Richard McGinley


fills space on which could probably be put to better use.

Joined September 2009
fills space on which could probably be put to better use.
fills space on which could probably be put to better use.

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  1. Retweeted

    Will Desmond turn up tomorrow?

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  2. Retweeted

    The original Celtic Park, looking from the corner of the current North Stand/Lisbon Lions stand looking north east,

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  3. Retweeted

    Oh, Dermot. Not again.

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  4. Retweeted

    getting made-up

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    • @daveross67 follows you

      DJ, Bar Man, Raconteur, absolute chancer, Celtic Fan, self appointed voice of reason... etc.

    • @kevlarkins1980 follows you

      Celtic jersey's are not for second best... it wont shink to fit an inferior player Jock Stein !! Hail ! Hail !

  5. Retweeted

    Give us a shot of that time machine. I wanna go back to 2012 as well.

  6. Retweeted

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  7. Retweeted

    George Orwell: It appears to me that one defeats the fanatic ...

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  8. Retweeted

    A minute silence for one nationality of innocent people murdered. Wave the flag of Palestine in support & UEFA fine you. Madness.

  9. Retweeted

  10. Retweeted

    Falkirk made £1.1m in PROFIT last season. Figures to be discussed at AGM tonight

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  11. Retweeted

    henrik playing ice hockey bet hes good at that aswell

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  12. I'm a celeb . Is it a repeat? Some screaming halfwits and insects in a box. I've seen this one.

  13. Retweeted

    A sober Chris Jack on frontline SMSM picket duty

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  14. Retweeted

    The nicest Satanists you'll hear about today

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  15. Retweeted

    BBC News - Bank of England regulators due to rule on HBOS bosses. 0635

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