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E is for Euros – Etims Podcast with added Transcript

Desi, Hector and Monty get together just before the Euros24 kicks off to look at :

  • The Cup Final
  • Seasons End Celebrations in the Highlands, Irelands and Lowlands
  • The Adam Idan Audition and Whats next?
  • A Celtic Season 23-24 Quiz
  • Wondering how much power does Brendan have at Celtic Park?
  • The Celtic Players current and past who are at the Euros
  • Some predictions on just who will Scotland face in the Final
  • A Euros Quiz with a few Celtic references for good measure.
  • There’s even a Music Quiz vcalled MBAPPESONGS to really get you in the mood
Happy Summer

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Cup final drama unpacked
Speaker 1
Little hand said it’s time to rock and roll. Bring the noise.
54321, go.
Good evening folks and welcome to the Etims Euro podcast. My name is Desimond and I am very glad to say that so far tonight, I have been joined by our resident tactician in the suburbs, Hector Bandido. Good evening, Hector evening guys. Thanks for joining the sector and a man across the water. Monte Sea Champion is Burns.
Monty C Burns
Good evening, Monty evening, Des evening lads.
Thank you very much for joining lads. We do hope that Ralph can join us, but as per usual, we’ll try to give him five hours notice and we might need six. So Ralph may join, we don’t know, fingers crossed. He does manage to get on, but we just thought we’d jump on.

It’s a few weeks now since the Cup final, we’re into postseason, the usual holidays and weddings et cetera for some


players, and the


are due to start in a couple of days and there’s quite a bit of



So we thought, why don’t we just jump on the demand guys to be honest, the demand for more podcasts is it’s a bit of shocking the season to be, for me, to be honest, I can’t believe commented George or listener actually commented on the YouTube area. Great to have more podcasts being delivered, so God knows what’s happening out there.
So, thanks very much to everyone who listens to wherever you listen. Thanks very much. Please. All keep subscribing and liking and let us know in the comments. So we’re here to talk about. We kind of covered the end of the season in the last podcast, but we were coming up to the Cup final.

So some of you who may follow us on Twitter may be aware of Hector’s


holiday tweets. Hector. Did you enjoy the Cup final? Because you were looking forward to going to local hero land and hoping to find a CIC pub as far as the name.

Hector Bandido
Yes, it was, it was a, it was an interesting one because the, the, the morning we, we, my wife and I were away for a week. It was the day of the Cup final and we’re up to the Northwest Highlands. So as you were saying, there, put the feelers out for, we would have a game on. So we’re staying in a village called M which is only about two or three miles.
Save my Lake, which is the sort of end of the line before you get the ferries to the, some of the islands and, I was told the name of one pub. So he gets up there, gets in at two o’clock and literally parked the car and the guy walks by with the hoops on. Right. And I went, 0000. Right. Right. Where the p, just here he goes a pub in the corner.

It’s blah, blah, blah. The name, I think it’s called the


, the


bar. It’s the tail and bar. I said, what’s it like in regards punt or split? And he went, oh, probably 5050. I was like, oh fuck. Right. Ok. 5050. He goes, but don’t worry, he goes up to you. He goes, we’re all mates. We all go on the end of the match.

We’ll all be having a beer and all the rest of it. So anyway, because in there gets a beer, wife hates football, hates it. She’s away. Right? And then as usual, the game starts, I thought, right. Your best behavior. You’re a stranger in a strange land. Don’t really know anybody had a beer. Possibly the worst Cup final in living memory to say that.

Yes. Nothing happened. Tumble we can by whatever the pub was busy and it was really interesting. So the pub was actually a nice pub, but in terms of just seeing a group of people there with CIC Tops on different vintage ones, you know, like the Retro


right now, guys with


tops, then groups of them all together watching the game.

Right. So some of us from the likes of


might, you know, might seem a bit strange but that’s how it was and you can clearly see they’re all pals anyway. First half was shite nothing happening and they scored, didn’t they? And then half the pub is kind of, yeah. But then you see

Joe Hart

complaining. So then we’re all going.

But I, I I’m on my third p now, right?
What can I just can I just confirm what, what, what is darling for?
Hector Bandido
I see.

And we are. So then a couple of pints, you know, it’s like two or three pints and then there’s other people you start talking to one or two and there’s a few folk folk up from


as well.

So when I’m coming to with this one, it gets to the, the moment where we’ve been dreadful, but Bernardo does well as a shot and then as there’s either following up and scoring in that moment where you’re a complete stranger two hours ago and suddenly you’re hugging complete strangers in a strange pub jumping about shouting, get it fucking up. You, right.
It’s moments like that never leave you. And it was to be fair. Final whistle went and as the guy said, it was, it was actually quite interesting just seeing guys who were just clear of all pals and not just a wee group of them pretty much the whole pub shake hands. Aye. Fucking get up.

You right? Would you want a beer? And they did? So it was one way one. It was great but two, it was never an experience. So the


, the


bar in


folks well worth a wee visit. If you’re up there, it’s right at the end of the train line so you can miss it.


Yeah, Monte, you may, you may have noticed as much as I that


is an anagram of Ira men.

Hey, shocking, isn’t it? Did you enjoy the Cup final? Monte? What, what part of the world were you in on a scouting mission at that point?
Monty C Burns

No, no, that all scouting reports are all submitted. Now Desi and the, the sentence should all kick in in, in August watched it here in


. Just watch it the and then from there we went up because


were actually playing at home to Wes Meath in the championship. So, it was great, loved it.

Nearly fucking jumped through

New Zealand

when they scored, but it was one of them weird games again. I think on our WhatsApp, we were talking about them just dragging us down to their level and trying to beat us with experience.

I feel it’s just something that just keeps rolling around in my head the way that Rogers kind of kept talking about


style of football and then it all kind of came to a fucking head in the Cup final. They really, you can expect more of the same, I think next season, but I loved it.

Kind of typical


would win a Cup and a double, you know, last minute winner. And for Ida, I think just phenomenal for him as an individual to be able to, to have done that. And who knows? Maybe we’ll, maybe we’ll get him permanently to.

Hector Bandido

Does he, can I ask you a question so I can ask you to a question just so I can all forget the Cup final. So we, we’ve won, right? So it’s come from a point of we’ve won the game, but the point stands in my head. The


pitch is that the slowest pitch in professional football.

Monty C Burns

I have a theory on that if you don’t mind me saying, I don’t think I know this is going to sound fucking daft. But then some of the many daft things I’ve said here and this is the pitch. I’ve always thought that whatever the angle is on the TV, camera, whatever way the coverage is of

Hampden Park


When you watch it on the box, it looks infinitely slower than any other game you’ll ever watch. And it doesn’t matter who’s playing. I don’t know what it is. I’ve always had it in my head. It’s whatever angle the camera is pointing at that fucking pitch. I don’t know.
Maybe maybe not, but I’ve had that for years. Hector, I don’t think it’s the pitch. I genuinely don’t, I think it’s whatever we’re reviewing it.

Well, I was going to say, I don’t know if, I don’t know if the listeners are aware, but you two guys have played at

Celtic Park

. Right. I don’t know if we’ve ever mentioned it on the podcast probably once or twice at the most.

But, like, again, like, maybe used to always be like the pre Cup final coverage, the teams arrive and they walk out and they walk about the and that you used to just think, why are they doing that?
And I mean, I used to think like, why are they surely all pitches are the same? Not like when you’re naive, you don’t know what it’s the same. And then when you see, like, say if you watch, he does go from behind the goal to coverage, see the amount of like baubles and stuff that’s kind of lying like wee bumps and you can clearly see the pitches in some state and not mind.
Just imagine it’s like a bowling green and it clearly it is a fucking shambles.

I know it the week it had been raining during the week before and apparently they never bothered watering it, that kind of idea, but that it’s definitely, I, I don’t know if the grass was long, but it looks terrible and


been questionable for quite a while now considering the number of games that’s on it, it’s shocking and then the


had to play their Cup final the next day, the following day afterwards.

I mean, so God knows what it was like for them. The


and the hearts.

Hector Bandido

Just an observation. I just feel, I just feel we’ve got to your home games and you see your away games, obviously most, most of the games on the


, But whenever a game is at


, it just seems to be that fraction. So the guys are set the ball about as they normally do training or in a normal match day.

So they hit the ball pretty much to, it just seems to be that be but slower just, I don’t know whether, whether, how they cut it, it’s just slightly longer. It’s just an observation, I think, I think, I think there’s something my head, I’m probably wrong.
And again, like the classic, classic, the, the somebody takes a shot and it flies 10 yards over the bar. The first thing they do is look at the ground that way and you always just assume he’s at it. He’s made an ass of that and he’s at it. But then you start to see when you see some close ups of the actual pitches, you just assume they’re lovely condition, but maybe that’s not the case.
Monty C Burns

Counter to that if you can

Celtic Park

towards the end of the season looked fantastic. Yeah.

Ii I actually watch in the last couple of home games thinking, fuck the pitch looks immaculate where over the previous few seasons it seemed to have took a f, you know, even towards the end of the season, there was patches of it. It looked fucking immaculate. So maybe, maybe we’re reaping the benefits of that. Maybe, didn’t they? Re 22 years.
You just made my smile out of my cell and I was about to laugh. Remember Rogers get the big investment in a new, super duper four D pitch and it lasted something like nine months. It was what you water. It is artificial. That’s all. It was a disaster. So I don’t know if that will happen this preseason or a postseason. We’re in that cut over from postseason into preseason at the moment.

Yeah, by the end of the Cup final day because we talked about before we came on, we lot what we talk about, but it was just to highlight the fact that a Hector’s


experience and it is always nice when you’re in. Always nice to win when you’re in a strange pub and you don’t win. It’s a bit weird. You always feel as though you’re creeping towards the exit.

You know what I mean? Just try to try to get out of the door before somebody says something that either annoys you or makes you turn round. But, I, I just, I had a lovely day and Sonny Kings part sitting at the back and then again, it’s all like the suicide is that it be able to sell it. And so it’s just all


fans and everybody, I mean.

Hector Bandido

See where you see to see where you stay. Right? Obviously, II, I know we stay in the


end of h it’s literally just from the one from you, right. So did you watch the full game in your back garden?


I had my


, I, I’ve got a wee bit, I can put the


in the back garden.

Hector Bandido
So, so the question is, then here’s the thing. So you’re watching the Telly Hampden’s there.
We, we score. Did you hear a ro just before the go on the TV?

It’s, it’s really weird, right? Because we’re asked if anybody knows Kings Park. So we get Kings Park Avenue and that comes up the hill and then down and kind of plateaus. I stay just after the whole plateaus and all the sound bounces off the hill and reflects back. So we don’t hear anything from


. But if I walk around the corner, literally 50 yards to the right, then I could be like literally sitting at any concert.

It’s like any concert in Hampden. You just see everybody sitting in the top of the grass with a turn out because it is literally like you’re sitting right next to us. It’s unbelievable aye. So we, we don’t get it. So you don’t even get to like kind of what’s a go idea. So, aye. So that was nice. So that was it.

So that was a double Brendan delivered a double, was it what you were expecting one to be happy? And I know happy is a silly one. But given the way the season had went, any reflections on the actual season as a whole, now that we’ve wrapped up the double, we’d secured


the whole 40 million blah, blah, blah. Looking forward a little bit of looking back before we look forward.

Monty C Burns

A I genuinely could


success this season down to one man Brenton Road.

I think this season has been an absolute triumph with his managerial abilities when you look at everything that was stacked against him and we went down the dark rabbit hole and it’s incredible too how you can get caught up in the moment and then you realize what our points tally was at the end of the season, despite the club not giving him the tools to do his job in the first half of the season.
And despite them, still not fucking giving them the tools to do his job in January until he finally got his way and got one or two players in that he wanted.
It, it wasn’t an enjoyable season. Des Yeah. You know, I think I can say that now in reflection, a lot of it felt turgid a lot of it felt difficult and you know, you know, we’re going to talk about highlights this season.
The biggest highlight for me was beating them, not beating them, beating the system, given how much the fucking blatant application of specific laws of war were applied to our detriment. And again, when you look at the stats and the guys that do it, it actually doesn’t seem to have had such an effect as you felt at the time.
So a real tough one des he but fuck enjoyable at the end just to think he did it despite all that and where we can go next, hopefully they start to fulfill the same potential that Roger show the first time he was here, does he?
So this time with you for a wee second Monty, you are, you have talked, we’ve talked about culture, we’ve talked about change and resistance, blah, blah, blah quite a bit over the years. Do you think this year, this transitional year was a lot bigger of a transition than we actually assumed it would be?
Monty C Burns
I do for several reasons. The first one being the culture that Ange Foster Goli built was so popular among the players. You’re fucking, you’ve got to back yourself going into that.
I think the second thing was, you know, when Rogers talks about the two year, three year cycle, there’s obviously a lot of people who have been there for two or three years and maybe think I’ve had no fear. This guy is a different kettle of fish.
And I think the first signs of him starting to get people on board was when the Japanese players were all signed extended contracts. Carter Vicars then committing, I think that’s when the players had bought into what Rogers was doing that. Then, you know, we talked about at the end, he did this brilliant interview Desi and I won’t leave the point.
But he did this interview where he talked about loads of things, you know, that, you know, listen for the note that’s out of tune statement. That doesn’t fit the context. He talked about having so many distractions, not all of them football.
And he talked about and I don’t think he was talking about what was happening externally. I think he was talking about what was happening to him and I think he’s won that war des, the club’s his now. I think he’s got, he’s got as much power as any manager has had since o’neill.
He’s going to pick whoever’s going to be a scouting department. If he hasn’t already, he’s picking his backroom staff and he’s also picking players last part. I think the last manager we had that did, that was o’neill. So it’s back to the future.
A little bit de I think culturally, you can see the players really bought in, especially in that last month, eight weeks of the season where they really got fucking out of the dagger and you hear them now giving them platitudes at the end about how well he protected them and kept them positive and focused. I think it’s just a triumph of management.

Definitely interesting. You quote

Martin o’neill

, the power of

Martin o’neill

because let us not remember the famous head to head against

Brian Quinn

and we prepare for life in the slow lane. So, oh all things must pass, man.

Monty C Burns
Remember the voicemail, maybe our esteemed manager maybe push to consider the expenditure for the coming in.
Over over to you, Hector and I just, I want to focus first of all on Brendan’s no being Brendan you you that mantra and by the end, Brendan was ultra Brendan.
Brendan’s return impact
Hector Bandido
You, well, you have just both of these have just kind of still stole my thunder a bit because I think Monty covered a lot then you, you.
Sorry just to just to be clear, this is a Brandon trifle. You can layer it and layer it and lay it.
Hector Bandido
I’m gonna, I’m gonna start off with, with, with the negatives, right? Let’s always finish that positive. So the negatives, the transfer window last summer was an absolute disaster. Plenty of money spent best part of 20 million and it was a disaster.
I mean the choice of player, not one bit of experience at all. So imbalanced players of positions that didn’t fit the system. I mean that center backs we know, we know pace and we play a high line. I mean, fuck me, we’re amateurs, right? We’re amateurs and we know this.
It just, so many things are just wrong about it most so that there was the one bit of experience and just, just, just, just to help us a wee bit. That was the first, the first, but there was kind of two other negatives for me. They were both round about December November December 2nd December time.

So when the horrific events obviously took place in




supporters, as everyone knows, they have been majority of


fans have been quite strong in their support of people in


and via even flags, games are going to some of the marches in various cities across the land.

It’s when

Celtic Band


the Green Brigade

, I just thought you’re fucking kidding me. I mean, and, and, but only our board I think could, could cause such division when it was unity that was needed.

And doing that remarkably coincided with being absolutely horrific in terms of drawing at home to


, losing weight to


, then losing home hearts to nothing, you know,

Green Brigade

there. I mean,

Green Brigade

weren’t there and the boys should other who set the opposite corner, they went out with them, they refused to attend in support of them.

So for me, that was a real that that December period when there was no atmosphere, performances are rotten with a lot of injuries and it looked like a really bleak it did for me anyway, really bleak time. So that, that was the sort of main, main negatives for me.
Turn around about positivity. The game against the zombies. Five games, four wins, one draw. The draw was a three each game which actually was possibly the pivotal league one towards the tail end of the season. I think that in itself just shows you the record that Rogers has.
I’ve seen a start and I can’t remember exact figures, but it’s something ridiculous. Rogers record against them over these two spells in charge. So that was one, obviously the league one we were doing our podcast, I would say about February time and we all worked out.
We had the fight to say, let’s be honest about it. I think we’re due to go to park. It was a game where we were losing. Was it one nil and half time? We were appalling. He made the change at half time, half time for Kogo.
He scored two, didn’t he to win the game again? Another pivotal game? But we had, but let’s, let’s see if we didn’t, every one of us. So I think to win the league, then when it in the end significantly with some margin and all the best players are back as we all touched upon several times was just terrific outcome of the season.
One of the double obviously, again, winning the league was good but beaten them in another final with a shit game. But that 90 minute winner was sensational, but there’s probably a couple of things just to finish up.
I mentioned Brendan there. Good point de I think the return of Brendan, the boss Brendan and he came back with all the pressure, I suppose. Listen, you’ve got to have big balls to come back after an and especially how you left.

You jumped to ship the last time, right? And he came back, all reserved, fairly quiet, well within himself. And it wasn’t until


when John beaten, intervened when he came out to Ben. And I think that was the point.

I think when, when, when

Brendan Rodgers

became Brendan was just after that, just after that game, I’d be interesting to see your results after that game. I think we went undefeated to the end until the end of the season and maybe only drew one, maybe two games.

I’ll go and double check that they became Brendan and, and, and the Brandon the fucking, as you see all the layers that came out four weeks before the end of the season, it was showing me las, I wasn’t


come alive and you know, we’ve laughed and you can visualize Brandon all week in these big fucking castle m dog park and his message, right?

How does that look? Look and preparing for it? And she’s going fucking sit down Brendan anyway. No, but listen, darling, look at this. So he just keep ramp and turning the day, didn’t he?
Every week, every week and there’s clement just fucking. No, like a big fish in a, isn’t it was, it was, it was, it was fantastic. And the final bit with Rogers and again, he touched upon it, I think with the transfer, there has been a disaster.

The removal of

Mark Law

, I think was in February after windows had closed. And another one of the scouts that was a significant, a significant change. And I think Rogers is now fully in control. I don’t mean in a daft sense that, you know, but in terms of controlling who the scouts are controlling the ps of players and the budgetary element of it as well.

So I think for us, it’s a big one. I wouldn’t say it’s a negative some folk, I have some folks saying, yeah, but we’ve got a strategy of buying them young that won’t change a balance, having the balance about getting one or two of the best young players you can get in coach and development, but also get one or two experience for us when they needed.
So I’m hoping that we’ll see that we’ll see that this summer and I actually think we’ll be a lot better and a lot stronger next season. So there you go. Sorry. Did you?
I’m gobsmacked. So basically my take away from that there is, you’re saying John beaten won the league. Is that what you’re saying? Is that what you’re saying here? You’re saying he called the John beaten, won, won the league. That’s a phase I never thought I’d be seen in my life.

And, and then as you are talking also, all I can, all I can picture is if anyone follows us on


, you’ll, you’ll have seen me basically highlighting that everyone should follow the big Dumb film, the big Dumb movie show and

Joe Heenan


Stuart Murphy

, it is brilliant, but all I can picture there as you were talking, there was Indiana Brendan Rodgers is

Indiana Jones

facing Clermont with a sword and Brendan just pulls out the gun.

No, let’s let’s get this there. I can’t be bother with. But again, it was like, even even now Mon Mondy, you’ve, you’ve highlighted the whole, alpha male persona, apparently clemons bully big boys. So he speaks, talking about the dressing room and doing the whole bench press and stuff.

And even now


are putting out we videos and shots of him in the gym here is preparing for next season. No, as if that’s a thing as if, whereas Bend and Rodgers is at his villa in

Santa Ponsa

, checking his emails now and again, exactly. He’s put it like smoking cigars and drinking cocktails, maybe checking these emails in the morning just to check to see anything happening with these kind of endeavors.

But let’s be honest, turns out we’re not gonna sign anybody significant until after the


. It’s one of the, it’s one of the summers. So, and


have already signed three superstars. You know what I mean?

And we’re meant to, we’re obviously meant to panic. But as you, you two guys have alluded to, I think there’s, there’s a lovely sense of calm now. Not like we came through the storm at the end of the walk on it, they were through the storm. Brendan’s came through the storm are coming back.
A lot of people, including myself, one of the two plays that he did come back, but he’s faced it and he’s faced it head on. And as you say, Hector, when things were rough, he was the guy that turned down.

And like, interestingly when you, when you hear people like Matt Matt o’reilly and

Callum mcgregor

speaking, now they, they talk about how it was Rogers who was basically talking them through, you know, like the last 12 weeks of the season, coon even coon came in, I know not even your star players like o’reilly mcgregor’s, your star players coon who was indifferent at best even.

And he came out and said that three each game when we saw


celebrating and acting as if they won the league. That’s when we suddenly stepped up. You know what I mean? Like that whole, he’s quite a lot. Let’s walk away. We were just, they were talking in the pitch and Hector alluded to. So then it was just a Steamroller performance right to the end, get it in the bag and then laugh and then have a week off.

I mean, like cat, Carter Vickers and

Joe Hart



celebrating the week before the week before the Cup final. I’m surprised they were, they were sober come the Cup final, judging by that. I mean, like, but that sort of attitude of going jobs, done, big jobs done.

We weren’t like, even at the Cup final. I said we’re desperate to win it, but we weren’t that. I mean, it wasn’t a do or die well for


. It probably because someone who has to go to

Celtic Park

for his first Celtic Rangers game this season and the pressures on him.

Rogers will just be checking his time for his

Santa Ponsa

holidays. You know what I mean? So it’s a, I think we’re in a good position to be. But Hector, as you mentioned, we can have another transfer window like that because this is your talking. I was looking through my shock of the season I’d written down was Mark WWE getting the sack.

Player surprises and changes
I did think somebody’s head was going to have to roll, but I thought it would maybe be like a chief, not a Chief Ski or somebody behind the scenes or just a reorganization. The fact that Peter’s boy got the sack was really surprising. It didn’t even get moved sideways.
No, like head of the pools or whatever. I just got out of the door. And then my biggest sigh was the winners as well as the center half signings. Not one of the center halves was good enough to challenge scales. They didn’t even challenge scales. No, like it was, they were always 4th, 5th and 4th and 5th behind.
What do you call them? Well, well, well, so by and, and then the wingers, none of them. Like I was going through this, I was going through various games today. I’ve got a quiz coming up and I noticed and I, I swear to God, I get surprised and I looked at a list of scorers, scorers in the game and I saw the name Yang and I went, who’s that?

I’ve actually forgot about the full name and I thought I went, oh, that’s right because he came, played two games well and then just died again. I mean that was the story of the wingers, Bar James Forrest. But the most interesting thing about James Forrest, I know just going through the games the day he scored in the first game of the season.

James Forrest


No, that way, we all thought he was like a renaissance towards middle to the end of the season. He actually scored in the first game of the season. And I would have, I would never have remember that. You know what I mean? And then my biggest surprise. So this one, so, you Monty? My biggest surprise of it here was either there’s a player in there.
Monty C Burns
Yeah. Been a shock. There’s no point in pretending otherwise.
He hadn’t really done a lot with Ireland and, oh, Kenny liked him. Stephen Kenny, the, the former manager really liked him and played him.
Yeah, you can say there was a player in there but he just never show glimpses of it. He’s got the athleticism. He’s got the attitude. He’s got a decent amount of pace that big lad.
He works, you know, he’s got all the attributes as Roger said, he’s still raw, but I remember us talking after we signed him and I think it was Hector asked the question, is he the answer? And my retort was no, no, he’s not. He stopped g at best, but fuck me, what a turnaround is.

I think part of it too is back to the coaching that he’d maybe get at


and that bit of confidence. And let’s be honest, probably in half of the games, maybe a lesser standard that he had to put up against in the championship. So he has an opportunity to score, he has an opportunity to be, you know, kind of idolized support.

Whereas he said himself again, another really interesting interview during the week, he said anything went wrong at Norwich. He felt like he was a scapegoat. If he scored, it wasn’t as good as the one he got the week before.
If he missed it, he fucking always missed his sitters. Sounds like a boy who’s just had enough of where he was and he needed the move and I suspect it will be very difficult for him. Now, does he to go back and want to be part of Carol Road? So he’s ours. I think if we can do a deal.
But you know, all my question, him versus who would you take?
Hector Bandido
Well, I think both.
Well, yeah, well, that’s again, Kogo seems to be having a nice holiday. We’ll find out what happens there again. We’ll, if anything, if anything significant happens, we can jump back on but let let limiting the conversation tonight.
The one thing we can say is Adam, er, certainly passes audition and there’s not many lone players like Rory talking about signing Bernardo and people are coming up with really good stats to prove that Bernardo is worth say 3.5, 4 million and I’d be happy enough if they signed Bernardo, but when it comes to players who came on loan and really passed the audition, he does by far away.

I mean, that was, I mean, he did right, held the ball up, scored the goals for every ball. No, that way he, none of none of the prima donna nonsense this year. None of the, let’s say other players well known coming from Norries to


football who believe it’s just a case of putting on your


posts, you know, none of that, you know what I mean?

Hector Bandido

So there’s one, there, there’s also 11 thing to add there but he, but he does, you were talking and about the confidence thing but that this is an addition to this is that he, he came in and obviously started well. But the game at


, we spoke about, we lost two nil. He missed a penalty to put his one nothing up before the gang was red carded.

So where I’m coming from with that, that that could have been from a confidence perspective, one that, you know, he really struggled to come back from so even more credit to him that he actually didn’t, he just started himself down, no doubt with Rogers coaching because he touched upon Rogers coaching and 1 to 1 about positional play about Linco play using his strength to turn, turn his opponent.
And it’s just interesting. I think we just get a good quality coaching about you, get 1 to 1 sessions. It just gives you confidence, isn’t it? And we could all see that in the last few weeks of the season when he was fantastic.
Monty C Burns

And just on that, actually, just on that he something that got missed in the middle of all this was that Rogers took hired one of his coaches about a month after, I think maybe March February, March, he brought one of his former coaches from


up. It might even have been earlier, it might have been, might have been January.

And all of a sudden we looked like we were stretching the pitch that little bit more. Our wingers started to look a little bit more effective and that pattern that we’ve seen between o’reilly and those, those give and go things, our forward play looked a wee bit more cohesive, I have to say and I can’t remember the guy’s name fucking who was he?
He joined us. I’m going to look it up just as we’re talking. But I think that coaching thing, remember we talked about the Dead Cat by Safari and how difficult that would be because of how popular he was and he was a forwards. Coach Rogers appears to have brought a guy in to fill the gap but not just to coach the forwards, but to coach his system and getting a bit more attraction on it.
But I think he also gave the credit for that to Kennedy. So there’s a whole, you know, talking about culture again, the Holy thoughts as to how Rogers is managing the club and how he’s empowering people, but he’s also in control. It is a very, very powerful statement. I’m gonna, I’m just gonna look up your man’s name just if you want to move on with the point. I have to find it out for him.
I don’t, I’ve got it. I don’t da da, da, da if I can fight.
Da da, da da. I’m looking, how can I be so hard? Highlighting the work lines, the lines.
Monty C Burns
I don’t, could be, I just can’t fucking remain.
Yeah, it’s definitely, I think it’s somebody lines but I can see your first name. Jack Lines.

Lines in Jack is a really, I’m looking at somebody else here, so I must be looking at an old one then. Sorry. I just, I just type in

Brendan Rodgers

brings quotes from


. That’s fine.

Yeah, but there’s been a few, there’s been quite a, quite a big shake up, isn’t there? There’s been quite a few come in recently. And even Johnny Hayes has been the assistant, I think to

Stephen Mcmanus

. Now that me O day, Dan O’Dea has been moved into transition manager to try.

Monty C Burns
And is apparently coming in there too.
Does he don’t know what they said?
Welcome to the time delayed podcast. Coming to you from the water. Boy.
Want to see burn stars. And what did you just say? Boy? Right. Ok. Right. Quiz time, right. Quiz time. We’re going back to last season Hector. Do you wanna go first?
Trivia challenge fun facts
Hector Bandido
Is that, is that, is that is the answer Johnny Hayes.

Sadly not. I’ll give you a clue. None of them are Johnny Hayes.


sing 1st 1st? Ok. Ok. Which player un furrowed the league flag last season?

Hector Bandido
I can’t even remember who he played in the first game of the season.
We played Ross.
Hector Bandido

J what player,

James Forrest

, correct.

James Forrest

. Well done, actually got a point. Right. Talking about

Ross County

Monty. What singer sound alike was sent off for

Ross County

against us? He basically was told to get up and get off.


Ok. Hector James Brown. James Brown. Nice, nice. Hey, he, I’m watching a video and I’ve got Hector in a second delay. So it’s quite weird that he’s let me just kind of hide his face. Right. Hector, we’re back to you who scored in


first game and also in the last game of the season.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It’s all about the league mostly.
Hector Bandido
First and last.
Where’s the Forest? Was that?
No? Is that your answer? I’m not. I did say Forest earlier. Is that your answer?
Hector Bandido

No. Ok.


a chance of a bonus who scored in the first game of the season and the last game of the season.

Palmer. Correct. Well done with nice. There’s a bonus still there. Right. Monty. Over to you. What is the connection between these clubs? Saint Johnson?


. Motherwell Karno. What’s the connection in respect to last season without bus fares? Sorry, hs without bus fares? No, sorry, I’ll have to go. I can go to, I can go to Hector or I can give you another chance.

Hector Bandido
You another chance.
Monty C Burns
I have no clue. I have no clue.
Hector Bandido
Ok, Hector, have it.

The foggiest stasys Johnson


, Motherwell Kilmarnock. They’re all sides. We lost home points to last season.

All right. So, Hector, over to you. What’s next in this sequence in relation to last season? One, 23. What’s next in relationship to last season? What’s next? And I’ll give you a clue. You have mentioned something relative to it earlier.
Any idea?
Hector Bandido
And at all.
What did you say that? And I went, no, no, sadly not. No. Montana idea.
Hector Bandido
Have a clue.

Ok. If I was to tell you the next in the sequence would be two, would that help


? And then if you add it in the

Scottish Cup

final, it would be one.

Hector Bandido
Are the goals against the zombies.

Well done, well done. Correct. Correct. Ok. Back to, back to, Monte September saw two sending off in, back to back games two, sending off for


. Who is that against? Two games in a row with people sent off? Do you remember who it was against?

Yeah. Fuck.
Remember the disastrous game? We had more than one person sent off?
Monty C Burns

I think it wasn’t


, was it?

No, no, I said this is league and sorry I should have.
Monty C Burns
Right. Right. Right. Ok.
Would have been the European game.

And then we play someone else I can give you a clue if you like you, you, you’re almost there regards the person who gets sent off. When you say hearts, you’re almost there for the person that gets sent off for



Oh Who did, who did Hart get sent off against?
Monty C Burns
Oh fuck Levy.

Levy well done fol. Ok. There’s a bit of leeway there, Hector. I can see you’re getting a bit angry and losing easy for Hector, easy for you. One week in November we saw


back to back games 260 score lines against whom there was 26060 score lines and two games back to back against him.

Well, maybe even back to, but maybe two or three. I have to, I have to check my dates but I think it might have been in November anyway. One week in November. I got a clue if you want it.
Hector Bandido
Hector Aberdeen.

Yes, correct. Both teams start with a and this also includes



Hector Bandido

I didn’t score six goals in




I never said we did oh fuck, I just said 260 score lines. Ok? Ok, Monty. Just the Wales. I have no doubt for this one. Don’t worry how many again, this, this also reflects back on people thinking it was a straight season.


were very indifferent, blah, blah, blah, Monty. How many times do you reckon


scored three or more?

Fear more in in overall games last season.
I fear more goals.

Hector and I, this is just a and that’s all games


as well.

That also includes the


free free

Scottish Cup

semi final.

Hector Bandido
What he says 15, that sounds close.
17, 24 24 games. And Bubba, a lot of them might have been a lot in the running. So interesting. How many times Hector did we fail to score in a game last season?
Monty C Burns
Oh, five want to, I’m gonna say four dizzy, 88 times.
We failed to score. So that was, that was a bit of a gripe by a lot of people complaining the comparison that we were failing to score. Ok. Monte is a good one for you.
Do you want it, do you want it easy or do you want it cryptic?
Monty C Burns
Oh Fuck it easy.
Every time watch two players scored goals in the first minute I see.
Monty C Burns
You may get it a Barra.
No, but it starts with an E do you know who it is, Hector?
He doesn’t, he doesn’t score that many from his position and defense.

Yeah, against

Ross County


Well done, well done. The big Canadian at home, scored against and we only won like, I guess a few games. We, we scored the first minute against

Ross County

and won one nil. So that’s one of the games you’ve just blanked right out of your head, you know that way as a no No.

Ok. Right. So we’ve got another, this is the last one on sale like last year, right? So the two of you can take this. What comes next? Right. What comes next? 94 95 96 97. What’s next?
What’s next? And that sequence? 94 95 96 97. And I appreciate that for the listeners. You guys are just pausing just to let the listeners have a guess. You’re not trying to scramble your, your, your games all like Monty. Look up Google.
He’s a, he’s a cheat, by the way, he just turned his camera off just for anyone listening his camera, right? So what comes next? 94 95 96 97? Any idea I can give you, I can give you a clue. I can give you a clue. 97 would be Matt O’Reilly Motherwell.
Monty C Burns
All right. Go. All right.
So what’s next? What’s next? Ma Riley had the second, late last goal, second score.
Monty C Burns
Goal in the 100th minute. 99 in 100 I think.

99 against


. Who was it? Anybody remember who it was? Oh, well done. Well done, Hector. Oh, it was. Yeah, that’s see, that game. I think it was three goals in the last five minutes and three.

Hector Bandido
Goals, almost 90 minutes and 1010 minutes at the time. We get three more. Is that right?

So, there you go. So well done. So that was the, the season quiz. Right? So well done there. I hope everyone enjoyed listening. We’ve got a few, we do have a few,


quiz questions coming up towards the end. Right.

But as we segue into the


, I think we c it’s not any transfer news at all, at the moment. So there’s nothing really to worry about Hector. You’ve already alluded to this I saw on Twitter et cetera. Why is 12? Why is a ratio of 12 to 3 significant when it comes to players at the



This is us going from


into the


. So that’s a kind of clue why is a ratio of 12 to 3 significant when it comes to players at the



Hector Bandido
12 to 3, 12, 23.
No, 1212 to 3, that’s the ratio. So if I was to tell you the fee involved, Yannis Hay Ryan Jack and Ross mccrory, who would the 12 be?



players players have played for?

So who would, who would be, who, who can you name just off the top of your head? Don’t worry about it.
Hector Bandido



was just, there’s, there’s four isn’t, there’s calm, there’s Ralston, there’s

Greg Taylor

and there’s

James Forest

who are in the squad. You’ve got Kieran Tierney that used to be with us.

Jack Henry

used to be with us the six Stuart Armstrong Ryan Christie

Andy Robertson

. Does he count?


No, he didn’t. It’s only they had to have played because I did that with


too. Like Billy Gilmore had never played a game for


first team. So they have to have played for the first team.

Van Dijk. Yep. Van Dijk’s. Yeah.
And my favorite player, our favorite player in the whole wide world bar. My ada, come on, the man who makes you smile every time you see him. Hector.
Monty C Burns
Is he Swedish?
Oh, my days. I can, I can.
Hector Bandido

I don’t know. Right. Right. Ok. It’s a weird one because you don’t really think, I don’t really think of him as a


player. That sounds daft from there’s no players who’s the other ones must be Scandinavians.


No, no, there’s one, there’s one that had a famous


song and then he left to go to



Hector Bandido
Oh Paata.
No, no, he is a left back fireball.
Hector Bandido
Oh You know it, right.
So if you want it, yeah, I’ll give you an easy clue is a bit.
He was brought up.
Hector Bandido
00 the the wee one that guy face somebody missing.
Scotland’s Euro history quiz
That’s it.
Hector Bandido
Lewis fucking Lewis fucking something.
Come on, the crowd are shouting out their name. The four listeners are shouting out your name le like this stuff.
You probably drunk a bottle of it. Spice rum in your time.

You alcohol, it goes with the cocktail. You got cracking, you know. Do you know that you get fire? M So yeah, so that’s that. So we’re at the


now. Expectations wise, Hector, any expectations are you this glad that we’re at the party?

Hector Bandido
No. Fuck that Pish. No, no, no, we’re not glad just to be any old party.
Right. So I’ve opened up, opened up this year, isn’t it? So it’s no longer just the top to go through. It’s the three, sorry, the four, four of the third best.
You know what I mean? Anyway, right. So we play Germany in Germany first game. Let’s be honest with it. They should win.
For us, we get anything at all from that, that, that, that a massive bonus. It’s the two games after, isn’t it Switzerland and Hungary one victory gives us a chance to get through four points. Me and I think we can do it.

And the only frustrating thing I think the boy,

Aaron Hickey

is a tremendous player, a big miss for us right back. The boy is an absolute quality player and we seem to lack a bit upfront as well. So we midfield, I think outstanding group of midfield players. I’ve got, we’ve got 2000 left backs which is great.

G Adams is kind of on his own up front there. We like a wee bit but I think we can, we get through. Yes, I think we can. And I think

Steve Clark

as a very good coach at setting up a team as he’s showing maybe not the most exciting football, but you can make it really hard to beat. And I also think you’re going in a counter attack. So I think we can do it. I’m going to go for Scotland to get 444 points.

We’re gonna draw with the


and Pump The Huns in the last game.


Yeah. Well, that’s, it’s so funny because I, I did, I did think the same, but then I had the usual Scottish, luck for want of a better word. I, I saw it going out and goal difference. The usual nonsense. I’m just looking at, we, we talked about this before and I’d mentioned that Hungary apparently went unbeaten during their group, but I noticed they’re playing


, Serbia to be fair.

Not bad. Bulgaria Montenegro, Turkey, what it looks like


? So Monte recently played


. I know it was just a warm up game. But did you see anything from Hungary that you think I are not that good or maybe they are better than they appeared against


either, I think, scored against them.

Monty C Burns
I don’t think they were tuned in for the Ireland game. I think they either been on the piss night before. They were just using it to get up to speed from a physicality point of view. Desi they were poor, slow, slow in possession. They tried to present and didn’t really do. They were just so off. It looked like a preseason game and like an early preseason game. So I wouldn’t be too worried about Hungary.
Hector Bandido

Just a, just a, just a thing. Just so you were talking there and for one less who maybe left


40 years ago, but there’s definitely Scotland going to go to the World Cup in


and obviously with the last €1 when it was kind of


time in


hosted a couple of games, but it wasn’t the same, but there’s definitely been, we’re old enough to remember.

There’s definitely a sea change, I think in terms of certainly


supporters. Now, the younger generation who I think are far more in favor of the national team compared to when we were young guys. We were late teens, I think, and it’s, I think it’s a good thing to see.

I think there’s a lot of them, maybe the games that they’re away to Germany just now. So I, I think it’s something that’s really good to see a generational thing. And, well, there’s far more


fans, there’s a lot less on the other side that don’t go anymore. So it’s just, it’s incredible how the last dynamic the last 20 years is, is sort of changed if that makes sense. Yeah.


Well, that is a, that is an excellent point because there used to be that Scotland were viewed as like an establishment picked by the Blazers.

The Lisbon Lions

were ignored and that rolled over for a good 30. Like again,


people seem to have really long memories that passed in the generation.

So people always did view the


team as a


kind of select. I know that kind of idea. And as you say, but now with the whole unionism and kind of the way things have evolved, like you’ve got all these people posting videos about how I won’t be supporting Scotland. I will be supporting England, blah, blah. I hate the


not the day with football.

They just putting up these unionist videos idea. And again, as you say, people are buying into it, like I get like I was on the train today and there was loads of folk clearly going to


, a couple of folk with their


and their


stops seeing quite a lot of folk going through Central Station tonight.

A couple of young kids, a game with Scotland tops on. I mean, so it’s really nice to see. But again, it was always weird for me because I’m, as you see, I’m literally five minutes from


. I was brought in Tory Glen, which is right next to


. So we’d always went to


because it used to be we get a lift into Scotland Games.

So I’d always been at all. So it was always a thing for me. So I never ever understood when I got a bit older or in our resentment against Scotland. I never really, I understood it because it’s always just been, that’s your national team, you know what I mean?

So, but we and I used to go, I used to go and live with my family down in


during the summer holidays. So he had that wee rivalry might go home, the home internationals and stuff. So that was, that was always good. And I was always kind of quite proud and glad to support the Scottish team. So I never understood that as I got older.

Hector Bandido
But it’s definitely a big, there’s definitely a big, a big sea change.
I was, I was, I was kind of getting it and and even even going to work, I’m in the office a couple of days a week now and just in general, it’s just refreshing, I suppose is what I’m, what I’m trying to get rather than the bubble of social media when you know, it’s late is that somebody is fucking read something that will see yellow kind of thing, the complete opposite just to, just to cause an argument, but it’s refreshing.

It’s good. I generally hope they do well for


players there and essential.

My youngest, he’s 18 and their generation, they’re going to see the national and they’re all excited and I think that has to rub off old fars that people like me. So I hope they do really well if they get against you a fucking a miracle. But who knows? Who knows?

Yeah. Yeah, I will be surprised. I will be surprised. Right. So, I’ve got a few quiz questions. I’ll just keep flinging them in as we go along. Monty. I’ll start with you. Right. S stands for Scotland. What s links?

Steve Clark

and Bobby Leonards.

Monty C Burns
Hector Bandido
Soul Coats.
Soul Coats.

Well done. Yes. That’s the happy, happy go lucky. Mr Clark is from Sonny Soul Coats as well as

Bobby Lennox

. Ok. One for you. Hector, where does Scotland play their first ever Euro finals game?

You can give you the finals. No qualifiers, the finals,


you’re all done with, do you know the City Stockholm Gothenburg? But Chloe well done, well done. So and again, this is a bit, this is a bit kind of favor towards you. I, I can only apologize that is never made it, Monty, I would have gave you questions.

Let me see the 11, that one and one that Monty might like, but we’ll start with you, Hector. Now where Monty’s well, Monty’s back, right? Monty? Here’s what he’s not a domestic day is he, we can see that he’s turned his video off again, right. Monty one for you who scored Scotland’s first ever Euros goal. Mcallister mccall mcstay.
Monty C Burns

Oh, I’d love to say


because I know he did score.

I’m going to guess MC there.
Well done, well done, well done, well done. Ok. How many Euro finals, Hector have Scotland made? Including this one? I can give you options.
Hector Bandido

That one in


did we, we played


in 96 didn’t we? They hosted it in Euro 96. It was two. This one’s three, the last one was 44.

Correct? Well, Dan even made the options. That was very impressive. Right. Let me see. Right. Ok. Monty, I’ll go, I’ll go to the, I’ll go to the, the, the Millionaire round. Monty. I want an order here. Right?

Order these players by youngest to oldest right, Shay Adams,

Ryan Christie

Jack Henry Lawrence Shankland. Who do you think is the youngest? Who are Shay Adams?

Ryan Christie
Jack Henry

Laurence Shankland, Adams I think is the youngest who, who would be the next youngest Christy Henry Shankland.

Monty C Burns
I think Christy is younger than Henry.
I’m no, I’m gonna swap that Henry then Christy then Shane.
So you think Henry is Adams, then Henry T Adams?
Monty C Burns
Then I think Jack Henry then ran Christie then.
Ok. Chance to steal Hector. Who, who do you think? Who do you think is next after she Adams? Christie Henry Franklin.
Hector Bandido
I would say Jack be would be next.
Sadly not. No, that’s what he said, you know, I mean, listen, so all is a long and then Ryan Chris.
Hector Bandido
I’m watching watch here on the Telly. I’m watching Nature watch it.

Right? Ok. Right. Here’s a good one for you then. Hector, which Manger took Scotland to its first



Hector Bandido
What name. So, no. Hold on. Let me try and think so. If you know, was the first one was Sweden, that was 92.

So we go to the World Cup in 1990 didn’t we in it? And that was Roxburgh? So it’s either Roxburgh or

Craig Brown


Do you want the options? Do you want the options? I’m giving you options. Do you want the option?
Do you want the option?
Hector Bandido
Ok. Where are you saying, Johnny?

He who is in

Craig Brown

? Ok. Your options were

Craig Brown


Alex Ferguson


Andy Roxburgh

. And the answer was Monty,

Alex Ferguson


Andy Roxburgh

. So so well done. Unlucky. You are you are you are settling the edge there? Unlucky Hector.

I need the, I need the one for you then, Monty who beat England in the last finals final?
It well done. He’s the one for you, right? I really thinker for you. Now, Hector to complete the quiz. A thinker. You ready?

What was officially named


? Un Ifo Ria Unifor at the last


, the anthem, the ball, the mascot



Euro 2020 predictions and hopes
And again, I appreciate you pausing to let the listeners have a guest, Monte, you can type it in quickly so that you can actually the whole fucking, but it doesn’t sound like a football, right?
Hector Bandido
Which means it probably is. So I’ll go for the anthem.
The anthem, the ball or the mascot. You’re going for the anthem. Ok, Monty, what would you choose?
Monty C Burns
If he hadn’t already picked the anthem, I’d have picked the anthem, but I’m gonna go with that ma.

I’m sorry, it was, of course, the match ball was called


. You’re close there, Hector, right? So, the, the


. So thanks for playing the quiz and I hope everyone, I enjoy that at home.

I do have a music round that I’ll add on to the end of today’s podcast that everybody can play and hopefully, I guess the answers. But while we’re, while we’re here, the


is Monte. What’s your prediction? What do you think is football coming home yet again? Even though it’s a different tournament altogether.

Monty C Burns
I think Portugal will do it this time. I think Portugal’s attacking quality is, is of a sufficient level now.

Combined with, they’ve got really strong midfielders and they’re not the tiny


diving team that they’ve always been kind of, they always struggle with that sort of stupid fucking thing like that guy Silva. I think Portugal are the strongest a ways although the French are hard to look past, but I’m going to go with Portugal.

Yeah, it, it’s very, very interesting because II I hadn’t even bothered researching it much. And then I, I started to not like the other day, I just started having a look and it was like somebody noted Spain. No, like you just assume Spain are still in transition.

Spain are like the top, the top ranked team in


. They won the Nations League. A remember


get demoted. So, like, not like me, things like this go under the radar. You don’t even notice like even silly things like Hungary unbeaten.

I mean, just like, I think the actual level of player at this tournament, you’ve got your mbappe, you’ve got your Even Ronaldo scoring a couple of D night. A lot of them came, there are things to prove Hector. Are you looking forward to a football spectacular? And what’s your predictions? What do you think? Who, who will Scotland face in the final?
Hector Bandido
I think we’ll play France in the final is, I think France have just got all areas of their team are, are strong.

are interesting because England’s midfield and attack are outstanding. Absolutely lights out brilliant. But the problem is they’re keeping a set of halves and the manager is a bit risk averse. I think he’s a good guy. He comes across a really good, good guy, a good man Southgate, but he’s quite risk averse.

I think that’s because he wants to protect his defense. He plays an extra holding midfielder to protect them, which I can kind of get. But if you let the shackles off with them, they, they could be a serious threat, but I don’t think they will.
So France and, and I mean, Germany being the host, the new manager coming in recent weeks seems to have recent one turned around a bit so you can never write them off. Can you? So France transfer me France Scotland final Scotland to win 31 with a Callum mcgregor Hattrick.

Lovely. Yeah, lovely. Yeah, again, I was really like like the luxury of being able to leave players like

Jack Grealish

because again, it’s like a case of, do you take players that can win the game or as you kind of touched on there, do you take players that will not lose you the game?

You know, that sort of thing? And like looking at their midfielder

Trent Alexander


Jude Bellingham

, who I who I still believe is getting set up to be the scapegoat and again, I think they get beat Iceland and all every, every paper went with a picture of that.

I think it was Saka even though we don’t pitch for 20 minutes. No, these sort of things.

Connor Gallagher

, Kobe Mayo

Declan Rice

. Adam Wharton. I don’t even know Adam Wharton. Is, is he a star at Crystal Palace? Apologies for anyone who’s listening here.

Monty C Burns
I don’t know, 20 year old that they signed from Blackburn in January for 18 million.
So and so again, so I’d like so that way, I thought that was quite interesting. But is he, are you allowed to? It’s things like your trip. Yeah. And Kyle Walker. Yeah, they were great players but they’re all, they’re all the the tavernier transition. I mean, they’re all going towards the end of their career.

Lots of wee injuries, that kind of thing.

John Stones


John Stones

could be the next Harry macguire, but to be fair,

South gate

having the balls to drop mcguire. That was a surprise to me. I thought he would have went and then Luke Shaw, they, they think he’s going to play a right back, playing left back or whatever it is. So, it’ll be interesting.

I, I have my money is on


, but I think they’ve, they’ve already had a bust up. They’ve already had a big fight in their training ground. So that didn’t. And apparently a lot of players and a lot of


media are annoyed that he’s gone with no, your goal because apparently they wanted the



Hector Bandido

So the good chances of that will blow up is that, is that because they’re factored in when, when they’ve now factored in that

James Forrest

is playing for Scotland a little bit of the fear in the

German Cup

that the

John Mcginn

Factor, you know what I mean?


What is

John Mcginn

do the Bavarian dancing when Scotland arrived at the camp and fought that guy’s movements off, off the charts. You know what I mean? So, yeah, sort of interesting. So, fingers again. But let’s all this football was the winner. You know what I mean? And don’t want it and England don’t want it.

Oh, that, that’s the, that’s the caveat and even if they get good in their penalty. So that would be lovely. But interesting too. I know we don’t want to talk about England, but, 10 Hagg had just been confirmed as the

Man United

manager for next season. So the rumors are going for Southgate is now out the window.

So does Southgate then play it safe and no chance anything. This, so he has a unlucky exit in the quarters of the semis, but it’s another four year deal just to roll on as England manager because everyone assumed he was maybe gonna jump the ship after this and take a nice job like the

Man United

job. You know what I mean?

Hector Bandido

Couple of wee


things for you des just for me, just, just in terms of in and about the stadium.

You’d be pleased to know that one of the priorities with the


board is to get new boardroom seats.

So they, they, they getting put in, they’re getting put in in advance of next season. So, so that whoever’s there, the great and the good will be even comfier. Second thing is there’s new dress rooms being built at

Celtic Park

over the summer months. So I don’t know where I fucking build them, but apparently they are. And last, but not least as a big man Ryan Ryan for the


, yes.

Is, is going in and it’s going in for the specific game against the zombies. So obviously, one of the things about allowing the away fans back in is that was it 2.5 1000 or 3000, they’re putting up the relevant infrastructure with the


. So we play them, it, it, it, it stops them throwing photographs of

King Billy

when they come to.

Well, it will be so nice to have them back, wouldn’t it? That’s, that’s something to look forward to. Yeah. So basically you’re telling us all of these infrastructure costs will impact the fanfare budget. That’s basically what you’re telling us.
Hector Bandido
I’m not saying that Mr Law but you are.

Yeah. Well, again, if Je if Jeremy Front Pong has a very good tournament and somebody buys them for €34 million he escape clause, then that could be another €10 million heading towards


. So that would be nice to go towards our transfer kitty. But again, like the last time, Tom and Martin and Neil bring it full circle. Remember we signed Val Har et cetera. Was that the World Cup? We signed Val Har from remember back.

So like so somebody, somebody may shine for a Hungary or a Serbia or whatever at these games that we end up actually finding a gem for a couple of million touch wood. But hopefully the next time we chat, we’ll have a few more center halves or a few more center halves will probably left let’s be honest. I think we’re also looking at midfielders and then Adam Boz Miosi question will be answered one way or the other.
And we can only wait and see good, right? So to bring it full, full circle from where we were last year, I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned this, but I did predict that and would not be here for the third season. I don’t know if you remember me mentioning that. Do we think this time next year we’ll be confident Brendan will be looking forward to the first season.
Hector Bandido
Iii I think yes. And this isn’t there. There’s no heartstrings with us like we’d mentioned him leaving the last time and then I’s doing it. We’ve all, I think changed our thinking as well. Now we just think of the managers like players now.
You don’t get too attached to it. I think, yes, that’s part of the reason why he came back. I think he legacy, I think, I think this really well previous podcast, I think his legacy is he didn’t realize, I think how how negative the reaction be to him and his family once he left is the, the is strong the last time.
So I think he’s came back. I think he’ll do the three years. That’s what he signed up to. I think you’ll do the three years. I don’t feel any more than that, but I think you will certainly do the three years.
Yeah. What you want to.
Monty C Burns
Yeah, three years, I think the three year project, there’s a possibility all goes. Well, if you can put it on to the European map, I mean, let’s face it. The goal is Champions League qualification for an extended eight games, possibly 10. And that’s probably going to be the seeing that we can make, we might come out of it into the last 16 maybe.

And if he could get us to that over the next two years, he can’t really take the club any further. But with the priority being Champions League and playing these extra games in


, it might fulfill him, he might stay, but I can’t see him leaving. Does he certainly not before the end of his three.


Fingers crossed again, I think, maybe a treble this year. And then as you say, like a bit of a bit of progress in


and a bit of quality increase in the team, maybe like keep, keep them interested.

And then by that time, two years down the line, two summers, it might be ready for him to take the England job because he was always touted as on the


s top of the


list before Southgate got it. So I could see him being being right in front of the cameras for



Hector Bandido

So that would be and then, and then the door opens really nicely for to come back for two years, three years ago in this madness, isn’t he with them over the next 10 years by then, by then, it’ll be

Chris Davies

time because he’ll have done a couple of years at




He’s away to


now. He’s left ans to go to


. He’s the manager of


now. So that’ll be him. He can blood his nose there and then he can maybe become the next man at


. So, so Evan’s falling into place, you know what I mean? So that’s a, so I am looking forward to, I don’t know what you guys are doing, but I’ve only got four weeks or five weeks to my big game in



So I’m looking forward to catching up with the Washington CS C and the Philly Boys and

the Jack Dempsey

, Fenian Boys. There’s quite a lot of folk congregating in

Washington DC

. So if anyone’s listening, hopefully I’ll catch up with you there.

And then we’ve got the preseason games to look forward to and then we can really look forward to the season as it kicks in as we head towards August. All right. So I am going to leave tonight’s


special with a quiz and basically give you a clue, the answers all roll up into, the, the word mbappe songs, right? So it’s 11 songs, just take the initials and it should spell out mbappe songs, right? So that’s that.

So good luck with that. I wouldn’t give you the answers. It should be quite straightforward. It should be fairly easy. They’re all related a little bit to


or the


. So it should be straightforward. All right, folks. Thanks very much for listening. It’s just left for me to say thank you to Hector Bandido. Thank you, Hector A Dessie.

Hector Bandido
Thanks, Monty Cheers.
Thank you. And of course, thank you, Monty Monty Burns. What could the C stand for cocktails in the summertime perhaps?
Hector Bandido
Well, it’s got to be, it’s got to be.
We never actually got an CTO award for the summer, but we’ll come back to that very soon. I’m sure. All right, folks. So again, thank you. Thank you to everyone who has listened to us rambling on this season. Look forward to doing the same again next season. Unless something significant happens one way or the other, it’s doubtful.

We’ll be back before the end of July Stroke near August. But everyone have a great summer. I really enjoy, hope everyone enjoys the


. Its best of luck to all the


related players. And we look forward to coming back next season. All right, folks. My name is Mon.

Speaker 5
Good night for the thousands in attendance and the millions watching around the world. Ladies and gentlemen, let’s get ready to rumble.
Speaker 6
B some two P.
Let me tell you that.
Speaker 7
Yeah, I think how are they doing?
Call me, they going to see.
Oh, I, how that best.
Mysterious dream and game over
Speaker 8
I awoke in the night we, this guy was the darkest blue and a still small voice who’s calling to me and I just like that away, away in the distance.
I can just make out this ball coming in from the left and I’m starting to run to run like hell. And the voice is getting louder and louder and louder. Crying. How big go? Yes.
Speaker 6
I’m a bit, a bit, a bit.
Speaker 5
And that’s all folks, man. It’s game over, man. It’s game over.
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The Etims Show
Monty C Burns
Hector Bandido

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raymond barry
12 days ago

miss the diary

Paul Mac
8 days ago
Reply to  raymond barry

and the rumour mill

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