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Celtic Diary Monday August 20: Job done. Sort Of

Celtic made fairly hard work of disposing of Partick Thistle in the League cup on Saturday.

Thistle had managed to drag themselves back into the game when they levelled after Leigh Griffiths had put the Celts ahead, and should really have capitalised, having spotted the Celtic defence’s weakness-a ball anywhere near it- but a few substitutions lifted the pace and Celtic went on to win 3-1.

Sighs of relief on the one hand, but that underlying doubt remains. The team -Gamboa and Izaguirre apart-still look short on confidence, bereft of ideas and lacking in intuition.

Celtic will face St Johnstone in Perth in the quarter finals.

Brendan Rodgers has hinted that he will welcome Dedryck Boyata back into the fold, despite the Belgian throwing a wobly when he wasn’t allowed to move to England. Maybe the defender has seen the error of his ways, and is genuinely repentant.

Or maybe he isn’t, and Celtic have reached the stage of desperation where the defence is concerned.

A new recruit could be on the horizon, and the name mentioned is Jeffrey Bruma, a Dutch centre back plying his trade at Wolfsburg. A fee of £7m has apprently been agreed.

Image result for jeffrey bruma

He played six times for the German side last season. Thats right.


See also Marvin Comperr

Lee Congerton, it seems , knows him from their time together at Hamburg.

Lee Congerton is one lazy, lazy bastard, who needs to take his head out of his we phone book and go out and do some actual scouting.

Real scouting, though at Celtic that seems to mean popping down to Manchester City when you’ve got a day off.

They’re bound to have a centre back they aren’t using.

But thats a dangerous road to go down, for one reason or another.

This is from FootballTax Havens…

Celtic now part of Manchester City’s player Development Pathway through Lawwell & Son. Related Party Transactions need to be reported.

Manchester City on 9 August 2018 announced the signing of Australian Daniel Arzani from their fellow City Football Group team Melbourne City.

Brian Marwood City Football Group

Manchester City development pathway

City Football Group driven by Manchester City includes a network with numerous football teams, however at the time Arzani appeared to be going immediately on loan to another club outwith their network, Celtic. Which did eventuate. But as the PR notice puts it this loan move will be part of the ‘development pathway’ for Arzani.

So Celtic is part of the Manchester City ‘development pathway’ and Arzani is only the latest.

Given the size and reach of City Football Group it seems a nonsense that they don’t have a place for Arzani within their own 6 clubs or the 5 other development clubs and that they need to use the Lawwell familial connections to place Arzani at Celtic.

When it was first announced last month that Arzani was possibly going to Celtic it was a complete surprise to their manager Brendan Rodgers. Peter Lawwell and son Mark at the City Football Group appear to have already lined the deal up without consideration of the Celtic manager.  

It adds…

Brendan Rodgers sounds a bit upset to say the least. Here was Celtic’s manager kept out of the loop. Not even considered important enough to inform. This during a transfer window where Rodgers would have told the Celtic’s recruitment dept his requirements for the season ahead. Meanwhile Rodgers was informed Arzani’s coming no matter your requirements. Arzani’s payments would impact the player budget even though he appears to have been taken just because he was offered.

How much did the Arzani story start a sequence of Rodger’s press statements proclaiming his disenchantment lead to Celtic dropping out of the ECL qualifiers? Rodgers is in a bind. As they say if you don’t control the circumstances the circumstances will control you.

Mark Lawwell City Football Group

Celtic’s CEO Peter Lawwell’s son, Mark, is City Football Group’s Scouting & Recruitment Manager. It would be unusual that the Arzani offer did not come via this conduit.

Is it possible, since Brendan Rodgers was originally not in the know about Arzani that Peter Lawwell was? Who else could it have been? Was the deal arranged over the Lawwell kitchen table? Although Lee Congerton was named as Head of Recruitment at Celtic in 2017 he seems to be keeping his head down as barbs are traded internally about lack of transfer action this summer.

Scottish football these days is ripe with conflicts of interest (Murdoch MacLennan & the Celtic INM plc connections). Are Celtic’s loan deals with Manchester City/City Football Group another? Celtic have had a few Manchester City loanees over recent years, all presumably through Mark Lawwell. 

In the interests of Sporting Integrity the SPFL/SFA/UEFA footballing authorities need to know everything is above board:

  1. How this Arzani’s deal is structured? Who is paying Arzani’s wages, bonuses, image rights and where? Is City Football Group or a subsidiary subsidizing any payments by Celtic?
  2. Do Celtic get any on-sell commissions on City Football Group loan players?
  3. Does Peter Lawwell or his son Mark Lawwell at City Football Group get any commissions/bonuses linked to these deals? We’ve seen Dundee United destroyed when Celtic old bhoy, Jackie McNamara’s commission driven deals to sell 3 of their top players to Celtic ruined a competitive team then challenging Celtic.
  4. Do the SPFL/SFA/UEFA need to update it regulations concerning clubs in the same competitions acting in concert or a team having related party transactions with another?

Related Party Transactions

Perhaps both Celtic PLC, public listed, and City Football Group, private, need to highlight these transactions in their annual accounts as per the International Accounting Standard, IAS 24?

Related Party

As the second bullet point says a related party with ‘significant influence’ can be a person or close member of that person’s family. Peter Lawwell, as CEO of Celtic PLC appears to be in charge of their transfers while Mark Lawwell is City Football Group’s Scouting & Recruitment Manager heavily involved with their player acquisition & disposal.

Celtic’s last annual report does have a Related Party Transaction section but with no mention of any Manchester City transactions.

Full article, and it is interesting, is here..ManCity and Celtic

My fear, and it is a fear, is that if there are any doubts about the legitimacy of doing business in this way with Manchester city, then it should cease immediately. We do not want to give any ammunition to those who oppose any investigation into current or past misdemeanours in Scottish football.

It would help if the Lawwell Leasing company would clarify matters…

It also begs the question about who actually has the final say on player recruitment, and if its not the manager, then we have a serious problem that will come to light at the end of the transfer window…

It would help if we had some clarification on this, although by insisting on using Lee Congertons phone contacts as a work tool, Rodgers is adding weight to any counter argument about his own recruiting and scouting.


Still, at least we got Izzy back..

Thank you my God, I love you, thank you for giving me the blessing for being part of the Celtic family again, for respecting and defending the green and white colors, Hail Hail”

Not only does he love the club, he is a genuinely experienced defender who, against Partick, talked to everyone and tried to help the defenders settle.

Worth his weight in gold.

We hear talks are ongoing with Roy Aitken and Danny McGrain to do something similar.

And I’d be happy with that.

It looks very much like the new faces at the back will be youngsters from Manchester city and a crock from Germany.

It’s like watching a bad movie on an endless loop.

If you take this into consideration, from a poster on Kerrydale Street, a reliable poster, that is, then our manager is going to have to stamp his authority, or he will be overruled every time…

a wee bit flesh on the bones of the Piccini deal.

BR was back from Majorca and waiting with bags packed in his hall to go as DD’s guest to Sandy Lane for a week. Literally waiting on the taxi to take him and his wife/wean to the airport, when he gets a call telling him to get to Piccini and his agent asap.

He drops everything, including a none too chuffed wife/wean and goes with the Celtic Lawyer to seal the deal.

Deal is agreed, Sporting want all cash up front as they are on the brink of Bankruptcy, player happy with wages etc.

Hands shaken, selfies taken.

Deal is passed on to Lawwell who has to sign it off. He fecks it up by trying to change payment terms to payable over the period of the contract. Sporting say “naw ya chancer”.

Valencia alerted by agent , and they agree deal and sign it before Rodgers is back in Glasgow.


Keiran Tierney didn’t feature in the game yesterday, citing an injury, but if he’s off work, then surely he shouldn’t be at the football ?

Ach, we’ve all done it, and we’ll all do it again.

I’m just glad he hasn’t gone anywhere, and as Brendan admitted that he had succeeded in keeping him here, I’m, glad he listened.


This made me laugh, and I’m sure we all know someone who needs this kind of help when filling in forms..

Still, its not for us to look down upon supporters of other clubs.

Even these…

Yes. Just imagine it.


Neil Doncaster claims his family had to live apart when Rangers went down, although he didn;t exactly say that.. and the Record, who featured the interview, had this to say in its editorial column.

Just think, if a cowardly press had dealt with the truth back then, we could have moved on. but instead, the Record led the way with the same club/move on line that has allowed the cancerous club a chance to eat away at the game a second time.

And helped a deluded and dangerously wounded support to belief that everyone was against them, which , er, led to Doncaster having to move his family south…

You couldn’t make this up, and you certainly couldn’t mark their collective necks with a blow torch.

Try reading some non Scottish reports on the trouble in Maribor, including the bit about a police helicopter pilot blinded and almost crashing after a “Scottish ” fan pointed a laser pen at him…and you’ll get my point.

If anyone is heading to Dubrovnik, I’d like to suggest somewhere you can grab a bite to eat..

I think you might like it in there.

There’s a foodbank collection before the game on Sunday, and I am hoping to take part in some way.

I asked the organiser if they needed any smart , attractive and intelligent volunteers, and she yes, and asked if I knew anyone…

More on the details of the event as the week progresses.

On Saturday we showed this picture, and invited comments…

Brencelt August 18, 2018 at 10:40 am · Edit · Reply →

In a display of strength, Brendan shows that he wears the trousers around here










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5 years ago


boyata miss times tackle ?

5 years ago

Caption: following on from the “unusual” sexual practices of tory politicians, such as putting a whole orange in their mouth, then pulling a ladies stocking over their head, two senior party figures are seen indulging in performing oral sex whilst perched precariously on the edge of a mountain top.

D'Fhinnein Mick
5 years ago


Your photo,there are no words.

Your subject of discussion,there are no words.

For Puccini,read Sinclair two years ago. Managers and player were happy,agent and selling club too. One person nearly wrecked it by his penny pinching brinksmanship and see if you can guess who.

This arsehole needs put back in his box. Before he wrecks everything. Fuck knows,he’s been allowed to wreak havoc for 15 years and when he fucks up he gets a GOOJF card.

He’s a beancounter that I wouldn’t leave in charge of a beancounting company

Lubo's Left Cheek
5 years ago

Caption: you had your chance to go to China Morelles………your not gonna take me down with you …….

Pat Higney
5 years ago

Caption: Lawwell and son change their business name from ‘Heated Driveway Productions’ to ‘ HUYALD productions’…….Head up yer arse living dangerously productions.

5 years ago


Some of these new extreme sports are getting a bit hard to swallow.

5 years ago

Ralph any evidence to back up the story about the Lawwells’ I getting backhanders for deals between Celtic and Man City or is it a Daily Record flyer sort of thing? I mean if they are going to send us talent like Ntcham, Boysta and Roberts I might be prepared to overlook it! Should Boyata play this week, if it suits Celtic’s aspirations if not no, sell ASAP.

5 years ago
Reply to  BJF

That site is a Hun site, ostensibly set up to rival Rangers Tax Case but basically moon howling alarm State Aid Nutter.

I’m surprised that Ralph would pay it any credence. I doubt if (m)any other non-Hun does.

5 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Exactly Cha – this is pure nonsense from a Level 5 game news site set up to establish false equivalency. All clubs are in the loan game and it is all perfectly legal. Sevco know this well having had many loaners from various clubs. This is pure level 5 propaganda. If we are so quick to turn on our own fed by level 5 we need a good look at ourselves.

5 years ago

“To have until sold, from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, do you Manchester Citee take this club Glasgow Celtic, to be your feeder club”. Paddy Roberts, John Guidetti, Jason Denyer, Boyata, Ntcham, who has gained the most? When Daniel Arzani beats two men and scores at the bigot dome, will the support give a monkies?

5 years ago
Reply to  Mike

But we’re not their feeder club, as that implies we supply players to them.

At best we’re their bottom feeders and that doesn’t taste nice at all.

5 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Perhaps not, But it is the reality and what’s not to like, getting in players that we could never afford, watching great players performing
in a fantastic arena, when they would be bench warmers at a club that hoovers players up.
Football is a dirty, murky business, like all sports its corrupted by money. From agents to the governing bodies, no sport is exempt. You just need to look across the water to see criminality in situ. From “Vladimir Romanov” at Hearts, to Dundee twice in Administration, taking “Rangers” place in the SPL. Corruption at FIFA, UEFA, the SFA. That is the reality, of course we don’t like it, but when you look at the alternative’s…

5 years ago
Reply to  Mike

But the reality is we’ve ended up with players like Guidette, Boyata, Roberts etc with a lot of promise but they’re no better than what we already have.

Will Arzani be the next Musonda or Roberts?

I just don’t see it as a method of improving us in the long term ie these players come in ahead of our own young players and they’re away within 2 years before we can really make a crack at sustained improvement.

It just seems so short term when we’re well enough run that we don’t need that approach, which is more apt for distressed clubs.

5 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Sorry but I do not agree with you that we have players better than the ones mentioned, they City offer us a better quality player. The Bosman transfer ruling put rightly the power back into the players hands, subsequently they no longer show loyalty to any club, you cannot mostly hold on to any player of quality because of the rich neighbours. We cannot get consistency if we cannot hold onto our best players, even the young players. Therefore needs can only be short term, I wish it was different but that is my opinion. Its either that or lower the playing standard and the Huns would just love that.

5 years ago

Caption, Sexual gymnastics from Cockermouth!

5 years ago

Caption: Two athletic semi-naked young men cavort over a Cliff. BBC sued.

5 years ago

Caption, Sexual gymnastics in Cockermouth, the Lake District.

Steff L
5 years ago

I’m flying out to Dubrovnik on Saturday, can’t wait to have a beer in that bar!

5 years ago

Jeffrey Bruma? Be better off with Jeffrey Dahmer, at least he knows how to pick the pieces up in the box.

5 years ago

I see Neil Lennon has ordered Efe Ambrose to ” cut out the mistakes “…
Surprising that.


5 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Shame Brendan doesn’t order our defence to do the same.

Mind you, perhaps that’s what he’s doing by bringing back Dedryck.


Southside Bhoy
5 years ago

Dedryck apologises to Griff in the only way the wee man understands

5 years ago

derk and dedryck celebrate their free time high on life

5 years ago

Caption: Charlie Saiz’s neighbours get all excited when they catch him grazing in his pasture over the fence.

5 years ago

Boyata trying to get his head out of his agents arse.H H

5 years ago


New method devised for sooking up to the Huns

Notice not a mention of the horrendous leg breaker on Brown, by the biased media, as they rant about plastic pitches. The blessed Stevie G has bumped his lips about them.

Concerned about the Piccini story, that is a rerun of Strachan and the Fletcher signing, the reason that Chesney left.

The bhoy with mcgrain in his side
5 years ago

Caption comp-

Black guy- nothing beats the feeling of wind rushing through your hair, but maybe not after 10 pints & a curry you dirty bassa!

5 years ago

If that story about
Picinni is true, taken with the McGinn fiasco, this will be BR’s last season with us.



5 years ago
Reply to  Rebus67

If enough of us are vocal enough, it should be Lawwell who’s going, and IMO now. Show Brendan (and DD) he has the REAL support of the club; us, its supporters and we’ll all be celebrating 12 in a row in less than 5 years time.
FC not PLC

5 years ago

The cold reality is the fact that the boards lethargy to strengthening, has cost us the CL group stage, they are the ones to blame!

5 years ago
Reply to  Monti

I personally think Lawwell should walk away from the club, he’s done enough damage now…..oh & he can take his fucking Disco lights with him.

Wow look at the fancy lights…..get tae fuck!

It’s about the players emerging from the tunnel that matters, two or three quality additions was all that was needed but no, let’s spend £2m on lights???

Fucking bollocks!

5 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Scruff of neck, arse of 1000 guinea suit and wheeeeeee, right off the fuckin’ Kingston Bridge. Byeee, won’t be missed.

5 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Afternoon Weered!

5 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Generally yes, football wise….seething to put it mildly m8!


5 years ago
Reply to  Monti

The board will be influenced by what PL tells it…that is one of the functions of a CEO.

Recruitment of support for the defence has been a shambles. Is identification of targets a problem, is it negotiation, or both> Who knows, I certainly do not.


5 years ago

Lawwell might have messed up the Picinni deal, we know that he messed up the McGinn deal, big time, but you could look at it a different way. As you say he tried to rearrange the terms of the deal, did he change them for personal gain? I wouldn’t think so, perhaps he tried to rearrange them for the benefit of the club. McGinn, how do you do business with a sack full of rattlesnakes, Petrie, the truth is we don’t know the real facts about that either. There must be many, many deals done with other clubs for many different players. What really done my heed in was when MON left us with a £40 million pound black hole. Now D.D. authorised the appointment of MON, but when he left us with that debt, it was us the supporters who had to pay it off, US, not D.D. Rodgers had to go to a Transfer committee at Liverpool, they authorised the players, if D.D. brought in Rodgers, then surely he D.D. is responsible for this fiasco, its his fault that this occurred and its up to him to “Jim’le fix it.”

5 years ago
Reply to  Mike

In recent dealings Lawwell’s proven he’s at least incompetent, and at worst ‘rather keen’ on Mammon. Bent?
Losing a deal (in fact two deals) trying to penny-pinch when we have the cash and it’s earning peanuts in the bank? And the clubs he’s withholding from are both on the bones of their arse? TWO DEALS BRENDAN WANTED DONE. Lawwell’s a cunt. Period. I’ve been saying it for many, many years.
He probably ushered his son away from doing a ‘real’, beneficial to the community type job: “Och, Mark, listen to your father here; football’s the ‘industry’ to be in; money for old rope, and plenty of it too. And I’ve all the contacts you’ll need. We can practise the hand-shake later” “Aye, okay Da.”
Get him tae fuck, him and his leeching ilk are poisonous anywhere and should have no place near Paradise.
FC not PLC

5 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

I don’t know him, don’t want to know him and I will not back him, you say in recent deals and I have suggested a different scenario, I have no idea why he did not deliver on the first deal, but I have a good idea why the second deal, the McGinn one did not go through, if you look back on the various blogs you would see that most comments from supporters was that we should wait until January to sign McGinn and that was also my view. Petrie is a self serving putrid individual whose sole aim is to become the President of the SFA, he hates Lawwell and the feeling is mutual.
I will not be a hypocrite, I tell it as I see it, if others do not like it, then that is their problem, so Lawwell fucked up and Rodgers lost out on two players, sometimes shit happens, its up to Rodgers and Lawwell and Desmond to get it sorted.
Fuck the SFA.

5 years ago

I’m going to watch the “Story of Ireland” on BBC4 at ten tonight, last weeks episode was hugely revealing, “The Battle of Kinsale” when the crown force of 6500 met and did battle against the O’Neil’s and the O’Donnell’s and the Spanish totalling some 9500 men. It took the O’s some three months to come down from the North (typical) and then the O’ Donnell’s got lost, the O’Neil’s came down from the hill to find them and lost their advantage, losing the battle. The result was “Plantation” something that changed the face of Irish history and not in a good way. Fergal Keane reports.

Noel Skytrot
5 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Hi Weered, had a debate with an Orangeman about partition and the calamities it has caused for both communities and this individual couldn’t understand that the wealthy, Unionist rural landowners have used them and abused them for decades, his retort was some shite about popery and Kafflicks, so sad.

Stevie D
5 years ago
Reply to  Noel Skytrot

Noel I wouldn’t waste my breath trying to debate anything with these halfwits. I was getting off a bus in Renfrew Street behind M & S at the time of the independence referendum and some loony hun getting on spied my yes badge and wouldn’t let the guy in front of me off, screaming “every yes voter’s a vote for the IRA”. They’re infantile and so easily manipulated by fly bastards with more brains.

Noel Skytrot
5 years ago
Reply to  Stevie D

Steve, the stupid bastards can’t see beyond the Butchers Apron. I suspect they all voted for Brexit as well, stupid, stupid,bastards.

5 years ago

The focus of attention must be placed with our board, never mind Sevco, that ship has sailed.
Heads should be rolling at Celtic Park, this has been a fucking shambolic start to the season.

What’s this about Boyata’ coming back in if he apologises ‘?
It’s like a fucking creche!

The cunt should not be anywhere bear a Celtic shirt again, get him tae fuck & take Hendry, Simunovic & Lawwell with him.

Lawwell has managed to piss off Brendan, a man who has delivered big time for the club, what is it about Celtic that we continually fail to squeeze the last remaining breath out of the opposition?
Why do we give tbem a fucking chance to take one more gulp of air?

Squeeze fucking tighter & don’t let go.
Lawwell has fucked up once too many times now, get him to fuck now & replace him!


5 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Certainly the issues weren’t resolved, mainly defensively, listen m8 i don’t think it’s too much to ask that Celtic football club can have four quality defenders.
Liam Gallagher hit the nail on the head when referring to Lawwell….” Get your priorities right, fuck the hotel & buy some proper players “!

It’s actually fucking nonsense that this is still an issue!

5 years ago

Aye and mostly abroad, every where you go there’s a Paddy Power bookies and an Irish bar, too be sure too be sure….

Noel Skytrot
5 years ago

Ralph, the information regarding Man City and us by FTH is in all likely ran by the social media gibbering crackerjack John Stevens MBE (state aid loony) who was banned from Twitter but has various other accounts that constantly attack the club and our support using all the usual vile names to tarnish our reputation. There’s a number of Huns on Twitter that have multiple accounts that are full of vile racism, misogyny, bigotry and various other non progressive shite on them who also have blogs. Phantom 5088 or whatever his name is now is one of the worse. They’re quite easy to spot due to the way they write. The’re all just Hun trolls.

5 years ago
Reply to  Noel Skytrot

Correct or a similar slabbering Sevconut.

I think their initial target was the film tax schemes that were used by lots of people, including Huns, but they only focussed on Tic related people, so their agenda was obvious.

I despise all forms of tax avoidance whether its Amazon, Google or rich individuals but whatever the likes of Desmond does personally isn’t the responsibility of the club and trying to paint it like the Huns tax evasion is bollox.

I would’ve thought the fact they mention the Murdoch MacLennan smear that even the slothful SFA has damned as the work of crackpots, should’ve alerted everyone to the seven shades of shit that this is.

Noel Skytrot
5 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

The reptiles are in total denial and view everything as an attack by the Unseen Fenian Hand. They’re bonkers, Cha.

5 years ago
Reply to  Noel Skytrot

“bonkers”?, you give them too much credit. 🙂

Noel Skytrot
5 years ago

Mike, I’ve marked that for watching on IPlayer, looks really interesting. I’ve been watching the Wild Ireland series on BBC4 on a Saturday….Ireland’s the only place that can match our own stunning scenery. Worth a watch on IPlayer.

5 years ago
Reply to  Noel Skytrot

Same here Noal, I have watched both progs. of the “Wild Ireland”, it was on last year and the first and the second part of the series on Saturday, brilliant progs. His coracle must have thousands of miles on its clock. 😉 A pleasure to watch the wild life, sea creatures and scenery.

Noel Skytrot
5 years ago
Reply to  Mike

I’ll give it a dash Weered.

5 years ago

Ha, nice one Weered 🙂 serves him right!

5 years ago

Fuck that’s my “Glen of Tranquility” My Zen space gone, I’m going into my Zen Den. “Hare Krristna Hare Krristna Harry Hare.
Hare Hare, Hare Carry Hare Hood, Hare Hood, Hare Hood, Hare Hare.

Before I go ponder this deep and meaningful saying, Confucius say.
Man with hole in pocket feel cocky all day.

Noel Skytrot
5 years ago

Aye , Mike rowing his coracle like fuck.

5 years ago

Caption: “Is it a bird, is it a ‘plane? Naw it’s that big useless cunt Boyata missin’ his target again”

5 years ago

Mike also enjoying the series on Ireland. The Irish and thevSvits historically haven’t been good st national identity, too tribal, too full of real and imagined grievances to unite against the common enemy. A bit like some Celtic supporters , how the media gloat ( and exploit) when Celts turn on each other, they look at what has made the Club the premier football club in Scotland over the past 20 years and wonder how they can take it down, exploit differences with “ the enemies within” doing their dirty work. Ironically only the creation of the 26 counties actually began to give Ireland a national ideal entity, earlier than that it was dreamers, poets and song writers harping ( see what I did there) back to something that never existed. If you want to see how Irishnmen can treat each other wait until Fergal gets to the Civil War after the British scooted off, Michael Collins shot down as a traitor, in the name of God…..

5 years ago

Skydiving Boyata accepts his “Knob of the week” award.

5 years ago

Since when did my comments require “moderation”?

5 years ago

FFS….Peter Lawwell is fucking up Celtic on the park & some of you guys are talking about watching programmes about ancient Ireland?

Nothing like keeping your eye on the ball lads….

5 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Just venting m8

Noel Skytrot
5 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Monti ye fecker I’m just as demented about the fuck up regarding our transfer policy as much as any fan. Away and watch Father Ted and cheer the feck up. Lol

5 years ago
5 years ago

Where’s the defenders, Lawwell?
Where’s the stripping of titles, Lawwell?
Where’s the compliance officers report?
Where’s the full public support of the res 12 efforts?
Where’s the evidence that we are ” an elite european club “?
Where’s the evidence that we ” are world class in everything we do “?
Most of all….where is the intent to keep Celtic a distance from any other club?

You’re time is up Lawwell, get tae fuck away from Celtic!

5 years ago

Caption: Why you telling me this now, your in the Klan Billy.?

5 years ago

When is action going to happen though? Fuck all is going to happen & the board are fucking stringing us along.
We should be boycotting every single away game in the league & cups this season, but will it happen ?
What is it going to take for people to shake off the lethargy?
Was trying to antagonise a couple of Zombies at work today, these cunts are getting enboldened now,they have got away with the cheating, they are keeping their titles so what the fuck is the point in any of it?
Worrying about the CL…lack of defenders? So fucking what? What is it all for?
Our board don’t give a fuck so why should we?
In fact let’s us do the whole fucking ebt thing, let’s go for some major fucking players & pay them creatively, why no? Fuck all happens m8.

The game is fucked, fuck the disco lights & fuck the fucking hotel, it’s all fucking shite, we cannae even buy a fucking hibs player without fucking it up.
Disco lights & the Europa league? Fuck that shit!

We are weaker than last season on the park, so how do we respond, by puting in fucking flashing shitty fucking lights? Wtf is going on here?
Who is at the table suggesting we put fucking lights in?
” Hey Peter the defence is shite, should we a) sign a couple of serious defenders and lift the quality of the side to new heights?
B) scour the net far and wind to secure the couple of top defenders we need.
Or c) install some flashing lights & hope Compper get’s fit soon?

Lawwell – ” Hi is that Argos home delivery “?

Batshit crazy!

Walk away Brendan & shine a light on these cunts on the board!

5 years ago

Lengthy post missing, like the new arrivals.

Stevie D
5 years ago

Noticed that Stevie Gerrard comments on plastic pitches it’s taken seriously. Jeeez!

5 years ago
Reply to  Stevie D

Good m8 they are a fuckin disgrace. The more that moan the better. There are more and more teams wanting to bring them in simple answer Summer fitbaw.

Stevie D
5 years ago
Reply to  jimmybee

My point was Jimmy that anybody making a complaint is made out to be suffering from sour grapes syndrome. Everybody knows plastic pitches are a hazardous abomination but it takes the anointed one to say it before anybody takes any notice.

5 years ago


5 years ago

Thursday’s game at Suduva (ko 6pm) is live on Premier Sport 1 (UK) and Eir Sport 2.

5 years ago

Lawwell is running Celtic in a proper business manner. There is no doubt about that.
But his football brain is nothing like his business one and he really should be giving the manager full backing. The shareholders are fans.
The shareholding is from the heart. I bought them myself when Fergus came still have them and will stay in my family forever. They have no money value for me or my family.
I’m sure most of us who have them feel the same.
So when it comes to deciding whats best for shareholders by all means Peter build the hotel get new fancy lights etc etc but when it comes that you are putting that above the team then that has to stop now.
The sponsors only give you more money when you are succesful. Failure to support the manager will bring down revenue increase the chances of our fiercest rivals and from a position of power we give that away for not investing properly in our greatest commodity the manager and team.
Watch if Sevco do keep up this challenge and participate in europa the financial benefactors will come back. You dokey will be held responsible . You have time still to rectify doing nothing you will be finished with our support. You are warned.

5 years ago
Reply to  jimmybee

If I recall correctly Fergus was disliked even booed by the crowd for quite a while. In fact I remember many wanted him out. It was only after he left – with an enormous profit for himself by the way – that we realized the job he had done was top notch and he brought in DD to back the share issue. No DD no celtic as we know it today, no Fergus no celtic as we know it today. I wonder how many of us here spouting this guy should go and thy guy should go said the same thing about Fergus?

5 years ago
Reply to  BroxburnBhoy

If your beloved Fergus spent a little of that 40m he walked away with, or gave Paolo, Pierre & Jorge the going rate….9 nay have been solely ours!

5 years ago

Take it the huns are on bt

5 years ago
Reply to  jimmybee

Thats if that team turn up ?

5 years ago

Taje your point Monti we Irish are a tad sentimental and like Celtic are history is rarely accurately reported. Like Jimmybee a long time FERGUS shareholder, not sure McKemna or Soutar are the current answer sounds like Hendry again. Good young players with potential who could be ruined by the burden of representing Celtic at a challenging time. With the English transfer market shut there must be an experienced centre half somewhere in Europe even if only with us for a couple of years whom we could get, recruitment guy extract the diget.

5 years ago

Jeffrey Bruma….oh dear! £7 million? Oh fuck.
(Ralph, are you takin’ the piss?)
What TF is really going on at CP?
Of course the proof will be in the pudding but I hope we’re not calling him a “pudding” or worse if the deal goes ahead. I’ve added comments in brackets:

Jeffrey Bruma Characteristics
+ Strengths
Very Strong (just what you need in a CB, FFS!)
Blocking the ball
Strong (things are looking up)
– Weaknesses
Very Weak (not part of his job)
Weak (ten men win the league again?)
Weak (FFS, we’ve got that in spades already)
Jeffrey Bruma’s Style of Play

Does not dive into tackles (good)
Commits fouls often (FFS, NOT good)

* Strengths, weaknesses and styles are calculated from statistics of each player’s latest two seasons

5 years ago

Why is mo one talking about stripping titles?

5 years ago
Reply to  Monti

It is a must title’s are reviewed and stripped for cheating. Period. Not to do so would invalidate sporting integrity. Maybe the new compliance officer will have a look ? I wrote to her and order her to do the right thing for the game and integrity.

5 years ago

Did you see the lights aye? Great eh?

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