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Celtic Diary Thursday February 11: Is Ronny Being Undermined From Within?

Over the last few days we’ve tried to look, without fear or favour, at one or two issues at Celtic Park.

We have concluded that all is not well, and there has been a quite stunning lack of leadership from those in power at Celtic, with the noble exception of Tom Boyd, who rightly has come out and supported the manager.

Why hasn’t anyone else ?

Where is Peter Lawwell ?

If the ship is going off course, why hasn’t the captain gone on deck to re assure the passengers ?

As the response to the story about Martin O’Neill yesterday showed, supporters are keane ( sic ) to show that absolutely anyone but Deila will do.

You may have noticed the tone changing in todays diary already. The last few days have been about gathering information, and asking you for your comments and thoughts, whereas today it’s my turn.

A few of you might as well stop reading now.

ONeill first… (and it has come from a couple of credible sources )

When I first mentioned this to one of my fellow travellers within the Lennon a couple of days ago, his initial reaction was along the lines of, well, word for word actually, “aw naw, do you remember how bad it was in his last season ? ”

I’ve been going to games with this guy for nearly twenty years now, and although we can both admit that we are equally capable of making a long day longer, there is a mutual respect of each others opinions.

And I’m going to be extraordinarily lazy as well. This was written after Black Sunday, May 2005, and first appeared on the Kerrydale Street website, under the title “A Day Of Omens and rumours”.part of a series documenting the travels of the Lennon CSC


Sunday was a chance to wrap up the title in deepest, darkest Lanarkshire, and after much debating in the Lennon CSC, the chosen five set out for the north.

5am Awake bright, early and cheerful. Today is the day! I can definitely feel the buzz associated with the prospect of a trophy being won, and with more than a little enthusiasm, I get ready, having laid out my clothes the night before, like a child going on holiday. All I have to do is remove the ferocious little insects which have suddenly appeared in them.
” I might stay behind after the game to celebrate,” I tell her, knowing that she won’t be listening, but I’ve covered my back anyway.

6am An enthusiastic Teeboo jogs to the car
“Hello, neighbour.!”
He leaps into the front seat, bangs on the dashboard and shouts
“Lets go!” I stare for a moment, but it really is him.

6.20 Fozzy is the same as Teeboo, and it is a cheerful trio who join the M6 on the way to pick up at Sandbach. Signs warning of impending roadworks are greeted with thank yous’ as we only have one trip left this year, and the council are repairing the worn out stretch caused by my tyres.

7am. Supersec and Gray are collected, and there is definately a buzz around the car, as we look forward to the game.
Fozzy has his travel sized beer again, but unfortunately, he has a travel sized bladder, and it is soon time to stop.
Teeboo tells us he is not coming back with us. When the cheering stops, he tells us that he is picking up a new car in Edinburgh, and will drive back himself.
We start throwing bits of paper out of the window at regular intervals, to form a paper trail so he can find the way.
He asks “How long will it take me to get back?
“About three weeks,” answers Gray.

9am We haven’t called at Gretna for a while, and as options for breakfast are severely restricted on a Sunday morning, we decide to call in and renew our friendships. They seem glad to see us, and we relax, whiling away an hour or two in pleasant reflection and anticipation.
As we leave, a black cat runs in front of the car, and we are unsure whether it is good or bad luck. It was good luck for the cat, as I just missed him.
As talk returns to the game, we forget to mention that you wouldn’t believe that that is the River clyde, Scotlands only active volcano, and crucially, Fozzy , for the first time, doesn’t blow a kiss as we pass Lesmahagow, where his Grandmother lies at rest.
It is only when an furious cloudburst hits us as we approach Motherwell, we realise what we have forgotten.
The rain was fearsome, and when I concentrate fully on something, I have a habit of sucking at a gap betwen two of my teeth. As I steer through the rain, I glance at Teeboo who is staring at me.
“Whats up?” I ask.
“I thought you were gauny say something.”
“No, I was just trying to keep us alive.”
“You were twitching.”
He goes on to mimic the slightest facial movement I have by looking like Bruce Lee being dubbed in one of his films.
The rain eases off, and we put the oars back in the boot. 
There is still a huge black cloud over Lanarkshire, however. 

11.45 Into Motherwell, and we park up in the car park behind the shopping precinct. Motherwell is a strange town, consisting of several Orange Lodges and some shops, none of which, I discover, sell fags. It will be the first game this term with no fags, unless I find some.
Walking along the precinct, we are accosted by locals in the form of Steviebhoy, 1ofthebhoys and their daughter. Stevie seems impressed by Supersecs St. Pauli top, which is a white top with a creosote sash.
Teeboo, who has a few of them, tries to sell him one.
The Railway Tavern , curiously, is open , but not selling beer.
After Ravenscraig closed, work became scarce in the town, and the pubs have adapted by remaining in the centre of community life, but not selling beer as money is tight. 1ofthebhoys, on hearing of our tales of forgetting certain rituals adds to the feel good factor by telling me she had run out of shampoo that morning, and this only happens when we get beat.

1pm Supersec, Gray and I leave Teeboo and Fozzy in the pub, as we have decided to try to park closer to the ground. On the way back to the car, a local tells Gray that he looks exactly like Tony Mowbray. 
“Big Mogga!!” he shouts , before disappearing back into his cell.
Another passerby tells us he is forever being mistaken for one of the Bay City Rollers. Clearly nonsense, as no-one can remember what they looked like. Mind you, unlike this guy, I’m pretty sure they had teeth.
The rain starts again, and I run on ahead to bring the car to the others. Despite my athletic sprint, we still arrive at the same time.
We park down by the Celtic end, where graffiti “welcoming” the “Taigs ” is sprayed on the wall. Only twelve orange lodges?
Our tickets are checked by a policeman, and then again three minutes later by another, in case we had bought any forgeries in the intervening period. 
Fir park, easily the worst interior design, for safety and looks , is as easy to negotiate as ever, and helpful stewards point to the pitch, as our seats must be somewhere around it.
Gray has his earpiece in, and tells me that O’Neill is leaving after the cup final, and Strachan is to replace him. Unusually for a rumour, Radio Scotland are interviewing Eck McLeish, and asking him what it will be like to go up against his old friend next year.
A large ginger haired object drops from the sky, as Fozzy has joined us , and neglected to use the tradional stairway route to his seat.
We tell him and Teeboo of the rumour.
“You’re talking crap,” says Teeboo, proving that he should never pick his own lottery numbers.

3pm The game begins, and we look nervous. Only when Chris Sutton scores after about half an hour can we relax slightly, and at half time its looking good. but then we never really expected anything else, did we?
Into the second half, and a few chances go begging, but we still look in control. Bizarrely, with around twenty minutes to go, MON starts to wave his players back along the eighteen yard line, and it becomes tense as we are not noted for our defending. 
“How long left?” I shout nervously, to Fozzy.
“Fifteen minutes, ” he replies.
“Let me know when its fourteen.”
Sadly, Celtic have failed to rid themselves of this habit of giving two goals to the opposition, choosing this week to do it at the end of the game rather than the beginning. 
We just stare at each other, and the players. A seat flies past me toward the pitch, as do a few scarves. The stewards and police now outnumber the fans. 
Strangely, they are wearing the same colour tops as Hugh Dallas. Only his is bulletproof. I’ve never understood why we always seem to get a raw deal from him, especially after that time when we heard how poorly he was paid and had an impromptu whip round for him at Celtic Park, before throwing the proceeds toward him.
Its over, and the league is lost. You can almost see and hear the dark forces gloating.
We leave, all bar supersec, who is simply standing staring.
“what are you waiting for?” I ask him
He doesn’t know.
We join the muted crowd leaving the ground, and return to the car. We decide not to bother with the radio.
4.30 We are on the motorway, and the only conversation is just swear words and sighs.
After a while, Gray and Fozzy fall asleep. We turn on the radio, and hear that O’Neill is leaving, and Strachan is getting the job. Its not offical yet, but it soon will be.
The other two are woken up, and the mood changes. After discussing it we find that despite being sorry to see O’Neill leave, the general mood is one of optimism, and we are more cheerful on the way back.

8pm Fozzy and I call for a quick pint, and the mood returns to the “how did that happen” mode. More pints are consumed, and it doesn’t help.

That was the last league trip of the year, and although from a results point of view it was a disaster, it was still a great day out.
Maybe one time I’ll get to write about a bad day out with a good result, something that hasn’t happened yet. 

Ah well, here’s to next season, and the cup final.   


After the game, Teeboo went through to Edinburgh, and at Waverley station bumped into some rather cheerful supporters of the now defunct Rangers. He later described it as the worst experience of his Celtic supporting life, and said that all of that team that day should have been made to stand on that platform and feel how he felt.

I never want to feel like i did that day either, especially so soon after the 2003 season, where we also made an arse of a potentially memorable year.

Nah, not for me.

I’m not too concerned about the fact it would be his second stint, I’m more concerned about how badly the last one ended.


The lack of leadership at Celtic Park, especially off the field, is a concern.

If Celtic are going to let Ronny go, then they should do so. No more hiding in the office when the reporters call, no more excuses.

Either back him, or sack him, and therefore remove the dissension in the ranks. Its one thing for the club ambassador to come out and plea for support for the manager, but when there is none from the board….

hypocrisy meter

The talk of a replacement, and of sackings cannot be doing him, or the players any favours, and the situation cannot now be allowed to continue.

If the support are to be united, at least let us know what we are to be united behind.

As far as I am concerned, until Ronny Deila has gone, then he is still the manager, and will still get my support.

And a few in the dressing room need to be thinking along those lines as well.

Deila himself has stated he’s going nowhere, but he seems to be on his own with that, and the neglect by the board of a man they put in charge is shocking, and even shameful.

There are a couple of others hiding in the background as well, heads well below their desks in case anyone notices how much they are responsible for the way things are right now.

Collins and Kennedy, for a start.

Where is there public statement of support ?

How about a show of unity ?

Their behaviour is disgusting , and if Ronny does survive the next few weeks, he’d be as well nipping down to B and Q in preparation for his own Night of the Long Knives.

Something less I have noticed, courtesy of Barcabhoy on twitter, is that out of the Celtic squad, which is quite large, only four players have been injury free this season…

Is this the fault of the medical staff ?

I’ve seen a photo of one of the treatment rooms, and frankly, I’m not happy.

This relative ease with which players seem to get injuries is influencing the development squad as well.

Lydia Ward, Guy's Hospital London, 1907

Or are players being overworked ?

Or are they just complaining of niggly knocks more than they used to ?

Are they, too, hiding in case they face any of the fans wrath ? Look, they don’t need to go to London to spend five grand on beer. I’ve started a firm that will deliver it to them. Here’s what five grand will buy you;

A thirsty Clevelander takes a deep gulp of beer with the end of Prohibition in 1933.

Even the most seasoned drinker would agree that should be enough to be going on with.

I’m fed up of players flaunting their wealth, its making them detached from the support.

1932. Jean Bugatti with the Bugatti Royale ‘Esders’ Roadster.


The more I look at it, the more the anger directed at Ronny Deila is becoming a convenient smokescreen for those who are not doing their jobs.

And that runs from the board to the management to the players to the ancillary staff.

Including Deila, of course, after all, he is nominally in charge, and if he isn’t, if he is having his hands tied or being undermined, then he should get the hell out of dodge. But whatever is going on, it needs to be addressed now.

I’m fed up of the whinging, i’m fed up of excuses, and I’m fed up of the club bumbling from seemingly one catastrophe to another, real or imagined.

Every single person involved with Celtic this morning should take a look at themselves.

They should ask themselves if they can honestly say they are doing their jobs to the best of their abilities.

They might well be surprised at the answer that stares back at them in the mirror.



Oh, i’ve just looked out my window. It seems a few of you don’t agree.


And I’m not in a bad mood today because she’s seen what i’ve got her for Valentines. Damn those marketing men;


We’ll finish with a caption competiton….

Girl with mask and doll.




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8 years ago

Caption: Belfast ’71
England about to deliver their notion of ‘ Peace ‘!
I can only speak for myself but I have consistently asked for the boards removal and more action from Dermot Desmond and Peter Lawwell.
I believe this shows balance in my criticism of Deila.
We can debate all day whether the board has done enough to help Deila ( I don’t think they have) however when you compare our squad to the dross that is in the SPFL, man for man Celtic are better,far better.
As for injuries, has our opponents in Europe and in the league not had their share of injuries?
A lot of the problems we are facing stem from the boardroom, but Deila is NOT getting the best of what is there, that is HIS fault!

Deila out!

8 years ago
Reply to  Monti

I’m struggling to accept the board hasn’t supported RD, he’s been given funds at every transfer window. BUT, why not spend the the money on four players, rather than 19 and buy the best quality available. A striker, two defenders and a creative midfielder. The way the transfers have been going is totally irresponsible from the board and mismanagement by RD. Quality not quantity for pete sakes. The dressing room is full of experiments.

8 years ago

Think it’s widely accepted that MON didn’t have his eye on the ball near the end of his time as manager due to his good ladies cancer battle, totally understandable. I don’t believe we seriously are looking him in to replace Ronny. I believe it’s a smokescreen to buy time in the hope of us winning a few and maybe Aberdeen slipping up in the meantime. Think Strachan is more likely if the board are looking a temp replacement which I don’t think they are. Peter is too busy counting his money. Ronny has to go as this whole episode is gonna cost a lot more than just failure to qualify for a 4th time for the CL. Do you need a lift Ronny?

8 years ago
Reply to  John

Surely it’s twice Ronny has failed to qualify for the champions league not 3 times

8 years ago
Reply to  martin

Legia, Maribor And Malmo is 3!

8 years ago
Reply to  John

Good points you make!

8 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Cheers Monti, don’t see how some have such faith in a man that’s destroying us!

8 years ago
Reply to  John

I don’t rate Deila but that board have a lot to answer for!

8 years ago

you are correct a lot of people should take a long hard look in the mirror, kennedy, Collins and of course the board and when we say the board we mean 1 man lawell,, you see the thing is pistol pete is DD main man, he calls the shots on DD behalf and you are more likely to win the lottery than DD getting rid of his boy, it just wont happen, so in my opinion its a wasted emotion what we can do though is voice our concerns about the team through forums like this, going or not going to matches, letting DDandPL know that the club and we are the club are not happy, with matters on and off the park, they are business men and they will act if they feel it necessary to do so, now is the time, Ronnie is simply not able to motivate and get the team tactically correct in order to win games, I don’t give a fuck who is on the board but I do care about the team, that’s why Ronnie is a dead man walking

8 years ago

caption is that a walking past ibrox kit

8 years ago

If MON hadnt left he should have been sacked….for all the good he brought he had his flaws. Same team played to death…couldnt alter it….plan A was Henke will do it….plan b was henke will bale us out…….he finds his favourites and plays them regardless of fitness and form……i look back fondly on MON tenure…..but at times the disaloointments bite harder than the joy the good times delivered…….i hope he is not the next celtic manager.

8 years ago
Reply to  Jim

Alan Thompson did it, Hartson, Sutton, Petrov, Mjallby, Balde all did it for MON, certainly not a one man team

8 years ago
Reply to  Jim

Really? Sack Martin O’Neill? Really?
Oh dear.

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  Jim

I was gutted when Martin Left.
I was gutted when Wee Chesney left.
I was relieved that Mowbray left.
I was gutted when Lenny left.
I don’t want to see Deila go at this point.
If he does go I won’t be gutted because he’snot been here long enough for me to form any real attachment to him.
Nice guy,honest guy going about his job best he can under the circumstances.

8 years ago

i think some fans thoughts on mon are unbelieveable!!

up until mon was manager i had celebrated 3 trophies in my life!! up until mon was manager i looked at the upcoming rangers fixture then looked at the next game to see where we would make up the lost points!!

did not lose the league by more than a point for his whole celtic career, losing one title by 1 GOAL SCORED, that being the season henrik broke his jaw!!

we qualified for the champions league 3 times, a uefa cup final and a uefa cup quarter final

we embarassed england on many occasions

and throw into the bargain that rangers won the league using ineligible players!!

how anyone can look at this and not think of anything other that an amazing 5 years is beyond me!!

to suggest mon would not have us performing better is ludicrous, i would bet my mortgage that if he was appointed we would reach the group stages at the first time of asking

clearly charlie saiz is correct, celtic fans need to get real, and are never happy!!!

8 years ago
Reply to  bgbhoy

Well said

8 years ago
Reply to  bgbhoy


The Green Destiny
8 years ago
Reply to  bgbhoy

Well said. There’s also a bizarre tendency among some fans to see the 2003 Uefa Cup run under MON as somehow less important than getting to the last 16 of the Champions League in 07 and 08. It perhaps yielded less cash, but that’s not everything… I’m baffled that anyone should seek to undermine it.

8 years ago

It is completely bizarre!

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago

Underming as in pointing out it was heavily backed by the Board.
Which is relevant when pointing out that even the most heavily funded team in our history struggled to make an impact in the Champions League.
The UEFA Cup was not at the same level after all.

8 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

We won ALL of our home games in our FIRST Champions league group stage, hardly struggling to make an impact!

The Green Destiny
8 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz


We were robbed of a place in the last 16 in our first shout… and I’ll always wonder how things would have turned out had Bobo not given away that penalty against Lyon in the season after Seville. Compare that to what came before, and what came after. O’Neill was brilliant – the best of times.

8 years ago

Good diary again Ralph interesting and and funny.

Mon. team had respect and admiration from everyone within Scottish Fitba,sure they were not perfect and yes costly to,but you had confidence in them and more importantly you knew they would try there hardest for each other,if they didnt perform they were oot.
The Board and there recent actions and accusations are despicable,that wont change until the support have a say in the running of the club.

Dan the Msn
8 years ago
Reply to  mike

Some people. on here have a guid conceit of themselves. remind me of the dead clubs fans.☘☘☘

8 years ago
Reply to  Dan the Msn

Name names Dan!

john young
8 years ago
Reply to  mike

Mike they had strength/pace/ability,er are far far removed from that era.

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago

Martin O’Neill inherited a side that would batter the current Celtic Squad.
He then though the backing of the Board spent well over £20m adding genuine quality to it.
He spent £18m on 3 players alone,3 players proven in a mutch tougher environment in England at that time.
The end result was a side who could and did go toe to toe with the best of the second best Competition in Europe.
Not the best Competition however in the Champions League like most fans are demanding Deila should with this squad.
That team lost the final of the UEFA Cup.
It also failed to lift a single trophy in a Season that promised so much yet delivered so little.
In the Champions League he never managed to finish higher than 3rd spot with the most expensive Celtic side ever assembled.
SOme great games some cracking results but ultimately a failed experiment by the board.
Hence why since then they have chosen to head in the opposite direction financially.
We would have to spend upwards of £20m to become competitive again at that level and by the way in Lennys last season
we were not Competitive in the Champions League we like Maribor and Malmo were pumped.
Whoever take over from Ronny Deila if indeed that is going to be the case is in for a shock.
This Board will not finance another O’Neill revolution the current side is not Champions League fair we would have to spend £20m just to get it near the level of the side O’Neill took the reigns of.
Another £15-20m to get it functioning to the same level.
With a £14m Debt already looming to be paid in full in 3 years that simply is not going to happen.
Dream on.
Ronny Deila delivered a League and Cup double,he is on the verge of replicating that (but with a Scottish Cup this time not the Diddy Cup)with a dodgy defence.
I note that the injuries have been brought up in todays Diary?
These injuries have been the no1 root cause of our problems this season those who choose to ignore that are ignorant to the fact it has caused Deila and the coaching staff no end of problems.
The backling has not been settled all season this is where the issue has been.
Wae get that sorted with the return of Mulgrew Lustig and Jozo to full fitness then a rapid change in levels will occur as will the eturn of Brown Johansen and Commons to the first team.
Changing Deila will not alter the fact we have a team of average European level players.
None of them are top level we don’t pay top level so therefore we don’t have top level anymore.
Anyone who thinks we do is deluded.
How many of the current squad would make the current Watford team?
Craig Gordon perhaps?
Scott Brown at a push.
Put Watford into a Champions League group they would be struggling.
That’s our reality and anyone coming in is going to be told forget signing £6m players,forget holding onto your job if you fail to make Champion League or fail to deliver more than a League title.
Oh and btw the wage structure now means you are looking at the bargain basement for 24 year old potential or SPL talent?
They will be queuing round the block salivating as the prospect I bet.
Be careful what you wish for folks.

8 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

Charlie Saiz,
You have a strange attitude towards Martin O’neill, this is a man who delivered a treble in his first season at the club, he gave the fans Seville, a European final and many more trophies, he lost the title twice on the last day of the season, which would have been 5 in a row, among other trophies won.
The fact he spent money to achieve these feats is neither here nor there, the fact is we had to, he turned a 21 deficit into a treble.
This man should be fucking celebrated, not questioned!

God bless you Martin and welcome back!
P.S. Ronny Deila also inherited a winning squad and is fucking it up, if you don’t believe me, ask Marc Rieper!

8 years ago
Reply to  Monti

St Martin

8 years ago
Reply to  John

Did it against ebts as well

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  John

Inverness Caley using Ebts then?

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  John

Hearts must have been too and Motherwell and Dundee and Partick THistle who took us to penalties in the Cup at CP and Kilmarnock and Aberdeen ?
All of whom took the most talented and expensive Celtic side ever assembled on winning points and Cup games.
Diela has struggled in Europe in the Cups we have been decent enough on the whole but not perfect by any stroke of the imagination.
Give Deila Larsson Lubo Mjalby and Boyd to start with then chuck in Lennon Sutton Harton Balde and Valgaeren then ask him to qualify for the CHampions League?
Fs Monti could put them in there with that squad.

8 years ago
Reply to  John

But I seem to remember, oh that’s right, we qualified for a semi-final of a European tournament 3 or four days before that game……FUCK OFF.

8 years ago
Reply to  John

Indeed, John!

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  Monti

No I’m happy enough with O’Neill but what he achieved was done so with the full backing of a board prepared to spend money that has never been done before or since.
It’s all about perspective Monti.
Lennys team was stripped of the quality it had as a result it failed in Europe and the Cups in his final Season.
Fans were getting pissed off with the football too moaning about the sideways passing in midfield and the slow build up play.
Not his fault but that’show it is.
Are you aware that the qualification for Champions League Lennys side Won 4 Drew 1 Lost 1?
1 Goal put us through one goal line clearance and one off the bar kept us in it?
Ronnys side this season in the qualifiers
Played 6 won 4 dew 1 Lost 1
One goal put us out one penalty claim dismissed sent us packing.
Tight margins Monti very little between both runs.
The writing was on the wall in the Champions League Groups stage.
We got humped Monti no two ways about it.
Johan walked and Lenny walked because they knew to repeat the previous exploits INVESTMENT in QUALITY was needed.
That was not forthcoming so off they trape to the mighty Bolton.
We had to change things the Board knew they could not hope to compete with the financial set up now in place so they brought in a guy with a fresher,cheaper approach to the problem.
It is a problem btw an unavoidable problem that if you do not spend big in the Champions League you have next to no chance of competing.
Ronnys answer Is and is to go with a System that can limit the damage whilst pressing high and maintaining a threat on the break.
The problem was the team he inherited were not fit enough to sustain it longer than 60 minutes of the 90.
That took the best part of 6 months to get improved.
When we finished last season we were looking good.
Then came the whammy from the board just like Lenny before the prize asset was punted.
Denaayer gone too the defence suffered heavily the injuries that followed have compounded the issue further.
Lenny suffered similar problems in his first season with injuries so much so in fact a mediocre Rnagers side opened upa 15 point lead in no time.
He got the backing however to put it right… we are all Neil Lennon after all right?

8 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

neil lennon was sacked for failing to deliver enough trophies… he did not walk he was pushed!!!

leenons teams GOT to the group stages and thats the difference, we need the money to be able to improve, regardless of what happens in the group games

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  bgbhoy

So how much of the £60m Lennons success and player sales were put back into making sure that was the case?
Mind we are talking quality signings here you know the type youneed to compete when you get there…

8 years ago
Reply to  bgbhoy

charlie, the money did not get re-invested to compete in the groups, the money was given to ensure we get there and thats about it!!

deila has been given enough money through loan wages and transfers to beat who he has been drawn against, and he has failed miserably

no matter how close a call it was in lennons last year we still got there, and a european night to remember into the bargain…

remember lennons team thumped the swedish champions 5-0 on agg with players from scunthorpe, derby, cardiff, norwich and kenya!!!

why could ronny not do the same?

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  bgbhoy

You have been sukered into believing that.
Balde Pukki Scepovic Bitton Boyata Janko Boerrigter Tonev Wakaso Berget Blackett Allan Armstrong Mackay Steven Ciftci are not proven European level players.
Fs even Griffiths isn’t and he’s currently our most consistent player.
Erik Jozo and Richards could be in 12 months time will tell.
The players that left were better than the ones who came in that’s a fact as of this moment.
The money has ben blown on duds and mediocre European level players at best.
Wake up and smell the Costa bud because it’s cost us a lot.

8 years ago
Reply to  bgbhoy

charlie, ive not been suckered into believing anything as it happened!!

forster, hooper, matthews, ledley, wanyama, commons, stokes, emilio

last time i checked these players where not european pedigree before they where signed

8 years ago
Reply to  bgbhoy

difference is the manager had us working as a TEAM!!



8 years ago
Reply to  Monti

give Ronny those players and he still would fuck it up

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  John

Away and raffle yersel mate.

8 years ago
Reply to  John

I agree!

8 years ago
Reply to  Monti

there yi go wi ‘God’ again. But anyhoo… ah dont think MON will come to Celtic, and ah hope he doesnay.

How was Seville for you Monti?

Me? one of the best couple of days of ma puff.

HAIL HAIL N aw that!

jpm 88
8 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

Think it’s a wee bit unfair on Lennon to say we were pumped in CL in his last season .
game 1: very unfortunate not to get something ( even a win ) in Milan.
game 2:going well v Barca until Brown got himself sent off .Even then had Mulgrew not missed a glaring chance , we may have had another memorable night .Still we didn’t collapse when down to 10 men.
game 3: beat Ajax relatively comfortably at home .
game 4: 1-0 defeat away to Ajax .
Games 5/6 yes a collapse once we were already effectively out.
Yes ,”pumped” at Barca , but then so have strong Arsenal and Man U teams, so don’t believe TOO much damage done to our rep there.
Lennon was badly let down by Lawwell .
The night we qualified v the Kazakhs , Lennon told Lawwell the squad needed help ; he was given, PUKKI!!
I think our rep HAS taken a hammering with our last dozen or so , results in the lower EL.
Also ,on balance ,have to say we only had Seville because MON failed to get us through CL qualifiers that year , and never got us to last 16 .
Strachan has in fact , the best CL record by far .
Just think ,when looking back , it’s important to look at the whole picture.

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  jpm 88

When you finish bottom of the Group having won 1 game in 6 scored 3 goals and conceded 14 it’sfair to say you are not up to scratch.
Same as us in the Europa League this Season the only diffeence being we scored 18 goals and conceded 17 which has been the issue all Season.
Lennys squad was better than this they bought wisely in Hooper they bought wisely in Wilson and in Wanyama.
They Bought wisely with Forster and got Van Dijk for a steal.
In among that lot though is a plethora of numpties like Bangura like Pukki and the Nigerian Messi who failed at Hibs.
Not forgetting the dess wearing Mexican super star Juarez.
Not once have they sold for £10m and went straight out and replaced with a 6 or 8 million pound replacement.
It’s been Bitton for Wanyama
Jozo for Van Dijk
Griffiths for Hooper via numpty 1 2 and 3 at a cost of over £5m in shite.
Gordon for Forster
That’s nearly £40m woth going out with under £10m worth coming back in.
It’s bullshit.
They have eroded our squads so much now a £1m signing from Wolves is our saviour.
Remember where the start point was?
Larsson Sutton Lennon Hartson Mjalby Balde Lubo etc etc etc.
Every Season since it’sbeen chip chip away ..but the fan expatition remains the same all the while the appetite for beating yer Juves Milans Barcas and Benficas has been lit.
Deila did not inherit a Champions League outfit from Lenny.
He inheited a Europa League level side that had punched above it’s weight for 2 years in the Champions League.
Losing Wilson then Wanayama then Hooper then Forster then Van Dijk it has taken an effect on our ability too punch above our weight.
We struggled by Elfsborg we struggled past the one dimensional long ball sheep killing merchants from Kazakbergerac.
We now have a side made up of above average SPL players and a few average Champions League veterans in Brown Lustig Izzy Mulgrew Commons.
The rest are young guys with potential that given time may well come good.
I think Deila is suited to these types of players they are the type who he can mould and develop into the type of player that closes down
,bust a gut and keeps at it from whistle to whistle.
We have to do this now we don’t have the quality to do it any other way.
If the board were prepared to invest in that type of quality needed then fine I would EXPECT BETTER.
But they won’t so I don’t.
It’s down to expectations at the end of the day.
We all differ in that respect.
I wish it was different but it isn’t not through my eyes anyway.

8 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

More bull CS. In the Europa League we scored 8 and lost 12.

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  jpm 88

Reply gone missing….

8 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

Celtic have at least £20 million to spend easily. What are the doing with it?. We are a football club ffs. Is it being held back to make sure the big boys ( notice no h in boys) are well covered when the shit comes down. Hh

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago

Epilogue gone missing….

lost profit
8 years ago

Derby got rid of their manager a few days ago for not playing the derby way. Last night FA cup commentary claimed the Peterborough chairman wanted his manager to play 500 passes a game. Delia claimed a couple months ago he was more comfortable playing away from home on the counter….the guilty verdict is in. With no rangers surely we should entertain our fans. two things needed from the new manager 1) wants to play football and 2) can get commitment from a team. I don’t know Celtic fan who wants to retain Delia, not one. please stop the boyd and scott brown PLC media releases. You can’t lie the consumers that the product is anything other than shit. Hartson and Sutton in maninstream media are openly saying it too.

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  lost profit

Wow let’s just dismiss the Team Captain and the Former team Captain and listen to a failed Manager and Keith fucking Jackson?

Even Kenny Dalglish would raise a smile at that one.
Oh he backs Deila too.

8 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

you dont think that brown has to say these things?!

would love to share what he said on the bench against ross county the other week………

8 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

He also backed John Barnes!!
How did that work out?

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Show Kenny your Managerial awards Monti and let Sutton do likewise.

8 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

Just to add, if St.Martin failed to qualify in his first season for the CL, I would be 100% behind him, in full support 🙂

8 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

and where are your charlie to insist on everyone that listens to you that ronny is the right man??

8 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

6 league titles in a row
6 Scottish cups in a row
4 Champions league wins
2 Champions league runner up

FIFA 16 🙂

8 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Dalglish would be more interested in the £600k he ripped us of for and a weeks golfing in La Manga.

8 years ago
Reply to  andybhoy

Absolutely agree!
I remember Charlie Saiz dismissing a Lisbon Lions viewpoint a week or so ago, but he clings to KD and Tom Boyd??

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  Monti

I like the rest of you am just a dafty commenting on a Forum about things I willnever change no matter how much shite we all talk about it.

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

What will be will be I go into these things fully aware of it.
Just a debate nothing more.

8 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

Definitely a dafty…….

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

Those that don’t know they are are perhaps the biggest dafties of all 😉

8 years ago

I seen enough positives from the development team in yesterdays match to believe our club has a bright future, if given the opportunity to bleed these kids into the 1st team. What really impressed me was their ability to pass the ball ‘along the deck’, they ALL showed great technical ability. The majority of our fist team can not do this simple task, when they pass the ball among themselves, the ball is bouncing all over the place, which normally makes their second touch a tackle. Only my opinion. HH

On the road to 5IAR

8 years ago
Reply to  schoosh71

Schoosh, I only saw the last half hour but from what I witnessed, I was quite impressed with Archibald and Kelleher.
I thought Valencia showed a lot more quality than our lads though, bearing in mind I didn’t see the whole game.

8 years ago
Reply to  Monti

I think all the young Bhoys done themselves and the club proud. We had a 15 year old playing up front, who had great movement and made some good runs, the team just couldn’t pick him out at the right moments. HH

8 years ago
Reply to  schoosh71

What about that ridiculous dive from the Valencia player? WTF?

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Kelleher and Wardrop for me and the wee 15 year old who scored did well.

8 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

I only caught the last half hour Charlie, I was more impressed with Valencia to be honest, even when they went down to 10.

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  Monti

We must remember our Development Squad has been stripped of several of it’s best players as they have stepped up or gone out on loan.
It’s in transition more or less right now as the younger ones step up and replace them.
The lad that scored isn’t 16 yet that no7 looked about 22 up front for them?

Honest Hoops
8 years ago

It does not matter what line of work you are in, managers do not get 19 months to turn it around, 6 month review, 9 month review…decision time with serious questions….where are we, have we progressed in 9 months…..if no progress evident, performance dismissal route, 3 months and your out……nice guys do not get great performances, up and down….sound fimilar?

8 years ago

Marc Rieper made some good points today, basically Celtic under Deila isn’t good enough!
25-30,000 agree with you Marc.

8 years ago
Reply to  Monti

yip charlie saiz, kenny dal and tom boyd who is employed by celtic know better than the missing 30k…. 2 out of the 3 dont go to celtic games and another 2 out of the 3 wouldnt be buying any tickets if they did decide to go!!!!!

when was kenny dalglish last at the park for a game? but becuase he won the epl and euopean cup 25-40 years ago hes qualified to comment on current goings on? no i dont think so!!

bring back the messiah, keano too!!!

thanks ronny but no thanks

8 years ago
Reply to  bgbhoy

One can but laugh, mate!

8 years ago
Reply to  Monti

its getting boring now, i fear the only things these people will take notice of is losing the league or losing the cup to sevco

at that point the manager would deserve a swift boot to the privates and the fans that continually back him ordered to go for medical attention and be banned from the park for 5 years!!

though my guess is that would only mean a drop of 3 or 4 people per game based on who actually goes to the games

8 years ago
Reply to  bgbhoy

One question I find needs asked, what has Ronny Deila done to merit this unwavering support from some people?
It’s very odd to me!

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  bgbhoy

I think he knows a wee bit more about top level management in Football than any of us on here or sat in a seat watching Celtic.
You think any different you are obviously a deluded man.

8 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

Charlie Saiz,
Do you think so, well I’ll tell you one thing, if I was KD and had the chance to appoint a Celtic manager, it wouldn’t have been John Barnes!!

8 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Or appoint a ‘ social convener ‘!!
What is a social convener anyway?

8 years ago
Reply to  Monti

bairds bar for a celtic press conference, thats up there with ronnys team talks about women

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  Monti

@bgbhoy You do know they won the game 3-1 after that team talk?
He should be supplying them all with Babestation Accounts mibees that way they could win the Champions League?

8 years ago
Reply to  Monti

The manager of Celtic football club. Talking about pumping a bird before the 1st game of the season. I also remember them being utter pish that night

8 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

i know more about whats right for celtic this season than kenny dal does…..

thats because i go to the games week in week out and see the product, not a league table on the internet every 4 weeks

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  bgbhoy

Sure you do.

8 years ago
Reply to  bgbhoy

Charlie I go to Celtic park week in week out and there is tickets at every away ground at the front door waiting for me. I will gladly meet you at the next 3 away games and give you a Brief

8 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

Raphael Scheidt?

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  John

Du Wei

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  John

I raise you Willo Flood

8 years ago
Reply to  John

Harald Brakkpakk*,all in.
*Remember when Larsson gave him a hat trick ?

8 years ago
Reply to  John

Erm, maybe remove these.Not on the ball today.

8 years ago

Caption – Sevco Accounts opened for public review prior to new Share issue

8 years ago

Ok so I have taken a long hard look in the mirror and I have this to say.
I have tried to do my job as an overseas supporter. I understand that I do babble shite at times and often my tactical posts seem complete rubbish, but I don’t just randomly make things up. All of my tactical posts have been at the very least researched for 1-2 hours. I understand that I come from a different Era in coaching having done my coaching certs this century, I accept that due to my position and job I have toured and attended Florida State University college football campus and seen the set up of multiple NFL training camps outside of London which will give me a totally different outlook on things, but I am trying to contribute with what I know and my experiences.

@Charlie Saiz: John Kennedy will have to set up a rule for my email to go to his junk folder. I know this because I worked on Exchange servers and my emails get through to the youth coaching staff for conferences and seminars on a regular basis (assuming I got his email address right).If he opens it and his subconscious gets a moment to see it I will be happy.

8 years ago

Well Charlie Saiz looks like I’m hitting the filter here.

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  Uralius

Probably ended up in John Kennedys spam filter with your Email bud 😉

8 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

Aye, about that email…..

8 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Monti don’t take it personally if by some miracle J. Kennedy did actually reply and I eventually got round to asking that question it would be totally out of order to post it here. I would be happy to let you know via non public means provided you did not paint the town with it.

8 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

When my post arrives above this one Charlie it explains a thing or 2.

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  Uralius

Seen to be fair it was the term Pendulum that did it for me Uralius.

8 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

Means that the full backs are only advanced with the ball on their side of the field and a holding midfielder swings (like a pendulum) to cover that advanced fullback.

8 years ago

Charlie has a point wrt the spending that took place under O Neill, but remember our erstwhile rivals Rangers were spending as much or more, and know we all know how, so it wasn’t as if his spending was done in isolation. And the players he did buy worked out, very few duds – remember David Fernandez any one, the Nadir Ciftci of his time?

However i dont think he would come back now, we are well and truly in the slow lane that he prodicted we would find ourselves in, and with little prospect of increasing revenues its unlikely to change.

All a bit depressing really, but what is sucking the life out of the club the most right now is the style of football we are playing. Tommy Burns didnt win a league but hsi team entertained, he knew how Celtic fans like to see football played. I think we all liked the idea of the style of football Ronnie tallked about, but we need to be realistic in our assessment and say that style hasnt materialised and seems less likely than ever to materialise.

The board now are not commenting in my opinion because a) they back ronnie fully adn dont want to pour petrol on a bonfire by making any comment at all, or b) they are scheming behind the scenes to get in a replacement and dodnt want to be seen backing him just before sacking him

he just gives me no confidence as a leader, too often his tema has gone missing while he stands looking helpless on the sidelines. he has shown tactical naievty again and again and an inability to react to things happening in the game and make the appropriate changes

8 years ago
Reply to  elcormaco

If we fail to beat Ross County on Saturday, he shouldn’t be there on the Sunday!

8 years ago


A- the board
B- the pitches the games where played on
C-it was 2 degrees below the perfect temperature for a game of football
D- the manager cannot rectify or learn from mistakes
e- Peter Lawells bonus
F- Martin Oneill
G- the teams coaching set up is no use and could not advise the players how to deal with set plays
H- we sustained too many of these medical issues known as injuries
I- The manager played Jo Ing Berget
J- The manager signed Nadir Ciftci
K- Martin Oneill
L- the referee
I- Martin Onieill

8 years ago
Reply to  bgbhoy

I heard it was the seats on the aircraft were too hard

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  bgbhoy

We have a team of players SPL level and a few Europa League Level.
Brown and Commons Champions League level when fit and at it.

8 years ago

Excellent Diary!

Can’t really argue with much, I remember that horrible day and I was only in Pogue Mahone pub in Liverpool!

Noticed last night when watching the game last night how the young lads were harrying and winning most of the balls last night.

Maybe that is something that Scott Brown could pass on to the current first team.

It is getting that desperate that anyone will do. O’Neill apart from Wycombe, Leicester and probably Ireland has not been successful anywhere else in England. It doesn’t bother me as doesn’t Keane if he comes. He would demand respect as soon as he walked into that dressing room and if he didn’t get it son would!

Which seems like the complete opposite of what Ronny seems to be getting!

If/When he goes Collins and Kennedy should be right behind or even in front of him!!

8 years ago
Reply to  Joe.Mac

aston villa in the top 6 for 3 years in a row was it……?

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  bgbhoy
Big Shuggy
8 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

Charlie. Interesting MON let Gary Cahill go to Bolton for £4.5 million. All good managers make mistakes,or maybe it depends who you play beside.

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  Big Shuggy

There’s alot to be said about that Shuggy.
I believe a defence who are confident are less stressed and as a result less likely to make mistakes.
An unsettled back four almost changing game to game throughout this season has caused a bit of panic to set in as a result mistakes are being made.
The only person who seems to have maintained a level of consistency is Tierney.
The 18 year old with little experience at all has shown them all up I think.

8 years ago
Reply to  Joe.Mac

“demand respect’ bit of an oxymoron, but ah get yer drift. Keane for Celtic…for me naw, great player nae doubt, but managerial material…as in him the manager no MON side kick?: naw.

8 years ago

Monti. “Unwavering support…?” The Deila support does waver at times but it is still SUPPORT. MON left our team, Keane left our team, Lenny left our team. Deila has a vision for the future and he wants to be here. He is giving young players a chance and he has won two trophies. Simple. The only wish you’ll get is if Deila doesn’t win the league then he said he’ll walk. Most Celtic fans are fair-minded and fairness says Ronny should be allowed to finish what he has begun. “These people” “Some people”? I am not “ra Peeple” I am a Celtic supporter, aged 65, who does NOT want us to lose to Ross County on Saturday, who does not want us to lose the Cup to Sevco and who realistically thinks no Moyes or MON could function outside of the global/English football capitalism that served them so well in the past.See, I don’t have split loyalties. No trouser-tenting for me if the Staggies win on Saturday. No hidden agenda. Those who side with the MSM, Sutton, Jackson, Walker, and persecute a man who has our injured team top of our only league, etc. Now, that does seem “odd to me.” Let the name-calling begin.The only name I call you Monti is a passionate Celtic supporter, like me, who disagrees with what I say. I don’t talk shite, I don’t need meds, I’m not Charlie Saiz love-child, or even Lawwell’s. I also believe MON was a saviour to our club, our finest five years in decades but no way would he come back to our club and we are far too good for Moyes, Keane, Yogi, etc. Can I prove my support for Deila’s project? No, I can’t but time will prove if I am right or wrong. We pays our money and we takes our choice. Life is full of risk, why can’t football be? If you are right and I am wrong, Deila walks, then the fun begins:
MON out
Keane out
Michael O’Neill out
Yogi out
And the situation on the forum will be reversed as you try to defend your new man’s draws, cup exits and European failures and we keep saying “I told you so.”

8 years ago
Reply to  Devoy45

I want to be there! Give me his job

8 years ago
Reply to  Devoy45


An honest expression of your opinion without aiming personal abuse at anyone. I disagree with much of it but at the end of the day, it is simply opinions.


Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  Devoy45

Cracking post well said Devoy.
What will be will be.

8 years ago
Reply to  Devoy45

Well…that was indeed a belter of a post Devo. Regardless that I agree with it.

8 years ago

oh dear devoy!! oh dear!!!

8 years ago
Reply to  bgbhoy

care to elaborate BBhoy on the ‘oh dear’ comment in response to Devo??

8 years ago


Everyone of us is entitled to our point of view,what gets me is if you post it its either applauded or ridiculed,it can also be insulting.But Hey Ho who gives a Feck.
We seem to have spent the last two years talking about the Management Team and nothing else it would be great if we could talk about something else.
Hail.Hail Auld Yin.

8 years ago
Reply to  mike

I agree, like the new manager would be a great subject

Bartfast of Napoli
8 years ago

There is no way, NO WAY, MON will return in any capacity to CP. To operate with both hands tied in the transfer market? To have to go through the transfer committee for players? To sit in front of the lickspittal laptop loyal? Add into the mix the everyday hassles from TFOD? Nope sorry I just can’t see him giving up semi retirement with international football management to have to deal with all the shite
Nice thought though!

8 years ago

What if, I repeat what if, Dermot DID sanction spending on a scale that was going to give Martin O’neill a chance?
I don’t believe O’neill would come unless Dermot decided to start getting serious again.
Only DD knows if this is going to happen.

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Which is fine as we can all speculate and talk shite about it till he does 🙂

8 years ago

I have the advantage/disadvantage of a 5 hour time difference from many of you. So I get to read much of the blog before I can post. It makes me wonder how typical this blog is of the Celtic support. I checked in at a couple of the other blogs and one of them seems less concerned about the current situation; the other also discusses other topics than managerial change. So, in short, I do not know how concerned the total support is about the current situation.
As I mentioned yesterday, I watched the Man City vs Leicester game at the weekend. I was mainly interested in MC’s use of Ronnie’s formation. If you look at the first half stats, MC were all over L….hugh difference in possesion, lots of activity inside the L box, yet they were a goal down. Ultimately, they wete well beaten by L. It was an important game and L came through it by playing to their strengths….something that their manager recognised, despite only being in the job for less than a year. Now L may or may not go on to win the league, but their real triumph is the synergy that has developed in their club. The board, the management and the players are more than the sum of the parts. Was it a long term or even a medium term process to get to this point? Did they buy their success by throwing large amounts of cash at the player pool? I do not think so, do you?
Now contrast the above with Celtic’s situation. You can see the magnitudeof the problem(s).
The player pool is not performing to its potential, the manager’s vision for the club has largely not progressed during his tenure(the exception may be the youths), recruitment continues to be a major issue, and, as Ralph says, communication is almost totally absent.
Some of you have called for the board to be sacked. How do you think the board members are appointed? By the board! So do you really think turkeys will vote for Christmas? It will not happen. Sack the CEO…. How would that happen? The board would remove him……see above for the likelihood of that. It would take a massive, prolonged fan reaction to achieve these removals, or the financial collapse of the club. I do not see either happening in the near future. So, why is the board so silent? why the appointment of the ambassadors? Firstly, this is aboard that is slow to act(and so it should be!). Any effective action on the management front will need to be radical for reasons already discussed. Their is no natural, readily available candidate that I can see. So the board will take its time to get, what it thinks is the correct man. Frankly, I suspect that the MON rumour is a logical conclusion drawn from DD and Irish and Celtic minded facts. If you were to force me to voice an opinion, I’d say it is unlikely to happen.
If you are looking for a magic solution emerging from my rambles, you will be disappointed. However, If I pretend that I am on the board, what would I do? Firstly, I would conclude that the optimal or best possible solution will only be possible in the summer and I would be prepared to gamble on CL qualification….it would only be a bonus, at this stage. Secondly, the immediate decision is get an interim or stick with the current lot and hope for the league title. i would mitigate that risk by having a plan B to replace RD if the slump continues. The ambassadors may be part of that plan. The next two games will clarify the position.
Sorry for the long post. Hope your attention span is better than mine!


8 years ago
Reply to  Rebus67

I think the attendance on Saturday will give you and many others in the Celtic family, an idea as to how they are feeling.

30-35,000 maximum.
In a 61,000 seated stadium.
If Deila remains in place, better get more of those flags that cover our seats!

8 years ago
Reply to  Rebus67

I agree with must of your post,i think that the Board will stick with the current Management team until they see whats in front of them.A another bad performance and loss of points or B the team progresses, wins the upcoming matches and continues to title 5.Then at seasons end when there contracts are up for renewal make a decision then for next season.
Lawell wont make a public announcement backing Deila because it would be seen as the Kiss of Death.

8 years ago
Reply to  mike

I agree with you Mike the minute he does that the guy has 1 week left.

8 years ago
Reply to  mike

ah agree Mike.

8 years ago

There is a fixation on this blog that all the problems lie at Delilah’s door and if he gets the shove miraculously they will be resolved.
The issue is the board and Peter Lawell they have a small minded attitude towards the team, it is almost a rerun of the dark, dank past and the White era.
It would be interesting to find out over the Strachan, Lenny, Mowbray and Delilah steerage who actually brings in players, there is a legion of cheap and uninspired buys, from Willo Flood to Boerigter.
Is this the managements fault or the parsimony of the current board, buy cheap, sell dear.
Yes we have had some success, but currently why do we not bring in quality players for the long term and build a pedigree, instead of doing the usual, bring the wage bill down, again to cover the likes of the Ciftci and Boerigter wage bill.
Shipping out talents like, Ledley, Mathews, Hooper, Wanyama, in fact almost a full team of quality.
Is this the reason that Lenny left and would it be any different under MON?

8 years ago
Reply to  Cartvale88

I disagree, a number of the regulars on here are taking issue with the boards ‘ policies ‘!

8 years ago

Thinking about only what’s right in front of us, I think Saturday we need to try something different against Ross County. We need to bully them and close them down. Revenge! Our next two home games could mean a lot down the road. Now is the time for…3-5-2. Here it is.Ronny, are you reading this?
One great memory of the Martin O’Neill era was how well the 3-5-2 allowed us to get forward without being let too vulnerable at the back.The centre backs stayed put and allowed the wingbacks to attack.
Any ideas/opinions on this? Any thoughts about the game itself?

8 years ago
Reply to  Devoy45


8 years ago
Reply to  Devoy45


Bear in mind that Hertz gubbed them last night in Dingwall,
and they are playing role reversal on Saturday.If we canny beat them big time then the Hounds of the Baskerville will be out on sunday,not that i would blame them.

8 years ago
Reply to  andybhoy


WAS that we Duggy called RAPHIEL?Going for a Shite
Yer timing is great again.
6fit 1 eyes of blue Andybhoys got his eye on you.

8 years ago
Reply to  Devoy45

This patter about people wanting Celtic to lose is utter claptrap I’m afraid.

8 years ago
Reply to  Monti

….’tic toc tic toc’??

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  Devoy45

Ambrose on the ight side makes sense though I would be tempted to swap him and Lustig push Ambrose up as he seems to enjoy getting up the park plus his delivery can be decent so can his pass selsection?
Lustig is a bit hit and miss as a wingback and he struggles to get back after 50 minutes on the overlap.

8 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz


8 years ago
Reply to  Devoy45

Aye Devon, but here is the argument.
We already have a midfielder sitting between the 2 CB making a 3. We already have a pair of attacking fullbacks. When we are attacking the 2 wide inside forwards sit in or cut in to make a 3 much like Larsson, Sutton and Big John Hartson. The main issue is the #10 and other midfielder who are a tad too advanced for my liking in this system. I would tell the 2nd “holding midfielder” to sit infront of the defence with the #10 beckoning a more standard box to box.

8 years ago

My memories of Black Sunday are of a pub in Dublin and the silence that greeted the final whistle. Strangers looked at one another in total disbelief, then someone did what we all wanted to do….he started kicking a wall.


8 years ago

I agree we are going round in circles now. We all have our views and they are not for changing

How about a new topic? Who is your favourite player of the last ten years, other than Henrik.


8 years ago
Reply to  Rebus67

Wanyama or Hooper!

8 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Wanyama is hard to argue with. He was my first thought. Does Nakamura fit within the last ten years. If so, he is up there.
One unique experience is watching a player develop from potential to world class, as with Forster.

It makes you wonder how can a recruitment process come up with Wanyama and Hooper and also Amido “is he a professional footballer?” Balde?


Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  Rebus67

Scott Brown for me.
I believe he would have run through brick walls for our Club if asked to do so not bad considering he was not a Celt when he signed.
8 Solid Seasons just 5 or 6 short of 350 Games hands down has to be him.

8 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

I agree with Charlie Saiz on this one.

8 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

Brown’s value is often only recognised when he is not in the team. Remember when tried to get the twins? Thompson is virtually out of the game, and had been a fringe player for the last few years.


8 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

Brown was shite in his first two seasons!

8 years ago

Devoy I will be there on Saturday supporting the team I will not be happy or “trouser tenting” if we lose and never will. However watching the football we are serving up I am not confident that we will win this or any other game. Being a fair minded Celtic fan I am 100% behind Ronnie being given everything he is legally entitled to when he is removed from his post but I cannot see where the idea that he is capable of “finishing what he started” is laughable unless you are happy to see us become even poorer than we are?
I say this in total good faith and with no insult intended I am just a confused Celtic fan who would love to know what others are seeing I really really would.

8 years ago
Reply to  maryhillbhoy


If ever there was an incentive to perform, it is this match. Revenge is a dish best served cold.
It will be interesting to see if RD remains as cautious as he was against EK.


8 years ago


Same as you,join the club.

8 years ago

If we get pumped thus weekend then ronny if out, if we win he will stay. As much as i think we need a change i hope we win. We’ve got to stick together on this one vision, one goal. We have to win the league. If we do get pumped the board have to act swiftly and make the change straight away no messing. If i was dd i would be having a wee chat to harry redknapp. A wee holiday in glasgow with joe jordan for a few months and get a nice bonus for winning the title. Then move for the main players as soon as the season ends. If ronny wins lets get behind and the team and give our all. I LOVE CELTIC!

8 years ago

mrs molls, mrs molls shes got a cock and balls, her face is scary and her arse is hairy mrs mrs molls


8 years ago

lets abuse the orcs for 10 mins before getting bacxk to abusing the board, Ronnie, DD , the grub, the atmosphere, the team the tactics and anything else you feel like

8 years ago

starts now

8 years ago

Celtic will blow Ross County away this weekend.
I expect Ronnie to stick to what he believes in if he doesn’t he is a fool. Celtic will win by at least 3 on Saturday providing players don’t be stupid.
We have signed a lot of duds that’s true,but with all that some diamonds as well take the positives not the negatives.
Time to get behind the bhoys the title race is exciting now.
Let’s show all the doubters that Glasgow is Green and White.
Hail Hail

8 years ago
Reply to  jimmybee

thing is jimmy….the players at times have been ‘stupid’ then the wheels fall off the bogey.

8 years ago

A great man once said. “One love, one heart, lets get together and feel alright”

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  Pablomc

Every ting gonna be alright….

8 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

Uptight everything is gonny be alright,stevie,

I just dont know what to do with maself,dusty,if we get beat on sat.
I was born under a WTF and GTF.
Your simply the best ALERT RALPHY LIKA VIRUS.

8 years ago
Reply to  Pablomc

And he was a Celtic fan too!

8 years ago
Reply to  Shugthemug

Naw he wasn’t. Much as it would be cool he wasn’t a Celtic fan, he loved fitba, new the names of the Lisbon Lions but never a Celtic fan. Shame.

8 years ago
Reply to  Pablomc


He also said, “Exodus, movement of ja people!”

I also hope for a win.


8 years ago

This is the first time in 40 years of following Celtic (yes monti I’m a Tim) that ive ever heard so many Celtic supporters demanding we sack the manager when he has us sitting top of the league and still in thee cup,what are we coming to.Personally I think ronnys had a lot of bad luck,and not the proper backing,if MON was in this position we would be still singing his name and backing him.There is no way he will come back to Celtic in present situation would you when you have euros with Ireland to look forward to get real.i would go with mulgrew at centre half and move sviatchenko over to the right were he will probably play when sumunivic is fit

8 years ago

Caption : Tonight Matthew I’m going to be Davie Dodds.
Fav player past 10 years apart from Henrik, Lubo,followed closely by Paul McStay.
Hail Hail

8 years ago
Reply to  jimmybee

Past ten years, Paul McStay?

8 years ago
Reply to  Monti


8 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Kayal on his first season I thought was going to be a legend…….. Petrov takes it in the last 10 years…… Followed by Roy Keane’s masterclass at Ibrox and big sammy also it Ibrox

8 years ago
Reply to  jimmybee

Wait a minute it is 2016. When did Lubo leave? Ah 2002.

8 years ago

I’m not a fan of 3-5-2 unless you have the right players and I am not sure we do. MON found out the shortfalls of the system and changed to 4 at the back.
In short, it depends on at least one, if not two, centre halfs having the football intelligence to know when to go into the wider areas, how to operate out there, how and when to cover when the guy on the other side pulls wide. Without that, you are either playing a back five because the wing backs get drawn back, or are exposed on the wings. Teams soon work it out and play three up front with the wide guys staying very wide and high, and the centre forward dropping deep to pull the back three apart – you lose shape unless the wing backs drop back, which leaves you with five players defending three attackers. To get round that, you need a Virgil or Denayer, someone who can bring the ball out from the back and step into midfield. In which case, you end up playing something like a 4-1-3-2. Which, apart from the lack of width (no wingers/wide midfielders remember) is fine, but you may as well play that way rather than have it forced on you during the game, or adapt again by having two midfielders pull wide, but then you are basically back to 4-4-2, which is fine, but…
My general point is it’s too easy a system to pull apart, and you have to change system to adapt to the opposition picking apart the weaknesses, so youau as well play whatever system it is you’d adapt to.

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  Spidey100

Fit we do Spider.
Ambrose Lustig at RCB-Erik or Jozo CB-Mulgrew or Jozo at LCB

Ambrose or Janko RWB-Izzy or Kieran at LWB

8 years ago

Favourite player over last ten years – Naka, hands down; that free kick against MU; that fizzer over Klos. The passing, the free kicks…joyous to watch!
Lubo as well though think he was over 10 years ago(?)

8 years ago
Reply to  Spidey100


Lovely memories! For me it is atoss up between Wanyama and Naka with a leaning towards Naka because he stayed longer.


8 years ago

Charlie – neither Jozo or Mulgrew are comfortable enough in the wide areas or mobile enough to be getting to those areas. Lustig fully fit perhaps, but he already tucks in tooicj playing as a proper full back let alone at a back three. Ambrose? He loses concentration too much just playing as a centre back without having to think about covering two positions, which is effectively what they have to do in a back three.
Ambrose as a wing back doesn’t exactly strike fear into opposing full backs – he’s not quick enough, not good at dribbling and his crossing is average. Janko perhaps, if he ever gets fit. Left wing back is covered though, and Eril can probably play the middle role (though it’s early days – Boyata had a good start I seem to recall) so two positions down, three to fill!

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  Spidey100

It’s the job of the wingbacks to be getting into advanced areas Spidey not the CB’s at the back.
Their job is to patrol the left and Right FB area when the wingbacks head up the pitch to attack.
Hence why You have a RCB (AMBROSE lUSTIG) or LCB (MULGREW or JOZO) who are comfortable operating out that wide at the back.
3 of the above mentioned have all played as Full backs.
You can’t hope to play 3-5-2 without wingbacks it doesn’t work that well.

8 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

MON had Neil Lennon who used to bomb right or left to cover Didier’s side of the field when they countered in behind him. This worked well domestically, but when we came up against blistering place on the left flank we had to change things up. I remember watching Jackie McNamara playing a CDM in possession and a r right back out of possession on the road to Seville because the opposition LW was just too fast for Lenny to cover and we really needed Didier keeping their LB on the other end of the field.

8 years ago
Reply to  Uralius

Not just Didier, also Petta, Guppy and Thompson.

8 years ago
Reply to  Uralius


8 years ago
Reply to  Uralius

Holy crap I had forgotten about Momo

8 years ago

Oneil wouldn’t be for me. Don’t believe in going back, I think we have all been talking about playing attractive football and this isn’t martins way, we have also invested in youth and the only young player I recall O’Neil playing was liam miller. Its a shame wee Jackie went a bit down hill at Dundee united , he would have been a decent shout with what he was doing there

8 years ago

For sheer skill and ability, Nakamura. Thanks for the feedback on 3-5-2 bhoys. Monti, I’m glad you think it is utter claptrap. I know of no Celt—you, me, nobody— who wants us to lose— ever. I apologise but is the worst insult I could think of! C’mon the Tic. One game at a time. HH

8 years ago
Reply to  Devoy45

Apology accepted, Devoy!

8 years ago
Reply to  Monti


8 years ago
Reply to  Devoy45

I don’t think 352 will ever happen again as a starting line up.

Remember the old W formation? Aah….the days of 235! Inside forwards with lungs of steel!


8 years ago

I’m not anti 3-5-2 or having a go at you. With last year’s side I think it would have worked with a line up like:
Lustig: Denayer; Virgil;
Matthews; Brown; Biton; Izzy;
Griffiths; Guidetti (first half of season form)

But with the current lot, I just don’t think they could make it work. Which is a pity, because it is a good system when it does work.

8 years ago

For me it would be 442 ,Gordon lustig sviatchenko sumunovic Tierney MacKay- Steven commons brown Armstrong Griffiths Richards….think we should be more attack minded especially in spfl don’t like 2 holding mids too slow getting up the park

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  dunnahow

We played 4-4-2 against East Kilbride.
Deila got slaughtered for the performance.
Make of that what you will.

8 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

For me 4 3 3 (especially against MAlmo away.)

Lustig Boyatta Sviatchenco Tierney.

Brown Rogic Mulgrew

Commons griff Armstrong.

8 years ago
Reply to  mike

What sort of roles or movement would you like to see employed by the midfield and attack?

8 years ago
Reply to  Uralius

Brooni defensive cover,got to be able to read the game.
Rogic middle to right,supporting commons.
Mulgrew left.supporting armstrong.

8 years ago
Reply to  Uralius

Would Commons and Armstrong continue to play in the Inside Forward role of would you utilize them slightly differently?

alan gannon
8 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

it should not matter if we play 4 2 2 2 a la john fucking barnes against east kilbride. its east fucking kilbride!!
sorry about the language.

8 years ago

Martin O’Neil was a great manager for Celtic. Was recruited personally by DD and funded to succeed. He did very well at Celtic for sure until his wife fell ill and the Board were unable to covert on field success to off field profits to sustain or build on that success. The money was just as important as his motivational qualities. With the funding he had he was able to buy real talent proven elsewhere and then motivate them. I am truly grateful to MON and DD for that period – so DD if you are reading let’s do it again!! We need to find a way to finance and it bring in a more accomplished manager and find some quality imports to help teach our talented youngsters. If no funds, then the current model is our future

8 years ago

I would like to see us stretch teams more. We line up 3 lads on the edge of the box, with a 4th coming in eventually and then sometimes our full backs are cutting in its absolutely Crazy it let’s the opposition shit a while team in the box except the 1 counter attacker who might just get through on goal.

8 years ago
Reply to  Uralius

sit a whole team

8 years ago
Reply to  Uralius

Agreed Uralias.

We need to Play stronger in the midfield and be more aggressive

in our on own box,we have got to stop being bullied,
Hearts,Aberdeen and other teams have gone for physicallity,they copied MON.

8 years ago

So we are going to line up against Ross County playing the fabled 4231. Our wide players all of a sudden will be able to cross with their weaker foot. Our #10 will double up as a target man on the break with Leigh Griffiths over lapping him (like Sutton and Larsson used to do, almost 2 up-front). Our 2nd holding midfielder will sit infront of the defense (and other holding midfielder who is almost like a 3rd CB at this stage) moving to cover the advanced fullback. The wide player with the ball will act like a winger and cross the ball with perfect technique from his weaker foot while the Griffalo tries to find 6 inches of space, the #10 attacks the near post and the other side man attacks the far post.
Goals galore ensue the crowd goes wild. Celtic FC win 11-2 (our defense is still out defense).

8 years ago

*wide player *still our defense

8 years ago

I agree we need to drop a holder which would be in my opinion biton. I would play brown and allan together in the middle of the park with rogic or conmons in front of them. If playing 442 i would have either mulgrew , armstrong or johansen left midfield, brown and rogic or allan in the centre and forrest or the new guyroberts on the right wing.

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