has written his own death warrant. He’ll be gone, along with other luminaries (I call them that as they’ll have a fucking light shining on them until they are apprehended and prosecuted.)
Lawwell will receive his just desserts. His heated drive-way may be affected by a cold shoulder. HA HA FUCKING HA.
This is a time to celebrate.
We’ll bring ALL those filthy scumbags down, down, down….

6 years ago

Caption: BFDJ has lost some amount of weight on the new conga diet.

6 years ago

Izzys tinder dates line up at an Arab embassy dying to get more of his affection

Celtic By Numbers
6 years ago
6 years ago

Well done to the supporter/ shareholder a wonderful letter, I hope they take heed.
I emailed the Scottish Government’s Freedom of Information unit at St. Andrews House, to request that the SFA/SFPL be brought under the FOI umbrella. If we are to have an open and transparent game they must be accountable for the decisions that they take. If we are able to see why they made the decisions and for whom, that surely it would help to ensure a fairer governance.

6 years ago
Reply to  mike

Just sent an Email to the link you put up, i requested the same!

6 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Good lad the more requests the stronger the case!! 😉

6 years ago

Here is where l am at regarding the whole cheating continuity debacle…
(Sorry for the length of this post some things cannot be put into one paragraph)
We all have our own opinions on this which are unique to ourselves as these things have affected us differently over the piece.
For myself it comes down to 3 things:
1 Integrity
The Integrity of the game of football in Scotland and beyond because without that then it really is a waste of time effort and investment be that financially,emotionally or as is the case with a great many both.
2 Accountability
Celtic Fc has a responsibility to its shareholders,supporters and wider fan base to see the legal aspect through and getting a satisfactory conclusion to solving all of the issues raised through the above.
Cheats cannot be seen to prosper and those responsible for fascilitating the fix cannot be left to control our game.
3 Retrospective Punishment
This should always be applied in sport regardless of timescale where it has been proven rule breaking or cheating has taken place.
In this case it has.
This is the only true deterrent against those who wish to bend or break the rules set out in order to gain any advantage over their opponents in future.
A 3-0 loss should be applied to any game in which an illegal EBT or DOS recipient took part in regardless of result in any competition.
I think the vast majority of Celtic fans are united in the call for retrospective punishment in this regard.
This now leads me to my final point.
If it transpires that there is not the same appetite for retrospective punishment from those who run and control Celtic FC then l think the only POSITIVE ACTION Celtic fans can take is to discuss the prospect of taking control of the Club.
Sure there are other options available like walking away from the game,boycotting grounds/competitions run by our governing bodies.
But the fact is whatever Supporters and the wider fan base choose to do most of these will have an adverse affect on the thing we all claim to love?
That is Celtic Football Club…or Celtic PLC as it is now more commonly known
we have vast legions of non attending fans worldwide people who are emotionally tied to Celtic for life but who no longer attend games but contribute in other ways be that merchandise or Celtic Tv subscriptions or simply attending Supporters Clubs.
I am led to believe that we have around 9 million fans world wide?
If that is indeed the case then you don’t have to be a mathematician to work out that for very little outlay from each of us we could very easily afford to take control of Celtic FC/PLC.
At the moment Celtics stock is very high in fact at its highest it’s been for a very long time.. Currently trading at £1.02 per share.
This means that acquire the whole shebang we would need to raise in the region of £135m as it stands.
That seems a massive amount for any one of you reading this but my point is and l keep coming back to this periodically on here with our vast numbers it isn’t such a huge amount to scrape together.
If we round down our own numbers to say 5 million fans (a very safe estimate) that works out at less than £30 each.
Would Celtic fans risk £30 to take control of the entire situation regarding both the Club and the future of the game?
I think if the Club don’t play the game here a great many would and will given that option?
You see at the moment we are not a very organised bunch and truth be known we probably never will be and l believe those who are suggesting we all draw a line are counting on that being the case.
Supporters/fans will want different things from this some want titles removed,some want titles given to us and others want Newco deid and buried just like their old incarnation? which is all understandable but it’s highly unlikely we will all get what we want.
Or even close to it with the way things are currently unfolding.
The one thing they that is they the guilty ones will never have banked on is Celtic FC being owned and controlled by it’s own fan base?
With that comes a real threat to the shit they are trying to pull off here.
The other Clubs become an irrelevance you see as we have the financial muscle to drag these charlatans through the courts by the scruff if need be so that justice can be seen to be done.
We would control the finances and the well paid legal team currently employed by the Club.
We would be able to finance taking all of these issues to court until justice was seen to be done.
Time would be on our side not theirs.
We cannot afford to rely on other Clubs but l feel if our Club was to take up the big stick in which to beat them with then some would in turn join our noble cause.
It would be a noble cause of that there is no doubt.
£5 each bhoys every year and bingo more than enough dough to slap the SFAs (or anyone else’s for that matter … aye you squinty eyes) arse if they step out of line.
It can be done but l hope for all our sakes there will be no need for us to take such drastic action?
But if the current custodians at Celtic Park don’t do our bidding regarding all of this then l feel it is the only true solution to our problems.
All the others will have a detrimental affect on Celtic and surely cannot be an option?
We seem to be at odds with our Board more and more as time goes on at Celtic.
This has always been the case l feel no matter who was in control?
I have £30 here put to one side for every eventuality and l am sure there are plenty out there who if pushed will do the same.
Divide and conquer is the name of the game here.
United we can be a terrific force for good both at Celtic and beyond.
Just how l feel about the entire thing surround our great Club.
Sorry PLC 😉

6 years ago

Caption: Sheffield Wednesday Pose Pre-match before take on the Mighty New Rangers………

6 years ago

Ralph post 879520 has meandered off to the Ether Bar…

6 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

Charlie Saiz,
It would have been pish anyway 😉

6 years ago
Reply to  Monti

It will be pished if he leaves it till last orders again…

6 years ago

Anyone else shiting it about Wednesday? I feel like a lamb who has just seen the ‘ Turkish style Kebab shop ‘ van pull up at the farm.

Surely we aren’t going to fuck this up?

6 years ago
Reply to  Monti

very nervous but i think the away goal rule could be very helpful.
i am 70% that we will get through but the 30% of me is shiting it too

6 years ago
Reply to  ewanbhoy

Obviously hoping for the best, but a wee bit anxious. Nothin new there then: knowing we need ti hit the net away in Europe.


6 years ago
Reply to  Monti

i had hoped our board would have made a statement by now about the spfl decision to do fuck all about the cheats……even a small statement just to reassure us fans that our club will not accept moving on… long do we wait before we act ???….Peter Lawwell we are waiting !!!

6 years ago
Reply to  Monti

I will be honest here and state that unless we secure a 3-0 goal deficit in Europe at home lm rarely comfortable on a run up to any game barring the usual fodder in the 1st rounds that is.
Beaky slum time and if Griffiths isn’t in the team sheet then it’s bunny reaky squum time 🙂

6 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz


6 years ago

Monti, I too am shitting bricks.
About Rosenborg, they Norwegian pricks.
They play as a team
Are better than they seem
Surely, they can’t beat us Fenian Micks?

I’ll be watching from behind my threadbare sofa!
Concerned but not worried.

6 years ago
Reply to  Devoy45

Devoy are you setting up again with a classic 3-3-3
Going with with Jamesie instead of wee Leigh
Will you hope that the side plays confident and free
Score the first goal fill the fans with glee
Or would you prefer we park the bus
6 in defence and make the fans cuss
Hit them on the break Defend the clean sheet
Play on the deck fast and tae feet
Please please Devoy let Brendan know
For he has a dilemma on which way to go
Me l would prefer to go with 3 at the back
Play with traditional wingers and 2 in attack
Sinclair off Griffiths like Stokes off Hooper
Out to the left where his run can be super
McGregor in the hole just behind the front pairing
Both Lustig and Tierney overlapping and daring
Brown in the middle flanked by Armstrong
Jamesie and Hayes on the wings in case they go long
They have the pace to motor up and down the flank
Jozo bossing the frontman t Bendtnar the wank
With 5 in the middle we control the game
We just lacked some firepower when we played them at hame
If Leigh is a no no then Forrest in attack
Put Ntcham on the left and Hayes in front of right back
For me this is the shape that will suit us best
As for 3-3-3 that was only in jest
So how goes it pal how would you set the team
So we come back fae Norway with a champions league dream

6 years ago
Reply to  Devoy45

They should have won 3-1 going off the clear chances at both ends.
We were very poor on the whole.

6 years ago

Have very mixed views about what happened on Saturday. First of all when I put the Celtic jersey on whether it is for a home or away game it brings a responsibility to protect the name and reputation of our great club. Then again as Celtic supporters it is in our DNA to fight fascism and who wouldn’t slap that bastard if we got the chance? My biggest issue is with the guys who ran away and left a fellow Bhoy on the ground to take a doing. In my day you never ever left anyone even if it meant a sore face.

6 years ago
Reply to  Liftedinmoscow

Thing is mate they went there looking for trouble.
Said this a few times there is an element who travel with Celtic(as there are with most clubs) who don’t need much invitation for trouble.
Normaly fuelled up on a cheap tonic wine of course.
Meanwhile the Club image takes another kicking from the usual suspects only too happy to oblige.
No excuse for it.

6 years ago
Reply to  Liftedinmoscow

They should have completely avoided the area and gone nowhere near the EDL. my biggest issue is that they were daft enough to go in the first place.

6 years ago

Caption: Klopp to the LFC board: “Look gentlemen, I may look and sound like a 1980s pornstar, but I didn’t ask for a van full of dykes, I said ‘Virgil Van Dyke.'”

6 years ago
Reply to  Cortes

Liking that chapeau Cortes

The Cha
6 years ago

There were nearly 10,000 Tims in Sunderland and the reaction from down here (Englandshire) has been awestruck at the support, with no reports of trouble, as far as I can see.

Little or no focus has been placed on any trouble, as it had little relevance.

At every game in England there’s a small amount of trouble, which is what you get with that size of crowd under any event.

Every weekend Central London and stations are a “battlefield” but this is rarely reported unless it is very bad.

Frankly, if you’re looking to the Daily Record for vindication for Celtic and it’s supporters then you’ll be waiting a long time.

6 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

The smsm always looking for any excuse to report or lie about stories against our club that will make us look bad, whereas it’s the total opposite for the cheating scum.

6 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

The Cha, well said. A few young lads made an error of judgement, They got caught up in twitter or whatever it is to try and prove themselves. Problem for them was that they didnt understand that no matter who was in there, this is a local community shop. The local lads arent going to let anyone attack it.
So they joined in even though they probably didnt know it was the scumbag inside that was staging it, and instigating the events,and got his reaction from a group of teenagers.
The only other trouble was from a coach load of loyalists who decided to goad Celtic fans.
So yes we have the bampots, but the ones who are to blame are the loyalists.

The Cha
6 years ago
Reply to  jimmybee

Not watched any of it, as its too depressing and got bugger all to do with 99.9% of the fans that were there on Saturday.

If the young ones are seriously concerned about anti-fascism they should join and take part in action organised by UaF, AFA etc.

Personally, the picture of that young Asian lass smiling at the fash, while they seethe is far more effective.

Some mates that were there said there was some goading after the game but, as I’d expect, the vast majority of Sunderland fans were on the Celtic fans’ side and told them to piss off.

6 years ago
Reply to  jimmybee

Whataboutery won’t alter the fact we have an issue that needs resolving Jimmy.

6 years ago

Hi Ralph,

Not sure if plans are afoot to bring attention to the situation here in Scotland but if i may be so bold as to put one forward, which all depends on Celtic getting to the group stages of the CL:

UEFA are a wee bit precious about their CL brand and they dont half think that tbe two teams lining up to the compulsory ‘Zadock the Priest’ while the fans clap,cheer and generally privide the atmosphere, is both theur signature and the dogs bollocks into the bargain. And nowhere does it look better than at Celtic Park.

Well if 60,000 tims were to turn their backs to the pitch just before it and fall earilly silent for 30 secs or so tben it would provide a major talking point and give a very powerful non political statement.

Just a thought?

6 years ago
Reply to  Brian

If 60, 000 didn’t go in for he champions league theme even better.

6 years ago

Monti on Wednesday night of course we should be worried. Again it is the timing of the games for us, if this was a few weeks later the bhoys would go through. But they are well drilled and very good on the counter.
The first goal is going to be crucial we get it we go through they get it and its harder for us.
But i dont think they will change tactics from the first leg,they will keep it much the same. They will be confident of scoring knowing the chances they created in the first leg, but i think and hope we get the first goal.
I also believe it should be most of the invincibles that make up the team.
Lustig Jozo Ajer Tierney.
Brown Armstrong
Forrest McGregor Sinclair
Griff if fit if not Hayes.
Big Tom to come off the bench to score the winner. 2-1 COYBIG.

6 years ago
Reply to  jimmybee

I’m one of life’s worriers m8…..always have been!

6 years ago
Reply to  jimmybee

It actually doesn’t matter if they score first so long as we score it becomes an irrelevance.
Hence why the pressure is more on them not conceding than us scoring.
We have the talent to unlock most teams whilst Rosenborg are well organised they are not Juventus or Atletico.
We need to turn up and play our game and l am sure we can score 1 or 2 goals putting them under real pressure as a result.
We score they have to open up and it then becomes a bit easier.

6 years ago

Eight years since Sir Bobby Robson passed away, R.I.P. Bobby, a true football giant & Gentleman.
Bobby always spoke well of Celtic when he was asked about our club.
Read a couple of the man’s books!


6 years ago

Liftedinmoscow, you are right, it was 99% a set up. The lhads who bolted were worse but a very good bit of editing there because they had it on there toes till someone appeared with a bat! the shutters were down and all of a sudden that pr!ck appears lording it over the wee (silly guy on the floor) when he was in the shop hiding behind a counter! We do have a great reputation but when subjected to violence like some of what I saw on Saturday you’re hardly going to walk away? One of the pubs everyone was having a few beers few songs going and then a mob appears from nowhere, what are you supposed to do? Amyway I know this is supposed to be a football forum and I am rambling on about nothing to do with it, so i’ll pop off now..

6 years ago
Reply to  Joe.Mac

Well said m8!
Fuck that prick Robinson & well done to our ‘ Bhoys ‘ for giving it a go!
Fuck the edl!

That fanny Robinson recording the Hoops lad getting medical attention, sums him up!

I didn’t mind a bit of football related violence in my youth so i’m not going to knock the guys on Saturday!


6 years ago
Reply to  Joe.Mac

The best thing you can do with cunts like Robinson is ignore them.
Make him an irrelevance to Celtic.
He’s currently trying to punt a book and a very contentious little book it is too concerning the Quran he has no doubt considered the blue pound (you can buy an entire football club for a blue pound..very rare so they ur aye uhu) so Celtic was a calculated target just coincidental he has a book signing in Sunderland and decides to wear a honking Hun tap?
Aye right.
More fool the muppets for taking the bait it looks like they wear waiting mob handed (EDL).

6 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

were ‘

6 years ago

Joe o Rourke the Celtic Supporters Association, fill in the fitba. survey, tell the SFA/SFPL what you think, do not leave it to others, if the board do nothing, we should do it.
Send an email to the Scottish Governments FOI act at the email address above, make them accountable, we do not want any five fingered handshakes or five way agreements anymore.
Openness and transparency for the beautiful game.

6 years ago
Reply to  mike

No Weered I do not think it can be retrospective, we must not fail now
in our quest for justice but we must also ensure that, that justice can be available in the future, with FOI, any questions then can be obtained more easily.

6 years ago

The last few days have been a scream. Reading you lot is like diving into an Ottoman full of Woman’s Own. Which gave me an idea. Maybe we should forego the Caption competition for a knitting pattern or a recipe?
But seriously, bar “I’m telling ma Maw” you lot have covered outrage with aplomb!

Many of us have taunted and ridiculed Them to an unimaginable degree of late. When they awaken and are telt that the WATP ideology they propagate is actually practiced and that we had a hand in confirming it so well, insufferable is not really going to cover their riposte. From the very outset they decided any successful opposition to them would be met with a scutched Earth policy. And so it has come to pass.

“Ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated.”

While a good number of the dim amongst us salivate over the big transfer fees, Chumps League cash and big wows Man City loans (my primary School teacher played for them) the smart bhoys fell asleep with the mustard whiff of near justice and the solid reassurances of the Clubs apparatchiks masquerading as supporters. This Board doesn’t give two f**ks about any one of us. As we separate from Continental Europe towards a past of murder, pillaging ,slavery and one kid on Civil War the only Country worth aligning yourself with of these pitiful group of islands is the very one our Board have been obsessed with extricating the Club from. I adore the Irish first and foremost for their inspiring radical history. Whereas I despise the British for their miserable existence under Crown and Class. It has taken five years for this apocalypse to sink in while a four year old would’ve worked it out just afore his sixth birthday. As the dust settles you are left with two hopes; the dodgy closed shop of the SFSA (think big Windaes) and a super costly Judicial Review. Really?

Every time you go through that turnstile into what was once referred to as Paradise you should know, that when it came to it we shat it. Any other excuse just makes you sound like the guy eschewing the nu veracity of the continuation myth via the Clumpany route! More lamb anyone?

They played us like a fiddle and we danced to their tune. Truly sickening and completely unforgivable. F**k Strip the Titles and every other f**king squirrel doing the rounds, the real fight is between Club Celtic and Brand Celtic. Nothing is more important than the soul of the Club. #FTQ

6 years ago
Reply to  Celtic125

The battles only beginning comrade, what we need now is Celtic’s response to the spfl/sfa statements, then we go from there.

There is a famous saying & one Weered may be familiar with….’ the brick is in the wall ‘!


6 years ago
Reply to  Celtic125


6 years ago
Reply to  Celtic125

Thanks for the patronizing dribble of nonsense 125. I hope the folks here get properly offended by it as they should. there is no fight between Celtic except for in your head. If I were a suspicious type Id’ wonder if you were trying to focus us on a civil war versus a war against SFA/SFPL. hmmm

6 years ago
Reply to  broxburnbhoy

If the Celtic board do fuck all, there will be a civil war!

6 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Hi Monti,

I’m sure the Celtic Board will speak out. Would be good if it was soon though. I agree. That said we can avoid lectures about how stupid we all are simply if we disagree or favor a less confrontational approach.

6 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Which is exactly what the spivs in the SFA are banking on.
Back to my point detailed above…

6 years ago

how many home ties do sevco need to get before the question is asked how is this possible ?? really when was the last time they had an away draw ??

6 years ago
Reply to  ewanbhoy

Even for a new club, they seem to get an inordinate amount of home fixtures.

6 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Why were they seeded?

The Cha
6 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Because they were (nb past tense) in Europe.

This didn’t guarantee them a home draw, that was something different. 🙂

Gerry Boyle
6 years ago

Anyone else like the daily rangers comment of a topless fan wearing a Celtic top surely the fan could not have been doing both.

6 years ago

Can anyone give me a period of time where the full Support at Celtic were actually fully behind a Board?
Fergus aside that is.
The point l am making is we will always be at odds with each other for the simple act of the matter is we follow Celtic with our heart not with our eye fixed firmly on a share price of bonus.
That for me needs to change and there is only one way in which to achieve that.
Fan Ownership.
We could skin the SFA cat as we please if we control the knife.

The Cha
6 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

“Fergus aside that is”

Seriously? He fell out with the Lions, Tommy Burns, Wim the Tim and plenty of others, all of which divided the support.

6 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

That’s right Cha – my recollection of Fergus was that many of us disliked him at the time. History is easy to air brush.

6 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Yes but in the end he saved our Club from extinction and put it on the road to success.

6 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

Blah blah blah

6 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

We cannae agree on here ffs never mind putting us in charge of the club. Imagine all of us in a boardroom.
I would ban you first Charlie Saiz Nae Brits in the boardroom.
Brits oot 🙂

6 years ago
Reply to  jimmybee

I have one m8 I was born in Coalisland,. 🙂

6 years ago
Reply to  jimmybee

Thruppeny Brits oot 🙂

6 years ago
Reply to  jimmybee

Can i bring my shebeen cd into the boardroom?

6 years ago
Reply to  Monti

No need m8 we have them live every home match

6 years ago
Reply to  jimmybee

Weered ma mum was shipped over to have me over there,in me grandas house,then as soon as I was born we were shipped back again lol. I must have been one ugly wean. My Da God rest him wanted a true Irish bhoy.

6 years ago
Reply to  jimmybee

I’m 100% Celt always have been always will be.
A board at Celtic should only contain people with a genuine love for the Club IMO.
People who are there to maintain and take our Club forward the way it should have always been.
Supporters and Charity first and foremost.
We many ,many Fans out there with the skill set to run a successful Club.
For those positions that you haven’t then you source someone who can and will at a reasonable wage.
Fuck the bonus culture right out the door and have it written in stone that no man or woman should draw an exorbitant living out of our Club.
It should be an honour and privilege to serve our Club not a well paid career move.
I should imagine there would be a que round the block if these positions were ever made available to the Support.
As for the living wage… FIRST THING ON THR AGENDA

6 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

Charlie S, great comment.
You mentioned somewhere else about Celtic PLC’s Market Cap. I stand by the figures I put on here, i.e. that the Market Cap. is around £95 million. (around 93 million shares x the share price)
Anyway, since it seems that only you and I are interested then the price for Celtic PLC is a wee bit academic. I doubt that either of us can raise between 48 and 68 million pounds (dependant on whose figures are taken).
It’s such a great pity that our fans seem to be unmoved by the inaction of our CEO; an individual who is a total affront to all things Celtic FC.

6 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

Like him or not, Fergus would never have allowed the cheats in Hampden to walk all over us, he would have called them out, Regan and Doncaster, would be away down the road, like the conflicted cretins that they are!
The only person outside the board that can achieve the results that we want is Joe o Rourke of the CSA, with him leading the many supporter associations to boycott the games!

6 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

Charlie Saiz,
I think the moment Sir Robert Kelly told the SFA ” The flag stays ” would have got an overall majority applause from the support!

Fuck the sfa!

6 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Aye short lived l am sure The Kellys and the Whytes ran our Club into the ground in the end.
Take take take is all can remember from those days.

D J Smyth
6 years ago

I don’t think it is realistic to think that Celtic fans will boycott Celtic games either SPL or European , as fans love their club too much to do that .
However we can still get a strong message to our Board that we won’t accept been made a fool of . What I am advocating is the various different groups of Supporters clubs coming together and agree step by step boycott of all money making devices that Celtic football club own . We could start off with no one buying anything From Celtic Super Stores on match days, build on this by filling Kerrydale Bar before & after matches but spending no money , other ideas include Windfall lottery , home match programmes & all in stadium betting & food outlets both boycotted stadium tours . We can still watch & support our team but we can also make life difficult for our club & hence put pressure on them

6 years ago
Reply to  D J Smyth

So slowly strangle Celtic to achieve what exactly?

6 years ago
Reply to  D J Smyth

My dog just started sniffing the screen after reading that post …
Just saying 😉

6 years ago
Reply to  D J Smyth


None of that will happen, nor anything like it because the capacity to do anything of that nature across Scottish football does not exist.

Until it does there will be isolated silos of activity some housing more fire power than others.

Not ideal but that’s how it is.

Its not the will its the capacity and the will to build capacity that is missing.

6 years ago

In the words of Martin Luther King “A lie cannot Live”
It will eventually come that the lie cannot live anymore.
With emails, writing, phone ins, the fans have done all they can,it will eventually be the boardroom of Celtic,that will have to kill the lie. Then the silence of those who have stood back and did nothing will be exposed in all their glory..
The Celtic board must do the right thing. Failure to lead us,would be the end of the road for many of us .
It is the last stand for justice in Scottish football.
The truth is there, it is in the High Court in Glasgow, it is in the Supreme Court, and it is in the corridors of power in the sfa/spfl.
The lie is dead,let Celtic proclaim it across the nation.

6 years ago
Reply to  jimmybee

The end of the road as far as that Board is concerned Jimmy there is another way…

£30 is al it will take Bhoys

6 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

Charlie, “£30 is al (sic) it will take Bhoys”.
No explanation of what that £30 does.
Trying to put something into monetary terms without any research is plain stupid. (your evaluation that Celtic was worth about £135 million???)
I checked the position of Celtic PLC shares etc. and came out with this : The overall value (in £s) is around £95 million.)
The issued share capital is around 93.5 million shares.
The 1st move is to aim for control (51% or more)
I’ve covered this elsewhere on ETims, and possibly other blogs. I’ve asked Ralph to put out feeders regarding fan-ownership. Tiochfaid Ar La, if we choose to work together; Laissez-fair otherwise.
I’m Brahm’s and Listz, got growing tits,
No hope at all said he,
But the Green Brigade, doing charitable aid,
They came and rescued me.

I love them Bhoys, who make that noise,
And sing of our History,
For me they’re always best of fans,
and I just say “I thank thee”.
Green Brigade, you ARE something really special.
When your section is missing it’s like having a willing body without a heart.
Take note, Lawwell, you filthy, tory, cheating bastard.
FC not PLC.

6 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

The Market Capitalisation is currently at £134.10 m
The Market Cap is an Indicator of a Companies net worth.
It most probably would be less but seeing as I am only using this as an estimation to prove it can be done then it doesn’t matter ATM.
If you read the post again you will see l put a very conservative (pardon the pun any Board member looking in) estimate of 5 million supporters – l believe closer to 9m is nearer the mark- well at £30 a pop that would raise £150m.
More than enough to purchase outright control and pay off any legal fees etc that you would inevitably incur.
Ie zero impact to the Club from the off.
These are rough estimates Tic Toc because at the moment we have many scenarios being put forward as to how we can approach these issues surrounding the Asterisk Years?
What l am suggesting (and have done for many moons) is that purchasing Celtic would mean a united front and a single goal for us all to focus on?
If successful we could then take the fight to the cheats and carpet bangers from the standpoint of controlling the largest Club in Scotland.
Ie a position of great strength.
The SFA ,SPFL and UEFA cannot ignore us then as we would be within our right to question anything we deem unacceptable.
At the moment we are just farting in the wind hoping that The Celtic Board honour their obligation to the support.
We can if we choose to change the whole dynamic of the argument for constructive change to the Scottish Game.
That Is and was the point of bringing this up again.
On the 51% controlling share yes that’s the first target and possibly keep Dermot involved as a failsafe in case it went wrong but the ultimate aim should be overall ownership by those who care about the Club ,it’s values and where it should be headed in the now corrupt capitalist game.
We don’t need to sell our soul to the Devil in order to compete we have the numbers to do this (by collectively funding annually) the ethical Ho set way.
All the while staying true to our Charitable ethos.
We could have an actual paradise at Paradise in other words.
Not the Corporate sham we have at present that pays lip service to its humble beginnings.
I believe if we managed to do this our numbers would swell globally as fans looking in would appreciate what we are about.
The more numbers the bigger and more successful it would become.

6 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

I have replied bud but it would appear to have hit the Ether Bar (Post 879649 RALPH)

6 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

We heads up Tic Toc

A company’s worth – its total value – is its market capitalization, and it is represented by the company’s stock price. Market cap (as it is commonly referred to) is equal to the stock price multiplied by the number of shares outstanding.

Celtic plc current Market Cap is £134.10 m according to the London Stock Exchange.
5 million fans at £30 a pop comes out at £150m which leaves plenty wiggle room for fees and hidden costs.

6 years ago

I think it is important not to get our hopes too high on a desired response to the above letter.Firstly, do UEFA respond to members of the public? Secondly, and more importantly, there is no argument in the letter as to why UEFA regs or values have been broken.
This is surprising because if the author is who I think, he knows timelines, regulations, and history like few others.

Hope I am wrong, and, now I shall vanish again.


6 years ago
Reply to  rebus67


I though the author had covered all the bases that Traverso would already be aware of.

But you are right in that a reply is unlikely and in the absence of more letters of that ilk it tells Traverso that Scottish football supporters are happy to whine on social media about the SFa/SPFL but when it comes to the price of a stamp they don’t give shit.

6 years ago

I have decided to withdraw from the home cup ticket scheme.
I have informed Celtic that I will not pay into cup games until the club does something about the he corruption in our game.
I hope many more season book holders do the same.

6 years ago
Reply to  jimmybee

Well done m8

6 years ago
Reply to  jimmybee

Jimmy, that is the way forward, at least for Socialist Tims.
It should be for all Tims.

Like you, I was a Shop Steward.
When conditions merited, potentially strike action, I, as leader made ONE call; We will NOT strike unless absolutely necessary. (It takes the bread from children’s mouths) Our tactics will be considered and addressed at our next meeting; meantime I’ll be in discussion with company managers/directors.
Those discussions ended with me being told to “go back to Russia”. Interestingly, I’d never been there.
So, under my guidance, we worked to Safety Rules No man lost so much as an hour’s pay. The oppressive company gave in and met all of our (my) demands.
The point is this: United we can move mountains, we can gain and expose Truth, we can prosecute all of the scum involved and we can move towards majority ownership of Celtic PLC by the fans of Celtic FC.
That’s what we can do. ARE YOU PREPARED? Just say “aye”.

6 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

Spot on.
The one thing that unites EVERY Celtic fan is injustice.
A united front against it would be a very powerful thing indeed.

£30 😉

6 years ago

Is it just me or does anybody else think that video of fans singing a Lee rigby song is Fake?

6 years ago
Reply to  mike


6 years ago
Reply to  mike

I am mike, mike

6 years ago

£30 will get you a really decent Victorinox 😉

6 years ago

VALE Les Murray.

Played a huge part in promoting football here in Aust.

6 years ago

My post was not intended as an attack on the author. It is merely my opinion which is the normal fodder of Blogs. UEFA or any other governance body intrinsically seeks to protect its actions. Any successful attack on these actions needs to take the form of an irrefutable argument against their position. Perhaps I am missing something but what I saw in the letter was an opinion not an argument. I do not think that approach can succeed. Something along the lines of Value 1: here is why this value has been thwarted, and so on…… an argument based approach. I am sure you know this since you have used it often enough, accompanied by much detail.
Finally, so many (too many?) individuals and agencies are getting in on the issues, which is good, but it is also a recipe for failure if action is splintered amongst these groups….each nibbling at a slightly different part of the cheating scenario. A concerted effort is more likely to be successful, especially if funding needs to be raised to take matters forward. Bombarding UEFA with a multitude of issues is likely to be ignored and dismissed as paranoia.
An important aspect, going forward, is who should carry the flag, and what should the message be. There are a number of candidates for the former, but there needs to be a process to determine the latter.
We all want the same thing, surely we can unite around a common front?


6 years ago
Reply to  rebus67

Rebus, that’s you at your best. Great, heartfelt post.
I applaud the ‘little fucker’ who lit the candle under your bottom.
Charlie S and I, amongst others, have tried to encourage the ideal of a Celtic FC owned by the fans.
Given the heart, our fan-base can cover it with so much space; however, there are very few takers?
Why? Je ne c’est pas. Yesterday, I think, I asked Ralph to ‘test the water’. I have had no response. (there is absolutely NO criticism here, merely fact.
I think it’s time for like-minded fans to get together, pledge and pay when requested, funds to take legal action against the SFA, SPFL, (possibly including the now defunct SPL and SFL.
The whole fucking lot needs to be aired, recorded and punished.

6 years ago
Reply to  rebus67

I’m with Mike on this.
Joe O’Rourke represents every Celtic fan.
I don’t think it should be bloggers etc who lead this no disrespect Ralph but you all have a vested interest in your own sites.
Especially this character JJ who we know is in it for financial reasons being an Rangers fan who is constantly reminding his forum members about his financial situation.

6 years ago

In toffee voice;
“And, in the middle of the afternoon, (tea and scones) and when they send their GIRO back, (HaHa) we shall (HaHaHa) remember them.
Who? said Lizzie, who had some attachment here. It was probably (later) called the Royal Household Ranaway Regiment, or some such-like.
Onwards and upwards, “cop yer whack fur this” (thanks Billy Connolly, for those memorable words) : (in words)

Sorry, can’t find a link to that great old song. I’m now blootered beyond redemption.
Night, night.

6 years ago

And, un grande finale,
In my wee simple mind, there’s always a fabulous beauty of those Protestant lads who felt the same as my ancestors; they wanted to extinguish tyranny and install a ‘just’ Republic.
This was a Republic that came years later (1922), was compromised by private agreements (a la the infamous 5-way in Scottish fitba). We’ve now got the CRI (Compromised Republic of Ireland.

6 years ago

Tora Tora Tora, Attack Attack Attack, We are the CELTIC and they, well they are skiers, common oor BREN DAN unleash the hounds, 3 at the back with Broony covering and six goalscores, you ken you want to!
We know you like to gamble and we are GREAT going forward.
BOO to the bedwetters and YAAY to the TIC.

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